india is the worlds fifth largest producer of wind energy elaborate the sentence by mentioning any two advantages of wind energy


Answer 1



Wind electricity is a smooth and renewable supply of energy, producing no air or water pollution. Additionally, Wind strength is additionally a very low cost and dependable supply of energy, with the value of electrical energy from wind generators shedding regularly over the years.

Related Questions

what is the name of the capital of bangladesh?
1. dhaka
2. satkhira
3. khulna
4. jessore


1 – Dhaka

More of a history/geography question, though.

Write a speech that you will deliver to the parents to convince and motivate them to keep creative arts at your school. Discuss and explain all the benefits and reasons why one should teach art


Good day! As an educator, I'm glad to speak with all the parents and guardians. In this speech, I want to persuade you all that it is vital to keep creative arts at our school. It is true that arts education has been the focus of much debate over the years, and we are often asked to justify the importance of teaching creative arts to students. However, I'm going to explain to you all the benefits and reasons why we need to teach art in schools.

Firstly, creative arts offer a plethora of intellectual benefits. Art education enables students to enhance their critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Art education is a critical element of cognitive development since it necessitates the use of both sides of the brain. A well-rounded education should include both art and academic subjects because they complement and support one another.
Secondly, art education provides students with emotional benefits. Art is a great method for students to express themselves, which helps to build self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of accomplishment. It allows students to think and feel in different ways, and it encourages them to use their imagination and express themselves more fully.

Furthermore, Art education has been linked to academic success. Research has shown that students who are exposed to art education have higher test scores in subjects such as math, reading, and writing. It's no surprise that art students do well in college and succeed in the job market.
In conclusion, I hope I have convinced you all of the importance of keeping creative arts at our school. Art education has numerous benefits that go far beyond just learning how to draw or paint. So, please let us continue to teach and promote creative arts in our school, so our students can reap all the rewards. Thank you for your time!

For more question  Art education


Read the following speech excerpt and then select the correct answer to the question below:

President George W. Bush’s speech to the troops on the USS Abraham Lincoln
The war on terror is not over, yet it is not endless. We do not know the day of final victory, but we have seen the turning of the tide. No act of the terrorists will change our purpose, or weaken our resolve, or alter their fate. Their cause is lost. Free nations will press on to victory.

Which example would best support the president’s claim in this excerpt?

Personal reflections on the meaning of war and peace throughout history
Photographs of the various landscapes in Afghanistan and Iraq
Interviews with likable people who support Al-Qaida and Afghanistan
A true story of an act of terror followed by a show of American strength


A true story of an act of terror followed by a show of American strength would best support the president's claim in this excerpt.

How to explain the information

A true story of an act of terror followed by a show of American strength would best support the president's claim in this excerpt. It would demonstrate that despite acts of terror, the resolve of the United States remains strong, and they are committed to achieving victory.

By sharing this true story, the president aims to assure the troops and the nation that despite the ongoing war on terror, progress has been made, and the tide is turning in favor of free nations. It reinforces the message that the terrorists' cause is ultimately doomed to failure, as the United States and its allies will continue to fight until victory is achieved.

Overall, this example supports the president's claim by providing a concrete illustration of the resilience, determination, and strength of the United States in the face of terrorism.

Learn more about claim on


4. Explain, if you believe companies that are causing a digital disruption are supporting issues of scarcity, and


Companies that are causing a digital disruption can indeed contribute to addressing issues of scarcity in certain ways. Here's an explanation of why:

1. Increased Efficiency: Digital disruption often involves the implementation of advanced technologies, automation, and data-driven processes. These innovations can significantly enhance operational efficiency and resource utilization. By streamlining operations, companies can optimize their use of scarce resources, reducing waste and maximizing output. This increased efficiency helps address scarcity by making better use of limited resources.

2. Resource Sharing and Collaboration: Digital disruption has facilitated new models of resource sharing and collaboration. Platforms and technologies enable the sharing economy, where underutilized resources can be accessed and utilized more effectively. For example, ridesharing platforms optimize the use of vehicles, reducing the need for individual car ownership. Similarly, co-working spaces allow multiple companies and individuals to share office facilities, reducing the demand for dedicated spaces. By enabling efficient resource sharing, digital disruption helps alleviate scarcity by maximizing resource utilization.

3. Innovative Solutions: Digital disruption often drives the development of innovative solutions to address scarcity challenges. For example, in the agriculture sector, digital technologies enable precision farming techniques that optimize resource usage, such as water and fertilizers, resulting in increased crop yields. In healthcare, telemedicine platforms provide remote access to medical services, improving healthcare access in underserved areas. These innovative solutions leverage digital disruption to tackle scarcity issues effectively.

4. Access to Information and Knowledge: Digital disruption has significantly improved access to information and knowledge. The widespread availability of the internet and digital platforms enables individuals and communities to access educational resources, expertise, and market information. This increased access to information empowers individuals to make informed decisions, explore opportunities, and develop new skills. By democratizing access to knowledge, digital disruption helps address scarcity by enabling people to leverage resources and opportunities effectively.

5. Disintermediation and Cost Reduction: Digital disruption often removes intermediaries, reducing costs and improving affordability. By eliminating traditional middlemen, digital platforms can connect buyers and sellers directly, reducing transaction costs and making products and services more accessible. This cost reduction can help overcome scarcity challenges by making essential goods and services more affordable and available to a wider population.

While digital disruption itself may not directly solve all scarcity issues, it has the potential to contribute significantly to addressing these challenges. Through increased efficiency, resource sharing, innovation, access to information, and cost reduction, companies driving digital disruption can help mitigate the impact of scarcity and create more sustainable and inclusive solutions.


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Companies that are causing digital disruption can both support and exacerbate issues of scarcity. On one hand, they have the potential to address scarcity by introducing innovative technologies and business models that optimize resource allocation and improve efficiency.

Companies causing digital disruption refer to organizations that introduce new technologies, products, or services that significantly alter existing industries or markets.

Innovation and efficiency: Companies driving digital disruption often develop innovative solutions that optimize resource allocation and streamline processes. This can lead to increased efficiency, reducing waste and addressing scarcity challenges.

Access to information and resources: Digital disruption can democratize access to information and resources, enabling individuals and communities to overcome traditional barriers.

This can alleviate scarcity by empowering marginalized groups and improving resource distribution.

Increased consumption: Digital disruption can introduce new demands and consumption patterns that strain limited resources. For example, the rise of e-commerce has contributed to higher energy consumption for packaging, transportation, and data centers.

b. Resource concentration: Companies driving digital disruption can accumulate vast amounts of resources, resulting in resource concentration and exacerbating scarcity for smaller players in the market.

Environmental impact: Some digital disruption initiatives, such as the proliferation of electronic devices and data centers, can have negative environmental consequences.

This includes increased energy consumption, electronic waste, and carbon emissions, contributing to scarcity of resources like clean air and water.

Economic disparities: Digital disruption can exacerbate existing economic inequalities. While it may create new opportunities, those who are unable to adapt or lack access to digital technologies can experience further scarcity in terms of employment and economic participation.

In conclusion, companies causing digital disruption can have a dual impact on issues of scarcity. While they have the potential to address scarcity through innovation and efficiency, they can also contribute to scarcity by creating new demands and exacerbating resource concentration.

It is crucial for companies and policymakers to carefully consider the potential consequences of digital disruption and implement strategies to mitigate negative impacts on scarcity issues.

For more such questions on technologies, click on:


Describe how you would handle the following situation write it like you are in a interview but be polite in them give me a paragraph

How do you remain effective when you are forced with difficult tasks or with things you do not like to do



Here is a paragraph on how I would handle difficult tasks or things I do not like to do in an interview setting:

I believe that it is important to remain positive and focused when faced with difficult tasks or things I do not like to do. I try to break down the task into smaller, more manageable steps. I also set realistic goals for myself and celebrate my successes along the way. If I am feeling overwhelmed, I take a break and come back to the task when I am feeling refreshed. I also find it helpful to talk to someone about what I am going through. This can help me to feel less alone and to get some new perspectives on the situation. I believe that by staying positive and focused, I can overcome any challenge.

Here are some additional tips for handling difficult tasks or things you do not like to do:

Break the task down into smaller steps. This will make it seem less daunting and more achievable.Set realistic goals for yourself. Don't try to do too much too soon.Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This will help you to stay motivated.Take breaks when you need them. Don't try to push yourself too hard.Talk to someone about what you are going through. This can help you to feel less alone and to get some new perspectives on the situation.

How are the wolves in white fang displaying sesitiveness to the atmosphere around them


The wolves in "White Fang" by Jack London display sensitivity to the atmosphere around them in several ways. First, their behavior is influenced by the changing seasons. Second, the wolves are sensitive to changes in the environment.

During the winter months, when food is scarce, the wolves become more aggressive and are more likely to attack humans and other animals. In the spring, when food is more plentiful, they become more docile and are less likely to attack.Second, the wolves are sensitive to changes in the environment. They are able to detect changes in the wind direction and speed, which can alert them to the presence of prey or danger. They also use their keen sense of smell to detect changes in the environment, such as the presence of humans or other animals.Finally, the wolves in "White Fang" display sensitivity to human behavior. They are able to recognize patterns of human behavior, such as when humans are hunting or gathering food. They also learn to avoid humans who have been aggressive towards them in the past.In conclusion, the wolves in "White Fang" are highly sensitive to the atmosphere around them. They are able to detect changes in the environment and adjust their behavior accordingly. They are also able to recognize patterns of human behavior and learn to avoid humans who pose a threat to them. Overall, the wolves in "White Fang" are highly adaptable creatures who are able to survive in a variety of environments.

For more question  "White Fang"


4. Will you buy me a playstation for Christmas?

What is the proper noun PlayStation or Christmas?


The correct answer would be Playstation

Which statement below is an example of a story’s theme?
A:three friends meet at the park to play soccer
B:a girl studies hard and earns a scholarship
C:laughter is the best medicine
D:a boy leans a valuable lesson about friendships from his dog


The correct answer is Option C. An example of a story theme is "Laughter is the best medicine."

A theme is a lesson that an author wants to convey to the readers.

It is a universal message that we can apply in our daily lives.

A theme is different from a summary of the story because it is the message the author wants the readers to get from the story.

What is the theme of a story?

The theme of the story is the message that the author wants to convey to the readers.

It is the lesson or moral of the story.

Here is an example of a story theme.C: Laughter is the best medicine.

An example of a story theme is "Laughter is the best medicine." It means that laughing can be very beneficial to our health.

Laughing can help us forget about our problems, reduce our stress levels, and make us feel better about ourselves.

The theme of the story can be found in the story's title, in the dialogue of the characters, or in the narrator's voice.

It is essential to identify the theme of the story because it helps us understand the author's message and connect it to our lives.

The other options are not story themes.

A is a plot summary of the story, B is an accomplishment of the character, and D is a character's development.

For more questions on story theme


One day after school, two students begin tracking the number of steps they took each minute while walking home. they each write a function, s(m), that they think can be used to track the amount of steps after m minutes. use the drop-down menus to explain why each function does or does not represent the amount of steps after m minutes.


The function S (m) = 105m represents
the amount of steps after m minutes.
What is a function?
A mathematical phrase, rule, or law that
establishes the link between an
independent variable and a
dependent variable (the dependent
variable) is known as a function.
We are given two functions.
Tim's function: S (m) = 105
This function cannot be used to find
the amount of steps taken after m
Each minute, they take an additional
105 steps. Equal differences represent
a linear relationship.

Kristin's function: S (m) = 105m
This function can be used to find the
amount of steps taken after m minutes.
For every minute that passes, 105 more
steps are take.
Hence, the function S (m) = 105m
represents the amount of steps after m

Review the debate surrounding Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band as outlined in the latter portion of Module 8. Note that while everyone agrees the album had a powerful impact on popular music, some see that impact as good while others see it as pernicious. Note too that while some consider it the Beatles' best work, others see it as a falling off from the heights of, say, Revolver or Rubber Soul.

Take a stand in the debate, explaining and supporting your position with specific references to the texts -- print and audio -- involved.


In the debate surrounding Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, I take the position that the album had a positive impact on popular music and should be considered one of the Beatles' best works. While there are differing opinions on the matter, I believe that Sgt. Pepper's showcased the Beatles' innovation and artistic growth, solidifying their status as musical pioneers.

Firstly, Sgt. Pepper's was a groundbreaking album that pushed the boundaries of popular music. As mentioned in the module, it introduced innovative recording techniques, such as the use of studio effects and unconventional instrumentation. This experimentation is evident in tracks like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "A Day in the Life," which feature intricate arrangements and sonic landscapes. The album's production value and attention to detail set a new standard for the industry.

Furthermore, Sgt. Pepper's marked a significant departure from the Beatles' previous works, displaying their versatility and willingness to evolve. While Revolver and Rubber Soul are undoubtedly exceptional albums, Sgt. Pepper's showcased a new level of ambition and maturity. It reflected the spirit of the 1960s counterculture and captured the zeitgeist of the era, addressing themes of love, identity, and social commentary.

Additionally, the album's impact on subsequent musicians and the broader music landscape cannot be understated. Many artists have cited Sgt. Pepper's as a major influence on their own work, acknowledging its innovative approach to songwriting and production. The album's success paved the way for the concept album format and encouraged other musicians to push boundaries and experiment with their sound.

In conclusion, I believe that Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band deserves its acclaim as a masterpiece and a significant contribution to popular music. Its artistic innovation, thematic depth, and lasting influence make it a standout in the Beatles' discography and a pivotal moment in music history.

For more such questions on debate, click on:


what responsibilities do college freshman have



Responsibilities which are carried through ur life


It is your responsibility to attend and participate in all classes, study, complete all assignments, and turn them in on time. Grading criteria is spelled out in detail in the course syllabus. Professors will follow this guide and will expect all students to do the same.

Pls Mark Brainliest

As a college freshman, there are several responsibilities that are essential to a successful academic journey. Firstly, attending classes regularly is of utmost importance as it helps in keeping track of coursework, submitting assignments on time, and getting a better understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, it is also essential to maintain punctuality in submitting assignments and projects as well as keeping up with readings. This includes reviewing notes and concepts regularly to prepare for tests and exams.

Additionally, being part of a diverse academic community, college freshmen must respect the rights and diversity of other students. Hence, they should maintain a respectful, ethical, and responsible attitude towards their peers and professors alike.

Engaging in extracurricular activities is also a responsibility of college freshmen to help in developing social skills and building relationships with other students.

It is also necessary to learn time management and organizational skills to balance academic and personal life. This includes taking care of mental and physical health by eating well, exercising regularly, and taking sufficient rest.

College freshmen should also be aware of the resources available at their college, such as academic advising, counseling services, tutoring, and financial aid, to enhance their learning experience.

Lastly, students should be aware of the academic policies of their institution and adhere to the regulations mentioned. This includes avoiding academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and other forms of academic misconduct.

In conclusion, college freshmen should take responsibility for their academic and personal life, respect diversity, and engage in extracurricular activities to enhance their overall college experience.

For more such questions on college freshman



help help help help help



what grade are you in because that's I ready

PLEASE HELP CAN NOT BE PLAGIARIZED respond in 3-5 paragraphs to a essay-style prompt about the romeo and juliet play


When writing an essay on Romeo and Juliet, it's essential to understand the theme of the play, which is love, and how the characters react to it. You can write about how the love between Romeo and Juliet was forbidden due to the rivalry between their families. They eventually decide to marry in secret, which leads to a series of tragic events.

To avoid plagiarism, you should make sure to cite your sources appropriately. Any direct quotes or paraphrases from the play should be cited in MLA format. Also, avoid copying and pasting content from other sources or students' essays. Always write in your words and provide your perspective on the topic.

In conclusion, to write an essay on Romeo and Juliet without plagiarism, you need to understand the play's theme and characters, and their reactions to love. You should also avoid copying and pasting content from other sources and make sure to cite your sources appropriately. By following these guidelines, you can write an original essay that reflects your understanding of the play.

For more questions on Romeo and Juliet,


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