In your own opinion, which government functions would be best handled by state governments? Check any that
O making treaties with foreign countries
D running schools
O issuing driver's licenses
O fighting wars against foreign enemies
0 borrowing money


Answer 1


D running schools

O issuing driver's licenses


The rest of the options are something that the national government needs to handle.

Answer 2




Responsibilites of State Government

*Please mark brainliest, thanks!

Related Questions

How are the 1968 democratic convention and the letter from national mobilization committee similar and different?


Answer:The 1968 democratic convention and the letter from national mobilization committe similar Though the 1968 protest at the Democratic National Convention were largely against the Vietnam War, the country was undergoing unrest on many fronts. The Vietnam War was in its 13th year and the recent Tet Offensive had proved the conflict was far from over, as the draft sent more young men into the fray. It was only a matter of time before a showdown would take place between the government of President Lyndon B. Johnson and America’s war-weary citizens.


The Democratic Party in 1968 was in crisis. President Johnson—despite being elected with a huge majority in 1964—was soon loathed by many of his peers and constituents due to his pro-Vietnam War policies.

In November 1967, a relatively unknown and unremarkable Minnesota senator named Eugene McCarthy announced his intent to challenge Johnson for the Democratic presidential nomination. In March 1968, McCarthy won 40 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire presidential primary, thereby validating his candidacy.

A few days later, Senator Robert F. Kennedy abandoned his support for Johnson and entered the presidential fight.

President Johnson saw the writing on the wall and, on March 31, told a stunned nation during a televised address that he would not seek reelection. The following month, Vice President Hubert Humphrey—backed by Johnson—announced his candidacy for the nomination, further dividing the Democratic Party.

Humphrey focused on winning delegates in non-primary states, while Kennedy and McCarthy campaigned hard in primary states. Tragically, the race was turned upside down again when Robert Kennedy was assassinated after giving his victory speech following the California primary on June 4.

Read the excerpt from "A Model of Christian Charity." When God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article.... Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work... Now if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath He ratified this covenant...and will expect a strict performance of the articles contained in it...

How does this excerpt contribute to the effect of Winthrop's message on his audience?
A. It establishes Winthrop's leadership and encourages his audience to think for themselves.
B. The repeated references to God set a reassuring tone that they have nothing to fear as they begin new lives.
C. It emphasizes that the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God.
D. Winthrop uses forceful language to bully the audience into accepting his position of authority.​


This excerpt contributes to the effect of Winthrop's message to his audience by emphasizing that "the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God."

This is evident when he said that "Now if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath He ratified this covenant...and will expect a strict performance of the articles contained in it...

This implies that for God to help them achieve their success, they must abide by their agreement with God which is "a strict performance of the articles contained in it."

Therefore, this excerpt contributes to the effect of Winthrop's message on his audience by emphasizing that "the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God."

Learn more here:


C. It emphasizes that the success of their mission depends on how closely they follow their agreement with God.


I took the test, good luck btw anyone looking for answers :)

¿Qué paises durante el estado moderno desarrollaron la Monarquía Parlamentaria?



The modern concept of parliamentary government emerged in the Kingdom of Great Britain between 1707 and 1800 and its contemporary, the Parliamentary System in Sweden between 1721 and 1772.

frm wiki

Sorry I need points I’m really sorry

How were rulers in Ancient Egypt buried during the Old Kingdom?



Kings were buried in multi-roomed, rock-cut tombs in the valley of the kings and no longer in pyramids.

Question 6 of 10
What happened as a result of Spain's early exploration of the New World?
A. Spain worked with other European countries to set up colonies.
B. Spain was able to establish colonies in large areas of both
C. Spain was able to keep other European countries from settling in
D. Spain developed good relations with the native populations.



B. Spain was able to establish colonies in large areas of both continents.



That would be B.


What is a country, person, or company that uses exploitation for
production or consumption?



Exploiter  is a country, person, or company that uses exploitation for production or consumption


Based on the theory of Karl Marx, which explained the exploitation theory in economics, he defined that an exploiter to be an agent able to control goods, with revenue from his earnings or resources, that are completed with more operation than the exploiter actually worked for or did. This is in relation to the exploitative social arrangement defined by the Marxist theory of capitalist production.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is Exploiter  is a country, person, or company that uses exploitation for production or consumption

What nation's progress has heavily influenced
Southeast Asia?
A. Russia
B. Japan
C. India
D. China



Southeast Asia was heavily influenced by European colonialism.


The only area of the region that was not colonized by the Europeans was Thailand, which was called Siam during the colonial era. It remained an independent kingdom throughout the colonial period and was a buffer state between French and British colonizers.

Give branliest :)

india it dates back to 3rd century bce

Complete a 3/4 - 1-page essay on the geography and climate of Greece. What are the positive and negative effects of climate and geography on the lifestyles of the Greek people?

( it's no virus)



The climate of Greece is mediterranean with summers that are usually hot and dry, and the winters that can be quiet cold and wet. The upper part of Greece can be very cold during the winter and snow is not uncommon. However, for the south of Greece and the islands, the winters will be milder.


Vladimir Lenin enacted which policy as the leader of the Soviet Union?



The New Economic Policy (NEP) (Russian: новая экономическая политика (НЭП), tr. novaya ekonomicheskaya politika) was an economic policy of the Soviet Union proposed by Vladimir Lenin in 1921 as a temporary expedient.

What are the strongest three arguments that go against Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the national anthem?




Pro 1

When one believes the United States is not living up to its ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, kneeling during the national anthem is appropriate and justified.

Colin Kaepernick said, “I’m not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color… To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Many other athletes have since refused to stand for the national anthem for similar reasons.  Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall, who also has knelt during the national anthem, said, “the message is I’m against social injustice… I’m not against the military or police or America at all.”  NASCAR official and Army veteran Kirk Price, who kneeled during the anthem at a June 2020 race, stated, “I fully respect the flag… That’s not what the issue is here. The issue is African Americans being oppressed for so long under the flag… But to be honest with you, I know what the flag stands for and I know about Black people being oppressed because I am one.”

Con 1

Kneeling during the national anthem shows disrespect for the flag and members of the armed forces.

The national anthem pays respect to the people who have risked their lives, been injured, or died defending the United States. Carole Isham, a great-great-great-granddaughter of the writer of the national anthem (Francis Scott Key) stated that “it just blows my mind that somebody like (Kaepernick) would do what he does to dishonor the flag of this country and the national anthem when we have young men and women overseas fighting for this country, people that have died for this country.” Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints quarterback, supported Kaepernick’s message but disagreed with the delivery: “t’s an oxymoron that you’re sitting down, disrespecting that flag that has given you the freedom to speak out.” Brees reiterated his position on June 3, 2020 in the wake of the George Floyd killing. However, in light of the backlash that followed, Brees retracted his statement. In reaction, on June 5, 2020, President Trump tweeted, “OLD GLORY is to be revered, cherished, and flown high… “We should be standing up straight and tall, ideally with a salute, or a hand on heart. There are other things you can protest, but not our Great American Flag – NO KNEELING!”

Pro 2

When a national figure such as an NFL player kneels during the national anthem, it shocks people into paying attention and generates conversation.

Many people were shocked and offended when Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and the resulting debate has continued as additional players joined the protest. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell originally disagreed with those actions, but later praised what he called a movement from protest to progress: “I truly respect our players wanting to speak out and change the community… We want them to use that voice.” Social media has given a voice to strong opinions on both sides, including members of the armed forces who express support Kaepernick’s right to protest by posting under the hashtag

Con 2

Kneeling during the national anthem is an ineffective and counterproductive way to promote a cause.

Clemson University football coach Dabo Swinney said in a press conference: “I don’t think it’s good to be a distraction to your team. I don’t think it’s good to use your team as the platform.”  President Obama expressed concern that not standing for the national anthem can get in the way of the message: “As a general matter, when it comes to the flag the national anthem and the meaning that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who’ve fought for us — that is a tough thing for them to get past to then hear what his [Kaepernick’s] deeper concerns are.” Malcolm Jenkins, safety for the Philadelphia Eagles, supported Kaepernick’s message but said, “My grandfather served [in the military]. And this is a country that I love. So, me not standing for the national anthem isn’t really going to get me the results that I want.”

















An executive agreement is like a treaty, EXCEPT that it ___.
A. requires the approval of the Senate
B. does not require the approval of the Senate
C.does not commit the federal government to a course of action
D. does not have the force of law



it requires two-third vote from the Senate. so the answer is A. requires the approval of the senate


how did different kinds of indigenous cultures react to contact with the europeans ?




Native weapons changed dramatically as well, creating an arms race among the peoples living in European colonization zones. ... Eventually, native peoples also used their new weapons against the European colonizers who had provided them.

Which person is considered part of a market?
A. Jeremiah, who is completing his homework
B. Liz, who is drawing a picture of her cat
C. Matt, who is paying for guitar lessons
D. Erin, who is resting before going for a jog



C. matt, who is paying for guitar lessons

Answer: C. Matt, who is paying for guitar lessons.

Which is the longest distance?
A: 3500cm B: 65.5m C: 75000mm D: 15.5m E: 0.1km


Answer: 0.1km


The first thing to do in order to solve the question is to convert all into thesame units.

100cm = 1m

1000mm = 1m

1000000 mm = 1km

1000m = 1km

A. 3500cm = 3500/100 = 35m

B. 65.5m

C. 75000mm = 75000/1000 = 75m

D. 15.5m

E. 0.1km = 0.1 × 1000 = 100m

Based on the calculation above, the longest distance is 0.1km.

The state of Georgia's first attempt at a constitutional government was initiated in 1776 by the Provincial congress called by the Georgia Trustees in response to mass meetings held throughout the colony. this document would be the transition framework as Georgia moved from colony to state. true or false



Georgia's first attempt at constitutional government was initiated in April 1776 by the Provincial Congress called by the Georgia Trustees in response to a series of mass meetings held throughout the colony. This document provided a framework for the transition from colony to state.

A plebeian and a patrician are both observed committing the same crime.
How would they end up being treated by Roman law.




The plebeian is judged guilty, while the patrician is judged innocent.

How did railroads influence modern business practices?
A- by forming corporate boards(not right)
B- by issuing stocks and bonds
C- by resisting standardization
D- by creating reasonable scheduling expectations



I believe the answer is B: By issuing stocks and bonds.


Feel free to let me know if I was correct. I found that answer the most logical.


b would be a great answer


easy transportation of heavy loads, this answer became more obvious for me

just keep in tag on what the answer is

How is machines an example of the concept of globalization



This globalization and free trade machine is constantly exploiting, depleting, and abusing people of the developing world as well as their resources yet it provides absolutely no benefits to the greater working of the planet. The diagram of the machine is missing one key by-product or output per say, which is injustice. You see the natural resources are taken from already impoverished countries, who do not have the means to fight for the conservation of their environment. From these resources, the capitalistic world that we live in emphasizes and encourages materialism which drives production of consumer junk that is not necessary or needed and ends up as waste and pollution back into the natural environment. The labor force needed to provide for the huge demand of junk from the western world is made up of people from poor communities who will work ten-hour days in inhumane conditions making barely enough money to feed themselves. These people will also be unequally affected by the effects of the inevitable pollution and emissions, which come out of the globalization machine and create further problems for the planet and its inhabitants. This can include environmental degradation, negative human health impacts, global warming, infertile land, and ozone layer depletion. Once put into perspective this machine is destroying the well-being of the earth and all of its citizens including fauna and flora. The world is in need of a new machine driving a different world system. In reality, the world should not be based on one machine but on many different ones, which take into account the history, culture, and background of all countries and peoples to ensure all processes within the machine are fair and equal to all.


why did the US choose to enter World War 1



because Germany embarked on a deadly gamble



Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917.Was the reason due to which USA joined world war 1

trận đấu quyết định thắng lời của cuộc kháng chiến chống quân xiêm là



Trận Rạch Gầm - Xoài Mút vào 19-20/01/1785. Quân Tây Sơn do Nguyễn Huệ chỉ huy đánh tan quân Xiêm xâm lược (do Nguyễn Ánh cầu viện) trên sông Tiền


In the late 1800's, this
group was mainly hired for
office work due to the fact
they had small fingers
which were perfect for
A. men
B. women
C. children
D. elderly


the answer is woman


women's participation in the economy continued to rise with the gainss primarly owning to an increase in work among married women


B. women


What are some keywords and phrases that you included in your answer?

Colonists came to America.

Colonists faced challenges.

Colonists had strict religious beliefs.

Slaves were forced to come to America.

Slaves were treated brutally.


“Colonists faced challenges” I think

Escriba un ensayo de 500 palabras argumentando lógicamente el por qué la producción y consumo responsable construyen sociedades sostenibles.


Producción y consumo responsable.

Desde el inicio de la revolución industrial hasta nuestros días, materias como la ciencia y la tecnología han mejorado exponencialmente, a tal punto que muchas cosas que anteriormente se consideraban ficción como volar, internet, televisión, la comunicación instantánea entre otras, actualmente son parte de la cotidianidad de la mayoría de las personas, sin embargo, éste aumento progresivo en estos ámbitos ha llevado a una alta degradación del ambiente, debido a la extracción acelerada de los recursos naturales.

Nuestro planeta Tierra es un espacio finito, por lo cual, no se puede esperar que brinde recursos infinitos para sostener una economía cuya visualización es el crecimiento infinito, tanto las personas que crean la demanda, como las empresas que elaboran y construyen la oferta, deben ser conscientes que un pensamiento de consumo acelerado no es posible para nosotros.

Para ser sostenible, según el informe de Brundtland, se debe garantizar la cantidad y calidad de los recursos actuales a las futuras generaciones, por lo tanto, con el fin de alcanzar dicha definición, se debe hacer un uso eficaz y eficiente de los servicios derivados de dichos recursos que existen en la actualidad.

Cada vez que una persona consume un producto o se beneficia de un servicio, debe ser consciente que ello fue elaborado por algunas materias primas, que en su etapa de extracción o transformación produjeron emisiones, vertimientos y residuos cuyo destino final puede ser el océano y/o la capa de ozono, los cuales son esenciales para la subsistencia de la vida sobre nuestro planeta.

Hace pocos días, la ONU informó sobre algunos hechos lamentables, entre los cuales se encuentra el aumento de temperatura a finales de siglo, lo cual conllevará al aumento de hasta dos metros en el nivel del mar, inundando así muchas de las ciudades que se encuentran a esa altura, además de eliminar en gran medida el hábitat de algunas especies animales en los polos.

Debemos recordar que dicho aumento en la temperatura se debe a la emisión de gases como el C02 y el metano, así como este último se suele asociar a la industria y producción cárnica.

Convertirnos en una sociedad sostenible no quiere decir que nos convirtamos todos al veganismo, o que dejemos de utilizar diferentes productos o servicios que hacen parte de la vida contemporánea, sino que hagamos un uso racional de estos.

Considero que ninguna persona necesita con urgencia cambiar su teléfono celular o su televisor cada seis meses o cada año, por lo tanto, hacer un uso adecuado de la tecnología y los aparatos eléctricos y/o electrónicos, utilizándolos responsablemente con el fin de que su vida útil sea lo más larga posible.

Por otra parte, hacer un uso eficiente de los servicios básicos que tenemos en nuestros hogares, en especial el agua y la energía eléctrica, puesto que su consumo conlleva a la generación de emisiones y vertimientos, por lo cual el método más eficaz para reducirlos es hacer un uso adecuado de los mismos.

La teoría económica suele mencionar que la oferta se encuentra ampliamente influenciada por la demanda, en tal caso, si los consumidores realizamos una demanda responsable de productos y servicios, la oferta igualmente será responsable y esto permitirá que la sociedad alcance esa cúspide llamada sostenibilidad.

Si quieres saber un poco más sobre el desarrollo sostenible, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace:

Which of the following statements about the 2011 earthquake off the coast of Honshu, Japan, is false?
A. More than 120,000 people were killed.
B. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale.
C. Whole cities and towns were washed away.
D. The earthquake triggered the F - uk - us - hi - ma accident. (that word i spread out would not let me post this question so i spread it out)



A.More than 120000 people were killed.


A.More than 120000 people were killed.

Based on the wintertime La Niña weather map, what do you think Florida's temperature and precipitation would be like during a winter El Niño event?




El Nino would probably warm up Florida's temperatures. It's already a bit warm in Florida during the winter so it would sort of feel like summer.

President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev: Group of answer choices engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba decided which non-aligned nations would ally with the US and which would ally with the Soviets together planned and carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion became good friends after their Vienna summit meeting



Engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba


President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev were both engage in negotiating a peaceful outcome to the crisis related to the missiles.

Relationships between the U.S and the Soviet Union was a complex that led frequent hostile power rivalry over the years. The political differences of these two countries often prevented them from leading a mutual arrangement on issues like the Cuban crisis that brought them close to the war. Both nations have advance technology and military progress with the missile race and nuclear weapon.

Both agreed after meeting to remove missiles from respective places. Kennedy removes the missiles in Turkey and Italy where Khrushchev remove the missiles in Cuba.

Helpp :)) no links okey



work on economic reform. Although i am not 100% sure i would say the last one??

i think it’s the last one

What led to the Great Migration, which occurred between 1910 and 1920?



What led to the Great Migration,  was poor economic conditions and racial segregation. Amongst many other things.


President Eisenhower's most important and far-reaching domestic initiative was the passage of the Interstate Highway and Defense System Act of 1956. funding for a huge increase in Social Security benefits. the most progressive civil rights bill since Reconstruction. the establishment of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.



It's option a. The passage of the Interstate highway and defense system act of 1956


President Eisenhower's most important and far-reaching domestic initiative was the passage of the Interstate Highway and Defense System Act of 1956. It was hi s most ambitious and pushing domestic project. The Interstate Highway program, which was created in 1956, made over a 41,000-mile road system.

who was the first astronaut to be in space​


The first astronaut to be in space was Alan B. Shepard
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