In the manor system, who ruled the manor?


Answer 1


the lord

Manors each consisted of three classes of land: Demesne, the part directly controlled by the lord and used for the benefit of his household and dependents; Dependent (serf or villein) holdings carrying the obligation that the peasant household supply the lord with specified labor services or a part of its output; and.

Related Questions

The initial effects of the atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were?



atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

World War II [1945]

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BY The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Last Updated: Jul 30, 2021 | View Edit History


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atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during World War II, American bombing raids on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945) that marked the first use of atomic weapons in war. Tens of thousands were killed in the initial explosions and many more would later succumb to radiation poisoning. On August 10, one day after the bombing of Nagasaki, the Japanese government issued a statement agreeing to accept the Allied surrender terms that had been dictated in the Potsdam Declaration.

When did the Han Dynasty Begin



Han dynasty was founded on 206 BCE by Liu Bang.


206 BCE


Why did Congress pass the Volstead Act to go along with the Eighteenth Amendment?



The Eighteenth Amendment was the product of decades of efforts by the temperance movement, which held that a ban on the sale of alcohol would ameliorate poverty and other societal issues. ... Shortly after the amendment was ratified, Congress passed the Volstead Act to provide for the federal enforcement of Prohibition.

pls mark me as brainliest

please help me with this I’m so lost.






October 26

King George III speaks to Parliament of American rebellion

On October 26, 1775, King George III speaks before both houses of the British Parliament to discuss growing concern about the rebellion in America, which he viewed as a traitorous action against himself and Great Britain. He began his speech by reading a “Proclamation of Rebellion” and urged Parliament to move quickly to end the revolt and bring order to the colonies.The king spoke of his belief that “many of these unhappy people may still retain their loyalty, and may be too wise not to see the fatal consequence of this usurpation, and wish to resist it, yet the torrent of violence has been strong enough to compel their acquiescence, till a sufficient force shall appear to support them.” With these words, the king gave Parliament his consent to dispatch troops to use against his own subjects, a notion that his colonists believed impossible.

The difference between the two is that under King Georges’ tyranny was that the laws he enforced mostly benefited himself. The colonies were not able to vote or make decisions for themselves which lead to many of the colonists fighting to separate and be its own country. With American democracy, citizens are able to actively be able to make decisions in government rather than someone making the overall decisions without the possibility of a law being recognized as fair or not. The King prevented forms of government and representing the country as a whole, wanting them to be soley relying on him for jobs and salaries. This is much different from the US representative democracy that has 3 separate powers(legislative, executive, & judicial) that each deals with different forms of government. This form of government allows for the citizens to also have a say in what goes on in the country they live in. To the contrary, King George the 3rd did not allow that.

Why did John Steinbeck write mice of men?



John Steinbeck was inspired to write Of Mice and Men, which was intended as a story for both stage and book form, by his childhood observations of the poor migrant workers scratching out a meager living traveling from one ranch or farm to another.

Answer:John Steinbeck was inspired to write Of Mice and Men, which was intended as a story for both stage and book form, by his childhood observations of the poor migrant workers scratching out a meager living traveling from one ranch or farm to another.


5 laws that show British control over the Colonists.




Until Parliament passed the Coercive Acts in 1774, most colonists still thought of themselves as proud subjects of the strong British Empire. However, the Coercive (or Intolerable) Acts, which Parliament enacted to punish Massachusetts for failing to pay for the destruction of the tea, convinced many colonists that Great Britain was indeed threatening to stifle their liberty. In Massachusetts and other New England colonies, militias like the minutemen prepared for war by stockpiling weapons and ammunition. After the first loss of life at the battles of Lexington and Concord in April 1775, skirmishes continued throughout the colonies. When Congress met in Philadelphia in July 1776, its members signed the Declaration of Independence, officially breaking ties with Great Britain and declaring their intention to be self-governing.

Which laws 3 laws are still applicable for today's society?



Three laws are:

1: Which force someone to attend the Court when he/she is summoned.

2: Which allow someone to be presented by a lawyer in court.

3: Which allow two people in disputes to made a settlement and end the battle in court.

Using the sources and your knowledge of social studies, what were the impacts of British Colonial Policies on the American Colonies? ​



colonists thought that they should not pay taxes, because they were passed in England by Parliament. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.


Make a list of factors that you think might explain why European nations were so keen to gain territory in Africa.


Hey there!

European countries have developed empires by violently building African colonies to export African resources.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day! :)

what were some myths about settling the west?



pls give brainliest


After the Civil War, a dynamic period in American history opened—the settlement of the West. The lives of Western miners, farmers, and ranchers were often filled with great hardships, but the wave of American settlers continued. ... During this period, many Native Americans lost their homelands and their way of life.

five goods that were exchanged between
the Americas, Europe and Africa.


slaves, raw materials, sugar, rice, tobacco, indigo, rum

The americas sent over Avocado, peanuts, tomatoes corn & beans while Europe & Africa sent coffee beans peaches banana sugar & olive.

Hope this helps pls mark brainlest THANKSSS

identify one aspect of the nile River civilization that continued over time


Today the Nile river continues to serve as a source of irrigation as well as an important transportation and trade route

how did Vasco de Gama influence American history



Vasco da Gama was best known for being the first to sail from Europe to India by rounding Africa's Cape of Good Hope. Over the course of two voyages, beginning in 1497 and 1502, da Gama landed and traded in locales along the coast of southern Africa before reaching India on May 20, 1498.

He made battle and challenges towards Columbus, who discovered America.

What were the two opposing sides of the civil war?



The Union and The Confederate


Why do we divide Europe and Asia into two separate continents?



Europe is considered a separate continent from Asia because of its distinct historical, cultural, and political identity, rather than any clear geographical demarcation

2. Who had accepted the authority of the early Muslim leaders?
(a) Sunnis (b) Shias
(c) Khalifas (d) None of these



Sunni Muslims


Sunni Muslims had accepted the authority of the early Muslim leaders.

Hope it is helpful....


Sunnis Muslims


Sunnis Muslims accepted the authorities of Muslim leaders

please don't give links, because links don't work :).





Answer: A

Nee is the founder of the Skills for girls after school program that aims to train girls for careers like the military and engineering. Because of this info we can make the claim that all the other answer here are incorrect because  A is the only answer that speaks about Nee supporting Women in the military.


The transition from nomadic hunt-and-gather groups to more complex societies based on agriculture (and the specialization and segmentation of work) allowed for the development of sedentary cultures which established


Answer: Easier life for us humans. Since the stage of "hunt and gather" has been replaced with sedntary cultures, now we dont have to do the things people did back then. Example hunt, move place to place to find food, walk, send mails or go directly to a person to talk to them. Now we have become lazy leting technology do the life things that people did back then without us needed to even get off of our feet to do them we can just do them directly from our homes throught the internet.


Members of the Flat Earth Society claim to believe the Earth is flat, and, it seems, they're serious.


I thought the world was square omg


Yes, we are very serious.


If you do some research you'll find it quite amazing and eye opening.

How was Marco Polo important to the spread of Chinese tech and the Eurasian Trade? Include long term impacts on European trade and culture.
Essay question write at least 5-8 sentences



During this time, Europeans' increased contacts with other cultures resulted in increased demand for East Asian goods and technology. Marco Polo's travels, and especially his time in China, are a vivid individual illustration of the cross-cultural contacts that helped spread information and change world history.Some of the major accomplishments that Marco Polo had were that he met the famous author, Rustichello, he wrote about Marco's travels and explorations in the book, "The Book of Travels", from this book many Europeans learned about China and its currency and what it used things for, this book also stimulated interest in...also Marco Polo is known for traveling along the Silk Road to China, where he explored and documented much of Asia not yet explored by Europeans. :) hope this helps <3

What way's does a people culture impact their everyday lives



Our culture shapes the way we work and play, and it makes a difference in how we view ourselves and others. It affects our values—what we consider right and wrong. This is how the society we live in influences our choices. But our choices can also influence others and ultimately help shape our society.



I’ll give brainliest!!
Identify and explain the relationship between food surplus and specialization of labor


The question is in relation to producing an abundance in the means of living e.g. shelter, food and clothing. Before capitalism became a global system humankind were always confronted with the constant problem of producing sufficient products so there was a surplus and then distributing these surplus products in order to survive. Natural scarcity was to all intents and circumstances the order of the day. Whole communities and civilisations could be wiped out through climate change, flooding, famine or depletion in natural resources, etc; due to this lack of surplus products.

Humankind, was constantly under pressure to adapt to the changing conditions and circumstances. However, with food always in high demand we found through trial and error a stable community based on agriculture was a partial solution to the problem of obtaining a surplus in food. The introduction of agriculture meant a further division of labour with specialists and a communal store becoming an established feature of such societies.

The first settled agricultural communities would have been established by societies which had previously practised hunting and gathering and so had a communistic economic structure. This was characterised by the absence of private ownership of the means of production and by the sharing of products according to need. After the adoption of agriculture, these communistic economic arrangements survived for a while, but tended to break down in the long run as they no longer corresponded to the material conditions of production.

This was not yet the establishment of private ownership, but it meant the end of free access to the means of production that had obtained in hunter-gatherer societies. It ruled out any member of society simply helping themselves to the products of any plot of land. Normally they would only have free access to the products of the plot cultivated by the family unit to which they belonged.

The existence of a common store becomes another aspect of the society's material conditions of production and requires a social arrangement for managing this store -collecting and distributing the surpluses. The usual arrangement seems to have been to confer this responsibility on a particular family. This role of collecting and redistributing surpluses had to be filled if all the members of the community were able to meet their basic needs as of right.

The emergence of control over means of production by a section of society, or social class, was a radical departure in human social arrangements. Production was no longer controlled by society as a whole. Such societies ceased to be communities with a common interest and became divided, with one class, on the basis of its control over access to and use of the material forces of production, exploiting the productive work of the other class and allocating itself a privileged consumption.

After the rise of settled townships on an agricultural base in Mesopotamia, trade between localities developed. For the first time the products of hands and brains took on an alien life as commodities to be bartered, and then bought and sold with the abstract commodity of money. Property, released at the boundary between tribes, began to impinge within them. The first property society came to be developed when people were bought and sold as slaves.

For the sake of brevity we’ll skip the introduction of feudalism and go straight to capitalism. Capitalist social relations emerged with the expropriation of common land by the aristocracy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The lands were enclosed to be used for sheep farming rather than arable cultivation. One reason for this was that the new Flemish woollen industry made sheep more profitable tenants than peasants. Enclosure destroyed the lives of thousands of peasant families, turning them into propertyless vagabonds.

Deprived of their land, their homes, their traditional surroundings and the protection of the law, the expropriated peasants were left to sell the one thing they possessed -their ability to work. The introduction of wage labour was the starting point of capitalism. Wage labour=profits=artificial scarcity.

With the introduction of artificial scarcity the problem of surplus production was solved by capitalism. Nonetheless, the problem of distribution still remains due to the restrictions of the profit system. In a nutshell despite the huge amounts of wealth produced by capitalism global resources can only be freed up with the introduction of common ownership.

how can artifacts influence our future



Artifacts can and will influence our future because it gives us vital information about the things we search for.

Which phrases give accurate definitions of history?

Select all correct answers.

A. the study of human behavior before records were kept

B. a documented narrative of change over time

C. the study of the human past

D. the study of how people have used their environment


Answer: C) the study of the human past
Its C!! I just took my text and I got it right :) hope this helps

Why is it useful for historians to craft historical narratives?



Narratives make historical information more engaging. O.....Narratives allow historians to ignore inconvenient evidence.

In what ways did European immigrants transfer familiar patterns and institutions to their colonies in the Americas, and in what ways did they create new American worlds


Answer: England: Before colonies, slavery was nonexistent in England but they had to change their laws to allow for slavery in the Americas

‣ Neo-europes = colonies that tried to replicate the same social structure and laws they had back home

◦ Spain:

‣ a new society took place in the conquered lands (Aztec and Incas) with a new social system (Casta System) that developed to sort all of the mixed races

Taoism core beliefs? (in paragraph form)
Where did Taoism start? ( in paragraph form)



Ancient China

Taoism is a religion and a belief from ancient China that has influenced folk and national belief. Taoism has been connected to the philosopher Lao Tzu, who around 500 B.C.E. wrote the main book of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching

Ethiopia and Kansas border South Sudan and are important countries in the setting of the story A true B false


Ethiopia border South Sudan but on the other hand, Kansas does not border South Sudan. Therefore, the correct option is false.

On the North, South Sudan is bounded by Sudan.

On the East, South Sudan is bordered by Ethiopia.

On the South, South Sudan is bordered by Uganda, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

On the West, South Sudan is bordered by the Central African Republic.

It should be noted that Kansas is a state in the United States of America and does not border South Sudan.

In conclusion, the correct option is false.

Read related link on:

What traditions blended to form the new medieval culture


it was the Greco-Roman, Germanic and Christian traditions

What can we gain from studying the prehistoric and Egyptian art that could aid us to understand events or issues today?



A lot of what we know about the Ancient Egyptians comes from their art. From the many pieces of art they created we can learn things like what they looked like, what kind of clothes they wore, what jobs they worked, and what they considered important.

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