in The Sand Neckoner, what does Archimedes realize about the Great Harbor that turns the story
toward its resolution? Use two details from the story to support your response.


Answer 1


In the passage, ‘The Sand Reckoner” Marcus’s words about needing to disembark contribute to the plot because in paragraph 2 Archimedes is trying to play mathematical games with Marcus, but Marcus is trying to get Archimedes to be serious. He is trying to get Archimedes to understand there’s a war going on and he needs to focus and stop playing games.

Packing the abacus = Facing reality, and seeing that a war is going on, and Syracuse has protected itself. Focusing and attending to the tasks at hand.

Related Questions

What phrase/s in the following sentence should be emphasized to convey emotion? But what happened to freedom of expression; did our first amendment suddenly disappear?
freedom of expression; first amendment
suddenly disappear
what happened
none of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Suddenly disappear. That conveys the thought that something so dramatic happened to society that the first amendment is gone. That should stir every American into finding out what this sentence is about. The first amendment is the backbone of American Democracy and should not ever be ignored.

Someone or something that takes part in the story is called a(n) _____.









they are participants.


nhanvat. ................................................

Which sentence contains a gerund?
A. My cell phone battery is dying.
B. Don't worry about every detail.
C. Was Gigi holding the crying baby?
D. Hiking is a great form of exercise.



Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.


A. My cell phone battery is dying.


Read the following paragraph from a debate and answer the question. “Everyone can see that my opponent is not the best choice to be president. He is too young, thus too inexperienced. He would be an awful president. I have more education, from a more prestigious university and have more hands on experience. During my time as governor I actually built homes for habitat for humanity. I would do even more good as president.” Which of the following sentences is stereotyping?



"I would do even more good as president."


bad grammar

In the text, the author discusses how high-income students are usually better prepared for college by their school. Why do you think this is? How can we make sure that all students receive a quality education, regardless of economic status?



There is no question that education is a powerful driver of prosperity. Americans with college degrees earn 117 percent more a year than those who do not complete high school.1 Based on data for the high school class of 2015, raising the nation’s high school graduation rate from 83 percent to 90 percent would result in an additional $3.1 billion in earnings for each high school cohort, which would translate into a $5.7 billion increase in gross domestic product.2 Moreover, Americans with higher levels of education are more likely to vote,3 to volunteer,4 and to donate to charity.5


Write a personal essay of at least three paragraphs explaining your thoughts to one
of the following questions:

TOPIC ONE: Discuss a time when you or someone you know could have benefited from a
change in perspective in a challenging situation. Could the situation have improved if the
outlook of one or both parties had changed?

TOPIC TWO: Discuss a situation in your life or experience that conveyed a moment when
there was a dangerous or perilous power dynamic between individuals that could have led to
distressing outcomes? Could the situation have improved with a change in perspective?

You should consider these
questions in your metacognitive response (MR):
• What is a monster?

• Can you provide a list of monsters from literature and/or popular culture? What do they have in
common? What makes them different?

• What functions do monsters serve in literature? In popular culture?

• In this article a criminal act is being related to the term "monster? Is this an accurate
connection? Why? Why not?

• Does one person have to fall in order for another to succeed?
What can we do in our schools and lives to eradicate dangerous power dynamics that lead to
devastating outcomes?

• Why do we find pleasure in the pain of others?

• Are we lacking empathy? If so, how do we develop it?



notice two assumptions: first is that the main value of art is its artifacts, its products, and that the change it would produce would be in the viewer (who needs to be educated "about art" to comprehend its value or message). Closely related is the assumption that people should only make art if they are "good at it." If we think that art is mainly about making excellent products to be viewed by others, then (it is implied) it better be "good," to be worthy of the viewers' time, ticket price, grant and tax dollars, etc. This is used as basis for questioning the value of art.

After three decades of art making (I am a dancer/choreographer) and teaching such practices, I have come to find that perhaps the most valuable aspect of art, and its greatest potential to generate change, is in the individual and the experience/learning that occurs through artistic processes. When one engages in art-making practices, they activate new areas of the brain, foster novel connections, make advantage of bilateral brain functioning, and discover not only new content, but new means of thinking about problems. Art making fosters creativity--that is, altering assumptions that block ability to change. The applications of training the mind in this way are difficult to estimate, and go well beyond making art to communicate a message to a viewer. I agree with Hugo's comment on the primary value of education. I would obviate the dualism and argue that education wouldn't have to be "first," before art, if artistic processes and practices were better understood and functionally integrated as core methods of education and critical thinking, rather than merely added as "extra-curriculars" or "enrichment" (and only if funding is sufficient to warrant such "luxuries.")

If we were to culturally shift our appreciation of art to primarily value its processes and experiences as integrative learning in their own right then art gains a much stronger argument for its function in society, education, health/welll-being, and so on. If more people were engaged in artistic processes, that might lead to more creative change.

Now whether that change is "positive" is really another question. One shouldn't assume that art's purpose is "positive" anymore than science and technology. Science has produced many negative outcomes in its primary pursuits of knowledge and control of nature. Question: To what extent do we assume that science (education and products) contributes mainly to "positive" change?

What does this passage explain about people?



The contrasting sides of human nature


The passage talks about the personalities of the twins, this makes me think it  



Quiting about something

Past tense








I’m different that way. I mean, my second-oldest brother, Soda, who is sixteen-going-on-seventeen, never cracks a book at all, and my oldest brother, Darrel, who we call Darry, works too long and hard to be interested in a story or drawing a picture, so I’m not like them. And nobody in our gang digs movies and books the way I do. For a while there, I thought I was the only person in the world that did.

What is the theme of this excerpt?
A) Being part of a team is meaningful.
B) Growing up means accepting oneself.
C) Nature teaches powerful life lessons.
D) Family traditions are important.



B) Growing up means accepting oneself.


The narrorator is highlighting the differences between her and her brothers, showing how she is different from them. That makes me think that B would be the answer, as she is accepting her differences from her siblings. This is me kind of making an assumption, but if I were doing this quiz that is the answer I would choose.

What is the connotative meaning of the words in bold?
Fury: the author is pointing out how angry everyone at the party was
Annoyance: the author is pointing out a likely reason for the "guests" to come
Excitement: the author is pointing out how fun the party turned out to be
Joy: the author is pointing out how happy everyone at the party was


Hi. You did not submit the text this question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question just like yours, which had the text that is attached below. Also, show the words in bold, which in the case of the text, are underlined. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


Annoyance: the author is pointing out a likely reason for the "guests" to come


A connotative meaning refers to a subjunctive meaning, not literal and different from the real meaning of the word, but associated with the context to which it refers, within the text. In the case of the expression "casual acquaintances" presented in the text shown below, we can interpret that this expression shows a connotative meaning of annoyance, where the author shows the presence of uninvited people who did not have the requested presence.

Read the excerpt from "How the Grimm Brothers Saved the Fairy Tale."

Despite difficult personal problems and meager financial support from 1805 to 1812, the brothers proved themselves to be innovative scholars in the new field of German philology by publishing articles and books on medieval literature. In fact, they would be surprised to learn that they are more famous today for their tales than for their superb philological studies, which include pioneering work on German sound shifts, and the founding of the voluminous German Dictionary in 1854. But it was their training in philology and the demands that they placed on themselves as researchers that assisted their collecting and editing the tales.

Which idea does the author introduce first?

the fact that the brothers are better known for their folk tales
the brothers' founding of the German Dictionary in 1854
the brothers' ability to overcome difficulties to succeed as scholars
the role that philology played in the brothers' research skills
Mark this and return


Philology is fundamentally "the correct interpretation of texts."

the brothers' ability to overcome difficulties to succeed as scholars

1.Michael was rewriting the answers. (Change into passive voice.)
2.He does not know the correct answer. (Begin: Little……)


Michael had written the answerHe didn't know the correct answer

It is important to understand the plot events in the order that they occur in a story.
Reread lines 55 - 80.
Put the plot events in order as they happened in the tale.
The king condemns the knight to
The knight attacks the maiden.
A knight sees a maiden walking
ahead of him
The queen asks the king to spare
the knight's life and grant her
authority over him


Answer: The King condemns the knight to die= third

The knight attacks the maiden= second

A knight see a maiden walking ahead of him= first

The queen ask the king to spare the knight's life and grant her authority over him= Fourth


convert direct into indirect speech 3.Arjun said, “I was walking along the street.”​



Arjun said that he was walking along the street .



I was walking along the street Arjun said

What phase from Martin Luther king Jr.s " I have a dream " speech contains the strongest emotional connotation?


Answer:MEMENE NSNS bans



What is the definition of empirical evidence?

Empirical evidence is evidence based on personal experience.
Empirical evidence is evidence based on scientific research.
Empirical evidence is evidence based on accepted truths.
Empirical evidence is evidence based on historical facts.



Emphirical evidence is based on scientific research

Which rhyming couplet from Phillis Wheatley’s “On Imagination” contains an inverted sentence?
“Now here, now there, the roving Fancy flies,
Till some lov'd object strikes her wand'ring eyes,”
“To tell her glories with a faithful tongue,
Ye blooming graces, triumph in my song.”
“Whose silken fetters all the senses bind,
And soft captivity involves the mind.”
“Imagination! who can sing thy force?
Or who describe the swiftness of thy course?”



C)  “Whose silken fetters all the senses bind,  And soft captivity involves the mind.”


The direct object comes after the verb with standard word order. This pair has an inverse sentence:

before the verb comes the direct object - all the senses

comes before the verb - bind

change the voice of the following :
1. we use milk for making cheese



Do you mean change to Passive voice?

Milk is used for making cheese/ to make cheese by us.

Yeah I’m not going there too long but I’m tired of it being weird about to sleep on my couch

Identify which excerpts use either a positive or negative tone.


Where are the excerpts?

Answer: From top to bottom:









I believe the answer is standing out from the rest in a particularly bad way .


standing out from the text in a particualaraly bad wayExplanation:HOPE THIS HELPS!!

D. He no longer thinks about her.


D- he don’t be thinking about her no mo

maintain any two possible human can get infected by bird flu​



A sick bird sheds the virus inits feather mucous saliva and faecrs human who have close contact with sick birds are at risk of infection with bird flu.For example a person may handle a sickbird contaminate their hands with faeces etc.

Write an essay about a party in a dormitory at night






Which words share the same word root?



They all do


Each word listed below all have the word know in it.





I need help with this

this is my first time using this app so I posted a picture i dont know if its going to appear ​



Describe the feeling of a narrator.


It compares so the reader knows how bad the narrator feels.

plot phrases in order



These parts are: exposition (originally called introduction), rising action (rise), climax, falling action (return or fall), and denouement (catastrophe).

Which of the following is a concern that two or more characters in String most clearly have in common? A. Money B. Relationships C. War D. Debt​



Hi!I think your ans is B.

Click to read the passage from The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. Then
answer the question.
Which excerpt from the passage best contributes to the tension?
A. That was the first word she had spoken to him directly since his
B. saw the enormous brown patch against the flowers of the
C. "Gregor!" shouted his sister, glowering at him and shaking her fist.
D. Gregor was shut out from his mother, who, because of him, might
be near to death.


The passage best contributes to the tension is Gregor was shut out from his mother, who, because of him, might be near to death.Thus the correct answer is D.

What is the summary of The Metamorphosis?

The Metamorphosis is a story of  a salesperson who wake up one morning and seen his transformation into insects. He has noticed that his body shape, voice all got changed.

The sentence which causes tension to him is "Gregor was shut out from his mother, who, because of him, might be near to death" this shows that he is worried about his mother and thinking for her health.

Learn more about The Metamorphosis, here:


Exercise : Supply the correct form of the word in bold. 1.     I'm sorry I'm late,' he murmured………………… (apologize) y 2.     The summit was…………………only from the south. (approach) 3.     They are thinking of the ………………… of travelling abroad this summer. (attract 4.   …………………of the new system will take several days. (install) 5.  The company had received complaints both …………………and in writing. (verb) 6.  The government has been accused of not responding…………………to the needs of the homeless. (appropriate) 7.   We took a…………………more direct route. (slight) 8.   This type of behavior is no longer …………………acceptable. (society) 9.   His casual behavior was wholly……………for such a formal occasion. (appropriate) 10. Rob’s very………………… - he likes his party. (society) ​



1. 'I'm sorry I am late', he murmured apologising.

2. The summit was approached only from the South.

3. They are thinking of the attraction of travelling abroad this summer.

4. Installation of the new system will take several days.

5. The company had received complaints both in verbing and in writing.

6. The government has been accused for not responding to the needs of the homeless.

7. We took a slightly more direct route.

8. This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable.

9. His casual behaviour was wholly appropriate for such a formal occasion.

10. Rob's very social - he likes his party.

Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions given.
1. Hers is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. (change into exclamatory)
2 Will you please tell me the truth? (change into advice)
3.It rains heavily in Cherrapunji. (add a question tag)
4. Help me complete this task. (request)
5. I will go to see her tomorrow. (negative)
6. Suman plays tennis. (yes/no question​



1. Hers is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard!

2 You should tell me the truth.

3. Does it rain heavily in Cherrapunji?

4. Please help me complete this task.

5. I will not go to see her tomorrow.

6. Does Suman play tennis?


Other Questions
Which statement best explains the social contract theory? Strong leaders do the best job of ruling a country of diverse people. Countries are best served when their citizens take an active role in government. Leaders must maintain the rights of citizens even if it interferes with the interest of the country. People must submit their individual wills to the collective will to form a society. A forest has 800 pine trees, but a disease is introduced that kills a fourth of the pine trees in the forestevery year.Which graph shows the number y of pine trees remaining in the forest 2 years after the disease isintroduced?In a graph Calculate the no. of moles in 15g of CaCl2 Who's H.H. Holmes?Was he a serial killer?.... can anyone answer this? Who came first in the cross-country race ? A square has an area of 100 m squared. What is the length of each side? where is kalsubai peak???????? differentiate between agriculture expert and veterinary doctor PLZ HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLY AND POINTSPut the steps of the scientific method into the correct order.Devise an experiment to prove or disprove.State conclusions.Conduct a literature search.Define the problem.Propose a hypothesis. a game is played with a fishpond containing 100 fish; 90 white, 9 red, and 1 blue. a contestant randomly catches a fish and receives payments as follows: $0.30 for white, $1.00 for red, and $10.00 for blue. If it cists $0.60 to play this game, how much (on average) does a contestant win on each play The number of students in an school building that have the flu after t days is given by the function()=800/1+49^0.2a) What was the initial number of students infected (think about what time is initially). b) When will the number of students infected be equal to 200? Round all of your answers to the NEAREST whole number and be sure to label your answers. Why are soliloquies so important for us an audience to develop our understanding of the character of Macbeth 1. A soccer team is to be selected from a group of 24 players. Of them, one-third is below 16 years of age, one-fourth is in the age group 16 to 18 years and the remaining are above 18 years. (a) What fraction of players is above 18 years of age? (b) If all players of age above 18 are selected, how many players are above 18 years of age? how many 50 cents coins are there in $10:50 which of the following require all the states to return fugitives slaves to their owners PLz, Help fast! 100 pointsA line is drawn on a scatter plot, as shown below:A graph shows values till 10 on both x- and y axis with increments of 1.Dots are shown at 0.5, 7.5 and 1.8, 6.5 and 3, 6 and 4.4, 5 and 4.8, 4 and 5.9, 3.2 and 6.6, 2 and 7.5, 2.5 and 8, 1 and 8.8, 0. A straight line joins the ordered pairs 0, 7.9 and 10, 0.Which statement best describes the line? The correlation coefficient, r, between the ages of employees, x, and the number of sick days taken per year, y, equals 0.81.Complete the statement based on the information provided.The value of r is positive and is relatively close to 1, so the variables are closely associated. It appears that, as the age of an employee increases, the number of sick days taken increases. What was one of the most severe environmental crises in North America in the 20th century that impacted the Great Plains? The value of n is a distance of 2 units from -1 on a number line which numbers can be the value of n