in july of 1861, president lincoln was particularly concerned about how his policies on slavery would affect which areas?


Answer 1

In july of 1861, president lincoln was particularly concerned about how his policies on slavery would affec, the states in white because they were slave states that remained in the Unionareas.

Policy is a planned set of principles designed to influence decisions and produce rational outcomes. A policy is a declaration of intent that is carried out as a method or protocol. Policies are typically adopted by an organization's governance body. Policies may assist in both objective and subjective decision making. Policies in use in subjective decision-making frequently aid senior management with judgments that must be made on the relative merits of a variety of elements, and as a result, are sometimes impossible to test objectively. Policies are implemented by governments and other institutions through laws, rules, procedures, administrative actions, incentives, and voluntary activities. Frequently, resource allocations parallel policy decisions. A policy is a guideline for repetitive/routine organizational actions.

Learn more about guideline here


Related Questions

How prepared was Oklahoma City for the bombing?
O extremely
O somewhat
O moderately
O insufficiently


Oklahoma City was  insufficiently prepared for the bombing.

What was the Oklahoma City bombing?

On April 19, 1995, a truck explosion involving domestic terrorism targeted the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The bombing, which took place at 9:02 a.m. and resulted in at least 168 fatalities, more than 680 injuries, and more than one-third of the building needing to be demolished, was carried out by two anti-government militants named Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

The explosion destroyed or damaged 324 additional buildings within a 16-block radius, broke glass in 258 other buildings, totaled 86 cars, and caused an estimated $652 million in damage. Following the attack, local, state, federal, and international organizations conducted a number of rescue missions.

to learn more about Oklahoma City bombing click:


During the late 1800s, monopolies and trusts were used by big business in an effort to?


Answer: Eliminate competition


Business leaders in the 1800s tried to eliminate competition by forming pools, trusts, monopolies, and through vertical and horizontal integration. Many companies organized pools to keep prices at a certain level, that is, they tried to keep prices from falling.

Two events that caused the United States to enter World War I were noselection and noselection ​​​​​​​.


The US Congress declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, as a result of the release of the Zimmermann Telegram and the increase in German submarine assaults on US trade ships.

What was the cause of the United States entering World War I?

Wilson threatened to break off diplomatic ties with Germany unless the German government stopped attacking all passenger ships and permitted the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships before any attack after the unarmed French boat, the Sussex, was sunk in the English Channel in March 1916.

The German government agreed to these requirements on May 4, 1916, and this agreement became known as the "Sussex promise." But by January 1917, things had altered in Germany. Representatives of the German Navy persuaded the military hierarchy and Kaiser Wilhelm II during a wartime conference that month that resuming unrestricted submarine warfare might help defeat Great Britain within five months.

Learn more about World War I, here:


 what might life be like for people living in a state of nature? explain. please answer this i will mark you biranliest !!!!


Answer: A person living in a state of nature would choose to take care of Numero Uno, if you know what I mean. They wouldn't endanger themselves if they didn't think it would benefit themselves in some way. They would probably not bother with other people, unless those people are trying to take something from them.


The fruits of the toil of millions,” the Populist platform declared, “are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes...while their possessors despise the republic and endanger


The sentence that best summarizes the above quotation is "The wealthy often profit from the hard work of the lower class." (Option B)

Who are the lower class?

The working class is made up of people who work in manual labor or industrial jobs and are paid through waged or salaried contracts. Blue-collar and most pink-collar jobs are examples of working-class vocations.

Social scientists often characterize the lower class as service workers, low-level manual laborers, and the jobless. Those employed in lower-class jobs are commonly referred to as the working poor.

Karl Marx referred to the working class as the "proletariat," and it was the working class that ultimately generated the things and provided the services that contributed to the prosperity of a society. The working class is defined by Marxists and socialists as people who have nothing to sell but their labor and abilities.

Learn more about Lower Class;

Full Question:

Read the quotation from the Omaha Platform. "The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of those, in turn, despise the republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires." What sentence best summarizes the above quotation?

The "common people" often take advantage of the wealthy class.The wealthy often profit from the hard work of the lower class.The wealthy succeed because they are stronger than the lower class.There are three economic classes: the rich, the poor, and the middle class.

What is the central idea of this paragraph? "Today many people believe that the Electoral College is out of date and that Presidents should be chosen by direct election, just as members of Congress are selected. Currently, state electors vote for the candidate that the people selected in the general election during state conventions; but, they are not necessarily bound to do so."
(please let it be at least 5 sentences long)


The central idea of this paragraph is that there is a belief that the current system of choosing Presidents through the Electoral College is outdated and that Presidents should be chosen by direct election instead. The paragraph explains that currently, state electors vote for the candidate that the people selected in the general election during state conventions, but they are not necessarily bound to do so. This suggests that there is a potential for the electors to deviate from the will of the people and raises questions about the fairness and effectiveness of the current system.

One cause of the Boston Tea Party make sure to explain and elaborate.




PS: thank you so much for answering this now i know I'm sort of begging but when you answer write about the tea act and make it look simple not like some college application form. TYSM


The main cause of the Boston Tea Party was because of disagreement as the colonists did not want to have to pay taxes on the British tea. Its effect was that the British passed the Intolerable acts which were very harsh and cruel to the people of Boston.

What was the Boston Tea Party?

During Colonial era, the Boston Tea Party was an American protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, whose targets was on the Tea Act which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts.

The Sons of Liberty, in America colony, opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. The Protesters, disguised as Indigenous Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.

Read more about Boston Tea Party


While there were no winners or losers at the end of the Thirty Years' War, the states that were the strongest after the war were?O FRANCE AND SWEDENO USA AND FRANCEO GERMANY AND USAO UNI SOVIET AND USA


Correct option is A, the states that were the strongest after the war were FRANCE AND SWEDEN.

Thirty Years' War -

In European history, the Thirty Years' War (1618–48) was a string of conflicts involving several countries due to territorial, dynastic, religious, and commercial rivalry. The majority of Europe was the scene of its catastrophic campaigns and wars, and by the time it came to a close in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia, the continent's geography had been irreparably altered.

The war is generally believed to have started in 1618 when the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rebelled against the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II's attempt to impose Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, despite the fact that the conflicts that led to it broke out a few years earlier.

To learn more about Thirty Years' War from given link



A. France and Sweden



5. Analyze the following political cartoons. Which was NOT published during the American Civil War and the ensuing period of Reconstruction?


Thomas Nast's 1874 cartoon was not published during the American Civil War and the ensuing period of Reconstruction.

What do you mean by Reconstruction?

In the years immediately following the Civil War, from 1865 through 1877, many US administrations worked to rebuild society, especially in the former Confederate states, by creating and defending the legal rights of the newly liberated black people.

The Civil War had been concluded for almost two years by March 1867, yet there had still been a great deal of bloodshed. African-Americans were still being killed off in the south, and the federal government was engaged in its own bloodless conflicts over how to mend a society that had been split in two. But on March 2, 1867, Congress approved the Military Reconstruction Act, which historian Heather Richardson considers "one of the most significant pieces of legislation in history."

Therefore, Thomas Nast's 1874 cartoon was not published during the American Civil War and the ensuing period of Reconstruction.

Learn more about Reconstruction, here;


Provide three examples of cultural diffusion in east Asia south Asia in southeast Asia, one for each region. What conditions enabled each instance of diffusion and how did the diffusion impact civilizations?



Cultural diffusion refers to the spread of cultural practices and ideas from one society to another. There are many examples of cultural diffusion in East, South, and Southeast Asia. Some examples include:

1. In East Asia, the spread of Buddhism from India to China, Korea, and Japan had a major impact on the development of these civilizations. The Silk Road played a key role in facilitating this diffusion, as Buddhist missionaries and traders traveled along this network of trade routes, bringing Buddhist ideas and practices to the regions they visited. The adoption of Buddhism by these East Asian societies helped to shape their religious, artistic, and philosophical traditions.

2. In South Asia, the spread of Hinduism and the caste system from India to Nepal and Bhutan had a significant impact on the social and cultural development of these countries. The formation of strong trade and political ties between India and Nepal and Bhutan facilitated the diffusion of Hinduism and the caste system to these regions. The adoption of these practices helped to shape the social and cultural structures of Nepal and Bhutan, and they continue to influence these societies today.

3. In Southeast Asia, the spread of Islam from the Middle East to Indonesia and Malaysia had a profound impact on the development of these societies. The growth of trade and commerce between the Middle East and Southeast Asia, as well as the activities of Muslim missionaries, helped to spread Islamic ideas and practices to the region. The adoption of Islam by many Southeast Asian societies helped to shape their religious, political, and cultural traditions, and it continues to be an important part of their identities today.

What do you think is the most important thing students should know about the Silk Road from reviewing the History: The Silk Road website? Why is this information important?


The thing that I think is the most important thing students should know about the Silk Road from reviewing the History is that

The Silk Road was a network of commercial routes that connected regions of Asia, Europe, and Africa. By allowing people to exchange ideas and scientific advancements, these routes advanced all of the regions and enriched numerous people and nations.

What was the main purpose of the Silk Road?

The Silk Roads were primarily used for trade. Roads were constructed so that people could trade products over long distances. Along the Silk Roads, goods including silk, tea, horses, and even slaves were exchanged.

Because of the relay commerce along the Silk Road, which connected many nations and cultures, some merchants occasionally found themselves in a situation where the currency they accepted for the sale of their goods was not one they could use to make further purchases.

In addition to being a route for the export of items like silk, spices, precious metals, minerals, handicrafts, architecture, and paintings, the Silk Road also functioned as a conduit for the exchange of cultures through the performing arts, dance, and music. The spread of faiths was another important function of the Great Silk Road

Learn more about Silk Road from

is Dr. King’s speech (Birmingham jail letter) is valid in today’s society explain your reasoning?


Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" is a powerful and enduring statement on the importance of civil rights and equality. In this letter, Dr. King addresses the concerns of white clergy who criticized his efforts to bring about social change through nonviolent protest. He argues that justice and equality are moral imperatives, and that individuals have a responsibility to stand up for what is right, even in the face of opposition.

Despite the passage of time, the ideas and values expressed in Dr. King's letter are still relevant and applicable in today's society. The struggle for civil rights and equality continues to this day, and the letter's message of standing up for what is right and just is as important now as it was when it was written. Additionally, the letter's emphasis on the power of nonviolent resistance and the need for compassion and understanding are also applicable in today's society.

Overall, Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" remains a powerful and relevant statement on the importance of civil rights and equality in today's society. Its message continues to inspire and challenge individuals to strive for a more just and equal world.

Did the general Washington’s military strategies match the goals of the continental army? Why? Or why not?


By keeping the Continental Army united and only engaging in combat long enough to provoke mistakes from the British.

What was Washington's military strategy?

Washington made preparations while he waited to unite his Continental Army with both the French army and fleet in order to capture the city and put an end to the conflict. Washington wrote a number of letters to a Continental Congress outlining his alleged "grand strategy" for achieving this objective.

The Continental Army, under the command of George Washington, prevailed by fording the cold Delaware River and taking the British camp at Trenton, New Jersey. British General Charles Cornwallis's capitulation at Yorktown, Virginia, in October 1781 effectively ended the world's most powerful country. Ricks outlined Washington's modified Fabian plan, which was to "avoid a general conflict and waste the enemy away," as articulated by Washington's adviser, Alexander Hamilton.

To know more about Washington's military strategy, visit:



The U.S constitution creates a strong national government but also reserves significant power to individual states governments this is an example of which american founding ideal

A. Checks and Balances

B. Representative democracy

C. Federalism

D. Separation of power


c. federalism..........................

What role did the sons of liberty have in regarding to the boston tea party?


Answer: A large group of men, many of whom were said to be members of the Sons of Liberty, boarded the docked ships and threw 342 chests of tea into the water.

Explanation: The social and political repercussions of the French and Indian War led to the formation of the secret underground society known as the Sons of Liberty. The war, which was fought all over the world, was just one part of the larger Seven Years War, which many historians call "The First World War." Due to the increased costs associated with fighting an international war, the British Empire nearly ran out of money during the French and Indian War and other conflicts around the world. The British increased taxation in the colonies and stationed Crown soldiers there to protect the Empire's new gains in territory as a result.

The British Empire depended on their colonies for both goods and money to run their empire. However, the Sons of Liberty set out to ensure that neither was delivered to the Empire.Rather than purchase the tea, on the night of December 16th, 1773 the Sons of Liberty boarded the trade ships docked in Griffin's Wharf and threw the shipments of tea overboard in an event known as the Boston Tea Party.

which country sent a large fleet across the indian ocean at the beginning of the fifteenth century? question 105 options: portugal china spain england


China launched a sizable fleet to the Indian Ocean around the start of the fifteenth century.

Under Zheng He, the renowned eunuch admiral, Ming China dispatched seven enormous naval missions between 1405 and 1433. The government abruptly canceled these voyages in 1433 after they had journeyed over the Indian Ocean trade routes all the way to Arabia and the coast of East Africa.

China needs to defend its interests and protect its maritime vulnerabilities in the Indian Ocean in order to establish itself as a reliable security player.

In the Indian Ocean, a Chinese admiral. Chinese shipbuilding and navigational prowess were on display during Zheng He's seven exploration journeys to the regions around the Indian Ocean at the beginning of the fourteenth century.

To learn more about Indian Ocean


Statement most accurate describes a cause of the cold war


The statement that is most accurately describes a cause of the Cold War is option B) Soviets feared Western promotion of capitalism.

How did the Soviets cause the Cold War?

Many historians at the time of the cold war believed that the Soviet Union was to blame for sparking the conflict. The reason for this is because the Soviet Union was suspected of invading free nations and imposing communism on them, angering the western powers.

Some academics contend that the Soviet Union's economy and those of the Eastern Bloc nations that it influenced, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems.

Therefore, one can say that the Cold War was actually brought on by a breakdown in communication between the two sides and predetermined ideas that each side had about the other. Americans worried that the Soviet Union intended to topple both democratic and economic institutions as it propagated communism around the world.

Learn more about the Cold War from

See full question below

Which statement most accurately describes a cause of the Cold War?

Soviets built the Berlin Wall.

Soviets feared Western promotion of capitalism.

Soviets invaded Seoul, South Korea.

Mao forced laborers onto communes.

Obesity is a major health concern in the United States. The map shows the percentage of adults that struggle with obesity in each state. On the map, choose the 3 states where 35 percent or more of the adult population is obese. Alaska Washington Oregon United States of America California Idaho Nevada Utah Arizona Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Minnesota Texas lowa Wisconsin Michigan Missouri Oklahoma Arkansas Illinois Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Pennsylvania Vermont New York West Virginia South Georgia Carolina Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts -Rhode Island Connecticut -New Jersey - Delaware Mary land Virginia Washington, DC North Carolina​


Answer: Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia


a. Strikes b. Unions
c. Negotiations for bett
d. Companies hiring replacements during a work sto
12) Organized labor was able to contribute to...
a. Better, safer working conditions
b. Higher pay for workers
c. More reasonable hours (such as an 8-hour work day
d. All of the above
The Gilded Age/Progressive Era Ideas


Organized labor was able to contribute to All of the above. Thus option D is correct.

What is Organized labor?

A group of workers that works to raise the members' pay, perks, and conditions of employment. Working people improve things for all when they gather. Workers can bargain for higher salaries and benefits and better working conditions by banding together in union.

Organized labor organizations campaigned for greater pay, more flexible hours, and safe employment conditions for people in the manufacturing industries.

The trade union movement spearheaded initiatives to end sweatshop labour, offer health benefits, and aid damaged or experienced a lot. Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about Organized labor, Here:


The question is incomplete, the complete question will be :

12) Organized labor was able to contribute to...

a. Better, safer working conditions

b. Higher pay for workers

c. More reasonable hours (such as an 8-hour work day

d. All of the above

The excerpt below was written by Mark Twain in 1900.
"I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate (place under control) the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem (save). ...I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land." The New York Herald, October 15, 1900
Based on this excerpt, why did Twain oppose U.S. acquisition of the Philippines?


Based on this excerpt, the reason why Twain opposed the U.S. acquisition of the Philippines is this:

He believed that it was not a noble cause given that the acquisition will lead to the restriction of the freedom and probable oppression of the Phillippines' people.Why did Twain oppose the acquisition of the Philippines?

From the words in this excerpt, it is evident that Mark Twain was not an advocate of the move to buy over the Philippines. The statement was prompted by the imperial moves of the United States between 1898 to 1900 when they wanted to extend the reach of their government.

Unlike the opposing party who believed that this move by the United States would result in economic expansion, Twain envisaged that the move would rather lead to the subjugation of the people and this, he believed was not right. He rather proposed that America focus on its territories and avoid the act of conquering another sovereign nation.

Learn more about Mark Twain here:


During the renaissance, what was the movement called that focused on human potential and achievements?


Humanism. It was a diversion from the predominant focus on religion in many aspects of life and promoted individual secularity

Using at least four complete sentences, describe how decisions made in Brazil’s past have affected the country’s present population.


Brazil had made choices in phrases of environmental progress.

The four sentences to describe about the  decisions made in Brazil’s past have affected the country’s present population ie mentioned below.

Brazil had made choices in an effort to be of assist with the surroundings and environmental progress. in an effort to be of advantage and benefit to them, aleven though those choices had led them an populace alternate wherein have become overpopulated as their u . s . is intertwined with the woodland and agriculture, making 85% of it to be the populace of the brazil.Brazil is bloated and overly centralized has been overwhelmed the financial freedom of the decades. Now there's much less barrier for a foreigner to hooked up their commercial enterprise here. Brazil is the fifth closing u . s . whose population is round two hundred million this is ruled via way of means of the amazon river and there's additionally amazon woodland. The public is corrupted there so has been caused political chaos.

To learn about  Brazil’s past visit here.


What were two changes in the methods of food production that occurred during the Agricultural Revolution in Britain?


During the Agricultural Revolution in Britain, good day made extra use of fertilizers, they delivered new implements; they added in new crops, consisting of turnips, and a extra medical gadget of crop rotation; they tried to reproduce large sheep and fatter cattle.

The required details for Agricultural Revolution in Britain in given paragraph

The British Agricultural Revolution, or Second Agricultural Revolution, turned into an remarkable growth in agricultural manufacturing in Britain bobbing up from will increase in labor and land productiveness among the mid-seventeenth and past due nineteenth centuries. Agricultural output grew quicker than the populace over the hundred-yr length finishing in 1770, and thereafter productiveness remained most of the maximum within side the world. This growth within side the meals deliver contributed to the fast increase of populace in England and Wales, from 5.5 million in 1700 to over 9 million with the aid of using 1801, even though home manufacturing gave manner an increasing number of to meals imports within side the 19th century because the populace extra than tripled to over 35 million.

The upward thrust in productiveness improved the decline of the rural percentage of the labor force, including to the city personnel on which industrialization depended: the Agricultural Revolution has consequently been noted as a motive of the Industrial Revolution.

To know about Agricultural Revolution in Britain click here


Select all the correct answers.

Which two statements about the Cold War are true?

A. The United States and the Soviet Union both joined NATO to attempt to end the Cold War.

B. The United States and the Soviet Union both started fighting the Cold War prior to 1945.

C. The United States and the Soviet Union had different political and economic ideologies.

D. The United States and the Soviet Union fought a war in Japan for supremacy.

E. The United States and the Soviet Union never officially declared war against each other.




Answer would be C.

Read the excerpt from "to the public" by william lloyd garrison. on this subject, i do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. no! no! tell a man whose house is on fire, to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hand of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen;—but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present. which type of appeal does the author use in this excerpt? ethos kairos logos pathos


Type of appeal used by the author in this excerpt is pathos.

Pathos employs emotional appeals to arouse specific emotions in the audience, such as rage or sympathy. In order to engage the listener’s rational side, Logos builds logical arguments. The

Possibility that the audience will believe the speaker increases when they make an appeal to their status or authority (ethos). Pathos employs emotional appeals to arouse specific emotions in the audience, such as rage or sympathy.

These three arguments taken together are referred to as the rhetorical triangle. They are essential to rhetorical analysis even though a work of rhetoric may not always use them all. The author uses pathos in this excerpt as a form of appeal.

To know more about Pathos visit:


The christmas song, christmas bonus was released in the year 2000 and was written by?


Christmas Bonus was composed by Robert Wells & Mel Torme and released in the year 2000.

"The Christmas Song" is just a traditional Christmas song composed by Robert Wells & Mel Tormé in 1945. The Nat King Cole Trio initially recorded it in June 1946. Cole recorded the song again in 1953, this time with a full orchestra organized & conducted in Nelson Riddle, again in 1961, this time with a stereophonic orchestra arranged and led by Ralph Carmichael. Cole's 1961 version is widely considered to be the definitive rendition, and it was the most popular holiday song among women aged 30-49 in 2004, while the initial 1946 recording was entered into the Grammy Music Hall of Fame in 1974. The Congress's Library of Congress chose the 1961 Nat Nat Cole recording for preserved within the United States in 2022."

Learn more about preserved here


what important demographic, political, and social changes accompanied the industrial revolution in britain?


The fast urbanization, or influx of people into cities, brought about by the Industrial Revolution. Numerous individuals moved from fields to cities as a result of changes in farming, rapid population increase, and a growing need for employment.

Small communities around coal or iron mines grew into cities almost immediately. Migration patterns, environment, and demographic patterns were all drastically altered by the Industrial Revolution. People in industrialized countries migrated to the areas near industries to work there, cities expanded, and as a result, there was a general movement from rural to urban areas. Massive transformations in social and economic structure resulted from the Industrial Revolution.

A broader distribution of income and an increase in global trade were among these trends. Additionally, managerial hierarchies emerged to control the division of work.

Learn more about Industrial revolution here:


describe one example of how sicial structres affected a state's ability to maintain order in settkenents in the periodc. 1450-1750


describe one example of how social structures affected a states ability to maintain order insettlement in the periods c. 1450-1750

Sometimes the term "social structure" is used to refer to the regular and recurring elements of interactions between members of a certain social entity. The idea is exceedingly abstract even at this descriptive level since it only chooses specific components from current social activity. The concept tends to become more abstract the greater the social unit under consideration. Because of this, a small group's social structure is typically more tightly tied to each member's daily activities. The challenge of selection is severe when studying bigger social groupings since so much depends on the elements that are included in the social structure. The issue of identifying the fundamental traits of a social group has a variety of ideas that offer various solutions.

Learn more about social structure here:


What aspect of theodore roosevelt's foreign policy does this cartoon help illustrate? roosevelt was willing to use force to protect american isolationism. roosevelt was willing to use force to conquer and lead foreign armies. roosevelt was willing to use force to spread democracy to foreign lands. roosevelt was willing to use force to promote american interests overseas.


Answer:  D - Roosevelt was willing to use force to promote american interests overseas.


Roosevelt believed that in light of the country’s recent military successes, it was unnecessary to use force to achieve foreign policy goals, so long as the military could threaten force. This rationale also rested on the young president’s philosophy, which he termed the “strenuous life,” and that prized challenges overseas as opportunities to instill American men with the resolve and vigor they allegedly had once acquired in the Trans-Mississippi West.

Roosevelt was often depicted in cartoons wielding his “big stick” and pushing the U.S. foreign agenda, often through the power of the U.S. Navy.

A cartoon, captioned “The Big Stick in the Caribbean Sea,” shows a massive Roosevelt marching through the Caribbean Sea holding a stick labeled “Big Stick.” Various nations are labeled, including Santo Domingo, Cuba, Mexico, and Panama. Roosevelt pulls a boat labeled “The Receiver” behind him on a string. Sailing around the perimeter of the Caribbean is a group of ships labeled “Debt Collector” and “Sheriff.”

Roosevelt believed that while the coercive power wielded by the United States could be harmful in the wrong hands, the Western Hemisphere’s best interests were also the best interests of the United States. He felt, in short, that the United States had the right and the obligation to be the policeman of the hemisphere. This belief, and his strategy of “speaking softly and carrying a big stick,” shaped much of Roosevelt’s foreign policy.

respond to the inquiry lesson question using specific information, examples, and evidence from the artifacts.explain how rulers used a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power in land-based empiresfrom 1450 to 1750.


Rulers used art, monumental architecture and religious ideas to legitimize and consolidate their power in land-based empires from 1450 to 1750.

Large empires were built during the Imperial Expansion period by the growing use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade. Manchu in Central and East Asia; Mughal in South and Central Asia; Ottoman in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa; and Safavid in the Middle East were among the land-based empires.

War between states were happening beacuse of political and theological disagreements. The division between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims was made worse by political rivalry between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires.

To learn more about land-based empires refer here


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