In the story American born Chinese the Chinese herbalist tells Jin wang, “it’s easy to become anything you wish… so long as you’re willing to forfeit your soul” This is an example of


Answer 1


D) foreshadowing, to create suspense by providing hints about the future.


The statement, “it’s easy to become anything you wish… so long as you’re willing to forfeit your soul” gives an hint of what is at stake in other to attain a future endeavor. It gives an indication of what the future holds given, an individual's sacrifice. This concept of given an hint or indication of the future could be described as a literary device called foreshadowing. The Chinese herbalist is using the statement to hint Jin Wang of what could possibly happen in the future.

Answer 2




Jin Wang would do anything to fit into American culture.

Related Questions

Types of themes of The doll’s house Katherine mansfieldd



One of the themes in this short story centers around the idea that every person ultimately craves inclusion.

The Kelvey girls are excluded from the social circles at school because of their poverty. They are "always by themselves," and the other girls ridicule them about their prospects of becoming servants when they grow up. They endure the mocking jeers of Lena, who drags one foot behind her, giggling behind her hand, as she attempts to engage Lil Kelvey in demeaning conversation. And every other girl gets invited to see the glorious doll house except the Kelvey girls.

They don't beg for an invitation like the other girls because they are used to rejection and exclusion. Yet when a chance opportunity presents itself, they follow Kezia "like two little stray cats" to share in the same experience that the other girls have enjoyed.

Even after being chased off the property by Aunt Beryl, the Kelvey girls look "dreamily" across the land in front of them, still focused on the "little lamp" in...


Select the correct answer.
What word best describes Professor Von Hardwigg's character in the excerpt?
C. impatient
O D.
2021 Edimentum. All rights reserved





Write an application to your headteacher informing him/her about your study tour. Include all your plans in it . Also ask for the help you would like to have from the school. You can invite him/her to join your study tour , too



this is the answer of your question

Which of the following sentences indicates that something is happening right now? b. o i jo I run very fast. I am running very fast. I can run very fast. all of the above​


The answer is :

I am running very fast



I am running very fast





1. used right

2. used right

3. used right

4. used wrong

5. used wrong

6. used right

7. used wrong

8. used wrong

going down and then up

Read these sentences from the excerpt:

I would sometimes say to them, I wished I could be as free as they would be when they got to be men. "You will be free as soon as you are twenty-one, but I am a slave for life! Have not I as good a right to be free as you have?"

How does Douglass best use rhetoric to advance his purpose in this excerpt?

He uses a rhetorical question to heavily emphasize the fact that he deserves freedom.

He uses a rhetorical question because he is unsure of his beliefs.

He repeats words in order to share his beliefs with the readers.

He repeats the word free to show the reader his point.



A)  He uses a rhetorical question to heavily emphasize the fact that he deserves freedom.



Rhetorical questions refer to questions asked to establish a dramatic effect or present a side/perspective rather than get a response. In the given excerpt, the speaker used a rhetorical question to highlight his belief that he ACTUALLY deserves freedom. He is not unsure of the idea, rather, he is emphasizing that he deserves it because freedom is supposed to be a right, not a choice.

Describe how a significant cybersecurity event has led to increased organizational focus on cybersecurity.​



A ‘Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018’ revealed that over four in ten (43%) businesses and two in ten (19%) charities in the UK suffered a cyberattack. The survey found that 38% of small businesses had spent nothing at all to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats. A separate survey also found that a third of UK small businesses are risking their online safety by operating at or below the “security poverty line”. The most frequent types of cyber-criminal activity were sending fraudulent e-mails and impersonating organizations online. Malicious e-mails were also found to be the most common type of cyberattack in the Internet Security and Threat Report. The consequences of cyber-crime are costly as the total average cost of a data breach in 2019 is $3.92 million in research conducted by the Ponemon Institute.


What is Cybersecurity?  

Cybersecurity is making sure your organizations data is safe from attacks from both internal and external bad actors. It can encompass a body of technologies, processes, structures, and practices used to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from unauthorized access or damage. The goal of any cybersecurity strategy is to ensure confidentiality, data integrity, and availability.

There are several primary means by which cybersecurity issues can affect (or even destroy) an organization and its reputation. There is the risk that a hacker might obtain sensitive information such as bank account or credit cards details. There are open markets for such information on the “dark web”. If others access such sensitive information, the organization might find its banking or credit card facilities withdrawn or in breach of privacy laws. Each month high-profile security breaches impacting individual data are reported globally.

A second but related issue is that when a hacker obtains sensitive information about the organization it may find its reputation ruined. Few small organizations can survive the damage to its reputation that such lost data might cause. The damage to reputation and goodwill might be more crippling than the actual data loss itself. Loss of customer data may result in legal or regulatory action against the organization. A third party might file a suit against an organization as they have themselves incurred a loss. Organizations might also be subject to significant penalties and/or legal action arising from breaches of the privacy laws in many jurisdictions.

The most recent and alarming aspect of cybersecurity that causes considerable problems for organizations is ransomware. As early as 2012, reports of ransomware campaigns have adopted commercially focused business models. In many cases, a piece of malware is disguised and embedded within another type of document only waiting to be executed by the target user.  Upon execution, the malware may encrypt the organization’s data with a secret 2,048-bit encryption key or communicate to a centralized command and control server to await instructions carried out by the adversary. Once infected, the organization’s data continues to be inaccessible as the encrypts the data using the attackers encryption key. Once all the data accessible is encrypted, including in many instances the backup data and systems, the organization will be instructed on how to pay a ransom within days, or the adversary will remove the encryption key and the data will be lost. Literally, the adversary holds the data to ransom—hence, ransomware. The encryption key is sufficiently strong enough that cracking the key instead of paying the ransom is uneconomic—some estimate that an average desktop computer would take five quadrillion years to decrypt the data without the key In some cases, the target organization can hope that some researchers may have discovered a way to decrypt the data based on a design flaw. Otherwise the organization will have to look to restore the systems and data from a safe back up or consider paying the ransom. Keep in mind that even data restoration does not eliminate the risk the ransomware will not be reenabled or return based on the compromised integrity of the environment.


The Russian invasion fiasco


This is because, prior to the invasion, Ukraine had reported interference (hacking) of government and other websites caused by Russian Cybersecurity teams. The 21st century's advancement in technology and digital software and programs, the possibility of interference from any country is a real and high threat. Leaking of sensitive and highly classified information relating to the government or any high security operations/companies can and will put any country vulnerable, since so much information is stored digitally.

Question 2 of 22 Read the passage and then answer the question: A mother and father and their two children are struggling - with money and with society. They decide to move out to the country where land is cheaper. There, they try to start a new life. For this story to qualify as a work of Modernism, how best should it end? A. Through hard work, they manage to slowly tame the land B. A tornado strikes, destroying their property, but they live. C. All of the problems they tried to escape come right back D. The oldest child struggles to find a job but finally succeeds.​


Answer: C. All of the problems they tried to escape come right back.


Modernism was based on an idealistic society and a belief in progress. For the story given in the question to qualify as a work of Modernism, little changes just happen to them and their problems continue as they did before.

Therefore, the correct option based on the options given will then be All of the problems they tried to escape come right back.


C. All of the problems they tried to escape come right back


an annual general meeting (AGM) is



An annual general meeting (AGM) is a yearly gathering of a company's interested shareholders. At an AGM, the directors of the company present an annual report containing information for shareholders about the company's performance and strategy.


You need to process phrases in the order they are spoken in a real-time language translation app. Each phrase object should be put into what



Each object in the phrase must be placed in a queue.


In order for an application to make efficient translations in real time, it is important for the user to put the words of the sentence they want to translate in the correct order in which they appear in that sentence. This will allow the application's interface to understand the phrase and be able to translate it as accurately as possible. In this case, we can consider that each object forming the sentence must be placed in a queue so that it is possible to translate that sentence.

who has the _number of correct answer.a.most b.little c.less. d.more​



A. Most


The other examples wouldn't make sense.

“Midnight was as dark as a bottle of ink,” compares _____.


This sentence compares a midnight sky to a bottle of ink, using a simile.

The answer is: simile

which ORANGE came first?

the Fruit or the Color?



The fruit


The earliest recorded usage of orange (the fruit) in English occurred in the 1300s came to us from the Old French ornege, adapted from the Arabic naranj. I hope this helped and please don't hesitate to reach out for clarification!

Match the description to the type of sentence.


contains two or more main/independent clauses and one or more subordinate/dependent clause

2) simple

contains one main/independent clause and one or more subordinate/independent clauses


Contains two or more main/independent clauses


Contains one main/independent clause


1.)complex: contains one main/independent clause and one or more subordinate/independent clauses

2) simple: Contains one main/independent clause

3)compound-complex: contains two or more main/independent clauses and one or more subordinate/dependent clause

4)compound: Contains two or more main/independent clauses

3. Although my friend invited me 2 points
to a party, I do not want to go.
O Run on
O Fragment
Faulty parallelism
Comma splice
What is the type of this sentences?


C faulty parallelism i hope this helps!

We don't have _____ of those items.






whe don't have any of those items

Pa help naman po!!!

Activity 1: Institutionalized!
Directions: Survey and list down at least five State and Non-State institutions that
are present in your locality.
State Institution

Non-state Institution



jamnya and kuli institutions

3. How will you prepare and negotiate a contract?​



Well first you need to look at what you want to negotiate. identify the issues.


class 7th Chapter: Prepositions

She is keen __________ pursing higher education in the US.

a) at
b) on
c) with​



She is keen __________ pursing higher education in the US.

B. on

I hope it helps ●~●




l Hope this will help u

worksheet 64
editing (errors)
The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line with a blank against it. write the incorrect word and the correct word in the space provided against each line. The first one has been done for you.

incorrect correct
4. I step out of the hostel (a) step stepped
gate. Our hostel was not much (b)......... .........
than a hundred yard from the (c)........ ........
river. The sand was damp with a (d)....... .......
morning dew. But as I bury (e)....... .......
my feet, I felt the warmth for (f)........ ......
the previous day's sun. There was immense (g) ........ ........
banyan trees and birds stirred
and chirped on their nests. (h) ........... ...........
I felt I am really in a new world. (i)......... ...........​


(a) step - stepped

(b) much - more

(c) yard - yards

(d) damp - damped

(e) bury - buried

(f) for - of

(g) was - were

(h) on - in

(i) i am - as if I was


see below


incorrect correct

b) much more

c) yard yards

d) a (no article)

e) bury buried

f) for of

g) was were

h) on in

i) am was

Help this is timed please ​


First one is “must be feeling” Last one is “will have left”
It is the first one

Pls help me I’m dum
Answer the following questions.
1 Which sentence best summarizes Reagan's claim in this passage?
A. Not all examples of sudden and dramatic change involve conflict and violence.
B. It would benefit both of our nations to work together in a spirit of cooperation.
C. Human creativity is as valuable as it is because of its capacity for improving daily life.
D. A worldwide revolution is occurring in technology that will peacefully transform human





If anything - I would say D, but C could potentially fit.

He states continuously that a new revolution, different than the revolution of the USSR, is happening across thr world which transformed the understandings and uses of technology worldwide.

D/C not sure about c but hope it helps

A "Common Error in Judgment," which focuses on making decisions before gathering all the
necessary information or facts is known as:
A snap judgments.
B all-or-nothing thinking.
C unwarranted assumptions.
D projection.


Answer: snap judgement


Snap judgement means making a hasty decision before before the necessary evidences are gathered.

All-or-nothing thinking usually involves using "never or ever". It is the inability to see an alternatives or solution to a scenario.

Unwarranted assumptions are the claims that has no supporting evidence.

Projection is the forecast of a future situation which js based on the study of present trends.

Based on the information given above, the answer is snap judgement.

Read the excerpt from Act III of Hamlet.

Ophelia:What means this, my lord?

Hamlet:Marry, this is miching mallecho; it means mischief.

Ophelia:Belike this show imports the argument of the play.

Enter Prologue.

Hamlet:We shall know by this fellow: the players cannot keep counsel; they’ll tell all.

Ophelia:Will he tell us what this show meant?

Hamlet:Ay, or any show that you’ll show him; be not you ashamed to show, he’ll not shame to tell you what it means.

Ophelia:You are naught, you are naught. I’ll mark the play.

What word from the excerpt suggests that Hamlet has hidden motives in showing the play?





Explanation: quizlet said so


A. mischief


1. The fire ___ due to faulty insulation. But, for the time being, we cannot exclude a terrorist attack.
A. may have started
B .might be started
C.could start
D. must have started
2. They _____ to the concert together because Jane had agreed to baby-sit for them.
A. could go
B.could have gone
C. were able to go
D. can go

I don't know the difference ''could '' and ''were able to go ''. Can you help me??​



1=A, 2=C


Select all that apply.
Select the correctly spelled plural forms.
O stories
O slices
O jinxes
O toyes
O alleys
O taxs


Stories and slices and alleys
Stories, slices, jinxes, alleys

Do Marinette and Adrien get together at the end? This from miraculous.



Thomas Astruc has confirmed that Marinette and Adrien will end up together.


Hope this helps you

Yes, in the end they are together.

Thomas Astruc confirms it and I love Adrinette very much❤

The following statements contain errors. Choose the correct tense for each statement
Past Present Future
Tense Tense Tense
1. A class is where students learn and a teacher
2. After lunch I took a bus to Jalan Kemaman and do
some shopping
3. Rafi acted foolishly last night
4. My father told me that ragging never occurred
when he was in the army
5. Some countries, like the UK and Japan, depend
mainly on international trade, which gave them
most of their income.
6. We must approached as many customers as we
7. Faiz said that the new students have problems
every year when they entered the hostel
8. My mother was surprised when she noticed I had
changed my behaviour
9. I like him because his gentle manners make me
feel happy when I was with him
10. The Lee family lives in this area since the 1890s





Which is an open network that anyone can access?



The internet is an open network that anyone can access

In which sentence is whom used correctly?

Whom has the skills to take these pictures?

By whom were those pictures taken?



By whom were those pictures taken I believe is the right answer

Other Questions
does this make sence to anyone Which of the following is the function for the graph shown? S.p=315 loss percent =10% c.p=rs=xc.p=? Security forces _______________ for the terrorist leader who bombed the police station. They hope to arrest him soon. What is the value of x?0 140 17O 27O 34PLEASE HELP The specific pace and quota of work and tight surveillance indicate that company 1 has a(n) _______ culture. the constitution provides for a federal system, which means the national government shares its powers with state governments. powers that are given to congress are called _ powers, and those given to the states are called _ . powers that are shared between the two are called _ powers1. reserved/enumerated/concurrent/executive 2.reserved/enumerated/concurrent/republican3.enumerated/reserved/concurrent/constituent choose one for each number please!! PLEASE HELP ME ILL MARK YOU BRAINLIEST !!!!!!!!!! hola busco amigos hombrees 1. Sharon, a newly engaged woman, saw an advertisement in a bridal magazine for a beautiful pearl necklace priced at $69.99 from Precious Jewelry. She thought the necklace would be a wonderful present for her bridesmaids, so she ordered 5 necklaces from Precious Jewelry. After a few weeks, Sharon received a letter, along with her returned check from Precious Jewelry. The letter stated that the jeweler was sorry they could not fill her order because they had been overwhelmed with so many requests that their supply of necklaces ran out very quickly. a. List the 3 elements of an offer and describe each (in your own words). b. Did Precious Jewelry make an offer when they placed the ad in the magazine? Did Sharon make an offer when she placed the order? Why or why not? c. What will be the likely outcome if Sharon sues Precious Jewelry to force them to fill her order? Explain your answer. In a test of a heat-seeking rocket, a first rocket is launched at 2000 fts and the heat-seeking rocket is launched along the same flight path 20 s later at a speed of 3000 fts. Findthe timest, and t, of flight of the rockets until the heat-seeking rocket destroys the first rocketWhat are the times of the flight? People think that they can send email messages from their personal computers and that it cannot be traced. This is called the _____. How are Napi from the Blackfeet myth and Kterastan from the Apache myth alike? when a number is added to 1/5 of itself, the result is 24. the equation that models this problem is n+1/5n=24. what is the value of n? question in picture, math. Given: triangle ABC with side lengths a, b, and c, and height hProve: Area = 1/2absin C Could somebody explain this to me please Cal is titrating 57.7 mL of 0.311 M HBr with 0.304 M Ba(OH)2. How many mL of Ba(OH)2 does Cal need to add to reach the equivalence point? 8/m - b/n simplified Eight hundred tickets are sold for a play. Thirty-five percent of those tickets were sold in advance. Which equation can be used to find the number of tickets sold in advance? StartFraction 800 divided by 8 Over 35 divided by 8 EndFraction = StartFraction 100 Over 4.375 EndFraction StartFraction 100 divided by 8 Over 800 divided by 8 EndFraction = StartFraction 12.5 Over 100 EndFraction StartFraction 35 times 8 Over 800 times 8 EndFraction = StartFraction 280 Over 6400 EndFraction StartFraction 35 times 8 Over 100 times 8 EndFraction = StartFraction 280 Over 800 EndFraction