In the following sentences underline the adjectives :
1. The dull walls and dingy carpet give the room a somber atmosphere.
2. The lonesome howl from a coyote came from the woods.
3. Bluefish give fisherman a good


Answer 1


1. The dull walls and dingy carpet give the room a somber atmosphere.

2. The lonesome howl from a coyote came from the woods.

 3. Bluefish give fisherman a good fight.


Adjectives refer to words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence.  Articles: a, an, and they are considered adjectives.

Related Questions

The number of students in our school ________ increasing. (is/are/have been)​





it is present continuous which is increase+ing and are for plural (students).

the correct answer is ‘are’

We went with Mr. Shimerda back to the dugout, where
grandmother was waiting for me. Before I got into the
wagon, he took a book out of his pocket, opened it,
and showed me a page with two alphabets, one
English and the other Bohemian. He placed this book
in my grandmother's hands, looked at her entreatingly,
and said, with an earnestness which I shall never
forget, "Te-e-ach, te-e-ach my Antonia!"
Which theme is best supported by the descriptive
details in this passage from My Antonia?
Many immigrants have limited education.
Education is important to Mr. Shimerda.
Education is part of the dream of immigrants.
Antonia is not a good student.




what are you trying to ask us


I believe its Education is important to Mr. Shimerda.


please help me I can't understand ​



1. is held

2. is respected

3. are required celebrated

5.are not allowed

hope this helps ❤

When the audience finally sees Paris and Juliet interact in Act IV of Romeo and
Juliet, how does Juliet act around Paris?
O A. Fearful
B. Indifferent
C. Loving
D. Hateful



B. Indifferent


"Juliet responds indifferently, showing neither affection nor dislike. She remarks that she has not married him yet."

Juliet acted around Paris in an indifferent way. The audience felt Juliet's behavior to be indifferent while discussing Romeo as stated in option (B).

Why does Juliet act indifferent in Act IV?

Paris' actions toward Juliet reveal his readiness and willingness to wed her the following Thursday. She is referred to as "my lady and my wife" and "love" by him.

He begs her not to deny that she loves him (which she obviously does not) and appears enthusiastic.

Juliet will comply with her mother's demands, but she won't make an effort to develop feelings for Paris.

Juliet is propelled headlong toward adulthood by her first encounter with Romeo.

Romeo makes hasty decisions and has a tendency to romanticize things, but Juliet can see this despite her intense love for him and can criticize him.

Therefore, Juliet's relationship with Paris makes her character feel indifferent to the audience in Act IV. Therefore, option (B) is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn more about Act IV of Romeo Juliet;


Knowledge will give you power but good character will give you respect’. Interpret it in your own words.​



This proverb was given by the famous Hollywood actor Bruce Lee. It means that if you have knowledge, you can do many things. Knowledge makes you powerful. But if you have character, people will respect you. Knowledge will not make you look into your reflection in the mirror, the strength of your character will. Character gives you the courage to keep your head up with pride and honour, something that knowledge will not always give.If you have knowledge and you know how to put it into use, you have the key to many things in this world. With knowledge comes power. But if you don’t have character, no amount of knowledge will get you your true respect. Respect is something that you have to deserve, to earn with your actions. You have to be worthy to have someone’s respect. Knowledge can’t make anyone think well of you or to respect you. It can’t make you control what others think of you. It is only the character that will make you worthy of true respect. Character gives you a life of honour and integrity. It makes you respected by everyone, even by those who don’t like you.

you are attempting to convince an audience that animal testing is morally wrong



In today's society it's easy for us to use animals as an easy access to testing out our makeup, medicine or products, but we forget we too are animals. We are made up from the same animal cells that the animals we are testing on, where have we gone wrong? Are we forgetting that animals have feelings and are able to feel pain? We put so many animals through unimaginable suffering and lock them up in testing labs to be tortured just to see if the new lipstick will affect us. We have already lost the lives of many animals due to this cruel way of testing, we don't need new shampoos or perfumes, stop testing on innocent animals

Find and correct the mistake
: 1. Animals were first dominated for food, and later become a source of skin, fur and wool.
2. He was doing a crossword puzzle while he is waiting for the train.
3. The children did their homework when their father came back from the office. 4. He played the guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water.
5. What did you do between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday? I was cleaning my house. I always clean my house on Sunday mornings. ​



1. become=became

2. is=was

3. when=while

4. when=until

5. was cleaning =cleaned (probably)

Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.
A. Cultural. C. Landline
B. Interact. D. Language


Note : This is not an answer. My dear friend, could you please be more specific? What is the underlined part? Reply in the comment section below. Thank you!!

The bridge .... by french architects is very nice


The bridge designed by french architects is very nice

4. SPEAKING Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 What other fun sports events have you heard of?
2 What do you do to stay fit and healthy?
3 What do you think you should do more of?​




I have heard of football and archery


I play sports


I think I should do more of travelling world and one day I will do

This province produces great quantities of excellent white incense, and also dates in great abundance. No grain is grown here except rice, and not much of that; but it is imported from abroad at a big profit. Fish is plentiful, notably tunnies of large size, which are so abundant that two of them can be bought for a Venetian groat. The staple diet consists of rice, meat, and fish. . . . As for the incense of which I have spoken, which grows here in such profusion, the lord buys it for 10 gold bezants a cantar and then sells it to foreign merchants and others for 40 bezants a cantar. The lord of Shihr does this on behalf of the sultan of the province of Aden. For the sultan of Aden has incense bought up throughout his dominions at the price of 10 bezants and afterwards sold at 40 from which he derives an immense profit.

Which detail best indicates the author's opinion of the incense that this province produces?

The author notes that the incense is produced in "great quantities."
The author uses the phrase "immense profit" to describe the value of the incense.
The author includes the detail that the lord "sells it to foreign merchants."
The author uses the word "excellent" to describe the incense grown in the province.


It can be inferred that the detail that best indicates the author's opinion of the incense that this province produces is: "The author notes that the incense is produced in "great quantities." (Option A)

What is an inference?

When a conclusion is reached after the rational examination of the facts from a text, the conclusion is called an inference.

Hence it is right to state that  the detail that best indicates the author's opinion of the incense that this province produces is: "The author notes that the incense is produced in "great quantities."

Learn more about inferences at;

7. The police believe that the suspect plans to before the trial, so they will keep a watch on her.



và bắt tên trộm


A. serene
B. hearty
C. gruesome
D. jaunty
E. dreary


Answer:  what? didn't understand



festive time we welcome our guest hearty

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail shows a foreshadowing structure in the text?
A Day's Lodging
by Jack London (adapted excerpt)
He urged the dogs to their work again. He had travelled on the frozen surface of a great river. Behind him it stretched away in a mighty curve of many miles, losing itself in
a fantastic jumble of mountains, snow-covered and silent. Ahead of him the river split into many channels to accommodate the freight of islands it carried on its breast.
These islands were silent and white; no animals nor humming insects broke the silence; no birds flew in the chill air. There was no sound of man, nor mark of the
handiwork of man---the world slept.
John Messner seemed succumbing to the apathy of it all as the frost was benumbing his spirit. He plodded on with bowed head, unobservant, mechanically rubbing nose
and cheeks, and batting his steering hand against the gee-pole in the straight trail-stretches. But the dogs were observant, and suddenly they stopped, turning their heads
and looking back at their master out of eyes that were wistful and questioning. Their eyelashes were frosted white, as were their muzzles, and they had all the seeming of
decrepit old age, what of the frost-rime and exhaustion.



The correct text in the passage which details a foreshadowing structure is

"There was no sound of man, nor a mark of the handiwork of man---the world slept."


Foreshadowing in literature refers to the hint at an impending problem, happenstance, or sudden change or turn of events.

Writers usually achieve this via the dialogue between characters', comments by the narrator which. Sometimes the narrator can make reference to a prophecy. A prophecy can also be put forward using one of the characters.

In this case, the foreshadowing came via the narrator.

Notice from the excerpt that it starts by saying "he (John Messner) urged the dogs to their work again.

He (the traveler, John Mesner) must have been in transit from to or from the lodging, using a sled driven by dogs for this was hinted at in the opening sentence of the excerpt.

Fast forward to sentence 6, the narrator states "There was no sound of man, no mark of the handiwork of man---the world slept."

If there was no sound of a man... that must have included the traveler either at the time when the observation was made or much later in the actual occurrence when the dogs, observant, suddenly stopped, turning heads and looked back at their masters mournfully. [See sentence 9]

For more about foreshadowing please see the following link:



"suddenly they stopped, turning their heads and looking back at their master out of eyes that were wistful and questioning"



What is a Democracy.​



A Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

What is an advantage of doing an apprenticeship program?

A. You receive hands-on experience with little supervision.

B. It combines classroom studies with on-the-job training.

C. You can easily transfer to a four-year college.

D. It offers the opportunity to continue on to earn a master’s degree.



B. It combines classroom studies with on-the-job training.

Which of the following parts of an essay contains a topic sentence? A. conclusion B. body C. introduction D. all of the these








A topic sentence is a sentence that introduces a paragraph by presenting the one topic that will be the focus of that paragraph. You introduce your topic in the introduction, explain various parts of the topic in the body, and revisit the topic in the conclusion. Therefore, a good essay will have a topic sentence in all of the above.

Hope this was helpful! :)

he complains about being treated unfairly .
-> Don't let



what do you want to do in this question

Don’t let it bother you just move on.

In the following sentences underline the correct form of the word used in the
parenthesis :

1. (Who, Whom ) is our new foreign language teacher ?

2. (Who, Whom will you choose to represent us ?

3. About (Who whom) are you speaking ?

4. Whose), Who's ) pen did
you borrow ?

5. (Who, Whom) did you ask about the football tickets?



1. who 2. whom 3. whom 4. who's 5. whom


How do sections work together to build an informational article as a whole?

They can engage the reader with new information.

They can be used to contrast ideas in a different text.

They can answer cause and effect questions

They can provide explanation and examples.



they can provide explanation n example


They can engage the reader with new information.



What is the effect of the word choice in the phrase “when you are set down at random in that street in the middle of an inky black night” in Paragraph 2 of the passage?

A. It gives the paragraph a humorous tone.

B. It contrasts the description of the Mississippi River.

C. It creates a strong, relatable image.

D. It sets a dark, ominous mood.

The passage:

One cannot easily realize what a tremendous thing it is to know every trivial detail of twelve hundred miles of river and know it with absolute exactness. If you will take the longest street in New York and travel up and down it, conning its features patiently until you know every house and window and lamppost and big and little sign by heart, and know them so accurately that you can instantly name the one you are abreast of when you are set down at random in that street in the middle of an inky black night, you will then have a tolerable notion of the amount and the exactness of a pilot's knowledge who carries the Mississippi River in his head.



Answer is (C). It creates a strong, relatable image.

When you're reading that passage, you can picture the images in your head becuase of the details added in.



C- It creates a strong, relatable image. :)


When an author makes a statement about a character it is called____.





i think so



Need intoduction on this topic for argumentative essay..... ASAP

parent has no right to control children above 16.​


'What if we lived in a world where freedom is every teenagers norm?' ( I feel that using 'what if' as a hook is rlly good!) good luck :)


Well, in the US, if you follow the law, then the parent(s) have all the right to 'control' children of 16 and 17.

Children hit maturity, and become adults, at the age of 18. Before that, they are still under the 'control' of their parents. That is simply what the law states. There is no argument on whether the child must listen to the parent when they are younger than 18.

pleaseeeeeeeeeeee help meeeeeeeeee



is mum going horse riding?

-No she isn't

Am I doing well?

-No I'm not

Are you swimming?

-Yes you are

Are you and Emilia playing volleyball?

-Yes we are

Are Jesse and Lexi waiting for a bus now?

-Yes they are

Is Ben doing athletics at school today?

-Yes he is

Answer is in the screenshot

Why does O'Brien relate his experience as a pig declotter? How does this information contribute
to the story? Why go into such specific detail?


O’Brien is related to pig declotter

Use the present perfect simple or progressive
1. It's three weeks since An last received a letter from her friend



It has been three weeks since An last received a letter from her friend.


present perfect tense

.The pupils left their bicycle leaning_______the wall.
1 point





that is the grammatically correct answer

hope I helped

1. Where are you are most likely to conduct most of your research?
2. In a library, what do you use to find a book and where is it usually located?
3. What information should you write down when you determine a book you want to locate?
4. What is the call number of a book?
5. What are the two systems libraries use to organize books?


1.the internet

2 online catalogue (or less often card catalog) usually found on a PC and the front of the library

3 Author's name, title and call number

4 A number that indicates a books category and where to locate it in the library

5 the Dewey Decimal System on the library of Cosngress system


1. The Internet

2. Online catalog (or, less often, card catalog); usually found on a PC in the front of the library

3. Author's name, title, and call number

4. A number that indicates a book's category and where to locate it in the library

5. The Dewey Decimal System or the Library of Congress System


please what is the mining of sustain​



reference to the environment


mining companies now use the term to refer to

How does Mary Shelley vary the tone of her writing in letters 1–4 of Frankenstein? Support your response with evidence from the text.



Based on what I'm reading, it seems that the tone in the first two letters is apprehension. In letter 1, he is more hopeful for what the future holds, and in letter 2, he seems to get more impatient in finding someone who shares his interests. He befriends a man taken in by his ship, which parallels the relationship between man and monster, and suggests that the two may not be so different, hence their developed friendship and trust in each other.

Hope this helps, good luck!

(this is somebody elses answer but i do hope it helps)


Mary Shelley changes the tone of the story from enthusiastic to foreboding in letters 1–4. Though Walton initially sounds excited about his journey, he reveals his loneliness to his sister. When Walton meets Frankenstein, his mood brightens. He immediately looks up to Frankenstein as the friend he always wanted, even though he does not know much about him.

The tone becomes foreboding when Victor warns Walton about the danger of too much ambition: "You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been."

This kind of foreshadowing in the form of a prophecy, warning, or prediction is typical of gothic novels.



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