In France ,what animal accompanied Santa?


Answer 1

In France, the animal that accompanied Santa is a donkey.

What is Santa?

Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, and other names for Santa Claus have a long history rooted in Christmas customs. The origins of Santa's legend can be traced to St. Nicholas, a monk who, contrary to some sources, was actually a bishop in the third century.

Around 280 A.D., Nicholas was born in Patara, which is now in Turkey. St. Nicholas rides a donkey carrying baskets of gifts and toys for kids through France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

Learn more about Santa on:


Related Questions




Explain the meaning of the literary term 'scene'

Identify the element of 'scene' in literary works

This lesson is an extension of the lesson on 'scene.' Refer to the previous lesson if necessary.

Lesson 13 Assignment

A. Plan an imaginary dinner to which you invite several famous people. These may be a combination of living and deceased personalities. Write at least three scenes describing your dinner party. Each scenes should do one of the following:

a. Provide exposition (explain)

b. Describe character

c. Advance the plot

B. After you have completed writing the scenes, explain how each scene follows the general rules for the elements of 'scene' and also provide a brief explanation of why your chose these particular personalities to attend your party.


In literature, a scene refers to a specific event or sequence of events that takes place in a particular location and time within a story or play.

A scene typically includes dialogue, actions, and descriptions of characters and their surroundings.

The element of 'scene' in literary works

In a play or screenplay, scenes are often indicated by scene numbers or headings that indicate the location and time of the action.

In a novel or short story, scenes are typically separated by breaks in the text, such as a change in location or a jump in time.

An imaginary dinner scene is given below:

Scene 1: The Arrival

The guests begin to arrive at the grand dining hall, where a long table has been set for the dinner party. The first to arrive is Albert Einstein, who is greeted warmly by the host. He takes a seat at the head of the table, and begins to ch.a.t with Marie Curie, who has also just arrived. As more guests arrive, the room fills with the excited chatter of some of the most brilliant minds in history.

Stephen Hawking is wheeled in by a nurse, and takes a seat next to Einstein. He and Einstein begin discussing their theories on physics, while Marie Curie talks to Thomas Edison about her discoveries in radioactivity. Leonardo da Vinci sits quietly, sketching in his notebook and occasionally chiming in with a comment or question.

Scene 2: The Meal

As the guests take their seats, a team of chefs brings out the first course, a salad of mixed greens with a light vinaigrette dressing. The guests help themselves to the salad as they continue their conversations.

Einstein and Hawking debate the theory of relativity, while Marie Curie tells Edison about her discovery of radium. Leonardo da Vinci talks about his studies of anatomy and how it influenced his art.

Scene 3: The Dessert and after-party

After the meal, the guests retire to the drawing room for coffee and dessert. A grand piano sits in one corner of the room, and as the guests enjoy their dessert, Beethoven starts playing some of his famous pieces. The guests gather around the piano, listening to the music and discussing their thoughts and ideas.

Read more about scenes here:

Write a poem to Minerva giving her advice about what to do about her situation. (Make sure it has good Length, content, quality, Organization, conventions) (Minerva writes poem)


Minerva does not believe she can confront the man and walk away from him forever, which makes Esperanza feel powerless to help her.

What does Esperanza think about Minerva's predicament? Minerva is depressed since she is a single mother of two children, believes she is unfortunate, and has a bad marriage.Esperanza feels powerless to help Minerva since Minerva doubts her ability to confront the man and walk away from him completely.Additionally, Minerva is only a bit older than Esperanza, and Esperanza might think she lacks the maturity to handle such an adult issue.The underlying message is that each person must make their own decisions in life.People can't always be counted on to support you through life.This vignette has a depressing tone because Minerva is described as having two kids who left her and a husband who left her. She also has many problems and must deal with them on her own.Minerva has the same lyrical tendencies as Esperanza, but she is entrapped by a guy and her young children.Minerva's husband throws a rock through the window, signifying that she has no way out—not even through poetry or dreaming—whereas most tragic women gaze out the window and imagine better things.

To learn more about Minerva refer


this christmas song was composed by francis dandan with lyrics by the great baritone and national artist aurelio estanislao. this song is about how a broken heart feels at christmas. the song was also popularized by gary valenciano


The Christmas song that was com-posed by Francis dandan with lyrics by the gr-eat baritone and nati-onal artist Aurelio Estanislao is “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko”. This so-ng is about how a bro-ken heart feels at Christmas. The song was also popular-ized by Gary Valenciano.

Dandan collab-orated with UP professor, bari-tone Aurelio Estanislao, who wro-te the lyrics of “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko” before the song land-ed on Valenciano's lap.

This senti-mental Yuletide ballad that has been croo-ned by Filipinos for more than three decades, has an interest-ing romantic story. “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko” has beco-me one of the most iconic Christmas ballads ever record-ed and Valenciano can-not be any hap-pier about that fact.

To know more about Christmas song click below:


Write a script that transforms a scene from Pygmalion so that it reflects one of the critical perspectives.


We can see here that in order to write a script that transforms a scene from Pygmalion so that it reflects one of the critical perspectives, here is a guide:

Take time to study Pygmalion very well.Pick the perspective you want your script to reflect.Draft out an outline of your script while focusing on the selected perspective.Write your script clearly using words and language that is easy to understand.

What is a script?

A script is actually known to be a screenplay which is a piece of writing created by screenwriters for a movie, TV program, or video game. A teleplay is another name for a screenplay created for television. Screenplays can be original compositions or literary adaptations.

There are people who write scripts and they are known as scriptwriters.

We see that the above guide will help to write your script.

Learn more about script on


If ava has just elaborated on the youth program she started in her previous position and the interviewer asks her to explain how she acquired the funding for the program, they are using which type of interview question?


If ava has just elabo-rated on the youth program she start-ed in her previous position and the interviewer asks her to ex-plain how she acquired the fund-ing for the program, they are using follow up question.

A follow up question is a spe-cific question asked after a general or open ques-tion to clarify or elicit further inform-ation.

Follow up questions have many uses, whet-her it's during a job interview to find out if a candi-date will or will not adapt to the culture and way of work-ing of a team, or in a survey, to learn more about a prev-ious answer.

To know more about follow up question click below:


What is Portia’s state of mind after Brutus has left his house to go to the Senate-house ?


In the play, Portia is the wife of Brutus and is known for her intelligence, wit, and strength of character. It is not explicitly stated in the play how Portia feels after Brutus leaves his house to go to the Senate house. However, we can infer that she may be worried or concerned about Brutus, as he is involved in the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar and is likely aware of the danger and potential consequences of his actions. Portia may also be feeling anxious or fearful about the future, as the political situation in Rome is unstable and uncertain.

Overall, it is likely that Portia's state of mind is complex and multifaceted, as she is a deeply perceptive and sensitive character who is deeply invested in the well-being of her husband and the future of Rome.


Tension rises in Portia's mind because she is concerned about what is going on at the Capitol. She is worried about Caesar as she heard the news that he was going to be assassinated.


She is informed of the conspirators' plan to assassinate Caesar and awaits word of their success with bated breath. She meets the Soothsayer, who is still concerned about Caesar and wishes to warn him.

Which statement best describes a theme conveyed by Hamlet's battle with Laertes in Act V?


On Claudius, Hamlet exacts revenge. With the poisoned sword, he stabs him, then forces him to drink the poison. Horatio mourns his loss after the passing of Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius.

Act 5 of Hamlet takes place what?On Claudius, Hamlet exacts revenge. With the poisoned sword, he stabs him, then forces him to drink the poison. Horatio mourns his loss after the passing of Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius.Family ties outlive even death, as the verse demonstrates. Death conquers all. Death conquers everyone is one of the themes in Hamlet. Hamlet, Laertes, Gertrude, and Claudius all pass away despite the fact that they are royalty.The queen cries out to Hamlet, insisting that the cup must have been poisoned, before passing away.      

To learn more about Hamlet refer to:


Which of the following is not a method to generate business ideas?
O a
Look at old things in new ways
Ignore problems and obstacles
Brainstorm ideas
Od Capitalize on your hobbies


Answer: Ignore problems and obstacles


What is the crown yelling as John Basard and Roger Cly's casket go by? a tale of two cities


Answer:A mob scene occurs with people stealing stuff and harassing people. After he yells at his wife again, Jerry goes to the graveyard and digs up the grave.

Explanation: Hope this helped!!

In the story, the tale of two cities, when Roger Cly’s coffin was passing by, Jerry yelled that the coffin contained dirt and stones.

What was the story of Tale of two cities?

A Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel written by Charles Dickens and published in 1859. It is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel tells the story of French Doctor Manette, his 18-year incarceration in Paris' Bastille, and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie, whom he had never met. The plot is set against the backdrop of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

When Barsad insisted that Roger Cly was dead, Jerry was a spectacular entity. He insisted that the coffin contained nothing but dirt and stones. Carton had previously attempted to blackmail Barsad, who had been unyielding. However, after Jerry insisted that there were stones in the casket and that he was ready to expose Barsad, Barsad led Carton into a private room for a private discussion.

Therefore, the crown was yelling that the coffin only contained dirt and stones.

To learn more about A tale of Two Cities, click here:


What should a reporter always make time to do?


Answer: Listen


What advice did President Washington give to Americans in his Farewell Address?

Select one:

Pay taxes without complaint.

Support the revolution in France.

Do not address the president with royal titles.

Do not let political party loyalty divide the nation.



the fourth is correct


it urges the people to be united at all times

nobody has met her change into passive voice ?



She was met by Nobody



She has not been met by anyone.

Select the sentence that expresses the message clearly: (4 points)
O a
Ob b
I ask whether we should study some more, but they said we were fine.
I ask whether we should have study some more, but they say we were fine.
I asked whether we should have studied some more, but they say we are fine.
I asked whether we should study some more, but they said we were fine.



D. Of all the options, it is the most grammatically correct

Which theme is best supported by the excerpt?
O Survival can mean making hard choices.
Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.
O Hard work always pays off in the end.
O Strong family relationships build slowly.


Correct option is B, Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.

Because if we will be kind to somebody one day somebody will be kind to us. Kindness is a sort of conduct marked through acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistant or difficulty for others, with out watching for reward or praise in go back. Kindness is a subject of hobby in philosophy, religion, and psychology. Kindness become one of the most important subjects in the Bible. In Book II of "Rhetoric", Aristotle defines kindness as "helpfulness closer to a person in need, now no longer in go back for anything, nor for the gain of the helper himself, however for that of the character helped". Nietzsche taken into consideration kindness and like to be the "maximum healing herbs and marketers in human intercourse".

What is an a excerpt?

Excerpt is a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.

To find Kindness  use the given link:


Brand name products tend to cost more. _____, I rarely buy them.






Brand name products tend to cost more. Therefore, I rarely buy them.

The answer is therefore!

Match each short description to the character type it emphasizes.
flat character
static character
round character
dynamic character
Harry Potter (from the Harry Potter series by
J. K. Rowling) goes from being an unloved,
unsure, unknown orphan to a famous and
powerful wizard.

Phoebe Caulfield (from J. D. Salinger’s
The Catcher in the Rye) is seen through her
brother Holden’s eyes, and not much is revealed
about her thoughts and emotions.

Edgar Linton (from Emily Bronte’s
Wuthering Heights) is rich and prejudiced.
He looks down on Heathcliff for being poor and
less educated. Edgar grows from a spoiled,
cowardly child to a spoiled, cowardly man.

Edmond Dantes (from Alexander Dumas’s
The Count of Monte Cristo) decides to take
revenge on the man who betrayed him and stole
his fiancée. He shows many traits and uses many
disguises during the story.
(50 points)


Answer:Flat character - A predictable character who has only one dominant characteristic


Answer: Harry Potter - dynamic character

Phoebe Caulfield - flat character

Edgar Linton - static character

Edmond Dantes - round character


"War is never right" re 12 marker


Soldiers and civilians alike are frequently killed during the war. The long-term repercussions of war on a nation's economy also include the widespread destruction of cities.

Why is war considered illegal?

Nuclear weapons and other indiscriminate or inflict unnecessary suffering-inflicting methods of warfare are outlawed in war. Any State that carries out illegal military tactics is guilty of waging war.

Infrastructure, public health services, and social order are all negatively impacted indirectly by armed conflict in significant ways. These incidental effects are frequently disregarded and underappreciated.

Therefore, The social and economic development of nations is frequently disrupted by war, which also obliterates communities and families.

Learn more about war from the given link.


how did napoleon power struggle impacted the lives of the animals on the farm,


At some stage in the unconventional, it will become recurring for the dogs to be visible in public with Napoleon to enhance his power thru violence. Napoleon additionally makes the animals paintings so hard that they're so worn-out and that they overlook how they may be being was slaves by means of their leader Napoleon.

Napoleon won general manage over animal farm through exiling Snowball. no matter Napoleon’s efforts, Snowball controlled to get maximum of the animals help on the problem of the windmill. Napoleon knew Snowball became a brilliant risk to his role.

If Napoleon did no longer act soon, Snowball would quickly become the undisputable chief of Animal Farm.In the course of the radical, it becomes ordinary for the dogs to be seen in public with Napoleon to enhance his strength thru violence.

Napoleon also makes the animals paintings so hard that they may be so worn-out and that they neglect how they may be being was slaves via their chief Napoleon. Additionally they haven't any time to consider rebelling in opposition to him. He does this with the aid of making the animals construct the snowballs windmill that he considered useless whilst snowball concept of it.

Learn more about Napoleon at

every morning, ms. santos dictates a vocabulary word, including its spelling, meaning, and an example of it used in a sentence. which teaching method does this best illustrate?


The right response is Dictate. It denotes speaking or reading aloud. Before we have to spell the term, can you perhaps dictate it in a sentence?

When prefixes (words or letters before a root word) or suffixes (words or letters after a root word) are added, the root word's meaning is merged with that of the prefix or suffix to form new words, which is how words are primarily constructed in English and other languages.

The word "dictate" in this instance has the Latin root "dict," which means "to say." This root can be combined with various suffixes or prefixes, such as the suffix -ate, which denotes an action and, when combined with "dict," refers to the "action of saying" something, or in the case of the word contradict, to which the prefix -contra is added, which denotes something that is contrary to or opposed to. The verb "dictate" is defined as "to pronounce or read loudly." Will you dictate the word in a sentence before we have to spell it? is a statement that makes use of the verb "dictate," which means to say or read aloud. This definition is accurate because "dictate" comes from the words "dict," which means "say," and "-ate," which turns "dict" into an action.

learn more about "Vocabulary" here


Read the excerpt from Gilgamesh: A New English Version.

"Let your heart inspire you
to be joyous in battle, to forget about death.
If we help each other and fight side by side,
we will make a lasting name for ourselves,
we will stamp our fame on men's minds forever."

Which sentence best states the theme of the excerpt?

Gilgamesh ignores the threat of death.
People's actions determine their legacy.
Fighting for one's country is important.
With reassurance, Enkidu prevails.


The sentence that best expresses the theme of the passage is "people's actions determine their legacy."

What is a theme?It's a message.It is a way for the writer to teach something to the reader.It's a valuable lesson.

The theme is not an element that can be easily seen in a text, as it is not expressed directly, but subjectively. To identify it, the reader must interpret the text, paying attention to the meaning of each action and thought of the characters and the lessons that can be learned from them.

In the text presented above, we can see that the theme refers to how people should act to ensure success. This is because the narrator says that there will be triumph in battle if he and his friend fight together, that is, two actions are necessary for them to leave a legacy on earth, the action of deciding to fight and the action of doing it together.

Learn more about themes:


Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men makes the world seem like a cruel place where dreams can't come true. Write a response that discusses three of the character' experiences in a cruel world where dreams do not come true


The three of the character' experiences in a cruel world where dreams do not come true is :

George has a difficult life because he has to take care of his friend with mental problems.Lennie dies before raising the rabbits she wanted.George has to kill his friend and only companion.What is the theme of the story Of mice and men?

Of Mice and Men's three main themes are dreams, loneliness, and friendship.

A depressing lesson about the essence of human existence is presented in Of Mice and Men. Almost every character, including George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's wife, admits to experiencing a severe sense of loneliness and isolation at some point or another. Each yearns for the solace of a friend yet is content with a stranger's attentive ear. Candy, Crooks, and Lennie all learn that Curley's wife is not happy in her marriage, and Crooks reminds Lennie that life is not nice without a friend to turn to in times of trouble and need.

The complete question is : Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men makes the world seem like a cruel place where dreams can't come true. Write a response that discusses three of the character' experiences in a cruel world where dreams do not come true. Use multiple specific examples to prove your point.

To learn more about Of Mice and Men refer to :


An effective moderator of a group discussion...

A. tells participants what they should say.
B. encourages contention and disorder.
C. introduces personal opinions into the discussion.
D. helps the group remember the rules of discussion.


Helps the group remember the rules of discussion.

An effective moderator of a group discussion helps the group remember the rules of discussion.

A group discussion moderator's responsibility is to guarantee that each participant engages actively.

Therefore, rather of directing the participants what to say, the moderator must encourage them to voice their own opinions.

Additionally, because it will undermine the discussion's impartiality, the moderator cannot permit disruptive behavior during it.

Furthermore, because the moderator is not an active participant in the discussion, he or she should refrain from contributing personal viewpoints.

The final choice, option (d), in which the moderator maintains the debate on track by reminding the group of the discussion's guidelines, is the correct response.

for more information regarding effective moderator visit the link:


An effective moderator of a group Helps the group remember the rules of discussion.

Hence, Option D is correct

What do you mean by moderator?

A skilled discussion moderator aids the group in remembering the ground rules.The role of the group discussion moderator is to ensure that each participant participates actively.Therefore, the moderator must encourage individuals to express their own thoughts rather than telling them what to say.Additionally, the moderator cannot allow disruptive behavior to occur during the conversation because it will compromise its objectivity.Additionally, the moderator should avoid adding personal opinions because they are not actively participating in the conversation.

For more information regarding effective moderator visit the link:


It is now time to write the story that you will share with your classmates. Imagine that you are an archaeologist who works with Sarah Parcak’s team. You and some other archaeologists are sent to Egypt to help dig up a site that Parcak’s team discovered. During your dig, something surprising happens. Write a suspense story about what you find at the site and what feelings are going through your head as you make the discovery. The story should be several paragraphs long. Writers often do research to add realistic details to the setting, characters, and plot in their stories. When writing your story, find ways to use information and details about armchair archaeology and Egyptian pyramids to improve your story and help you develop your characters, the setting, and the plot. Use details, dialogue, and description where appropriate.


As an archaeologist working with Sarah Parcak's team, I was thrilled to be part of the team that was sent to Egypt to dig up a site that her team had discovered. I had always been fascinated by Egyptian pyramids and the secrets they held, and I couldn't wait to get started on the excavation.

As we began to dig, I quickly realized that this was no ordinary site. The ground was unusually hard and rocky, and it took us much longer than expected to make any significant progress. But finally, after days of hard work, we hit something solid. It was a large, heavy stone, and as we carefully cleared away the dirt around it, we realized that it was part of a hidden chamber within the pyramid.

My heart was pounding with excitement as we carefully pried open the stone door and stepped inside the chamber. It was dark and dusty, but as we shone our flashlights around, we could see that it was filled with treasures beyond our wildest dreams. Gold and jewels glittered in the light, and we were awestruck by the sheer wealth and beauty of it all.

But as we continued to explore the chamber, something even more surprising happened. In the corner of the room, we discovered a small alcove hidden behind a curtain of cobwebs. And inside the alcove was a small, intricately carved box.

My hands were shaking as I carefully lifted the box and opened it. Inside, we found a collection of ancient scrolls, written in hieroglyphics. We knew that these scrolls could contain valuable information about the history of the pyramid and the people who built it.

As we read through the scrolls, we began to realize that they held secrets that had been hidden for centuries. We were filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the thought of being the first people to uncover these secrets in thousands of years. And we knew that our discovery would change the way we understood the history of the ancient world.

The boy who cried wolf 20 points !!!

What is the author's message about power, truth, and lies? How are they connected?
Use evidence from this text, from your own experience, and from other art or
literature to answer this question.


The author's message about power, truth, and lies is that the liars will not be rewarded; even if they tell the truth, no one believes them.

What was the story about

In the story, a shepherd boy repeatedly deceives the locals into believing that a wolf is attacking his town's flock. The villagers think it is just another false alarm when a real wolf shows up and the boy calls for assistance; as a result, the wolf devours the sheep.

The flock is decimated when a wolf actually does show up because the villagers do not believe the boy's cries for help. The lesson of the tale is that those who lie will not prosper; even when they tell the truth, no one will believe them. The lesson of the story is that a liar should never be believed, even when they are speaking the truth. One of the well-known Aesop's Fables is The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf.

Learn more about boy who cried wolf on:


The variety of good and ervice offered limitedne inky by the type of people and organization that join


The proper sentence has been offered based on the prompt: "The variety of goods and services offered is limited only by the types of people and organizations that join".

What is a verb?

This is the part of speech used to show the action or doing in a phrase and is essentially utilised to connect the noun with the activity or state of being. Since a result, it is clear from the supplied sentence that the best verb to complete the sentence is "is," as it is a singular verb that agrees with the subject of the sentence.

The proper sentence has been offered based on the prompt: "The variety of goods and services offered is limited only by the types of people and organizations that join".

To know more about proper sentence, check out:


Which statement most accurately describes the point of view of the entire
A. It begins in first person and shifts to third person.
It begins in third person and shifts to first person.
It begins and ends in first person.
OD. It begins and ends in third person.



I don't have the passage, but I'll give a rough overview.


A) Starts using I/me. Shifts to she/her or he/him.

B) Starts using she/her or he/him. Shifts to I/me.

C) Starts using I/me. Ends using I/me.

D) Starts using she/her or he/him. Ends using she/her or he/him.

Short examples (They don't really make sense, just to give you an idea, sorry about that) :

A) I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to me. Let's rewind. She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

B) She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked. Let's rewind. I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had happened to me...

C) I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to me. Let's rewind. I had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

D) She stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to her. Let's rewind. She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

I hope this helps somewhat! If this doesn't make sense, comment and I'll try re-explain it!

Which two skills or abilities are important for a school counselor?
A. leadership
B. active listening
C. empathy
D. physical stamina
E. creativity


empathy and active listening


For me it's B and D


My very own answer

Why was De Facto Segregation more common in the North than in the South?



Racial segregation was a system derived from the efforts of white Americans to keep African Americans in a subordinate status by denying them equal access to public facilities and ensuring that blacks lived apart from whites. During the era of slavery, most African Americans resided in the South, mainly in rural areas. Under these circumstances, segregation did not prove necessary as the boundaries between free citizens and people held in bondage remained clear. Furthermore, Before the Civil War, segregation existed mainly in cities in both the North and the South. blacks and whites lived in close proximity on farms and plantations and geographical isolation made contact between neighbors infrequent. However, free people of color, located chiefly in cities and towns of the North and Upper South, experienced segregation in various forms. By the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) that African Americans were not U.S. citizens, northern whites had excluded blacks from seats on public transportation and barred their entry, except as servants, from most hotels and restaurants. When allowed into auditoriums and theaters, blacks occupied separate sections; they also attended segregated schools. Most churches, too, were segregated.

African Americans did gain admission to desegregated public accommodations, but racial segregation, or Jim Crow as it became popularly known, remained the custom. (The term Jim Crow originated from the name of a character in an 1832 minstrel show, where whites performed in blackface.) Passage by Congress of the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which barred racial discrimination in public accommodations, provides evidence of the continued presence of segregation and the need to rectify it. The law lasted until 1883, when the Supreme Court of the United States declared the statute unconstitutional for regulating what the justices considered private companies, such as streetcars and entertainment facilities. By this time, the interracial Reconstruction governments had fallen in the South and the federal government had retreated from strong enforcement of black civil rights. With white-controlled governments back in power, the situation of southern blacks gradually deteriorated. To maintain solidarity and remove possible political threats, white southerners initiated a series of efforts to reduce further African American citizenship rights and enforce Jim Crow. The Supreme Court’s 1883 ruling in In the 1880s legislation strengthened segregation in the South. By the 1890s it had become entrenched. the Civil Rights Cases spurred states to enact segregation laws. Between 1887 and 1892, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia refused equal access to African Americans to public accommodations and transportation. These laws forced blacks to sit in the back of the bus, on separate cars on trains, and on the balcony at theaters, for example. From this period on, segregation became a rigid legal system separating the races from cradle to grave—including segregated hospital facilities, cemeteries, and everything in between—no longer tolerating any flexibility in the racial interactions that had previously existed.

In the North, while legislation combated segregation, African Americans were still kept separate and apart from whites. In contrast with the South, in the late 1880s and early 1890s, Indiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Michigan, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and New York all adopted laws that prohibited racial discrimination in public facilities. Yet blacks encountered segregation in the North as well. Rather than through de jure segregation, most northern whites and blacks lived in separate neighborhoods and attended separate schools largely de facto segregation. This kind of segregation resulted from the fact that African Americans resided in distinct neighborhoods, stemming from insufficient income as well as a desire to live among their own people, as many ethnic groups did. However, blacks separated themselves not merely as a matter of choice or custom. Instead, realtors and landlords steered blacks away from white neighborhoods and municipal ordinances and judicially enforced racial covenants signed by homeowners kept blacks out of white areas.

What two things are being compared ? "She slithered into the room quietly and listened. After several days of observing, she finally uncoiled her long limbs, stretched her neck, leaned against the desk and began speaking, swaying as she spoke. With those first words she began to slowly poison their minds."



her movement is comparable to her poisonous words

in your own words, what’s the most stressful thing you've experienced when traveling?



being stopped by a traffic police.


my dad was over speeding and he almost got caught

Other Questions
for a retail website, the revenue per session kpi determines whether new traffic driven through additional advertising is profitable focuses on enticing shoppers to purchase higher-priced items during each sales transaction looks to increase the number of new sessions identifies the percentage of completed transactions The table shows the scores of two teams at the end of the first half of a trivia challenge.Team Points ScoredBobcats 2x7 Huskies 5x3 How many more points did the Huskies score than the Bobcats? the nurse is preparing to delegate tasks to an unlicensed assistive personnel (uap) for a client who recently had a stroke and is suffering from mil hemiplegia. which task would be inappropriate for the nurse to delegate to the uap? which of the following components forms the foundation of every computer-based information system and includes resources such as hardware, software, and data center facilities? A and \angle BB are complementary angles. If \text{m}\angle A=(2x-13)^{\circ}mA=(2x13) and \text{m}\angle B=(2x+7)^{\circ}mB=(2x+7) , then find the measure of \angle AA. A patient with BLANK a in place does not want any emergency procedure including BLANK Psychologists who study stress have concluded that it resides neither in the individual nor in the situation alone but in: According to "make it new": early modernism, which modernist theme was born out of world war i? a determination to rebuild and become a stronger nation a defeatist and cynical view of the countrys future a desire to return to traditional social customs a deep-seated rage at those who supported the war myth/ adviceLeonard's coach suggests that he exercise through the pain he feels during basketball workouts. The coach's advice is based on an exercise ___ and is ___ advice. At 25 C, only 0.0140 mol of the generic salt AB is soluble in 1.00 L of water.What is the sp of the salt at 25 C?AB(s)A+(aq)+B(aq) In lab 2, assignment 2, you implemented a smoothing system using convolution with a box of length N and height 1/N: h1n=(un-un-N)/N. Find the coefficients {a, b} of the linear constant coefficient difference equation (LCCDE) describing this system for N=10. Find the coefficients for the system h1n=0.8nun Given f(x) = x - 1 and g(x) = x + 5, find h(x) = (f. g)(x). a whole pumpkin pie costs $5.12 to make and yields 8 servings. one piece of pumpkin pie sells for $1.60. what is the food cost percent for a serving of pumpkin pie? (express your answer as a percentage eg. xx. or xx.x Identify the given examples as primarily applicable to theater or cinema.A director uses makeup to indicatevisual stereotypes that help anaudience recognize and understanda character.Makeup is usually exaggerated.Corrective makeup usuallycompensates for undesirablechanges.Max Factor invented a newtype of pancake makeup. Which statement best describes how physical activity impacts national health care costs?OPhysical activity includes household chores, which saves on expenses for cleaning, cooking,and laundry.OPhysical activity has little effect on chronic disease, which means health care costs are notaffected.Physical activity increases health care costs due to an increased number of orthopedicinjuries.O Physical activity helps prevent chronic illness, which reduces the need for medical treatment.O Tuition at a community college cost $2,000 per semester in 2015 and $2,100 in 2018. If the consumer price index (CPI) was 237.0 in 2015 and 251.1 in 2018, then we could say tuition has remained constant increased at exactly the same rate as inflation. increased more slowly than inflation. decreased increased much more rapidly than inflation. There are currently 25 frogs in a (large) pond. The frog population grows exponentially, tripling every 10 days. How long will it take (in days) for there to be 150 frogs in the pond? Time to 150 frogs: days The pond's ecosystem can support 1400 frogs. How long until the situation becomes critical? Time to 1400 frogs: days Which of the following statements describes the media's role in the self-regulation of advertising?A. The media must accept all the advertising campaigns they receive because of the First Amendment that guarantees the freedom of speech.B. The media cannot refuse to accept advertising for an entire product class such as hard liquor.C. The media can refuse to accept individual ads they find offensive or objectionable.D. The media is expected to reject ads that are targeted toward children and older adults.E. The broadcast is required by law to reject political ads. Seven days a year, Tiger Stadium becomes the fifth largest city in the state of Louisiana. Over 92,000 fans pack the stadium to watch the Tigers play. After the game, if the fans leave at a rate of 10% per minute, how long will it take before the stadium is half empty? Which equation is the inverse of y = 2x^2 8?