Industries that produce A. durable goods are more affected by recessions than is the economy as a whole. B. goods that are expected to last for fewer than three years are more affected by recessions than are durable goods. C. durable goods are less affected by recessions than is the economy as a whole. D. goods that are expected to last for three or more years are less affected by recessions than are nondurable goods.


Answer 1


A. durable goods are more affected by recessions than is the economy as a whole


The industries produce those types of goods that are durable also it could highly impacted whenever the recessions come in the market if we compared with the overall economy

Here durable goods means the goods that can be consumed for the longer time like cars, home appliances, etc

Therefore the above statement should be true

hence, the correct option is a.

Related Questions

What is the difference between a price floor and a price ceiling?

A price floor is the minimum price allowed for a good. A price ceiling is the maximum price allowed for a good.
A price floor is the maximum price allowed for a good. A price ceiling is the minimum price allowed for a good.
A price ceiling below the equilibrium price has no effect.
A price floor above the equilibrium price has no effect.



A price ceiling below the equilibrium price has no effect.

The difference between a price floor and a price ceiling is a price floor is the minimum price allowed for a good. A price ceiling is the maximum price allowed for a good. The correct option is a.

What is price floor?

A price floor is a government- or group-imposed price control or limit on how low a price can be charged for a product, good, commodity, or service. A price floor must be higher than the equilibrium price in order to be effective.

The equilibrium price, commonly called the "market price", is the price where economic forces such as supply and demand are balanced and in the absence of external influences the values of economic variables will not change, often described as the point at which quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal. Governments use price floors to keep certain prices from going too low.

Two common price floors are minimum wage laws and supply management in Canadian agriculture. Other price floors include regulated US airfares prior to 1978 and minimum price per-drink laws for alcohol.

Learn more about price floor, here:


Adrian's Premium Boxing Service subcontracts with a chocolate manufacturer to box premium chocolates for their mail order catalogue business. Adrian rents a small room for $150 a week in the downtown business district that serves as her factory. She can hire workers for $275 a week. During the week of July 4th, Adrian doesn't box any chocolates. What are her costs during the week



b). $ 150


Given that,

Rent of the room per week = $ 150

Cost or workers for the week = $ 275

To find,

Her costs during the week = ?


The costs during the week would be $ 150

because only the fixed costs(factory rent) would be taken into the application as no chocolates were packed that week.

The other costs are the variable costs that will be determined once the production proceeds and calculated once the week is completed. Therefore, option b is the correct answer.

Match each concept in Column A with an example in Column B. Column A Column B a. Substitute goods 1. Price and quantity along the supply curve b. A nonprice determinant of demand 2. Tea and coffee c. A nonprice determinant of supply 3. A change in technology d. Mark-up pricing 4. Hunger e. Positive relationship 5. Shoes and shoelaces f. Negative relationship 6. Consumer income g. Inadequacy 7. Price and quantity along the demand curve 24 h. Complementary goods 8. Setting price equal to cost plus 20 percent



a. Substitute goods - Tea and coffee

b. A nonprice determinant of demand - Consumer income

C. A nonprice determinant of supply -  A change in technology

D. Mark-up pricing - Setting price equal to cost plus 20 percent

E. Positive relationship -  Price and quantity along the supply curve

F. Negative relationship -  Price and quantity along the demand curve

G. Inadequacy - Hunger

H Complementary goods - Shoes and shoelaces


Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good.

if the price of a good increases, the demand for the substitute increases and if the price of the good reduces, the demand for the substitute increases.

Complementary goods are goods that are consumed together

The demand curve is a curve that shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded. The demand curve is negatively sloped because the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. This is in line with the law of demand.

Only a change in the price of a good leads to a movement along the demand curve of that good. Also, only a change in the price of the good would lead to an increase or decrease in the quantity demanded of that good.

Other factors other than the change in the price of the good would lead to a shift of the demand curve. Some of those factors include :

1. a change in consumers' expectation

2. a change in the taste of consumers

3. a change in income

There is a positive relationship between price and the quantity supplied. This accounts for why the supply curve is positively sloped.

A change in price of a good leads to a movement along the supply curve and not a shift of the supply curve.

Other factors other than a change in the price of the good would lead to a shift of the supply curve. Such factors include :  

1. A change in the price of input  

2. A change in the number of suppliers  

3. Government regulations  

4. Technological changes

A mechanic sued his former employer in federal court, claiming that the employer had discharged him because of his age in violation of federal law. The employer answered, denying the claims and promptly moving for summary judgment. In support of the motion, the employer attached the mechanic's employment evaluations for the past three years, which rated his skills and performance as poor and culminated in a recommendation for his discharge. What is the mechanic's best argument to defeat the summary judgment motion



The essential facts are unavailable to the mechanic and therefore discovery is required. (Civil Procedure-Motions)


In United States law, the motion to be considered as the procedural device so that it brings the limited and contested issue prior a decision could be taken by the court. It is the request that made to the judge for making out the decision for the case also the party that oppose to the motion should be the non-moving party

So as per the given situation, the important facts are not available to the mechanic and so the discovery is needed

Crane Company produces three versions of baseball bats: wood, aluminum, and hard rubber. A condensed segmented income statement for a recent period follows: Wood Aluminum Hard Rubber Total Sales $540000 $230000 $65000 $835000 Variable expenses 340000 170000 58000 568000 Contribution margin 200000 60000 7000 267000 Fixed expenses 75000 35000 22000 132000 Net income (loss) $125000 $ 25000 $(15000) $135000 Assume all of the fixed expenses for the hard rubber line are avoidable. What will be total net income if the line is dropped



the net income in the case when the line is dropped is $150,000


The computation of the net income in the case when the line is dropped is as followS:

= Total net income + fixed cost of hard rubber - contribution margin of the hard rubber

= $135,000 + $22,000 - $7,000

= $150,000

hence, the net income in the case when the line is dropped is $150,000

Jill's parents are concerned because she does not have a job despite graduating from college. Her parents tell her that they got jobs right out of high school, so she should be able to get a job very easily. They conclude that she must be lazy. Jill tells them that they need to consider larger economic trends and changes in technology to understand why she is having trouble finding a job. Jill is using __________________ to explain her inability to get a job:



Her sociological imagination.


From the question, we were informed about Jill's parents who were concerned because she does not have a job despite graduating from college. Her parents tell her that they got jobs right out of high school, so she should be able to get a job very easily. They conclude that she must be lazy. Jill tells them that they need to consider larger economic trends and changes in technology to understand why she is having trouble finding a job. Jill is using

Her sociological imagination to explain her inability to get a job. The sociological imagination can be regarded as a practice that involved having ability to “think ourselves away” from some of our daily and familiar routines of our lives, so that see them with critical and new eyes, Sociological imagination is ability gotten by individual to focus away from his/her particular situation then think from other point of view or alternative perspective. Sociological imagination can be regarded from other point of view as capacity of individual to shift his/her thought from one perspective to another perspective.

General Staff immediately come together and begin developing strategies. General Staff Chiefs are: Evaluating staffing and supervisory needs in the Incident Command Post. Identifying resource shortfalls. Updating planning documents. What NIMS Management Characteristics are you supporting


Select all that apply.

Common Terminology

Management by Objectives

Incident Action Planning

Manageable Span of Control

Unified Command



Management by Objectives

Incident Action Planning

Manageable Span of Control


Considering the information given in the question, the NIMS Management Characteristics I am supporting are:

1. Management by Objectives

This is because, by Management by Objectives, the General Staff are making strategies according to the previous objectives.

2. Incident Action Planning

This is because, by Incident Action Planning, the General Staff are revising planning documents that will comprise staffing and resource necessities.

3. Manageable Span of Control

This is because, by Manageable Span of Control, General staff chiefs are assessing staffing requirements in the Incident Command Post. This is to make sure each supervisor only has personnel that can be managed.

Review Question 1 What is meant by deadweight​ loss? Why does a price ceiling usually result in a deadweight​ loss? Deadweight loss is a​ _____________________. A price ceiling results in a deadweight loss when the ceiling price is set​ ________________ the market clearing price. A. net loss in​ output; above B. net loss of consumer and producer​ surplus; below C. net loss in​ output; below D. net loss of consumer and producer​ surplus; above Click to select your answer and then click Check Answer. All parts showing





Price ceiling is when the government or an agency of the government sets the maximum price for a product. It is binding when it is set below equilibrium price.

Effects of a binding price ceiling

1. It leads to shortages

2. it leads to the development of black markets

3. it prevents producers from raising price beyond a certain price

4. It lowers the price consumers pay for a product.  

The dead weight loss is the reduction in total surplus as a result of price setting. When price is set below equilibrium price, less goods are produced and consumed. This leads to a reduction in consumer and producer surplus

Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Fear of heights is known as ​





Acrophobia sometimes develops in response to a traumatic experience involving heights, such as: falling from a high place. watching someone else fall from a high place. having a panic attack or other negative experience while in a high place.


True or false: $50,000 in Pennsylvania will buy you the same amount of goods as $50,000 would in California.



i think it is true


The given statement is false, that the $50,000 in Pennsylvania will buy up the corresponding amount of goods as $50,000 would in California.

What is dollar?

Dollar is defined as the basic monetary unit that is used in exchange for something. This is the defined as the money value of the US, Australia, Canada and certain countries in the Pacific, SE Asia, Africa, Caribbean, and South America.

Because Pennsylvania is nearly 3.5 times littler than California, the notion that $50,000 will buy the same amount of things in Pennsylvania as it will in California is false.

Therefore, the given statement is false.

Learn more about the dollar, refer to:


Hero Rent-A-Car has been the market leader in auto rentals for many years. Its employees are confident that they understand everything it takes to be successful in the industry and they feel they have nothing to learn from other companies both inside and outside the auto rental industry. Hero likely has what type of corporate culture



Hero has an Insular corporate culture.

A municipality is issuing 40,000 bonds at a public offering price of $1,000. The manager of the underwriting syndicate receives $1.50 per bond. The total takedown is $6.50 per bond and the selling concession is $4.00 per bond. Assume the entire issue is sold with the selling group distributing 20,000 of the bonds sold. Calculate the amount of compensation the syndicate will receive for its risk on selling group sales





Calculation to determine the amount of compensation the syndicate will receive for their risk on selling group sales.

First step is to determine the Amount receive per bond for their risk.

Using this formula

Amount receive=Total takedown -Selling concession

Let plug in the formula

Amount receive=$6.50 -$4.00

Amount receive=$2.50

Now let determine the amount of compensation the syndicate will receive for their risk

Compensation received =$2.50*20,000 bonds

Compensation received= $50,000

Therefore the amount of compensation the syndicate will receive for their risk on selling group sales is $50,000

The Director of Information Technology for the city of Tampa, Florida formed a company to sell computer supplies and software. All purchases made on behalf of the City were made from her company. She was later charged with fraud for overcharging the City, but was not convicted by a jury. The control issue in this case arose because the Director had both ________ and ________ duties.



1. Recording

2. Authorization


Based on the scenario described above, it can be concluded that the control issue, in this case, arose because the Director had both RECORDING and AUTHORIZING duties.

This is because, for the Director of Information Technology for the city of Tampa, Florida not to have been convicted by a jury regardless of what she did, she must have followed the Segregation of Duties accordingly. This is a means of reducing the errors or fraudulent activities of employees.

And given she has a RECORD of transactions to prove her innocence and at the same time, she has AUTHORIZATION or the approval to supply the software, and hence, she is not guilty of the accusation.

how the business can use creative thinking to solve the problem​



Creative thinking helps you keep your business presence fresh. You'll be able to constantly reinvent your business in order to stay in your customers' awareness. ... Creativity improves your leadership skills. Being an effective leader means being creative in your approach and problem-solving.


Again, consider Sharon, a single mother with two children under 18 who earns an annual income of $16,000. Suppose that Sharon qualifies for a
welfare program for single mothers that provides her with $500 cash for each child (a total of $1,000, since Sharon has two children). After receiving
welfare, is Sharon's family living in poverty?

O Yes
O No


Sharon and two kids makes 3 people total with both kids being under 18, the poverty level from the table is $20,231

She gets $1000 a month for her kids. 1000 x 12 months = $12,000 per year

12,000 + her annual salary = 12,000 + 16,000 = $28,000 per year.

28,000 is greater than 20,231 so she is not living in poverty.

The answer is no

Chuong Ngo borrows $2700 from a bank that advertises a 7% simple interest rate and repays the loan in three equal monthly payments. Estimate the APR. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. Use the Approximate Annual Percentage Rate Formula.


The estimated Annual Percentage Rate is 10.5%

APR means Annual Percentage Rate.

Annual Percentage Rate refers to the interest rate one pays on a loan each year.

We will use the Annual Percentage Rate(APR) Formula to derive the estimate

APR = 2nr/(n+1) where the P = $2,700, R = 7% and N = 3

[tex]APR = 2*3*0.07 / (3+1)\\APR = 0.42 / 4\\APR = 0.105\\APR = 10.5%[/tex]

In conclusion, the estimated Annual Percentage Rate is 10.5%

Learn more about Annual Percentage Rate here

Olivia is working with a small group of five coworkers put together by their CEO, Ben. They have been instructed to take care of an inequality in their manufacturing plant. Olivia and her team have the authority to make decisions by themselves without the approval of Ben. Olivia is working in ______.



Both a self-managing team and a problem-solving team.

On February 15, Symth Co. determines that it cannot collect $500 owed by its customer, A. Winds. Symth records the loss using the direct write-off method. This entry to record the write-off on February 15 would include a: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. credit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds. credit to Bad Debts Expense. debit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds. credit to Sales. debit to Bad Debts Expense. debit to Sales.



debit to Bad Debts Expense.

credit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds.


The journal entry to record the write off is given below:

Bad debt expense Dr $500

    To Accounts Receivable - A. Winds $500

(being the written off is recorded)

Here the bad debt expense is debited as it increased the assets and credited the account receivable as it decreased the assets

Rivalry among competing sellers is generally more intense when Group of answer choices industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume. barriers to entry are high and buyer switching costs are high. barriers to entry are moderately high and the pool of likely entry candidates is small. buyer demand is growing rapidly. the industry's driving forces are strong and rivals have strongly differentiated products.



industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume.


Rivalry refers to the competitions that take place among firms in an industry with the aim of capturing greater market share

rivalry is influenced by :

1. barriers to entry :

If barriers to entry is high, there would be few firms competing for customers, so there would less intense rivalry

2. differentiation of goods in the industry :

If goods are differentiated, goods are unique from that of competitors. so there would be less need for intense rivalry

Why would foreign firms export a product at less than its cost of production—which presumably means making a loss? Many nations participate in poor planning and as a result produce a surplus of product which they sell at a loss. This may be part of a long-term strategy in which foreign firms would sell at below the cost of production in the short-term for a time, and when they have driven out the domestic U.S. competition, they would then raise prices. Many nations simply wish to keep their workers employed, no matter what the cost. Many nations simply produce and sell inferior goods at prices that reflect this fact.


The statement" The foreign firms sell at below the production cost and whenever it is driven out so it increases the prices" is correct.

In the case when the foreign firms export a product i.e. lower than the cost of production that means they make the losses is when:

There is a long-term strategy.It should be less than the cost of production in less period.The prices are increased at the time when the driven out the competition of the domestic united states.

In other cases, it does not make the losses only the above factors should be considered.

Therefore we can conclude that the statement "It is part of the long-term strategy where the foreign firm should sell less than the cost of production in the short period of time and whenever it has driven out the competition of the domestic united states so the prices should be increased" is correct.

Learn more about the cost of production here:

How do you make decision for the yourself?what are the things that you consider before making a decision​


Answer: I consider what's best for me first and what would he beneficiary to others


Making decisions for oneself should be directed most times to growth. Questions like; "how would this affect me or how will this benefit those around me".

When we consider what benefits us and others around us we tend to make the best decision which helps out growth and bring out the best in others.

Thomas, the Department Head of the meat processing unit of a food manufacturing company, refuses to allow an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) compliance inspector to carry out the inspection process. In this scenario, what action can the OSHA inspector take


The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

The inspection process is the process where the inspection could be done with regard to

Quality of products. Identify the defective products if any.Reveal any hazardous product if any.

Since the department head of food manufacturing company refuses to allow an OSHA for carrying out an inspection process so for this:

The search warrant should be produced so that they could be able to enter into the unit and check whether everything is fine or not. If anything is not fine so the proper penalty should be charged for the same.

Therefore we can conclude that The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

Learn more about the OSHA here:

Alain is a sales representative for an established awnings manufacturer. Business is good, but he is concerned that the company has spent little on new product development and has not created a new product in over five years. Without new products, Alain can market his current products only to his current customers or Multiple Choice diversify. intensify his prototyping. expand his early adopter market segment. market the same products to similar customers.



market the same products to similar customers


In simple words, the only choice that Alain have in the given case is to market the same product to similar customers. Diversifying and prototyping are beyond control of a salesman like Alain. Also, if there is no new product in the market there will be no chance that one can target a new market segment. Thus, we can conclude that the correct option is last statement.

An employee properly sued her employer for wrongful discharge in federal court. During discovery, the employee served the employer with a discovery request for information regarding all employment termination over the previous 15 years, regardless of the position. The employer objected, and the employee filed a motion to compel the requested discovery. The court denied the motion to compel, and the employee wants to file an immediate appeal to review this decision. Does the employee have a right to an immediate appeal



No, because the trial court's order is an "interlocutory order" that can be reviewed prior to final judgment only if the trial court certifies it for immediate appeal and the appellate court, in its discretion, agrees to hear the appeal


Interlocutory orders

This is simply known as an order or judgment usually made in a case before  the said  parties claim or defense and every issue in the case has been reviewed or settled and they are not appealable. it is a form of rulings that trial judges do make in the course of pretrial proceedings and trials that were not entirely settled/resolve in the case. Therefore, they are not final. In this scenario above, interlocutory orders are usually not immediately reviewable on appeal until a final order is made such as meeting one of the exceptions permitting an appeal as of right (i.e., orders granting injunctions; orders appointing a receiver etc). This Appeals also may grant the review of an interlocutory order, but it is discretionary, and may be available only when the trial judge signs that the interlocutory order and the court of appeals then agrees to allow the appeal.

Stephanie volunteers at an organization that collects and distributes clothing to those in need. As she is packing boxes to send overseas, she finds a donated item of clothing that perfectly suits her sense of style and would be a versatile item to add to her own wardrobe. Stephanie sets the item aside to take home with her. According to virtue-based ethics, why is Stephanie's action unethical? Stealing is always wrong. Her action cultivates the vice of greed. Her action will deprive needy recipients of clothing. She is not following the instructions she was given.


Answer: Her action cultivates the vice of greed


Greed is an attitude that most be dealt with unless it exposes you to what you can't control, an uncontrollable desire births greed most times, it's better individuals put their desires in check before becomes a thing of shame.

Stephanie taken some portions of the clothes which she think would suit her is display of greed.

4. Write 5 examples for each of small, medium and large occupation categories. ​help please


Small and mid-size enterprises are businesses that maintain revenues, assets or a number of employees below a certain threshold. Each country has its own definition of what constitutes a small and medium-sized enterprise Certain size criteria must be met and occasionally the industry in which the company operates in is taken into account as well.

Over time, 3M has relied on the results-only-work-environment (ROWE) framework and has morphed into a highly science-driven innovation company. At 3M, employees are encouraged to spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing. If any of these projects look promising, 3M provides financing through an internal venture-capital fund and other resources to further develop their commercial potential. This real-world scenario best illustrates


Answer: output controls.


The real-world scenario best illustrates output controls. Output control refers to the technique that is used in analysing the output that is provided by a firm.

Output control focuses on the measurable results that are within an organization. Since the company encourages its employees to spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing and the ones who looks promising are financed to develop their commercial potential, this refers to output controls.

Name the institutions which provide technical education in nepal and describe any one of them​



The institutions which provide technical education in Nepal are:-

i)Tribhuwan University (TU)

ii) Mahendra Sanskrit University (MSU) iii) Lumbini Bauddha University (LBU) iv)Kathmandu University (KU)

v)Purbanchal University (PurU)

vi) Pokhara University (PokhU).

How is net profit determined ?



Net profit: Calculate the net profit (aka net income) by subtracting total expenses from total revenue to see exactly how much a company profits (a new profit) or loses (a net loss). A company's net income over time is a great indicator of how well or poorly its management team runs the company.


hope it is helpful for you

have nice day

Self-insurance means:

Question 4 options:

A. Insuring your voice.

B. Buying health insurance.

C. Assuming your own financial risk for some of your property.

D. Buying extra insurance from your insurance company.



assuming your own financial risk for some of your property


Assuming your own financial risk for some of your property

Other Questions
. Read the situations and then write sentences, using past perfect continuous.1. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a cut lip.(they/ fight)- They ..2. Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired. (he / study / hard all day) He .3. When I walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody / smoke/ in the room) Somebody.....4. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she / lie / in the sun toolong) She .5. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they / play/football) They 6. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didnt know where she was.(she / dream) She ...II. Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect continuous or past continuous.1. Tom was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He (run).2. I tried to catch Tom but I couldnt. He (run) very fast.3. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (look).. for his cigarettes lighter.4. We (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offeredus a lift.5. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They(eat)6. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table and talking.Their mouths were empty but theirstomachs were full. They (eat).7. When I arrived, Ann (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was lateand she (wait).. for a very long time.III. Give the correct form of verbs, using present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous.1. It is midnight, I (study)_________________ for five straight hours. No wonder Im getting tired.2. It was midnight, I (study)_________________ for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.3. Jack suddenly realized that the teacher was asking a question. He couldnt answer because he(daydream)________________ for the last ten minutes.4. Wake up! You (sleep)______________ long enough. Its time to get up.5. At last two hundred people were waiting in line to buy tickets to the game. Some of them(stand)_____________ in line for more than four hours. We decided not to try to get tickets forourselves. A debit balance is the bank statement indicates? 1. Mi hermano y yo BLANK en cinco minutos y salimos. (vestirse)2. Por qu BLANK una ensalada? No te gustan las verduras. (pedir)3. En qu mercado BLANK t esas frutas? (conseguir)4. Despus de la cena yo BLANK caf. (servir)5. Anoche mis amigos BLANK comida guatemalteca. (servir)6. El domingo pasado BLANK quedarnos en casa. No salimos. (preferir)7. A qu hora BLANK los chicos anoche? (dormirse)8. Dices que Ana Mara nunca BLANK tu secreto? No lo creo! (repetir)9. En qu ao BLANK el presidente Kennedy? (morir)10. Sebastin no BLANK bien en el tren. (dormir) write your answer in simplest radical form suggest and motivate at least four ways by which these farming methods could be made humane MC Qu. 134 Mustang Corporation has accumulated... Mustang Corporation has accumulated the following accounting data for the month of April: Finished goods inventory, April 1$32,800 Finished goods inventory, April 30 26,800 Total cost of goods manufactured 124,700 The cost of goods sold for the year is: How do I solve this 4 - 2 3/9 = Mario and Judith is studying for a upcoming science exam Find the value x . Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) (01.01 MC) Which number line best show how to solve -4 - (-8)? The greatest weakness in the fight against eradicating corruption is: Group of answer choices There is too much corruption to ever win. Every country must institutionalize and enforce anti-corruption laws. The fact that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is no longer being followed. Overseas bribes are often tax deductible. What is the value of x? prove that:cos^2(45+A)+cos (45-A)=1 After considering options, a student using the problem-solving process should nextweigh disadvantages and evaluate a solution.implement a solution and evaluate advantages.implement and evaluate a solution.weigh advantages and disadvantages. Cavendishs name for hydrogen gas was "inflammable air." The word inflammable means "to burn." (Note that in is not a prefix in this word.) Why did Cavendish use this name? Nadia needs 3/4 cup of orange juice for a punch recipe. She will double the recipe to makepunch for a party. Which statement is true? Ms.Griffin has a class of 18 students. She can spend $19 on each student to buy math supplies for each year. She first buys all of her students calculators, which costs a total of 88.02. After buying the calculators, how much does she have left to spend on each student Generally the vapor pressure of a liquid is related to: I. the amount of liquid II. atmospheric pressure III. temperature IV. intermolecular forces Please Cove am save me 1) Se o 5o e o 9-o termos de uma PA so, respectivamente, 40 e 68, ento a razo r da progresso : a) r = 6 b) r = 7 c) r = 9 d) r = 11 e) r = 12 2) Inserindo-se 6 nmeros entre 72 e 107, de modo que a sequncia (72, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ,107) seja uma progresso aritmtica, tem-se a3 igual a: a) 78 b) 79 c) 80 d) 81 e) 82