in your opinion, whyu does odysseus choose antious as his first victim? why does the suitors react to antinous death as they do?


Answer 1

The spectator first witnesses penelope's suitors taking advantage of hospitality in The Odyssey. When Odysseus was present or if they were expecting him to return, the suitors would not risk engaging in such insulting behaviour.

They have transformed Odysseus' house into their own personal party space, and they eat and drink lavishly at the host's expense most of the time. The circumstance of Odysseus' home serves as the undercurrent of the revenge motif. When Odysseus was present or if they were expecting him to return, the suitors would not risk engaging in such insulting behaviour. He is believed to be deceased. Only a select few—Antinous and Eurymachus foremost—have any actual possibility of getting married to Penelope and, as a result, improving their chances of becoming the next king. The remainder are merely exploiting the situation.

To know more about  Odyssey refer the link below:


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is this a joke


if not I need more information

1.Students will write an opening sentence explaning the difference between similes and mataphors.

2.Look at the underlined examples of figurative language in both poems below:

Poem 1:

Oh, if instead she’d left to me
The thing she took into the grave!—
That courage like a rock, which she
Has no more need of, and I have.

Poem 2:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

It’s had tacks in it,

And splinters,

And boards torn up,

And sometimes goin’ in the dark

Where there ain’t been no light.

3.Choose 2-3 expressions to write about and explain their meaning in context (1-2 sentences).


The persona is reflecting. Someone who has recently lost their mother appears to be reflecting and thinking about the bravery of this mother

What figurative language is life for me Ain't been no crystal stair?Here, the persona is reflecting. Someone who has recently lost their mother appears to be reflecting and thinking about the bravery of this mother. The mother is no longer here, but the ego believes she needs her mother's courage. These are the only words the character ever says about her mother's bravery because of the agony.Hughes utilizes the metaphor of the crystal stair to represent how challenging the mother's life has been in "Mother to Son." Clear and typically smooth surfaces define crystal. He hasn't spent his entire life climbing crystal steps. By no means has it been simple.

To learn more about metaphor refer,


3. In what ways is Douglass's word choice suited to his audience? How effective would it
be for a modern audience? Explain. (“What to a Slave Is the Fourth of July” speech reflection)



Frederick Douglass' "What to a Slave Is the Fourth of July" speech is a powerful and poignant reflection on the contradiction between America's founding principles of liberty and equality and the reality of slavery and racial inequality. In the speech, Douglass challenges his audience to consider the hypocrisy of celebrating the Fourth of July, a day that is supposed to represent freedom and independence, while ignoring the fact that millions of black Americans were still being held in bondage. He calls on his audience to recognize the injustice and inhumanity of slavery, and to work towards achieving true equality and freedom for all Americans.

For a modern audience, this speech would still be relevant and thought-provoking. Despite the significant progress that has been made in the struggle for civil rights and racial equality, there are still many instances of inequality and injustice in American society. The issues of police brutality, systemic racism, and economic inequality continue to plague the country, and many Americans are still denied the rights and opportunities that are supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution. In this context, Douglass' speech can serve as a reminder of the ongoing need to address these issues and to strive for a more just and equitable society.


Douglass influenced his audience by using language and examples that resonated with the anti-slavery movement. He also took care to appear objective when expressing his beliefs.

Who is a Frederick Douglass?

The narration by Douglass demonstrates why white slaveowners maintain enslavement by maintaining their slaves throughout the darkness and not wanting to tell them. Numerous individuals just at the moment Douglass began preaching thought that slavery was indeed a general pattern of affairs.

He used pathos in his lectures in addition to ethos by engaging his audience in an emotional connection. When it comes to commemorating the Fourth of July, a holiday that is meant to stand for liberation and independence.

He urges his audience to ponder the contradiction of doing so while simultaneously overlooking that the people were still slaves. 

Learn more about Frederick Douglass, here:


nigth chapter by ellie weisel
literary analysis essay whole chapter
please help me​



Eliezer spends another two and a half months at Buchenwald. He is transferred to the children's block and no longer thinks or feels anything but the desire to eat. One day the SS are late for roll call—which never happens. Then the loudspeakers call all the Jews to the assembly place. The children begin to move, but other prisoners whisper to them to return to the block. Since lots of Jews didn't show up at the roll call for Jews, there's a general roll call the next day. The prisoners are told that they are going to be evacuated, ten prison blocks each day. Buchenwald is being liquidated. There will be no more food rations given. A few days later there are still twenty thousand people in the camp, so the Nazis decide to speed things up and evacuate all the remaining prisoners before blowing up the camp. But an alarm goes off and the prisoners are sent back to their blocks and the evacuation is postponed a day. The prisoners have eaten nothing but grass and scavenged potato peelings for six days.


Without his father beside him, Eliezer is now just a body, surviving. The prisoners fear that because the war is nearing an end, the Nazi's will speed up the extermination of remaining Jews. Now they will all be starving. The Nazi's hope to destroy evidence of their death camps so they won't be held accountable after the war.

The boy who cried wolf 20 points !!!

What is the author's message about power, truth, and lies? How are they connected?
Use evidence from this text, from your own experience, and from other art or
literature to answer this question.


The author's message about power, truth, and lies is that the liars will not be rewarded; even if they tell the truth, no one believes them.

What was the story about

In the story, a shepherd boy repeatedly deceives the locals into believing that a wolf is attacking his town's flock. The villagers think it is just another false alarm when a real wolf shows up and the boy calls for assistance; as a result, the wolf devours the sheep.

The flock is decimated when a wolf actually does show up because the villagers do not believe the boy's cries for help. The lesson of the tale is that those who lie will not prosper; even when they tell the truth, no one will believe them. The lesson of the story is that a liar should never be believed, even when they are speaking the truth. One of the well-known Aesop's Fables is The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf.

Learn more about boy who cried wolf on:





Explain the meaning of the literary term 'scene'

Identify the element of 'scene' in literary works

This lesson is an extension of the lesson on 'scene.' Refer to the previous lesson if necessary.

Lesson 13 Assignment

A. Plan an imaginary dinner to which you invite several famous people. These may be a combination of living and deceased personalities. Write at least three scenes describing your dinner party. Each scenes should do one of the following:

a. Provide exposition (explain)

b. Describe character

c. Advance the plot

B. After you have completed writing the scenes, explain how each scene follows the general rules for the elements of 'scene' and also provide a brief explanation of why your chose these particular personalities to attend your party.


In literature, a scene refers to a specific event or sequence of events that takes place in a particular location and time within a story or play.

A scene typically includes dialogue, actions, and descriptions of characters and their surroundings.

The element of 'scene' in literary works

In a play or screenplay, scenes are often indicated by scene numbers or headings that indicate the location and time of the action.

In a novel or short story, scenes are typically separated by breaks in the text, such as a change in location or a jump in time.

An imaginary dinner scene is given below:

Scene 1: The Arrival

The guests begin to arrive at the grand dining hall, where a long table has been set for the dinner party. The first to arrive is Albert Einstein, who is greeted warmly by the host. He takes a seat at the head of the table, and begins to ch.a.t with Marie Curie, who has also just arrived. As more guests arrive, the room fills with the excited chatter of some of the most brilliant minds in history.

Stephen Hawking is wheeled in by a nurse, and takes a seat next to Einstein. He and Einstein begin discussing their theories on physics, while Marie Curie talks to Thomas Edison about her discoveries in radioactivity. Leonardo da Vinci sits quietly, sketching in his notebook and occasionally chiming in with a comment or question.

Scene 2: The Meal

As the guests take their seats, a team of chefs brings out the first course, a salad of mixed greens with a light vinaigrette dressing. The guests help themselves to the salad as they continue their conversations.

Einstein and Hawking debate the theory of relativity, while Marie Curie tells Edison about her discovery of radium. Leonardo da Vinci talks about his studies of anatomy and how it influenced his art.

Scene 3: The Dessert and after-party

After the meal, the guests retire to the drawing room for coffee and dessert. A grand piano sits in one corner of the room, and as the guests enjoy their dessert, Beethoven starts playing some of his famous pieces. The guests gather around the piano, listening to the music and discussing their thoughts and ideas.

Read more about scenes here:

4. What archetypal image is called up in the Ghost's second
speech, beginning "My hour is almost come"(lines 2-4 of the
O A. an image of suffering in the afterlife
OB. an image of violent crime
O C. an image of rebirth and salvation
O D. an image of chaos and anarchy


The archetypal image that is called up in the Ghost's second speech, beginning "My hour is almost come"(lines 2-4 of the passage) is C. an image of rebirth and salvation

What is an Archetype?

This refers to the character or a theme that represents a universal pattern of human nature and is usually recurring.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given narration, the speech of Ghost can be seen of one who has seen an image or vision of rebirth and sakvation by seeing his death.

Read more about archetypes here:


What are Mahmoud’s accomplishments in Refugee



Mahmoud finally sees the power of visibility when he decides to walk out of the Hungarian detention center and lead the other refugees on a 12-hour march to Austria.

Romeo and Juliet translated act 1 scene 1 annotaiton


Romeo is disappointed because he loves Rosaline but is unable to be with her. Rosaline had also vowed to abstain from dating for the rest of her life.

What role does Romeo play in Act 1 Scene 1?

To sum up, Romeo is portrayed by Shakespeare as just a young, inexperienced man who is still troubled by love in his first scene in the play. He serves to remind me of a Petrarchan lover—an intensely passionate yet painful lover.

In act 1 scene 1, the two Capulet household servants are heard discussing their hatred of the Montagues in the play's opening scene. A fight starts when they encounter two servants from the Montague household. Because once Tybalt shows up, things worsen despite Benvolio's best efforts to break up the fight.

Therefore, in an exertion to cheer him up, Benvolio assures him that Rosaline won't be the only attractive woman at the Capulets' party.

Learn more bout Romeo and Juliet from the given link.


Which statement most accurately describes the point of view of the entire
A. It begins in first person and shifts to third person.
It begins in third person and shifts to first person.
It begins and ends in first person.
OD. It begins and ends in third person.



I don't have the passage, but I'll give a rough overview.


A) Starts using I/me. Shifts to she/her or he/him.

B) Starts using she/her or he/him. Shifts to I/me.

C) Starts using I/me. Ends using I/me.

D) Starts using she/her or he/him. Ends using she/her or he/him.

Short examples (They don't really make sense, just to give you an idea, sorry about that) :

A) I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to me. Let's rewind. She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

B) She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked. Let's rewind. I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had happened to me...

C) I stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to me. Let's rewind. I had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

D) She stood at the top of the stairway, wondering what had just happened to her. Let's rewind. She had tried to make amends, but nothing worked...

I hope this helps somewhat! If this doesn't make sense, comment and I'll try re-explain it!

Brand name products tend to cost more. _____, I rarely buy them.






Brand name products tend to cost more. Therefore, I rarely buy them.

The answer is therefore!

Which two skills or abilities are important for a school counselor?
A. leadership
B. active listening
C. empathy
D. physical stamina
E. creativity


empathy and active listening


For me it's B and D


My very own answer

An effective moderator of a group discussion...

A. tells participants what they should say.
B. encourages contention and disorder.
C. introduces personal opinions into the discussion.
D. helps the group remember the rules of discussion.


Helps the group remember the rules of discussion.

An effective moderator of a group discussion helps the group remember the rules of discussion.

A group discussion moderator's responsibility is to guarantee that each participant engages actively.

Therefore, rather of directing the participants what to say, the moderator must encourage them to voice their own opinions.

Additionally, because it will undermine the discussion's impartiality, the moderator cannot permit disruptive behavior during it.

Furthermore, because the moderator is not an active participant in the discussion, he or she should refrain from contributing personal viewpoints.

The final choice, option (d), in which the moderator maintains the debate on track by reminding the group of the discussion's guidelines, is the correct response.

for more information regarding effective moderator visit the link:


An effective moderator of a group Helps the group remember the rules of discussion.

Hence, Option D is correct

What do you mean by moderator?

A skilled discussion moderator aids the group in remembering the ground rules.The role of the group discussion moderator is to ensure that each participant participates actively.Therefore, the moderator must encourage individuals to express their own thoughts rather than telling them what to say.Additionally, the moderator cannot allow disruptive behavior to occur during the conversation because it will compromise its objectivity.Additionally, the moderator should avoid adding personal opinions because they are not actively participating in the conversation.

For more information regarding effective moderator visit the link:


Dana is writing an essay arguing that athletes should be paid for playing college sports. Which source is likely to have a strong bias in support of Dana’s claim?



college athletes or colleges in general


well think about her claim

who would most likely agree with her ideas?

i'd say college athletes for one, so if she were to interview or pull information from what college athletes say, they're most likely going to agree with her

this christmas song was composed by francis dandan with lyrics by the great baritone and national artist aurelio estanislao. this song is about how a broken heart feels at christmas. the song was also popularized by gary valenciano


The Christmas song that was com-posed by Francis dandan with lyrics by the gr-eat baritone and nati-onal artist Aurelio Estanislao is “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko”. This so-ng is about how a bro-ken heart feels at Christmas. The song was also popular-ized by Gary Valenciano.

Dandan collab-orated with UP professor, bari-tone Aurelio Estanislao, who wro-te the lyrics of “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko” before the song land-ed on Valenciano's lap.

This senti-mental Yuletide ballad that has been croo-ned by Filipinos for more than three decades, has an interest-ing romantic story. “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko” has beco-me one of the most iconic Christmas ballads ever record-ed and Valenciano can-not be any hap-pier about that fact.

To know more about Christmas song click below:


Why plan your research to make a research easier to do


Our research is well planned to make the research easier to do or conduct.

Why Plan Our Research?

A research plan is a framework that outlines your strategy for approaching your subject. The plan could be in the form of a written outline, a story, a concept map, or a chronology. It's a document that will evolve and grow as your research progresses.Because it outlines the whole research endeavor from beginning to end and identifies and clarifies your focus, technique, and goals, a research plan is essential to the success of any research effort.This kind of plan is frequently required to submit grant applications, secure internal finance for the company, find potential collaborators for joint ventures or other business endeavors, and turn your study into a reality.By outlining key research questions and the hypothesis (theory) that you'll work to confirm or disprove, it will also guide the research project throughout every step of its development.

To learn more about Research Plan from the given link


What two things are being compared ? "She slithered into the room quietly and listened. After several days of observing, she finally uncoiled her long limbs, stretched her neck, leaned against the desk and began speaking, swaying as she spoke. With those first words she began to slowly poison their minds."



her movement is comparable to her poisonous words

Read the paragraph.

I went skiing. I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.

Which revision most effectively uses transitions to clarify the sequence of events?
A. First of all, I went skiing. Unfortunately, I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. Luckily, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. Amazingly, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
B. The first time I went skiing, I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! For hours and hours that morning, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. As the day wore on, though, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. The next time I went skiing, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
C. When I went skiing, I was riddled with anxiety. Later, the mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! Likewise, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run, though. Therefore, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
D. I went skiing, and I was riddled with anxiety. Ahead of me, the mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! That day, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. Later, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. Most importantly, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.




Got it right on

Malvolio says, “This house is as dark as ignorance, though ignorance were as dark as hell.” What type of figurative language is this an example of?








how did napoleon power struggle impacted the lives of the animals on the farm,


At some stage in the unconventional, it will become recurring for the dogs to be visible in public with Napoleon to enhance his power thru violence. Napoleon additionally makes the animals paintings so hard that they're so worn-out and that they overlook how they may be being was slaves by means of their leader Napoleon.

Napoleon won general manage over animal farm through exiling Snowball. no matter Napoleon’s efforts, Snowball controlled to get maximum of the animals help on the problem of the windmill. Napoleon knew Snowball became a brilliant risk to his role.

If Napoleon did no longer act soon, Snowball would quickly become the undisputable chief of Animal Farm.In the course of the radical, it becomes ordinary for the dogs to be seen in public with Napoleon to enhance his strength thru violence.

Napoleon also makes the animals paintings so hard that they may be so worn-out and that they neglect how they may be being was slaves via their chief Napoleon. Additionally they haven't any time to consider rebelling in opposition to him. He does this with the aid of making the animals construct the snowballs windmill that he considered useless whilst snowball concept of it.

Learn more about Napoleon at

What doe Cleante ak Tartuffe to help him with at the beginning of Act 4?
A. Mending Orgon and Dam' relationhip
B. Talking to Elmire about a problem
C. Fixing Orgon' finance
D. Joining Mariane and Valere


Act 4 opens with Cleante asking Tartuffe for assistance in repairing the relationship between Orgon and Damis.(option a)

At the start of Act 4, Cleante asks Tartuffe for assist with what?

Act 4 of Tartuffe features Cleante asking Tartuffe to patch up the relationship between Orgon and Damis (A). Cleante worries about the disagreement between Orgon and Damis and hopes that Hypocrite will be able to use his power and influence to make things work out for them. Cleante proposes that by talking to Tartuffe, Tartuffe can try to persuade Orgon to be more sympathetic and forgiving toward Damis.

To know more about Cleante , check out:


Please help I will give brainiest


A fictional character used to symbolize a product or an idea Uncle Sam is a representation of the United States.

Explain about the personification?

Personification is the practice of giving human characteristics, such as feelings or thoughts, to an inanimate object or animal. For instance, you might describe the wind as "breathing" on your face rather than just saying that it is blowing. You are personifying the wind when you act in this manner.

Making inanimate objects relevant to the (human) reader is the fundamental goal of personification in literature. Personification also gives additional meaning to things that lack complicated human characteristics.

Personification can give a setting atmosphere or give life to an object or animal that would otherwise seem lifeless. It can make it easier for readers to relate to the elements of a tale or poem that aren't the characters.

To learn more about personification refer to:


before the sit-in protests, who was allowed to sit at the woolworth lunch counter? who wasn’t allowed to sit at the woolworth lunch counter?


Before the sit-in protests, only white people were allow-ed to sit at the Wool-worth lunch counter. Four young black men were not allow-ed to sit at the Woolworth lunch count-er.

On February 1, 1960, the four stud-ents sat do-wn at the lunch counter at the Woolworth's in down-town Greensboro, where the official pol-icy was to refuse service to anyone but whites. Denied serv-ice, the four young men refu-sed to give up their seats.

The sit-in was organ-ized by Ezell Blair, Jr. (later Jibreel Khazan), Frank-lin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Rich-mond—all African Ameri-cans and all stud-ents at North Carolina Agricul-tural and Technical State University in Green-sboro.

To know more about Woolworth click below:


how do you explain an elemtary student what spirit week is all about?


Answer:    each day the students are encouraged to dress to match a certain theme to show school unity

to dress up to support the school

What should a reporter always make time to do?


Answer: Listen


Which theme is best supported by the excerpt?
O Survival can mean making hard choices.
Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.
O Hard work always pays off in the end.
O Strong family relationships build slowly.


Correct option is B, Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.

Because if we will be kind to somebody one day somebody will be kind to us. Kindness is a sort of conduct marked through acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistant or difficulty for others, with out watching for reward or praise in go back. Kindness is a subject of hobby in philosophy, religion, and psychology. Kindness become one of the most important subjects in the Bible. In Book II of "Rhetoric", Aristotle defines kindness as "helpfulness closer to a person in need, now no longer in go back for anything, nor for the gain of the helper himself, however for that of the character helped". Nietzsche taken into consideration kindness and like to be the "maximum healing herbs and marketers in human intercourse".

What is an a excerpt?

Excerpt is a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.

To find Kindness  use the given link:


every morning, ms. santos dictates a vocabulary word, including its spelling, meaning, and an example of it used in a sentence. which teaching method does this best illustrate?


The right response is Dictate. It denotes speaking or reading aloud. Before we have to spell the term, can you perhaps dictate it in a sentence?

When prefixes (words or letters before a root word) or suffixes (words or letters after a root word) are added, the root word's meaning is merged with that of the prefix or suffix to form new words, which is how words are primarily constructed in English and other languages.

The word "dictate" in this instance has the Latin root "dict," which means "to say." This root can be combined with various suffixes or prefixes, such as the suffix -ate, which denotes an action and, when combined with "dict," refers to the "action of saying" something, or in the case of the word contradict, to which the prefix -contra is added, which denotes something that is contrary to or opposed to. The verb "dictate" is defined as "to pronounce or read loudly." Will you dictate the word in a sentence before we have to spell it? is a statement that makes use of the verb "dictate," which means to say or read aloud. This definition is accurate because "dictate" comes from the words "dict," which means "say," and "-ate," which turns "dict" into an action.

learn more about "Vocabulary" here


True, I replied, I had forgotten; of course they must have a relish—salt, and olives, and cheese, and they will boil roots and herbs such as country people prepare; for a dessert we shall give them figs, and peas, and beans; and they will roast myrtle-berries and acorns at the fire, drinking in moderation. And with such a diet they may be expected to live in peace and health to a good old age, and bequeath a similar life to their children after them.

How does the speaker use inductive reasoning to support the claim that a moderate lifestyle will lead to health and happiness?

He moves from a specific observation about people’s needs to a general conclusion about future generations.
He moves from a general premise about cooking to a specific conclusion about achieving peace in the future.
He moves from a specific pattern in food preparation to a generalization about planning for a celebration.
He moves from a trend in people’s eating habits to a generalization about the role of children.



The first one is correct.


Hope this helps!

Answer: How does the speaker use inductive reasoning to support the claim that a moderate lifestyle will lead to health and happiness?

A-He moves from a specific observation about people’s needs to a general conclusion about future generations.


Which statements describe how a video can be a more effective media for propaganda than a still image? Select three options.

The use of video allows musical accompaniment, which can add emotional emphasis to a message.
The use of video helps the viewer take in more information and visuals than a single image.
The use of video requires less viewing time because the content moves quickly.
The use of video is more likely to reach a greater number of people than still imagery.
The use of video offers a unique opportunity to use a testimonial, since voiceovers can be included.


The use of video allows musical accompaniment, which can add emotional emphasis to a message.

The use of video helps the viewer take in more information and visuals than a single image.

The use of video is more likely to reach a greater number of people than still imagery.

what is media for propaganda? Why it is more effective media?

Media for propaganda is any form of communication used to influence a large audience to believe or act in a certain way. This includes everything from television and radio broadcasts to social media posts and print advertisements. Propaganda is often used by governments or organizations to influence public opinion and sway people to their way of thinking.

Propaganda is often more effective than other forms of media because it is specifically designed to emotionally engage an audience. It usually contains elements of fear and intimidation, or of appealing to the audience's desire for a better life or future. It also often contains persuasive or manipulative language and imagery that is designed to be more memorable and powerful than other forms of media.

To learn more about media propaganda refer to:


Which of the following is not a method to generate business ideas?
O a
Look at old things in new ways
Ignore problems and obstacles
Brainstorm ideas
Od Capitalize on your hobbies


Answer: Ignore problems and obstacles


Other Questions
The excerpt below was written by Mark Twain in 1900."I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate (place under control) the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem (save). ...I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land." The New York Herald, October 15, 1900Based on this excerpt, why did Twain oppose U.S. acquisition of the Philippines? He asked me if I had seen him the day before.(into direct speech) Which functions have a vertex with a x-value of 0? Select three options.Of(x) = |x|f(x) = x + 3f(x) = 1x + 31f(x) = 1x1-6Of(x) = x + 31-6 which clinical manifestation would be most indicative of complete arterial obstruction in the lower extremities? Tim was on his way to work one morning and he noticed smoke coming from under the hood of his truck. He pulled over to the side of the road, turned off the ignition, and had his vehicle taken to the dealership. The dealership found a faulty wire and wanted to charge him for the service. However, since the vehicle was still under warranty, Tim contacted the manufacturer as well as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to report the incident. Tim's "right" to contact the manufacturer and NHTSA is related to the right to _______, one of the consumer rights mentioned in a speech by President John F. Kennedy. The length of a side of a cube is 4x units. In cubic units, what is the volume of the cube? Parallel and Perpendicular lines Block 4. What is the verb mood of the following sentence? Can the creek hold much more water?indicative , interrogative , imperative , subjunctive or conditional Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. the planets that reside in the region of the solar system are jupiter, , uranus, and neptune. although these planets are made up of lighter elements, they have a solid core. the atmosphere of all these planets is made up of hydrogen and . in addition to these two elements, the planets neptune and contain methane. what important demographic, political, and social changes accompanied the industrial revolution in britain? The ______ algorithm, developed in 1977, was the first public key encryption algorithm published for commercial use. SSL Record Protocol. Firms that use taper integration also use _____ when they rely on outside-market firms for some of their supplies.a) backward horizontal integrationb) forward vertical integrationc) forward horizontal integrationd) backward vertical integration What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?La madre soltera se preocupa por sus hijos.O the married womanO the older ladyO the unmarried girlO the single mother. an error occurred. if this issue persists please contact us through our help center at one number is 4 less than 3 times a second number. Two times the first number decreased by two times the second is 8. what is the value of the larger number?A.4B.12C.8D.2E.14 PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!Sharon wants to switch from cable to satellite TV. She calls Great Vista Satellite to get a quote. After looking at her cable bill, the salesperson explains that they can provide the same 300 channels Sharon has for $0.20 less per channel. If she switches, her monthly satellite bill will come to $180.Which equation can Sharon use to find c, the average amount the cable company charges per channel?0.20(c - 300)0.20c - 300300(c - 0.20)300c - 0.20How much on average does the cable company charge per channel? Blake and Sandra are having a rummage sale. Blake drags 3 boxes a distance of 10 meters each. He exerts a force of 20 newtons on each box. Sandra drags 4 boxes a distance of 12 meters each. She exerts a force of 15 newtons on each box. Blake takes 2 minutes to complete his work. Sandra takes 4 minutes.Blake does work than Sandra. Blakes power is than Sandras power. (Hint: Use W = Fd and .) Transformation of Sentence a) Buy an American laptop for me. (Make it a complex sentence)b) Mr. Selim is the wisest person in the locality. (Make it a comparative sentence) c) We all like an intelligent person. (Make it a complex sentence) d) Mother Teresa opened a home for the children who were orphan. (Make it a simple sentence)e) The task was done yesterday (Make it active) question 1: which form of business organization should the group select for the new restaurant and why? what would you tell them? provide the legal reasons that support your recommendation, using the key concepts presented in chapters 21 and 22. who is correct? faye and jet (corporation); spike (partnership); or ed (llc)? is intended to support management at many levels, as it contributes decisively to unity in the direction of administrative action, generates a sense of discipline, reduces uncertainty and minimizes unnecessary and time-wasting actions while facilitating goals formulated at the level of planning and implementation.