In under a minute, your .......... can pump blood to bring oxygen and nutrients to
every cell in your body


Answer 1


The heart is a pump, usually beating about 60 to 100 times per minute. With each heartbeat, the heart sends blood throughout our bodies, carrying oxygen to every cell. After delivering the oxygen, the blood returns to the heart.

Answer 2


heart is the correct answer

Related Questions

Which presentation skill involves using words that make the audience feel welcome and involved?
purposeful gestures



D. conventions


i once went to a convention, i felt welcome and involved. so yeah

No one has been able to satisfactorily explain how or ………… The Moon sporadically sparks.

a. when b. why c. what d. which





No one has been able to satisfactorily explain

how or …why… The Moon sporadically sparks.

the purpose as this message is to nofity you that we received the delivery = ( acknowledge )



what do you mean by this?????

Death of a Salesman teaches us that if we just work hard enough, we will have financial success. Question 7 options: a) True b) False




b) False

1. What services does the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) offer?
O A. Support of all facets of writing, including MLA and APA citation and documentation styles
OB. A plagiarism checker to be sure that an essay you're ready to submit doesn't include plagiarism
O C. A citation generator that will automatically create citations based on entered informatiion
O D. An essay evaluation tool that will show where in-text citations are needed for quoted references



Support of all facets of writing, including MLA and APA citation and documentation styles


from penn foster

What new technique did Sanduk Ruit introduce in Nepal?​



Ruit was the first Nepali doctor to perform cataract surgery with intraocular lens implants and the first to pioneer a method for delivering high-quality microsurgical procedures in remote eye camps



Help me please…………………



The answer is A


write a paragraph give a description of a person you know
1.who's he (name/age/nationality/work or study/family)?
2.what dose he look like?
3.what's he like?
4.what are his favorite free time activities?



My friend Jane is as beautiful as a movie star. She has beautiful thick, wavy, and long black hair. Her hair graciously falls down to her shoulders. She also has a diamond-shaped face. She has a golden tanned skin which looks gorgeous when she's out in the sun or public in general. Furthermore, she has big, blue eyes. She has a small mouth, but her lips are puffy, and she always brings them out to attention by wearing red lipstick or lip balm. Her smile is the best part about her, it could light up anyone's day. She is 16 years old and studies in 10th grade, she's almost done with it. She lives here in America, but was born in Korea, so you could say she's Korean-American. Not only that, but she loves singing and dancing. Likewise, she also likes playing the piano. She is a big book nerd who loves the Harry Potter series.

Cara has just come in for her morning shift, but the sales floor is a mess. Looks like the night crew didn't clean up. She groans, but then gets to work cleaning the displays before customers come. If she doesn't, who else will? What good problem-solving skills is she exhibiting? O a) Seeking advice when necessary b) Open to seeing new perspectives Oc) Having a solutions-oriented attitude O d) Not afraid of making mistakes






not sure

but according to me C is right

Why students should be able too use technology eassy


Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts, particularly in STEM.


because it can help them very much in life and at school sometimes. i hope this helps.


complete each sentences below with who, whom, what, whose, and wich. 1. ___ wrote on the wall? 2.with ___ did they leave? 3. ____ can you tell us about it? 4. ____ decision did you make? 5. did you tell before you told us? 6. ___ shoes are these? 7. ____ bus do you take to school? 8. ___ idea was this? 9. ___ will be able to tell us more?​



1. who

2. with

3. what

4. what

5. who

6. whose

7. which

8. whose

9. who

Indirect: Tim croaked,"I'll go start the car," and ran away because somebody tried to start a fight with his friend.

How would i make it a direct sencentence??



Tim croaked and said that he will start the car and run away as somebody is trying to start a fight with his friend

who claim that they are superior to all?​


The only ones with a legitimate claim are those proclaimed by GOD. In other words, those who are melinated. The brown people of the earth, descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Modern day, American Negroes, Native Americans and Latinos, related by bloodline. These are known as GOD'S Children. These are the people GOD holds above all others. HIS words.

Australia and Nigeria have very different HDI values. State the HDI values of each country. AND offer two reasons which might explain this difference



Australia HDI values for 2019 is 0.944 which put the country in the very high human development category positioning it at 8 out of 189 countries and territoriors. The ranks is shared with Netherlands between 1990 and 2019, Australia HDI values increased from 8.071 to 0.944, an increase of 8.4 percent. A country scores a higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the gross national level is income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher.

(f) What do people do in picnics apart from eating?​


People talk, read, do homework/ study/ work, take naps, rest and do activities to keep themselves entertained!

Read the passage, and answer the question that follows:

Yvonne sighed as she stood on the sidewalk. She wanted to cross the street but was stuck because of the traffic. She felt stuck in real life, too. Her career was going nowhere. She adjusted her glasses and looked left when a gust of wind blew a stack of papers from her hand. She ran quickly to gather them, wondering where they might lead.

What object in the paragraph symbolizes change?



It would be the Gust of Wind.


Since she's been in a state of 'stuck' or stiffness, the wind, which picked up her papers enables her to start movement again. Even if she felt stuck with her life, she wasn't stuck in traffic anyway. ♥

What should be included to make this introduction more effective?



A good introduction should identify your topic, provide essential context, and indicate your particular focus in the essay. It also needs to engage your readers' interest. A strong conclusion will provide a sense of closure to the essay while again placing your concepts in a somewhat wider context.


Theme in Anita Roy's Cooking Time



죄송 해요 !


질문이 뭔가요??? 그것의 어떤 사진?


In “Cooking Time,” Roy invites readers to consider a world without some of the simple pleasures we take for granted.


Write a paragraph explaining how theme develops in the story.
Write a topic sentence that mentions the theme, title, and author.
Then follow your graphic organizer and write your ideas about how protagonist, antagonist, conflict, falling action and resolution, mood, and setting develop in the story.
Be sure to include the theme of the story.
End with a sentence that restates your idea about the theme.

The Nest

Randall squinted up through the trees, trying to gauge the time, but gave up quickly. He should have paid attention when his father taught the family to read the position of the sun. He should have paid attention, too, before sneaking off this morning on his first solo hike, forgetting the whistle his mother stressed he always bring.

He pictured his parents now at their camp beneath the tree with the eagle’s nest, wondering where he was. Randall was wondering the same thing. Lost and out of food, he feared he had but a few hours before darkness closed in, trapping him in the bitter cold with the creatures of the night.

He closed his eyes to fight back tears, when he heard it in the distance. Water! His father’s words came flowing into his mind; one tip he actually remembered. “If you’re ever lost, find a river and follow it.”

In a flash, he was on his feet, scaling fallen trees, tearing through brush, frantically following the sound. The sky grew darker, but the noise grew louder, and Randall, tired and scared, forged ahead until he found it. He reached the river bank and was mulling his next move when a sudden splash caught his eye.

A majestic eagle rose from the water, soaring skyward with a freshly caught fish in its talons. Could it be the same eagle nested above his camp? It glided triumphantly into a high nest a short distance away, eager to greet its family. Randall smiled, equally triumphant, eager to do the same as he followed the eagle’s flight.

In the distance, he saw his mother, his whistle clutched in her hand.



Setting: woods, forest, some kind of family field trip.


Conflict: he was lost

Mood: lonely and fearful, but hopeful at the end

Climax: he got lost in the woods

Falling Action: he finds a river

Resolution: he sees his mother

Theme: the importance of listening to your parents because they know best


According to Violet Sorzano's short story "The Nest," listening to your parents has a lot of value. When Randall gets lost in the woods, he is challenged by the antagonist (not a person). This story's main character is in conflict with himself. All of his parents' advice is put to use by Randall in order to locate his own parents. the scene of the forest

what is the definition of human right s?​


a right which is believed to belong to every person.

During which part of the plot does conflict develop?


Answer: try Exposition. :)


1) Exposition (introduction) - Beginning of the story; characters, background, and setting revealed. 2) Rising Action - Events in the story become complicated; the conflict is revealed. These are events between the introduction and climax.

hope this helps! my apologies if it's incorrect

when we use did and could ​



We use did in past simple tense

and could as past ability to do smthg or to express posibility to make suggestions and request

What do you mean by this

If... what they must do.
a. was not explained them
b. was not explained them.
c. was not being explained them
d. was not explained to them​



Option D
Was not explained to them

Which graphic would best support the information in
this paragraph?
Read the paragraph
Slapstick is also known as physical comedy, meaning it
has more actions than words. Most people think of
slapstick as people hitting one another and then falling
down, much like the style of The Three Stooges® What
they do not always know is that slapstick comedians
are masters of timing, with a flair for the dramatic. They
create the illusion of hitting and falling, without causing
injury to the performers. They stay safe while the
audience laughs hysterically
O a diagram of how The Three Stooges perform a
physical comedy stunt
O a photo of The Three Stooges after a comedy show
a flow chart identifying the different types of comedy
O a bar graph of the amount of laughter at different
types of comedy shows
Mark this and return
Save and Exit



a diagram of how The Three Stooges perform a physical comedy stunt


In order to find which graphic would best support the information supported in the passage we must identify the main idea of the passage.

The passage's main idea is to inform us on how slapstick comedians create an illusion of hitting and falling.

So the audience sees the comedians falling and getting hurt but in reality they are performing an illusion that makes it seem as they are injuring themselves and they are not actually hurting themselves.

Now that we have identified the main idea let's look back at the question.

Which graphic would best support the information in this paragraph?

a diagram of how The Three Stooges perform a physical comedy stunt

A diagram of how the three stooges perform a physical comedy stunt would definitely show how the comedians make it seems as they are hurting themselves as it shows us how they perform the stunts. So this could be the answer but let's look at the other ones just in case .

A photo of The Three Stooges after a comedy show

A photo would likely not show much of how the comedians perform their stunts so we can eliminate this answer choice.

a flow chart identifying the different types of comedy

The passage is specifically talking about slapstick comedy so a flow chart talking about other types of comedies would not be supporting of the passage.

a bar graph of the amount of laughter at different

Though this answer may show the effect of the stunts on the audience it would not support the author's main idea which is that slapstick comedians create an illusion that makes it seem that they are injuring themselves when they really aren't.

So the first choice would be the best answer

Which of the following is a demographic characteristic of an audience?
Hair color
Fashion sense


Gender since it’s the only one with two options (unless you go into non-binary and stuff) <3




I think this is right

the mechanic has not reaired my radio change passive voice


My radio has not been repaired.


An action in a sentence can be represented in two ways, namely active and passive voice.

The passive voice always uses the past participle form of the main verb irrespective of any tense. Only the auxiliary verbs depend upon the sentence given in active voice.

The correct answer is D)My radio has not been repaired.

Option D is correct as the given sentence is in active voice and to transform it into passive voice the subject of the given sentence

(The mechanic) come in the place of the object and vice versa. Also, as the sentence is in the present perfect tense, 'been' is added.

Can Someone please check my essay, The words in red are the mistakes that the professor thinks I’ve made, i don’t see it tbh I mean I had 2 spelling mistakes which were in the first paragraph “your down instead of you’re down” and “on the other hands instead of on the other hand” but that’s it
I’m literally questioning my English skills at this point so please just tell me if u think he’s right or is he pointing out mistakes that don’t even exist
(Keep in my it’s just a general English skills course nothing serious)


For the first red, you don't need an article before "relationship".

When you're saying "type of [word]", do not put any article before that word.

Example: "a type of device"

Not too sure about the "your back" parts. It could be your teacher does not like repition.

Also not too sure about "did". He probably wanted you to use the word "felt" instead of "did feel"

The first word of the last paragraph should be "in" not "at".

The red commas definitely do not need to be there.

Don't know why he marked "time to" and "to" red.

I ..... for Christine. Do you know where she is?



am looking


I am looking for Christine. (is the correct way to write the sentence before the question)

I am looking for Christine. I have been looking for Christine.

Help me please……………….





ur world view would be the way u see things around you

Help pleno need help



I'm sorry but nobody will be able to help


nobody can help because we don know what you just watched and or just read about weather to give you an answer that would be correct

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