In your own words, describe who Father Hidalgo was and how he was responsible for beginning the Mexican Revolution.


Answer 1

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was a Mexican Roman Catholic priest who played a crucial role in the Mexican War of Independence from 1810 to 1821. Hidalgo is well known for his "Grito de Dolores" ("Cry of Dolores") speech, in which he demanded the end of Spanish colonial control in Mexico.

This is not the best answer but i hope it helps :/

Answer 2
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (1753-1811), a Mexican revolutionary priest, is considered the foremost patriot of Mexican independence. He led a revolt against Spanish rule that inaugurated a series of military and political episodes culminating in the achievement of Mexican independence in 1821.

Related Questions

Help by answer this (the circle)


it informs the reader on the situation that happened from women’s point of view
It helps give another point of view from the women

Now can someone help me with this? Here is the story.




U still need the answer?

that sucks wish i could help. LOL!!

help pls being timed 20 points

Residents who want to stop a proposed landfill are likely to get the most help from their

US senators.
state legislators.
federal regulators.
county commissioners.


Federal regulators as they have the most power in a specific area

How did African Americans exercise their freedom and rights during Reconstruction?​


From my memory of APUSH, a few African Americans began working in government(very isolated cases of this), but the majority where attempting to gain their independence from previous slave owners. Many struggled under Jim Crow, and some more additionally were trapped into share cropping. Hope this helps!
jim crow laws and riots and telling people how bad it was for them and pushing for more change

Many factors contributed to the fall of Fort St. Louis when the Karankawas attacked. Which one of the following factors was NOT a result of La Salle’s actions?
the fort was small and out numbered
the fort was isolated and no help was nearby
the Karankawas tricked the colonists into thinking they were friends
the fort was poorly fortified and located in hostile territory

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


C. The Karankawas tricked the colonists into thinking they were friends
C the karankawas tricked the colonist into thinking they were friends

How can US society be more equal and accessible for people with disabilities?



Society often views the disabled (handicapped) as “less than human.” There is the perception they do not feel pain the way typical individuals. They do not have the same needs, desires, or feelings as typical individuals and therefore are not entitled to the same rights and considerations as typical individuals.

Ways to improve access for disabled patients

Doorways. One way in which you can improve accessibility for disabled individuals is by widening doorways so that wheelchairs and mobility scooters can pass through easily.


Fire alarms.

Bathroom facilities.

1. View the disability community as valuable consumer
2.employ people with disabilities
3. increase disability representation in political setting

A triple bar graph titled Increase in Black Populations of Northern Cities from 1910 to 1930. The x-axis is labeled city with New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Gary, Buffalo, Toledo, and Akron. The y-axis is labeled Population from 1 to 1,000,000. The left bar is 1930. The middle bar is 1920. The right bar is 1910. The highest populations in 1910 are New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Pittsburgh. In 1920 Akron, Toledo, Buffalo, Gary, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and New York doubled their population. Akron is at 10,000 people in 1930. Toledo is at over 10,000 people in 1930.
Study the table and answer the questions using the drop-down menus.

Which city had the fourth largest black population in 1910?

How many cities more than doubled their black population between 1910 and 1920?

Which city had the lowest black population in 1930?


New York gygghhggggggggg
New York would be the best answer

#9-15: Place the following names in the correct blanks.

Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Oliver H. Perry, John C. Calhoun, Francis Scott Key, James Madison

9. _______________________ was a young “War Hawk” from Kentucky.

10. ______________________ came to Congress from South Carolina.

11. ______________________ was a young Congressman from Massachusetts.

12. ______________________ commanded the American fleet on Lake Erie.

13. ______________________ won fame in the Battle of New Orleans.

14. ______________________ wrote “The Star Spangled Banner”.

15. ______________________ was President of the United States in 1812.



9. Henry clay

10. John Calhoun

11. Daniel Webster

12.oliver h.perry

13.andrew Jackson

14.fanscis Scott

15. James madison

9.henry clay
10.john c calhoun
11.daniel webster
12.oliver h perry
13.andrew jackson
14.francis scott key
15.james madison

pls help 20 points

Which statements describe the county commission form of government? Check all that apply.

Elected commissioners govern the county.
Commissioners manage the county budget.
An appointed executive administers the county.
Commissioners create new county laws.
Elected councilors adopt the county budget.
An elected executive creates new county laws.



This body is considered the “governing authority” of the County.So that,

Elected commissioners govern the county. is the correct answer.


The commission and home rule charter forms of county government in Washington State.City commission government is a form of local government in the United States. In a city commission government, voters elect a small commission, typically of five to seven members, on a plurality-at-large voting basis. This form of government thus blends legislative and executive branch functions in the same body.

The correct statements that describe the county commission form of government are:

Elected commissioners govern the county.Commissioners manage the county budget.Commissioners create new county laws.

Therefore, the first, second and last statements are the correct answers.

The county commission form of government is a type of government in which elected commissioners govern the county and manage the county budget. They are also responsible for creating new county laws.

Each commission serves as the head of the local government, collecting taxes from residents and managing county services like courts, jails, public health inspections, property registration, and public works (such as road maintenance).

In many of the more rural states, the county commission retains more control and may even be in charge of important government services in some urbanized areas.

To learn more on county commission, here:


Which of the following statements is FALSE?
In 1820 there were 11 free states and 11 slave states.
The South wanted more slave territories and the North wanted more free territories.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act made both the North and South happy.
The Missouri Compromise made both the North and South happy.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


A. True

B. False

C. True

B. True

So, B is the false statement

Hope it helps...

The answer is B. Good luck!

Why should we "obey God rather than men"?


Answer: Because, we learn more about him and can grow in understanding of his heart and desires for our lives. Obedience also leads to personal growth.

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question: Why should we "obey God rather than men"?


Putting God on top of the priority list is a must for all Christians who say that they love God. After all, it's not the number of hallelujahs that we shout on Sundays that matter. Rather, it's through our obedience to His Word that we ultimately show our love for Him.

There's an account in the Bible that shows what kind of Christians we must be – a people who would obey the Lord even if it means discomfort and persecution. In Acts 5, we see Peter and some apostles arrested for teaching the people the truth about Christ. They were healing people in the name of Jesus, and because of this, the temple guards and leading priests during that time confronted them.

Acts 5:26-32 describes how they were confronted, and how Peter responded beautifully.

"The captain went with his Temple guards and arrested the apostles, but without violence, for they were afraid the people would stone them. Then they brought the apostles before the high council, where the high priest confronted them.

"'We gave you strict orders never again to teach in this man's name!' he said. 'Instead, you have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching about him, and you want to make us responsible for his death!'

"But Peter and the apostles replied, 'We must obey God rather than any human authority. The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead after you killed him by hanging him on a cross. Then God put him in the place of honour at his right hand as Prince and Savior. He did this so the people of Israel would repent of their sins and be forgiven. We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, who is given by God to those who obey him.'"

Do we have that same amount of faith and love for Christ, that even in the face of ex-communication, persecution, ridicule, and human authority, we would choose to stand up for Jesus and the truth?

Standing strong in the face of hardship

Peter said, "We must obey God rather than any human authority."

In today's world, various laws and other restrictions are being set up so that any Christian could be prosecuted and legally persecuted for just being true to his faith. Yet, notwithstanding this, we must stand up for Christ and the gospel truth.

There are cases of businesses being sued for declining to serve same-sex marriages. A certain county clerk in America was persecuted for not issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. These people are worthy of our respect as Christians because they stood up for what God says is right.

Today's Christ-followers must realize that we have to stand strong and not be carried away by the world and its offerings. All hope is not lost. Although Christians are being persecuted left and right for standing on their faith in Christ, we must realize that this is to be expected! After all, "in the last days, there will be very difficult times. People will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred." (2 Timothy 3:1-2)

As for us, we must stand strong. The Lord Jesus Himself said in Matthew 24:12-13, "Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved."

Stand strong!


List and explain the Spanish government’s reasons for approving Moses Austin’s plan for a settlement in Texas.


In 1820, he traveled to San Antonio, where the Baron de Bastrop convinced the Spanish governor to approve Austin's plan. Austin soon received a land grant in what is now the state of Texas. Hoping to recover from bankruptcy with a bold scheme of colonization, Moses Austin meets with Spanish authorities in San Antonio to ask permission for 300 Anglo-American families to settle in Texas. Unfortunately, the economic collapse following the War of 1812 destroyed the lead market and left him bankrupt.
The Spanish government Moses Austin’s is correct because Texas. Approving Moses

Last one pls help 30 points

Which statements describe the county commission form of government? Check all that apply.

Elected commissioners govern the county.
Commissioners manage the county budget.
An appointed executive administers the county.
Commissioners create new county laws.
Elected councilors adopt the county budget.
An elected executive creates new county laws.



Elected commissioners govern the county. statements describe the county commission form of government.


Hey mate,This body is considered the “governing authority” of the County







State at least 4 similarities and / or differences between Ancient Rome and Ancient China. (It can be all similarities, all differences, or a mixture of both)


Both were imperialistic.
Both were threatened by nomadic invaders.
Both economies were based on agriculture.
Both were weakened from over expansion.

Answer:Both were imperialistic.

Both were threatened by nomadic invaders.

Both economies were based on agriculture.

Both were weakened from over expansion.


American Revolution or a Civil War?


Understand and discuss the purpose of the American Revolution

Understand that the American Revolution was a war fought between colonies established by another country

You must find and cite for resources a minimum of two (2) essays written by Americans that support your point of view.



The American Revolution, while not often called a civil war by modern historians, was referred to as a civil war in its first year, until William Henry Drayton, South Carolina's chief justice, first used the term "American Revolution" in 1776. One major difference between the two terms is length.


The American Revolution, while not often called a civil war by modern historians, was referred to as a civil war in its first year, until William Henry Drayton, South Carolina's chief justice, first used the term "American Revolution" in 1776. One major difference between the two terms is length.


Help being timed 20 points

The Washington Constitution differs from the US Constitution because the Washington Constitution

outlines more protections.
treats rights unequally.
protects fewer rights.
interprets rights differently.



Outlines more protections


Hope this answer will help you.

Please mark my answer as the brainliest

Answer: Protects fewer rights.

The name “Bleeding Kansas” came about as a result of _________________.
violence between cattle ranchers and railroad builders
violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters
violence between Native Americans and African Americans
violence between Kansas and Nebraska residents

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters.


pls help being timed 20 points

Tribal governments have their own

police forces.
air forces.


The answer is C. Tribal governments have their own police forces.
C is the correct answer

Describe events that explain the border differences between these maps. (USE THE MAP ABOVE TO EXPLAIN THE EVENTS). e. Use complete sentences.

I really just need the Lonestar Republic but if you can do all I will give brainliest!
Remember to write about it when it was in the time it says on the map





Study the graph showing US public opinion from 1965 to 1970.

A triple bar graph titled Was Sending Troops to Vietnam a Mistake? The x-axis is labeled Year from 1965 to 1970. The y-axis is labeled Percent of Responders from 0 to 90. The left bar is labeled yes. The middle bar is labeled no. The right bar is labeled no opinion. In 1965, over 20 percent say yes, 60 percent say no, and 15 percent have no opinion. In 1967, 40 percent say yes almost 50 percent say no, and 10 percent have no opinion. In 1970, over 50 percent say yes, over 30 percent say no, and 10 percent have no opinion.

Which statement about the Vietnam War is supported by the data in the graph?

The war was increasingly unpopular.
The war’s success led to greater support.
The war was of little importance to most Americans.
The war’s support did not change drastically over time.


I would say it became increasingly unpopular, the data continues a trend of yes, it was a mistake


just incase I missed something, still double read the question and see if you think its right

What are some similarities and/or differences between the Disabilities Rights Movement with the Civil Rights Movement and Women’s Equality?


Both groups created organizations to make change. Niagara Falls convention for women, as well as the making of unions for disabled workers. Disabled rights and women’s rights were both gained by protesting for legislation. Additionally both groups rights were considered taboo. Disabled Americans faced more prejudice than women did as they often are held under ableist standards.
The struggle for disability rights has followed a similar pattern to many other civil rights movements—challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes, rallying for political and institutional change, and lobbying for the self-determination of a minority community.

pls help being timed 20 points

The Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs has the responsibility of

overseeing the operation of Washington’s Indian casinos.
establishing the borders of tribal nations in Washington.
helping the tribes and the state of Washington work together.
writing laws and regulations for Washington’s tribal nations.



The answer is number 1 Overseeing the opreation of washington's indin casinos.


It is because they were in Washington helping the the state of Washington working together.


overseeing the operation of Washington’s Indian casinos.


The European Union (EU) serves as a central hub of political and economic collaboration for many European nations. Member states are able to work together to ensure the free movement of people, goods, and capital while maintaining common policies that mutually benefit all included countries. Not all European nations, however, are members of the EU.

Using your knowledge of the EU, its member countries, and other European nations, identify current non-member nations that might wish to become members. Choose one of those non-member nations, and act as its representative by formulating a one-page letter applying for membership to the EU.

Here are some ideas to keep in mind while writing your application:

There are certain conditions for membership a country must meet in order to join the EU. Based on your knowledge of your chosen nation, as well as any additional online research, explain in your letter how your country meets or plans to meet the conditions for membership.
Many organizations are consulted before making the unanimous decision to admit or deny a country acceptance to the EU. These consulting organizations include the Council of the EU, the European Commission, and the European Parliament. Make sure to address the known concerns of these organizations.



To the greatest gentlemen of the European Union:

From the city of Quito in Ecuador, I give you an honorable greeting, our people from Ecuador and I have learned of the possibility of sending an electoral observation mission, or a mission of experts, due to the chaos that has occurred. lived Ecuador. As you know, Ecuadorian democracy is going through a difficult time. In the midst of a pandemic, many infections and terrible deaths. In this context, we express our appreciation for the commitment and well-being of Ecuador. For this reason, even knowing the complexity of an elaboral observation mission in the midst of the health emergency, we believe that the European Union must support the Ecuadorian people. I hope you can help us and give us the opportunity to be together in this European Union in saving countries and protecting rights in their quest to enforce the rule of law, holding elections with due transparency, as well as the adoption of security measures and sanitary protocols necessary in the face of the pandemic, in the next electoral days. We look forward to your support in these key moments where Ecuador and Ecuadorians need the maximum guarantees and support from international organizations like yours.

Without another pending, I say goodbye on behalf of all. Greetings.

Sincerely: (Your name)


I hope I have helped at least a little, or I hope I have given you an idea of how to perform.

Task #1:
Research each event and write two or three sentences explaining why this event is important and how it affected America. Be sure to write your answers in your own words and do not copy directly from the websites.

Task #2:
Explain why you believe American might be different if this event had not occurred.

List of important events in American History:

1820 – Missouri Compromise

1820 – Maine becomes a state

1820 – U.S. presidential election, James Monroe re-elected president, Daniel D. Tompkins vice-president.

1821 – Missouri becomes a state.

1823 – Monroe Doctrine proclaimed.

1824 – U.S. Presidential election, 1824: results inconclusive

1825 – John Quincy Adams elected president by The House of Representatives; John C. Calhoun becomes vice-president

1825 – Erie Canal completed

1826 – Former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die within hours of each other on Independence Day

1828 - South Carolina Exposition and Protest published during the Nullification Crisis

1828 – Baltimore and Ohio Railroad construction begun

1828 – U.S. presidential election


Rffccjsjsksj2828383fcnnnn hello
Missouri Compromise-
This compromise was helpful because it “divided” the U.S’ non slave, and also slave states. This compromise added Missouri as a slave state, which ended up making there be one more slave state than the north. Later, Maine was added which helped balance the slave/non-slave states.

Maine becoming a state helped balance out the slave/non-slave states. If this hadn’t happened in America, there would have been riots and chaos. I think it helped establish peace between the union.

pls im almost done 30 points

Which roles do committees have in the creation of new legislation? Check all that apply.

They approve it for debate.
They make changes to it.
They propose it.
They review it.
They sign it into law.


i don’t know if this will help but , i know that the legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies.
Committees are an essential part of the legislative process. Senate committees monitor on-going governmental operations, identify issues suitable for legislative review, gather and evaluate information, and recommend courses of action to the Senate.

"economic factors led to more change between 1550 and 1900 than any other". how far do you agree?

i don't need a complete answer, just some examples :)



what do u mean bye "How far do u agree" that isn't something to agree on it's simply a fact.


I think 1900 then 1550

List three areas in which the United States has become a world leader.



Educating Our Kids, Quality of Life, The Expatriation Phenomenon.


I just know

Love State Farm and all state

Explain the rulings of the Dred Scott decision by the United States Supreme Court.



The Dred Scott decision was the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on March 6, 1857, that having lived in a free state and territory did not entitle an enslaved person, Dred Scott, to his freedom. In essence, the decision argued that, as someone's property, Scott was not a citizen and could not sue in a federal court.


That dred scott was someone’s property and could not sue in a federal court

Why do some countries use English as one of the official languages of the country? Justify your response
and provide two examples.



One it is because most people understand the language and everything manufactured is in English.

Two,more importantly it is widely spoken in almost every country including those who still uses their vernicular languages,they at least use english

1. Countries that were apart of the British Empire have kept English as an official language.
2. English is used in business, academics. road signs and directions and mainly in commerce.
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