In Of Mice and Men, based on the dialogue in the reading excerpt, Lennie struggles mainly with ___________. Question 16 options: a) cooking food b) depression c) paying attention to George d) remembering things


Answer 1

Answer: Remembering things.


Of Mice and Men is a novella that's written by John Steinbeck. The novella narrates the experience of two displaced migrant whom were ranch workers who were looking for jobs in California during the Great Depression.

The men searching for jobs were Lennie Small and George Milton. Based on the dialogue in the reading excerpt, Lennie struggles mainly with remembering things.

The correct option is D.

Answer 2


remembering things


Related Questions

How does the information complete the ideas in the text


it just explains and tells the importance of the idea

Which would be the best approach to concluding a personal narrative? (3 points) End the narration with the last action you remember. Review the key point and reflect on how the event changed you. Suggest you may never understand what happened to you. Tell readers it is their job to make sense of the event. 18.



B. Review the key point and reflect on how the event changed you.


Reviewing the main idea gives a fresh remembrance in the reader's head, and allows them to gain their own opinions or thoughts.

misused/ disused
An airport ... since its closure 10 years before was used for car-racing.



An airport came


I hope it helps choose me the brainest

Which is a legacy of the Enlightenment?

A. The desire for humans to improve society

B. The knowledge that humans are basically evil

C. The need for humans to obey cruel rulers

D. The belief that humans must accept things as they are

I give Brainliest for the right answer





write a composition about the day i lost my bus fare​



The day I lost my wallet

When I was seven years old, I was given a small wallet to keep my pocket-money in. It made me feel grown up and I carried it proudly in my hip pocket.

One day, during recess in school, I discovered that my wallet was missing. I searched all my pockets but could not find it. There were a couple of ringgit or so in the wallet and without it I could not buy anything to eat.

I was close to tears. It was not so much because of losing my precious wallet but because I might get a scolding from my parents. Anyhow I went hungry that day.

After recess I was in no mood to study at all. I kept thinking about how I lost my wallet and what my parents would do to me. How was I going to explain the loss? I did not know whether someone had pinched it from my pocket or it had merely fallen out. I prayed that someone would find it and return it to me.

My prayers came to nought. Fortunately I did not have to pay to get on my school bus. My fare was paid for monthly.

When I told my mother about my loss, she was clearly angry. I received a long lecture about my carelessness. When my father came home, I received another lecture. Also I was told that there would not be any more wallets for me until I got older.

So for the rest of the year and two years following, I carried my pocket-money (which became only a ringgit) in my pocket, without any wallet. I am glad to say I never lost any money again. I had learned to be more careful. It is not pleasant to lose something and then get scolded for losing it.

ringgit A basic unit of currency in Malaysia.

mood A temporary state of mind or feeling

nought nothing

The composition describes the day the author lost their bus fare and the panic and frustration they felt. They were saved by a kind stranger named Mark who offered to pay for their bus fare. This act of kindness restored their faith in humanity and inspired them to pay it forward in their own life.

It was a typical Monday morning as I rushed out of my house, trying to catch the bus to school. As I reached the bus stop, I realized that I had forgotten to grab my wallet, which contained my bus fare. Panic set in as I watched the bus approaching. I desperately searched through my pockets, hoping to find some spare change, but to no avail.

Feeling frustrated and defeated, I watched the bus pass by, leaving me stranded at the stop. Thoughts of being late for class and the consequences that would follow filled my mind. I contemplated walking to school, but the distance was too great, and time was running out.

As I stood there, contemplating my options, a kind stranger approached me. He must have sensed my distress and asked if I needed help. Hesitant at first, I explained my predicament. To my surprise, he offered to pay for my bus fare. Grateful beyond words, I accepted his generous offer.

We boarded the next bus together, and during the journey, we engaged in a friendly conversation. I learned that his name was Mark and that he believed in helping others whenever he could. His act of kindness not only saved me from being late but also restored my faith in humanity.

Arriving at my school, I thanked Mark profusely, and he simply smiled and wished me luck. That day, I learned a valuable lesson about the power of compassion and the impact a small act of kindness can have on someone's day.

Losing my bus fare may have initially seemed like a disaster, but it ended up being a reminder that there are still good-hearted people in the world. It taught me to be more mindful and prepared, but also to be open to the kindness of strangers.

Since that day, I have made it a point to pay it forward whenever I can. Whether it's helping someone in need or simply offering a kind word, I strive to make a positive difference in someone's day, just as Mark did for me.

The day I lost my bus fare will always serve as a reminder of the importance of empathy and the potential impact we can have on each other's lives. It taught me to look beyond my own struggles and to be there for others, no matter how small the gesture may seem.

To know more about faith here


A story was being told by him ( change into active voice)​


he was telling a story.(active voice)


active voice: He was telling a story


What is significant about Orwell's depiction of the hard-working woman in the courtyard?



She sings despite her hardship, convincing Winston that the proles are truly human. Love is not encouraged or tolerated.


mary wear a new hat when suddenly the wind blow it away
(using the correct form of verb)



can u plz mark me as brilliant please

Which of the following sentences uses sequential organization?​



Because they’re giving a step my step process.

16. Recently educators that the computer makes the teaching and learning process more enjoyable and interactive.
A. concluded B. have concluded C. conclude D. will conclude
17. ____ you've made your own lifestyle more environmentally conscious, you can also engage in activism to help educate others on doing the same.
A. Although B. Once C. Because D. Before



16 is b and 17 b have concluded and once

Once you've made your own lifestyle more environmentally conscious, you can also engage in activism to help educate others on doing the same. Hence option A  and B  is correct .

What is Lifestyle ?

Making changes to your own lifestyle to reduce your environmental impact is an important step in creating a more sustainable world. However, it is not enough to simply make these changes and stop there.

One of the most effective ways to have a broader impact is to engage in activism and educate others on the importance of environmentally conscious living.

By sharing your knowledge and experience, you can inspire others to make changes in their own lives and contribute to a more sustainable future. This could involve talking to friends and family, volunteering with environmental organizations, or advocating for policy changes that promote sustainability.

It's important to remember that everyone has a role to play in protecting the environment, and collective action is essential for creating meaningful change. So once you've made changes in your own life, don't be afraid to speak up and encourage others to do the same. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable world for future generations.

Learn more about  Sentences here


You want to tell your English friend jack about your holiday . Write an email to jack in your email * Say where you are * Tell jack about the place * Ask jack about last holiday


Hey Jack! How've you been? I spent this Thanksgiving with my friends and  extended family at my cousin's house. I couldn't have been in a place that was more relaxing. How was your holiday?

Dear Jack

I hope this E-mail finds you in good health and happiness. I want to tell you about where I went to spend holidays with my family. I went to Rishikesh and the weather was very peaceful there. On first day we went for river rafting and then next day to the main temple of that area. The next day we went to local market. It was a holiday well spent and I look forward to hearing from you about your last holiday.

Give my regards to your parents.

Yours sincerely


What is E-mail?

E-mail is the acronym for electronic mail. It can be used to exchange information via electronic gadgets like mobile phones and computers.

What is health?

Health is a state of overall well-being of a person.

Learn more about E-mail here


What were the transitory freedoms Mandela wanted when he was a student



By 'transitory freedoms', Mandela refers to the freedoms that are temporarily required. As a student, he wanted freedom only for himself. The freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what he pleased and go where he chose to.

Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time

Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things.

First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it.

Second, we need to watch the amount of water used at home. It can be conserved by taking short showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.

Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and reusing.

If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted.

Question 21. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to

the number



cutting down


The word "It" in paragraph 2 refers to the term "recycling"

This text  talks about good practices that should be followed at home to avoid polluting the environment, among which reuse, reduce and recycle, and not wastewater.

In the second paragraph, the author talks about recycling, as a practice that allows reusing some products such as paper, and others.

In this paragraph (second paragraph) the author uses the word "it" to refer to recycling as an antecedent, this can be known because this is the main topic of this paragraph and in the first sentence he uses it as the main subject "Recycle can also reduce the number of trees cut down to produce paper products" and then refers to this same activity with the subject "it".

Additionally, the options "the number", "effort" and "cutting down" are not the correct answer because they are not specific concepts discussed in paragraph 2.

Learn more in:

một xe máy đi từ a đến b với vận tốc trung bình là 40 km/h lúc về người đó đi đường khác dài hơn lúc đi 10 km nhưng đường dễ đi hơn nên xe đi với vận tốc trung bình 50 km/h vì vậy thời gian về ít hơn thời gian đi 15 phút tính quãng đường ab lúc đi



type english


In my city, there are many organizations for the youth who want to contribute their enthusiasm to the society. My classmates and I joined the (1)………………Union Club two months (2)………………We went to the area where most poor families live to help them tidy (3)………………their gardens and houses. We (4)………………help to build new houses for the homeless. Our club works very effectively and attracts many (5)……………… to take (6)………………in because it is not necessary for members to have any experience in the job. We (7)………………only their willingness and (8)………………for the miserable.

Note: enthusiasm : sự nhiệt tình /willingness: sự tự nguyện / the miserable: người bất hạnh
1. a. Young b. Youth c. Youthful d. Younger
2. A. yesterday b. past c. last d. ago
3. A. in b. down c. up d. to
4. A. and b. then c. also d. but
5. A. volunteers b. voluntary c. voluntarily d. volunteer
6. A. past b. part c. pass d. passed
7. A. need b. are needing c. needs d. needed
8. A. like b. love c. hate d. dislike


1. B
2. A
3. Down
4. Also
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B
Hope this helps *smiles*

15. My new job will mean …………………………………………. all over the world. (travel)



My new job will mean travelling all over the world.

B. Complete the sentences with the present simple forms of the be verb
A: Where are we now? B: You just in front of our house.
A: Are you hungry? B: Yes, I ....... a little bit hungry.
A: Is your sister at school? B: No, she at school.
A: Where are your parents? B: My mum and dad at work,
A: I think these stories are very interesting. B: Really? The stories interesting at all.​



I am a little bit hungry


Identify a career in a chosen career cluster, and write a résumé for an entry-level position in this field. Apply the résumé writing tips and techniques that you learned in this course. You may create experience and skills that you do not actually have, as long as they are a realistic illustration of what you would need in order to get an entry-level job in the chosen career.




This career field includes only one career cluster: the Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources career cluster. This career field has four career clusters. In business, management, and administration, you keep a business running.  Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications The Arts, A/V Technology and Communications cluster may be the best career cluster for creative people. It includes journalists, actors, dancers, singers, radio announcers and behind-the-scenes workers

Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may wish we had more of it but we all recognize it when we see it, whether in the form of coins, notes or cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people managed without money. In the earliest periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things they had plenty of for things that they were in need of. For example, they might offer food for tools. This method of exchange, which is known as “barter”, has many disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult to carry, they may not last long, or may be impossible to divide into smaller units. It can also be difficult to know the worth of something compared with other goods.

According to historians, the first money, in the sense we understand it today, consisted of gold coins produced about 2,500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was a suitable material. The introduction of gold coins was acceptable to everyone and they were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been replaced by paper money and coins made of ordinary metals.

1. In the old days, people exchanged………..

A. what they needed for what they had B. food for tools

C. what they had for what they needed D. goods for money

2. “barter” is a system of exchange in which ………

A. food is exchanged for tools B. no money is used

C. money is used to buy things D. goods are difficult to carry

3. Direct exchange of goods is ……. because some gods may be too big to carry.

A. advantageous B. precious C. impossible D. disadvantages

4. According to historians, the first money was ………

A. made of paper B. made of gold C. made of coins D. made of 2000 years ago

5. Modern money is made of ……….

A. gold B. paper or gold

C. ordinary metals D. paper or ordinary metals


Hey hun^^

Your answer is...

1. B food for tools

2. B no money is used

3. C impossable

4. B made of gold

5. D paper or gold

Hope I helped!


A, an or the I like french.​





How much do readers know about the narrator of chapters 2 of The Time Machine?
A. He is a fifteen year old black-smith.
B. That his name is Dash.
C. He is evil.
D. Nothing at all
Reset Selection



He is evil


he killed time machine

fill in the blanks with correct tenses
this book _______ many poems (have)​





This book has many poems.

Tense: present

Has because of present tense

German think of their country as a fatherland the word patriot In Latin is pater which means father, other including America think of their lands as motherland an the Latin word for that is mater instead of the word for father, what would call a person with deep love of our country?​



In Russian language, the word 'country' has a feminine gender. So talking about Russia in Russian it's natural to think about it as a mother, not a father. This ...

207 votes

Because “Russia” comes from “Rus”, the name of Nordic sea-faring robbers and traders ... More

14 votes

In Russian, there is no word that would be a literate translation of “mother-land”.

Explanation:hope thisss helpsss

Consider the different attitudes of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in this scene:
In what ways do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s thoughts and attitudes differ in this scene?



Macbeth was a little bit scared While

Lady Macbeth was a bad woman,who desired a high place.

The Cherry tree by Ruskin Bond why did they like to tree so much?​



They like tree so much because they had planted the seed themselves and had watched it grow into the trees.

Rewrite the semtences using the given word
1 : Yesterday/I / jaden / see/ on/way / come / home .
2 ; What/you/do / last /Monday /you/ look /tired / when/come/
uor house
You can add prepositions ,tobe...and then sort .Change back to the past for me



1.On my way home yesterday, I saw Jaden.

you look tired last Monday when you came. what did you do?

Which of the following is written correctly?
Select one:

The grocery store was out of raisins; Cynthia had to use something else.

The national park was closed; A tornado had damaged a large portion of it.

Frances won the local bike race; and took home the biggest trophy.

Sydney’s painting earned an honorable mention; which motivated Sydney to make a larger painting.



The last option is correct. option d

The last answer is the right answer I think

Which of the following is a synonym for obstacle





stumbling block













Which techniques are used specifically to create satire? Select three options.




Mimicry, reversal and exaggeration, are used specifically to create satire.

Please Mark me as brainlist

Today was my first time behind the wheel. My father was my instructor for the day, and he picked me up. We were reviewing road signs and practiced turn signals before we started




What we have to find

Other Questions
A block of mass 2 kg is launched by compressing a spring of force constant 1200 N/m. The block slides on a frictionless surface, up a 1 meter tall ramp, then it enters a region of rough surface. It comes to a stop after traveling 3 meters over the rough surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the rough surface is 0.40.Required:a. How many forces end up doing work on the block from release to stop?b. What is the total non-conservative work done on the block?c. What is the change in the spring potential energy of the block? Rewrite in simplest radical form the problem in the image below. Show and explain each step. Thank you for your time and help. what is the perimeterA) 20.3B)18.3C)24.3D)22.3 I'm so sorry I know this is long but can someone please help me with this?John is a 35-year-old male (he/him) administrative assistant who enjoys playing baseball on weekends. During one of their games, John began running from first to second base. As he pushed off to start running, John heard a pop and felt a sharp pain in his right calf as though he had just been kicked in the back of his leg. John fell to the ground and experienced significant pain when putting weight on his right leg. John tried to walk but had to be carried off the field and was taken to the emergency department. At the hospital, it was noted that John had significant swelling at the back of his right leg, had a palpable and visible deformity in the distal calf, and was only able to put small amounts of weight on his right leg. The emergency doctor squeezed the back of Johns right calf and noticed that the ankle would not plantarflex. An x-ray and blood work were ordered which came back without any significant findings.Case Study Questions:1. Explain the possible anatomical structures that were affected by the injury and how each relates to Johns presenting symptoms and test results (250 word maximum).2. Identify and explain three differential diagnoses (diseases or conditions that present similar signs and symptoms that could possibly account for the patient's symptoms) with appropriate justifications. After describing your three differential diagnoses, indicate the most likely diagnosis based on your analysis and provide rationale and support for your selection. 3. From an anatomy point of view:a) Propose a management plan for the most likely diagnosis. This should include the treatment options you would implement given your patient's presenting symptoms. You should provide short- and long-term goals for the patient and a timeline on when you would implement each treatment. There may be several possible treatments you could prescribe to your patient. Include support, justification, and evidence for your prescribed treatment(s) and management plan. b) Explain the effects of your management plan for your patient's condition. From the management plan you've proposed, what effects will each treatment have on the patient's anatomy? Include any positive and negative effects this plan may have on the patient. What are the main two reasons behind the dissolution of first historical constituent assembly of Nepal? 17. DEFG is a square. Find the valueof x. You are feeling overwhelmed by class this month. Who could you contact to provide help or advice? The least-squares regression equationy = 8.5 + 69.5x can be used to predict the monthly cost for cell phone service with x phone lines. The list below shows the number of phone lines and the actual cost.(1, $90)(2, $150)(3, $200)(4, $295)(5, $350)Calculate the residuals for 2 and 5 phone lines, to the nearest cent.The residual for 2 phone lines is $___The residual for 5 phone lines is $___ Describe the symmetry of the figure. Identify lines of symmetry, if any. Find the angle and the order of anyrotational symmetry. 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Please complete the blanks below with the corresponding symbol, < OR > than the critical value, your conclusion with respect to the null hypothesis of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, Retain or Reject.P value __ than 0.05Conclusion ___ the null hypothesis of HW equilibrium Write the fraction or mixed number as a decimal. An actin-binding protein called cofilin binds preferentially to ADP-containing actin filaments rather than ATP-containing actin filaments. Based on this preference, which is true? Question 7 options: Cofilin binds to the plus ends of treadmilling actin filaments. Cofilin competes with profilin for binding to actin. Cofilin binds to older actin filaments. Cofilin binds to the plus ends of actin filaments. Which of the following tenses do you need accompanying the subjunctive imperfect when you are expressing what you would do in a hypothetical situation? conditional past preterit present perfect One of the main goals of the Crusades was to:A. 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