including facts in an essay establishes fallacy, sets the time period, represents status, or gains credibility?


Answer 1

Answer: gains credibility


When an essay includes events that actually happened, it makes the scenario being described seem more likely to be true thereby giving it an extra measure of credibility because the stories can be related to actual events.

If one just makes up facts that cannot be related to the real world however, the scenario becomes more fictitious in the eyes of a reader and might even be declared a fallacious.

Related Questions

We don't have _____ of those items.






whe don't have any of those items

chemistry definition of ​



Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of elements and compounds, how they can change, and the energy that is released or absorbed when they change.

Do Marinette and Adrien get together at the end? This from miraculous.



Thomas Astruc has confirmed that Marinette and Adrien will end up together.


Hope this helps you

Yes, in the end they are together.

Thomas Astruc confirms it and I love Adrinette very much❤

In which sentence is whom used correctly?

Whom has the skills to take these pictures?

By whom were those pictures taken?



By whom were those pictures taken I believe is the right answer

autobiographical meaning​



marked by or dealing with one's own experiences or life history; of or in the manner of an autobiography: autobiographical material;an autobiographical novel.

3. How will you prepare and negotiate a contract?​



Well first you need to look at what you want to negotiate. identify the issues.

Help this is timed please ​


First one is “must be feeling” Last one is “will have left”
It is the first one

pls help me with this​


1. The heavy rain poured down on us, quickly soaking us to the bone
2. We were isolated floating on the surface of the sea when a huge wave nearly drowned us
3. The food was tasty, and we easily ate it all
4. The mountains were just breathtaking and that night, after breathing in all that fresh air, we slept instantly
5. We got off the aeroplane immediately, still not believing we had almost crashed it was the start of a thrilling holiday

20. Which of the following always contains at least two clauses? a. compound sentence complex sentence compound-complex sentence all of the above C. d​



compound complex


Types of themes of The doll’s house Katherine mansfieldd



One of the themes in this short story centers around the idea that every person ultimately craves inclusion.

The Kelvey girls are excluded from the social circles at school because of their poverty. They are "always by themselves," and the other girls ridicule them about their prospects of becoming servants when they grow up. They endure the mocking jeers of Lena, who drags one foot behind her, giggling behind her hand, as she attempts to engage Lil Kelvey in demeaning conversation. And every other girl gets invited to see the glorious doll house except the Kelvey girls.

They don't beg for an invitation like the other girls because they are used to rejection and exclusion. Yet when a chance opportunity presents itself, they follow Kezia "like two little stray cats" to share in the same experience that the other girls have enjoyed.

Even after being chased off the property by Aunt Beryl, the Kelvey girls look "dreamily" across the land in front of them, still focused on the "little lamp" in...


Which of the following sentences indicates that something is happening right now? b. o i jo I run very fast. I am running very fast. I can run very fast. all of the above​


The answer is :

I am running very fast



I am running very fast

Price of Book $14.99
Copies Sold at That Price 100,000
Total Revenue at That Price 1,499,000
Based on the data in the table and using the midpoint formula, between a price of $9.99 and $14.99, the price elasticity of demand for books is
A) -0.74.
B) -1.16.
C) -1.35.
D) -14.8.



I think the answer is D, but don't quote me on that

worksheet 64
editing (errors)
The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line with a blank against it. write the incorrect word and the correct word in the space provided against each line. The first one has been done for you.

incorrect correct
4. I step out of the hostel (a) step stepped
gate. Our hostel was not much (b)......... .........
than a hundred yard from the (c)........ ........
river. The sand was damp with a (d)....... .......
morning dew. But as I bury (e)....... .......
my feet, I felt the warmth for (f)........ ......
the previous day's sun. There was immense (g) ........ ........
banyan trees and birds stirred
and chirped on their nests. (h) ........... ...........
I felt I am really in a new world. (i)......... ...........​


(a) step - stepped

(b) much - more

(c) yard - yards

(d) damp - damped

(e) bury - buried

(f) for - of

(g) was - were

(h) on - in

(i) i am - as if I was


see below


incorrect correct

b) much more

c) yard yards

d) a (no article)

e) bury buried

f) for of

g) was were

h) on in

i) am was

The following statements contain errors. Choose the correct tense for each statement
Past Present Future
Tense Tense Tense
1. A class is where students learn and a teacher
2. After lunch I took a bus to Jalan Kemaman and do
some shopping
3. Rafi acted foolishly last night
4. My father told me that ragging never occurred
when he was in the army
5. Some countries, like the UK and Japan, depend
mainly on international trade, which gave them
most of their income.
6. We must approached as many customers as we
7. Faiz said that the new students have problems
every year when they entered the hostel
8. My mother was surprised when she noticed I had
changed my behaviour
9. I like him because his gentle manners make me
feel happy when I was with him
10. The Lee family lives in this area since the 1890s





Identify 5 aspects of essay writing from the following paragraph.  ( 5 marks)      The face to face conversation is superior to text messaging. To begin with, speech is accompanied by facial expressions, gestures, and conventions of body posture and distance. These are critical in expressing personal opinions, attitudes and in moderating social relationships. In addition, face to face communication comprises a rapport, warmth and agreement which are regularly communicated by subtle reaction signals injected at salient points by the listener. Moreover,the speaker adds sympathy and friendliness to the on-going conversation using reaction signals and comment clauses such as ‘you know’ or ‘you see’. Reaction signals and comment clauses are not a natural part of typing and are therefore missing from the language of text messaging.​



Five aspects of writing that we can see in the paragraph presented above are:

The clear and objective language.

The presentation of a well-structured argument.

The use of supporting details to support the argument.

The use of correct conjunctions to link sentences.

A well-defined textual structure.


The first aspect that we can observe in the paragraph is the use of clear and objective language. This aspect is essential for a good understanding of the essay while reading, which allows the reader to understand what the author of the essay is trying to present. The use of conjunctions that connect sentences and leave the paragraph cohesive and fluid is also an important feature of an essay that we can observe in the paragraph presented. All this is presented to the reader in a well-defined textual structure, which leaves the text with an efficient organization.

Furthermore, the paragraph presented in the question above presents a well-defined argument, right at the beginning. This argument presents the author's opinion and is strengthened by supporting details, logged in the other sentences. These supporting details justify and prove the argument, leaving it well established and structured.

It is not usually news, when another old cave is discovered in the South of France. Rather, it is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably,horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental and difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside. Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered.

1. Why is discovering a cave considered an ordinary event?
2. What did the paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict?

Correct answer- Brainliest!
Plz help!



1. Discovering a cave is an ordinary event as such discoveries are so frequent that hardly nobody pays heed to them.

2. The paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict "people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals."


In the given passage, the speaker talks of how caves often discovered are not a strange or extraordinary event. The answers to the given questions are as follows-

1. Discovering a cave is an ordinary event as such discoveries are so frequent that hardly anybody pays heed to them.

2. The paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict "people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals."

Write an application to your headteacher informing him/her about your study tour. Include all your plans in it . Also ask for the help you would like to have from the school. You can invite him/her to join your study tour , too



this is the answer of your question

3. Although my friend invited me 2 points
to a party, I do not want to go.
O Run on
O Fragment
Faulty parallelism
Comma splice
What is the type of this sentences?


C faulty parallelism i hope this helps!

A "Common Error in Judgment," which focuses on making decisions before gathering all the
necessary information or facts is known as:
A snap judgments.
B all-or-nothing thinking.
C unwarranted assumptions.
D projection.


Answer: snap judgement


Snap judgement means making a hasty decision before before the necessary evidences are gathered.

All-or-nothing thinking usually involves using "never or ever". It is the inability to see an alternatives or solution to a scenario.

Unwarranted assumptions are the claims that has no supporting evidence.

Projection is the forecast of a future situation which js based on the study of present trends.

Based on the information given above, the answer is snap judgement.

Question 2 of 22 Read the passage and then answer the question: A mother and father and their two children are struggling - with money and with society. They decide to move out to the country where land is cheaper. There, they try to start a new life. For this story to qualify as a work of Modernism, how best should it end? A. Through hard work, they manage to slowly tame the land B. A tornado strikes, destroying their property, but they live. C. All of the problems they tried to escape come right back D. The oldest child struggles to find a job but finally succeeds.​


Answer: C. All of the problems they tried to escape come right back.


Modernism was based on an idealistic society and a belief in progress. For the story given in the question to qualify as a work of Modernism, little changes just happen to them and their problems continue as they did before.

Therefore, the correct option based on the options given will then be All of the problems they tried to escape come right back.


C. All of the problems they tried to escape come right back


Pa help naman po!!!

Activity 1: Institutionalized!
Directions: Survey and list down at least five State and Non-State institutions that
are present in your locality.
State Institution

Non-state Institution



jamnya and kuli institutions

in the ____ paragraph you request action, such as an appointment, an interview, or some other definite action



are you pilipino


because I am a pilipino women


pilipino woman... though am not sure about the answer.


class 7th Chapter: Prepositions

She is keen __________ pursing higher education in the US.

a) at
b) on
c) with​



She is keen __________ pursing higher education in the US.

B. on

I hope it helps ●~●




l Hope this will help u

Which is an open network that anyone can access?



The internet is an open network that anyone can access

pls can i know the answers to these homophones questions
come and look widely
a mistake and chicken​



a chicken



who has the _number of correct answer.a.most b.little c.less. d.more​



A. Most


The other examples wouldn't make sense.

Paragraph 1
A reason I believe in teen curfews is my concern for teens' safety. When teens stay out late, they must either drive or walk home when they are tired, when visibility is limited, and when crime rates are statistically high. Therefore, curfews help parents and communities ensure the well-being of their young people by requiring them to be home early. Although I disagree with some of the traditional consequences for violating a curfew, I feel curfews are a good thing. Teen curfews can help protect young people.

When writing either for or against a certain issue, writers will often use words with a positive or negative connotation.

Identify 3 words or phrases from the paragraph that support the writer's beliefs about teen curfew.



concern for teen,teen safety,parents and communities ensure the well-being


this words describe the writer's beliefs

Some words or phrases from the paragraph that supports the writer's beliefs about teen curfew are:

concern for teens,teen safety,parents and communitiesWhat is Diction?

This refers to the choice of words that an author uses when writing his literary piece.

Hence, we can see that from the given text, there is a paragraph that talks about the issue of teen curfews and also the belief that teens should be protected, and the words are shown above.

Read more about diction here:


which ORANGE came first?

the Fruit or the Color?



The fruit


The earliest recorded usage of orange (the fruit) in English occurred in the 1300s came to us from the Old French ornege, adapted from the Arabic naranj. I hope this helped and please don't hesitate to reach out for clarification!

which form would best be classified as post modern



A play in the form of a public service announcement is the correct option.


Postmodernism can be seen as a reaction against the ideas and values of modernism, as well as a description of the period that followed modernism's dominance in cultural theory and practice in the early and middle decades of the twentieth century. The term is associated with scepticism, irony and philosophical critiques of the concepts of universal truths and objective reality.

In short, post-modernism is cultural movement that mixes up old and new forms in art.

Match each prompt to the type of essay it requires.
How to plan a
spring break.

Describe the action
at a recent sports
event you watched
or played in.

Describe a time
when you had to
apologize to
someone and
how it felt.

Compare and
learning with
online learning.

After high school,
students should
travel before
going to college.
If you were the
president of the
United States . . .
Teenagers should
have the freedom
to decide their
own curfew.
Discuss your fondest
childhood memories
and how they made
you who you are



first one is expository essay

the second and third one is descriptive essay

the fourth one is reflective essay

the fifth one is persuasive essay

the sixth one is persuasive essay

the seventh one is narrative essay

Other Questions
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