In order to spread awareness on saving water amongst children of your school a video will be played in school hall. draft a notice for all the junior students 1st to 8th to see the video. you are the activity incharge your school.


Answer 1


Thanks for telling us about the video

Related Questions

HELP Describe one main ideas that walt whitman and Henry David have in common (read the picture for full question )



Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau possess strong beliefs about the essentials of human life. As romanticist writers in the 1800s, they espouse the value of self-reliance and desire for a return back to nature.


13. Is the word LAWYER in the following sentence a predicate nominative or a
predicate adjective?
My sister became a lawyer after years of study.



Predicate adjective...

Which statement offers a central idea of the poem "Spanish Dancer"?
O An observer is drawn to watch a performance of a stylish, ceremonial dance that expands and changes like a burning match.
O A bystander pauses to watch i
musical performance that begins like a small flickering flame and ends in fiery movements that sizzle.
A spectator examines how a dancer begins her steps with caution, but later gives her movements unrestrained execution.
O An onlooker observes an arrogant dancer as she begins her haughty dance but is too consumed by the frenzied rhythms to finish.



An onlooker observes an arrogant dancer as she begins her haughty dance but is too consumed by the frenzied rhythms to finish.


The waves pound the rocks and gradually break them up into sand. a. Simple b. Compound


a. Simple


This is a simple sentence

hope it helps!




have a good one

What’s middle ground in a composition?


The middleground is the space within a composition between the foreground and the background. In the shot composition above, it is the yellow-outlined space, which you can see juxtaposed against the red foreground (the obstructive bars) and the out-of-focus background.

Which of these thesis statements is restricted?

Cancer is a deadly disease.
Pets are a welcome addition in most homes.
Social Security is a tricky issue for any president.
Antibacterial products are unnecessary and may contribute to antibiotic resistance.



Cancer is a deadly disease.


15. Which of the following statements about slang is true?

A. Use slang frequently because it will provide evidence of popular words at the time of your writing.

B. You don't need to take your audience or purpose into account when using slang

C. Slang represents passing fads, so it should never be used in any type of writing

D. Slang often communicates your point correctly, but it's not appropriate for formal writing





slang often communicates your point correctly, but is not appropriate for formal writing... seems logically right, slang are words created and often used in speech to express something old in a new way but not appropriate for formal writing...

Answer the asnwer to your ansewr is d


determine which is past present peferct , present , past perfect , progressive , future perfect or future. Fastest and correct answer gets brainliest



1. Past perfect

2. Present perfect

3. present

4. Present

5. Future perfect

6. Present

7. Future


Hope it helps..

• (6) Mention the role of School Children to reduce nois Pollution​



children can help reduce noise pollution by avoiding shouting and running


Help help help help help help



Question 44 is answer B and question 45 is correct as D


the reason being that it is asking for objective language. the writer is giving a fact, using research, thus it is not "opinion" but factual. making it objective.

The following sentence is missing a necessary colon or contains an unnecessary
one. Select the answer option that will make the sentence correct. If the original
sentence is correct as is, select No change.
When Harry S. Truman ran for president in 1948, several factors supposedly were
working against him, the media, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey's
popularity, and Truman's own down-to-earth style.



When Harry S. Truman ran for president in 1948, several factors supposedly were working against him: the media, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey's popularity, and Truman's own down-to-earth style.


Colons are used before a list of items, which in this case are the factors working against Harry S. Truman.

He is a good student. He always ________ his hand.

A. rises

B. raises

C. arises

D. risen



he is a good student . he always raises his hand


B: raises


Select the correct text in the passage
Which detail best characterizes the narrator in the excerpt?
excerpt from A Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Jules Verne
But my uncle was not a man to be kept waiting so adjourning therefore all minor questions, I presented myself before him.
He was a very learned man. Now most persons in this category supply themselves with information, as peddlers do with goods, for the benefit of
others, and lay up stores in order to diffuse them abroad for the benefit of society in general. Not so my excellent uncle. Professor Hardwigg he
studied, he consumed the midnight oil, he pored over heavy tomes, and digested huge quartos and folios in order to keep the knowledge acquired
to himself.
There was a reason, and it may be regarded as a good one, why my uncle objected to display his learning more than was absolutely necessary; he
stammered; and when intent upon explaining the phenomena of the heavens, was apt to find himself at fault, and allude in such a vague way to
sun, moon, and stars that few were able to comprehend his meaning. To tell the honest truth, when the right word would not come, it was
generally replaced by a very powerful adjective.
As I said, my uncle, Professor Hardwigg, was a very learned man; and I now add a most kind relative. I was bound to him by the double ties of
affection and interest. I took deep interest in all his doings, and hoped some day to be almost as learned myself. It was a rare thing for me to be
absent from his lectures. Like him, I preferred mineralogy to all the other sciences. My anxiety was to gain real knowledge of the earth. Geology
and mineralogy were to us the sole objects of life, and in connection with these studies many a fair specimen of stone, chalk, or metal did we break
with our hammers.



D (on plato)


It was a rare thing for me to be absent from his lectures

It should be noted that the detail that best characterizes the narrator in the excerpt is

It was a rare thing for me to be absent from his lectures.

According to the question, we are to discuss the details that characterizes the narrator in the excerpt.

As a result of this we can see that the excerpt from "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" is about the absentism from lectures.

Learn more about excerpt at:

10. Ms. Dell will help her grow up and understand the world. *
A. up, and
B. up and
O C. correct as is





. Write an essay on the topic ‘Importance of Education in our life’



To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology. Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.


If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks


My explanation goes like this


As we all know that education plays a vital role in the human life . Education is important as person having education can be self dependent or they do not have to depend on other person for the living. If the person is educated then that person can have jobs and so he can easily earn money.

If the person is educated than that person know wrong activities are not good and that person avoid wrong activities .People having education are always respected and loved by others at home and in the society and person having education can be responsible in different situation .

Hope it helps you thank you

1. If I meet him, I (tell)______ him to come see you immediately
chia câu điều kiện loại 2



If I meet him, I will tell him to come see you immediately.


fill in the blank line with will tell

(The healing power of sad songs) What is this Article mainly about?
A. Although it might seem unlikely, listening to sad songs after a breakup or after any other kind of
serious loss can actually ease feelings of sadness and allow a person to process both good and bad
memories and move forward to emotional recovery.
B. One of the many proven benefits of "music-evoked sadness" is that music can actually give people
the opportunity to daydream and reminisce, most often about happier times in their lives or in their
C. In a recent experiment, participants who submerged their hands in ice-cold water while listening
to their preferred music were able to cope with the pain longer than people who listened to music
chosen for them or who heard no music at all.
D. Experts have pointed out that listening to only sad songs for an extended period of time can
reverse the advantages that those songs sometimes offer by allowing a person to wallow in grief when
it's time to let go of the past and move on.
on 2


the answer is d i took the test

9…Which of the following is sentence has the correct noun,pronoun and verb combination?
A..That bag is her’s but she has allowed the friend to take it ..
B..That bag is hers’ but she have allowed the friend to take it ..
C..That bag is hers but she have allowed the friend to take it ..
D..That bag is hers but she has allowed the friend to take it ..




D nhé

The sentence that correctly employs the combination of noun, verb, and pronoun would be:

D). That bag is hers but she has allowed the friend to take it.

The last sentence most adequately employs the nouns, pronouns, and the verb in agreement with each other. It correctly uses the pronoun 'hers' to refer to the 'she'(the girl)  and 'it' for the 'bag,' and the singular verb 'has' in agreement with the subject 'she'(singular).The first two options are incorrect because they wrongly employ apostrophes(') right before the conjunction.The third option is incorrect because it doesn't follow the subject-verb agreement.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'noun' here:

What is a pronoun and a noun



A noun is a word that is used to name a person, thing or place. A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun. When used in objective and nominative cases, a noun does not change its form. A pronoun changes its form in nominative and objective cases. For example, I saw stars.


Pronoun: a pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase.

Noun: A noun is a word that functions as the name of a specific object or set of objects, such as living creatures, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas. However, noun is not a semantic category, so it cannot be characterized in terms of its meaning.

Hope that helped

Which logical fallacy is found in this sentence?

"You should vote for Ryan Davenport for class president because so many of our friends think that he is the best choice."

A. false analogy
B. non sequitur
C. ad hominem
D. bandwagon appeal


Answer: c


She wants everyone to vote for him

Answer: D: bandwagon appeal


Date page Write an Defination or meaning equity
Equity Draw a Synonym . picture of it Antonym​



Equity means equal, fair, and justice. It means to give everyone the same or just resources as well as opportunities.

Synonym of Equity is rightness and fairness. Antonyms for this are imbalance or inequity.

Pictures are also attached

we couldn't buy the concert tickets becuse they were very expensive
the concert tickets were



The concert tickets were very expensive



A sentence is a group of words which makes an sense.

Parts of speech


In A Journey to the Center of the Earth if the Theory or Central Fire were true, what would be happening?
The humans would become roasted very quickly.
The rocks should become more solid as they get closer to the center of the Earth.
The temperature should be increasing as they descend into Earth.
The temperature should be decreasing as they descend into Earth.



the temperature should be increasing as they descend into earth


this is due to the underlying weight of crustal material

Nobody helps me in need. (into affirmative)​



everybody helps me in need

What skills as well as knowledge did and you learn in this Pandemic and why are these skills important for making your life meaningful and valuable?"​



Say you learned how to spend more time with family and friends you learned

how to keep your distance you manged to do your work while in the middle of a pandemic and you learned how to mange your time wisley

Hope it helps✌✌

3. Read the given text and do the activities given below. There are 30 different kinds of pet cats. They have different body shapes and sizes, colouring, fur length, eye colour, tail length, voice and temperament. House cats do not like swimming. Cats like to eat meat and will kill and eat small mammals, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and snakes. Cats started living with people over 7,000 years ago and still live with us today.,
A. Choose the correct answer.
a. Cats are kept as.
i. food iii. cars
b.Cats do not like.....
i. swimming ii. meat iii. people
c. How many kinds of cats are there?
i. 100 ii. 50 iii. 30 a. ii. pets
d. Cats like to eat.....
i. clouds ii. wood iii. meat​



A) pets

B) swimming

C) 30

D) clouds

Pls can I have brainliest?

Hope my answer helped

plan a special meal for 6 people



Indian special

dal bati....


mark me brillient

It’s a meal so there can be two to three dishes
1. One thing made of rice which is popular in that area
2. Some stuffed vegetables
3. A desert will do really good

Which sentence has a grammatical or spelling error?

A) If we find that we should've shipped your order sooner, you'll be eligible for a full refund.

B) When they finished eating, all the boy's faces were covered in tomato sauce.

C) Both are correct





When you read sentence A, it doesn't sound fluent.

When they finished eating, all the boy's faces were covered in tomato sauce is the incorrect sentence. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a grammatical or spelling error?

The systematic process of characters to create a word is referred to as spelling. The term won't be written correctly and won't understand if those characters were not really constructed appropriately. The proper placement of letters to create a phrase is referred to as grammar.

In this sentence, the in-corrections were about the singular and plural verb and noun which were related to they, all, and boys. They, the plural was employed incorrectly for a singular object boy, and as a result, it indicates a grammatical mistake.

The correct statement will be when they finished eating, all the boys' faces were covered in tomato sauce. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about grammatical or spelling errors, here:


Rina said to Tina, "I have something to show you "



a surprise gift


Which word doesn’t have a syllabic consonant?




fasten be i doesnt ou o sound cause there no o or u

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