In lab you submerge 100 g of iron nails at 40 0C in 100 g of water at 20 0 C. Specific heat of iron is 0.12 cal/g∙0C. Equate the heat gained by water to the heat lost by nails and show that the final temperature of water becomes 22.1 0C.


Answer 1

Let T be the final temperature of water and nails (iron).

Given that the initial temperature of 100 g nails, [tex]T_{1F}=40^{\circ}C[/tex].

Specific heat of the iron, [tex]C_F=0.12 cal/g^{\circ}C[/tex].

So, the heat lost by nails [tex]= mC_F(T_{1F}-T}[/tex]

[tex]=100\times 0.12 \times (40-T)\cdots(i)[/tex]

The initial temperature of 100 g water, [tex]T_{1w}=20^{\circ}C.[/tex]

Specific heat of water, [tex]C_w=1 cal/g^{\circ}C[/tex]

So, the heat gained by water [tex]= mC_w(T-T_{1w}}[/tex]

[tex]=100\times 1 \times (T-20)\cdots(ii)[/tex]

As the exergy is conserved, so

the heat lost by the nails = the heat gained by the water

From equation (i) and (ii), we have

[tex]100\times 0.12 \times (40-T)=100(T-20)[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow 0.12(40-T)=T-20[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow 0.12\times 40 -120T=T-20[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow 0.12T+T=4.8+20[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow 1.12T=24.8[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow T=24.8/1.12= 22.1^{\circ}C[/tex]

Hence, the final temperature of both, iron nails as well as water, become [tex]22.1^{\circ}C[/tex].

Related Questions

when a car suddenly stops,the objects in the backseat are thrown forward.this is explained by-

A.Newton's first law of motion
B.Newton's second law of motion
C.Newton's third law of motion
D.the universal law of gravitation


Answer:law of interia(1st law)


please help

a puck moves 2.35 m/s in a -22 degree direction a hockey stick pushes it for .215 s changing its velocity to 6.42 m/s in a 50 degree direction. What is delta x?





Find: Δx

Δx = ½ (v + v₀) t

Δx = ½ (4.127 m/s + 2.179 m/s) (0.215 s)

Δx = 0.678 m

I don’t know what the answer is.



Hey buddy, here is your answer. Hope it helps you.


Solids.Sound travels fastest through solids. This is because molecules in a solid are packed against each other. When a vibration begins, the molecules of a solid immediately collide and the compression wave travels rapidly.Sound moves slowest through a gas. That’s because the molecules in a gas are spaced very far apart. In order for sound to travel through air, the floating molecules of matter must vibrate and collide to form compression waves. Because the molecules of matter in a gas are spaced far apart, sound moves slowest through a gas.

Sound travels faster in liquids than in gases because molecules are packed more closely together. This means that when the water molecules begin to vibrate, they quickly begin to collide with each other forming a rapidly moving compression wave.

Los satélites de televisión giran alrededor de la Tierra en una órbita de 42370 km de radio. a) ¿Cuánto vale la aceleración de la gravedad en esa órbita? (Resultado: g = 0,22 m/s2 ) b) ¿Cuánto pesará allí un satélite de 1200 kg? (Resultado: P = 264 N) Datos: G = 6,67 10-11 Nm2 /kg masa de la Tierra: 6 1024 kg



(a) La aceleración de la gravedad en esa órbita es 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]

(b) Un satélite de 1,200 kg pesará allí 264 N.


(a) Cada punto del espacio tiene un  valor del campo proporcional a la función, siguiendo el modelo de gravitación de Newton:

[tex]g=G*\frac{m}{r^{2} }[/tex]

donde m será masa, r  la distancia entre los objetos y G la constante de gravitación universal, cuyo valor es [tex]G=6.672*10^{-11}\frac{N*m^{2} }{kg }[/tex]

En este caso:

m= 6*10²⁴ kgr=42,370 km= 42,370,000 m


[tex]g=6.672*10^{-11}\frac{N*m^{2} }{kg }*\frac{6*10^{24}kg }{(42,370,000 m)^{2} }[/tex]

Resolviendo, obtenes:

g= 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]

La aceleración de la gravedad en esa órbita es 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]

(b) La ley fundamental de la dinámica o segunda ley de Newton expresa que la fuerza neta que es aplicada sobre un cuerpo es proporcional a la aceleración que adquiere en su trayectoria.  Esto se expresa matemáticamente como:

F= m*a

en donde  F es fuerza neta , m la masa y a la aceleración.

El peso es la fuerza que ejerce la gravedad sobre una masa, por lo que se obtiene de manera análoga a la fuerza:


En este caso la masa m tiene un valor de 1,200 kg y la gravedad g un valor de 0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex].


P=1,200 kg*0.22 [tex]\frac{m}{s^{2} }[/tex]


P= 264 N

Un satélite de 1,200 kg pesará allí 264 N.

how is force spread over long and short durations of time?


I think you're having trouble with it only because of how you're trying to look at it.

Don't try to imagine "spreading force" over time. Just think about how long the force lasts !

Like . . .

If you push your doll stroller for 5 seconds, you'll get it up to a certain speed.

Next time, if you push it again with the same force, but you keep pushing for TEN seconds, you'll get it up to a faster speed.


(force • time) = impulse.

You gave it more impulse the second time, so it got more momentum from you.

Which statement is supported by the information in the diagram and table below?






hey pls help with this HDJSJDH im rlly bad at this kinda stuff :,) i'll mark the correct answer brainliest


I am pretty sure it’s A
The cue exerts force onto the white ball which pushes the blue ball into the direction of the hole.


A. Cue, White Ball, Blue Ball


Visualize in which order things are being hit

Which is the balanced equation for Sg + O2 → SO2?
OS: + 016 — 8S02
O S₂ + O₂S₃ + O₂
O S8+ O₂S₂O₂
O Sg + 802 8S02


The balanced equation for S(g) + O₂ → SO₂ is as follows: S₈ + 8O₂ → 8SO₂ (option C).

What is a balanced equation?

A balanced equation is a chemical equation in which the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation are the same.

This means that the number of the atoms involved in the reactants side is equal to the number of atoms in the products side.

Balancing chemical equations involves the addition of stoichiometric coefficients to the reactants and products.

According to this question, sulfur reacts with oxygen gas to produce sulfur dioxide as follows:

S₈ + O₂ → SO₂

The balanced chemical equation is as follows:

S₈ + 8O₂ → 8SO₂

Learn more about balanced equation at:


A rocket, initially at rest on the ground, accelerates straight upward from rest with constant (net) acceleration 53.9 m/s2 . The acceleration period lasts for time 6.00 s until the fuel is exhausted. After that, the rocket is in free fall.

Find the maximum height ymax reached by the rocket. Ignore air resistance and assume a constant free-fall acceleration equal to 9.80 m/s2 .



maximum height reach by rockect =970.2metre


a ball accelerate downward at 9.8 m/s2 with 1.7 of force. What is the mass of the ball?



0.14 kg


m=F/a = (1.4N/9.8 m/s/s) =0.14 kg

Amanda studies a waveform. She labels parts of the waveform using variables (P,Q,R, and S), as shown in the image.
Which label part represents the wavelength





To know which symbol defines the wavelength, we must know the definition of wavelength.

Wavelength can be defined as the distance between two successive crests (i.e the highest part) or troughs (the lowest part) of a wave.

Considering the diagram given above, Q shows the distance between two successive crests (i.e the highest part) of the wave. Therefore, Q is the wavelength of the wave given in the diagram above.

When dribbling you should?
a. Use both feet.

b.Use frequent small touches of the ball.

C.Protect the ball with your body.

D. All of the above.


D all of the above (:

3. Four projectiles, A, B, C, and D, were launched from, and returned to, level ground.
The data table below shows the initial horizontal speed, initial vertical speed, and
time of flight for each projectile.
Data Table
Projectile Initial Horizontal Speed (m/s) Initial Vertical Speed (m/s) Time of Flight (s)
Which projectile traveled the greatest horizontal distance? [Neglect friction.]


Answer is D

Taking the test rn and found out the answer

The projectile D traveled the greatest horizontal distance.

What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle that is projected near the Earth's surface and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only.

What is projectile horizontal distance?

Horizontal range of a projectile is the horizontal distance travelled by the projectile between launch and the landing points.

The projectile horizontal distance is depend on horizontal speed and time in air.

In all these four projectile, projectile D has maximum horizontal speed and time in air.

To know more about Projectile here


What is the speed of a car that
accelerates at a rate of 10 m/s2 for a
total of 25 seconds?



250 m/s


The speed of the car can be found by using the formula

v = a × t


a is the acceleration

v is the speed

t is the time

From the question we have

v = 10 × 25

We have the final answer as

250 m/s

Hope this helps you

What two things must you know to describe the motion of an object? __________________________________________________________________________

Distance is _________________________________________________________________

What is the displacement of a cyclist, who travels 1 mile north, then 1 mile east, and finally 1 mile south? ___________________________

Define speed ________________________________________________________________

How do speed and velocity differ? ______________________________________________

How do velocities combine? In opposite directions? ________________________________ In the same direction? ________________________________________________________

A river flows at a velocity of 3 km/h relative to the riverbank. A boat moves upstream at a velocity of 15 km/h relative to the river. What is the velocity of the boat relative to the riverbank? ___________________________________

The rate at which velocity changes is called ________________________

True or false? Acceleration is the result of increases or decreases in speed.

A horse on a carousel that is moving at a constant speed is accelerating because _________________________________________________________________________

True or false? When the final velocity is less than the initial velocity of an object, the acceleration is negative.

The total distance traveled divided by the total time is _______________________

What are some common units for speed (give at least two) _____________ ___________

Define velocity ____________________________________________________________

Define acceleration _________________________________________________________

A quantity that has both magnitude and direction is called a _________________.

On a distance-time graph speed is a ____________ line and thus a ____________ graph.

On a distance-time graph acceleration is a ___________ line and thus a _______________ graph.



velocity is vector Quantity

Which of the following statements is true?

If a hypothesis is proven false, a mistake has been made in the experiment.

The independent variable is what changes as a result of the dependent variable.

Changes in the independent variable cause changes in the dependent variable.

Once a hypothesis is proven true, it becomes a theory and cannot be disproved.



[tex]Changes \: in \: the \: independent \: variable \: cause \\ changes \: in \: the \: dependent \: variable.[/tex]

how do the early efforts of women during the suffrage movement compare to the later years


The idea that women's liberation is also men's liberation arouses the awakening of feminism. In 1966 Frieden and other feminists founded the National Organization for Women. Then other women's organizations for equal rights were formed in the United States and Western Europe. These organizations sought to overturn discriminatory laws and practices that forced women to hold down their status, such as discrimination in matters of contract and property ownership, employment and wages, the treatment of wage income, and issues relating to sex and child-bearing. The growing feminist movement more broadly seeks to change social stereotypes that women are more vulnerable, passive and dependent, less rational and emotionally reactive than men. Feminism strives for greater freedom for women in the workplace and makes them financially and psychologically independent of men, if they wish. Feminists criticized society's general emphasis on women as objects of sexual desire and sought to raise women's awareness and expand their opportunities in order to achieve equality with men. Another objective of feminism is to promote women's participation in all areas of political decision-making and social life.

A man has a mass of 66 kg on Earth. What is his weight in Newtons?



answer is 66 kilograms-force = 647.2389 newtons



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 646.8 \ Newtons }}[/tex]


Weight in Newtons can be found by multiplying the mass times the acceleration of gravity.


The mass of the man is 66 kilograms on Earth.

Earth has an acceleration of gravity that is 9.8 meters per square second.

[tex]m= 66 \ kg \\g=9.8 \ m/s^2[/tex]

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]W=66 \ kg *9.8 \ m/s^2[/tex]


[tex]W=646.8 \ kg*m/s^2[/tex]

1 kg * m/s² is equal to 1 Newton, therefore our answer of 646.8 kg *m/s² is also equal to 646.8 Newtons, or N.

[tex]W=646.8 \ N[/tex]

The man's weight in Newtons in 646.8 Newtons.

Adhira loves to ride her bike around the neighborhood. She starts riding 1.2 miles at 30° S of E. Then, she rides another 2.0 miles at 20° W of S. Next, she rides 1.6 miles at 30° S of W. And finally, she rides 2.6 miles at 15° W of N. What is her final displacement from her starting point?



D = 1.8677 miles , θ = 24.28º at South of West


This is an exercise in adding vectors, the easiest way to solve them is to decompose the vectors and add each component algebraically. Let's use trigonometry

first displacement. d = 1.2 miles to 30º south of East

     cos ( 360-30) = cos (-30) = x₁ / d

     sin (-30) = y₁ / d

     x₁ = d cos (-30)

     y₁ = d sin (-30)

     x₁ = 1.2 cos (-30) = 1,039 miles

     y₁ = 1.2 sin (-30) = -0.6 miles

second shift. d = 2.0 miles to 20º West of South

       cos (270-20) = x₂ / d

       cos (250) = y₂ / d

       x₂ = 2.0 cos 250 = -0.684 miles

       y₂ = 2.0 sin250 = -1.879 miles

Third displacement. d = 1.6 miles to 30º South of West

       cos (180 + 30) = x₃ / d

       sin (210) = y₃ / d

       x₃ = 1.6 cos 210 = -1.3856 miles

       y₃ = 1.6 sin 210 = -0.8 miles

Fourth displacement. d = 2.6 miles to 15º West of North

       cos (90 + 15) = x₄ / d

       sin (105) = y₄ / d

       x₄ = 2.6 cos 105 = -0.6729 miles

       y₄ = 2.6 sin 105 = 2,511 miles

having all the components we add

x-axis  (West-East direction)

       X = x₁ + x₂ + x₃ + x₄

       X = 1.039 -0.684 - 1.3846 - 0.6729

       X = -1.7025 miles


       Y = y₁ + y₂ + y₃ + y₄

       Y = -0.6 -1.879 -0.8 +2.511

       Y = -0.768

The modulus of this displacement is we use the Pythagorean theorem

      D = √ (X² + Y²)

      D = √ (1.7025² + 0.768²)

      D = 1.8677 miles

let's use trigonometry to find the direction

       tan θ = Y / X

       θ = tan⁻¹ Y / x

       θ = tan⁻¹ (0.768 / 1.7025)

       θ = 24.28º

as the two components are negative this angle is in the third quadrant

therefore in cardinal direction form is

         θ = 24.28º at South of West

Which situation has the most potential energy
a 100 kg student diving from 2 meters off the water
a 100 kg student diving from 3 meters off the water
a 200 kg student diving from 2 meters off the water
a 200 kg student diving from 3 meters off the water




Explanation: you are staying longr to jump 3 meters than one meter

Which Sl units are combined to describe energy?
A. Kilograms and m/s2
B. Kilograms and joules
C. Kilograms and m/s2
D. Kilograms and meters



kilograms and m²/s²


The SI units combined to describe energy is kilograms and m²/s² ;

  Energy can be derived from;

Potential energy  = mgh

   Units               = kg x m/s² x m

                          = kg m²/s²

Even if we use kinetic energy, we still get kg m²/s²

A man travels 25 kilometers in 15 minutes. A police officer stops him and
writes a ticket for speeding. The posted speed limit is 80 kilometers per
hour. Did the man exceed the posted speed limit?





cuz 15x2=30 30x2=60 60=1 hour, and the limited is 80 km per hour


15x4=60 25x4=100

so yes

he was going 100km per hour

what inflammatory molecule aids with muscle building and is released when muscles experience microscopic damage?





Cytokines are known as inflammatory molecules which are also proteinous and aid signaling of certain processes and conditions in the body.

They are also normally involved in aiding muscle building and are released when muscles experience microscopic damage which may lead to the muscles being sore.

Device A has a current of 0.4 A and a resistance of 3 Ω. Device B has a current of 0.6 A and a resistance of 3Ω. Which device would be more energy efficient?


Your answer would be Device A.


Device A because it would use more voltage :D



A load is a device that changes electrical energy into other forms of energy. Which load converts electrical energy into thermal energy by passing an electric current through a high-resistance material?

Hand-powered generator



Electrical drill



A toaster because you plug it up for electric energy and heat to toast it

Which TWO statements about the substances in the experiment are true?

A. Quartz is harder than chalk.
B. Water has a higher surface tension than salty water.
C. Soapy water has a higher surface tension than plain water.
D. Graphite is harder than quartz.



answer A and B

A. Quartz is harder than chalk.

B. Water has a higher surface tension than salty water.


did the test !

The two statements about the substances in the experiment are true are

Quartz is harder than chalk and the Water has a higher surface tension than salty water. Therefore the correct options are option A and option B.

What is the matter?

Anything which has mass and occupies spaces is known as matter, mainly there are four states of matter solid liquid gases, and plasma.

These different states of matter have different characteristics according to which they vary their volume and shape.

The hardness of quartz is more than that of chalk.

The surface tension is because of the cohesive force of the molecules among them, surface tension can be defined as force per unit length and represented in the unit N/s.

The cohesive force of attraction is more in water as compared to that of salty water therefore the surface tension of the water is more than that of salty water.

The two statements about the substances in the experiment are true are

Quartz is harder than chalk and the Water has a higher surface tension than salty water. Therefore the correct options are option A and option B.

learn more about the matter here


hey guys, l need some help! what is the weight of potatoes of mass 75 kg on the surface of the earth? (g=9.8m/s square) ans=735N l need process





Weight is a measurement of force.

F = Force

m = mass

a = acceleration

F = m*a

F = 75kg*9.8m/s²

F = 735N

Athlete’s foot is also called...
A.) pedicure sickness Not Quite!
B.) runner’s bacteria Not Quite!
C.) toe virus Not Quite!
D.) tinea pedis



Your answer is: D) Tinea Pedis


Hope this helped : )

which theory is a famous for quantum physics ​


the quantum mechanics theory

30.) We observe motion by using a *blank* of *blank*. ​



Point of Reference


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