Inorganic compounds include carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and most ionic compounds.




Answer 1


[tex]{ \underline{ \sf{true}}}[/tex]


because they chemically decompose

Answer 2

It is true that inorganic compounds include carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and most ionic compounds.

What are inorganic compounds?

Any substance in which two or more chemical elements usually other than carbon are combined, almost always in definite proportions, is an inorganic compound.

When carbon is bound to hydrogen, the compound is classified as organic.

Organic compounds are distinguished by the presence of carbon atoms. Most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon atoms.

Water, sodium chloride (salt), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), calcium carbonate (dietary calcium source), and muriatic acid are examples of common inorganic compounds (industrial-grade hydrochloric acid).

Inorganic compounds are characterized by high melting points and varying degrees of electrical conductivity.

Thus, the given statement is true.

For more details regarding inorganic compounds, visit:


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a essay explaining why i choose a certain university​



Because the facilities here for my subject are second to none” – this shows that your subject has been at the forefront of your mind when making a sensible choice of university, again demonstrating your level of commitment to it. You can mention specific facilities to show that you’ve read into it thoroughly.

“Because I liked the approach this university takes to my course” – even within the same subject, every university takes a slightly different approach to the way it’s taught and structured. The university question is another good opportunity to show that you’ve really thought about the course and gone to the effort of finding a university whose approach to the subject you agree with. You can even name specific modules that set this university’s course apart from the others offering the same subject.

Along similar lines, you could also mention the university’s great reputation for your subject, or the presence of certain lecturers you feel inspired by (though don’t let this last point dominate your answer; lecturers often move about or go on sabbatical, so even if there’s a particular academic you admire, they may not end up teaching you).


hope this helped :)

genetic crossings example



Answer:Monohybrid Cross

Answer:Monohybrid CrossIn a monohybrid cross, the parent organisms differ in a single characteristic. Suppose, for example, two humans have children. The father has a widow's peak and the mother does not. A widow's peak is a dominant trait, meaning that if the child inherits the gene for this trait from one parent, that child will have a widow's peak regardless of the gene inherited from the other parent.

Answer:Monohybrid CrossIn a monohybrid cross, the parent organisms differ in a single characteristic. Suppose, for example, two humans have children. The father has a widow's peak and the mother does not. A widow's peak is a dominant trait, meaning that if the child inherits the gene for this trait from one parent, that child will have a widow's peak regardless of the gene inherited from the other parent.Consequently, there are two possibilities. The child could inherit the widow's peak gene from his father, or he could inherit the non-widow's peak gene from his father. He will inherit a non-widow's peak gene from its mother, who does not have the widow's peak gene. In this particular monohybrid cross, there is a fifty-fifty chance that any given child will have a widow's peak.

Answer:Monohybrid CrossIn a monohybrid cross, the parent organisms differ in a single characteristic. Suppose, for example, two humans have children. The father has a widow's peak and the mother does not. A widow's peak is a dominant trait, meaning that if the child inherits the gene for this trait from one parent, that child will have a widow's peak regardless of the gene inherited from the other parent.Consequently, there are two possibilities. The child could inherit the widow's peak gene from his father, or he could inherit the non-widow's peak gene from his father. He will inherit a non-widow's peak gene from its mother, who does not have the widow's peak gene. In this particular monohybrid cross, there is a fifty-fifty chance that any given child will have a widow's peak.Dihybrid Cross

Answer:Monohybrid CrossIn a monohybrid cross, the parent organisms differ in a single characteristic. Suppose, for example, two humans have children. The father has a widow's peak and the mother does not. A widow's peak is a dominant trait, meaning that if the child inherits the gene for this trait from one parent, that child will have a widow's peak regardless of the gene inherited from the other parent.Consequently, there are two possibilities. The child could inherit the widow's peak gene from his father, or he could inherit the non-widow's peak gene from his father. He will inherit a non-widow's peak gene from its mother, who does not have the widow's peak gene. In this particular monohybrid cross, there is a fifty-fifty chance that any given child will have a widow's peak.Dihybrid CrossIn a dihybrid cross, the parents differ in two characteristics you want to study. The pattern of inheritance here is somewhat more complicated. Suppose, for example, that you have two parents, one of whom has dimples and a widow's peak while the other has no dimples and no widow's peak. Dimples, like a widow's peak, are a dominant trait. Consequently, if these two traits are not linked, each child has a 1/4 probability of inheriting dimples and widow's peak, a 1/4 probability of inheriting dimples but no widow's peak, a 1/4 probability of inheriting a widow's peak but no dimples, and a 1/4 probability of inheriting neither. Keep in mind, however, that linked traits might exhibit very different patterns.


Flower colour in pea plants


Please can someone help me fast



A. i guess! not sure but try<3

what was the answer! i saw the other person say A but i feel that it is C

which statement best explains the significance of meiosis {sex cell division} in evolution of a species?



meiosis help organism to replace worn out tissues

b. "OK. Let's mix these two chemicals together and see what happens!"
c. "That concludes my presentation on the effects of using caffeine as a pesticide."
d. “If watching TV makes one gain weight, then I will lose weight if I stop watching TV."
e. “My graph shows that dolphins communicate better with a female trainer."


c...? what's the question

What's Saprophytism?​



Definition ( Saprotrophic nutrition is a process of chemoheterotrophic extracellular digestion involved in the processing of dead or decayed organic matter. It occurs in saprotrophs or heterotrophs, and is most often associated with fungi, for example Mucor and Rhizopus. (



Saprophytism occurs in fungi and bacteria known as saprophytes.They obtain organic foods from dead organisms.They digest the complex organic food outside their bodies and absorb the simple organic substances produced.


I hope this helps.

Help please ASAP I need this answer



a: metaphase


the chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase plate

What 2 things do plants make in photosynthesis?


Plants need 3 things which are sugar, sunlight and carbon dioxide


they make glucose using sunlight

they make oxygen

As you walk down the hall on the way to class, several students sneeze. You unknowingly inhale some of the droplets
that were expelled when they sneezed, allowing the flu virus to enter your body. Explain the nonspecific immune
defenses that the virus must bypass in order to infect a body cell. (5 points)



The innate or nonspecific immune system includes two lines of defense in the human body. Non-specific means that it does not act on the specific pathogen. It works equally to keep all types of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites et cetera out of the body. The first line of defense includes physical barrier which prevents the entry of pathogens into the body. It includes skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, cilia, nasopharynx, eyelashes, and body hairs. 

The second line of defense includes anti-inflammatory responses, fever, and nonspecific cellular responses such as phagocytes, macrophages, complement system et cetera. Thus, the virus has to pass physical, chemical, and nonspecific cellular responses of the body in order to infect the body. 

Explanation: I found this answer on a different site and it was right, no need to thanks me, no problem

The antiviral defense is composed of changes in cells that prevent viral replication and increase susceptibility to death by lymphocytes.

What innate defense mechanism against viruses?

Viral replication interferes with protein synthesis and cell function and leads to injury and death of the infected cell. The main mechanisms of innate immunity against viruses are inhibition of type I interferon infection and NK cell-mediated destruction of infected cells.

With this information, we can conclude that the antiviral defense is composed of alterations in the cells that prevent viral replication and increase the susceptibility to death by lymphocytes, thus eliminating the reservoirs of viral infection.

Learn more about  viral infection in

The nervous system of bats enables their amazing sensory capabilities and also highlights some o
the levels of biological organization. Put each element of bat vision in order from least to most
Start by clicking the first item in the sequence or dragging it here
Drag the items below into the box above in the correct order, starting with the first item in the sequence.
The retina of bats is made up primarily of rod cells, allowing bats to see well in dim light.
The optic nerve conveys the sensory information from the bat's eye to the visual cortex of the
Nitrogen is a necessary atomic element in proteins like visual pigments.
The musculoskeletal system of the bat acts on the information supplied by the nervous system
to capture prey.
The bat eyeball has adaptations to the retina and lens for low-light vision.
Rod cells have a high level of rhodopsin molecules, allowing visual acuity in low light.
Rhodopsin is a photopigment molecule that is highly sensitive to light.
Help me please


The levels of biological organization are atomic, molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and systems of organs (such as nervous and muscular systems).

The correct levels of biological organization from the simplest to the most complex are:Nitrogen is a necessary atomic element in proteins like visual pigments;Rhodopsin is a photopigment molecule that is highly sensitive to light;Rod cells have a high level of rhodopsin molecules, allowing visual acuity in low light;The retina of bats is made up primarily of rod cells, allowing bats to see well in dim light;The bat eyeball has adaptations to the retina and lens for low-light vision;The optic nerve conveys the sensory information from the bat's eye to the visual cortex of the brain;The musculoskeletal system of the bat acts on the information supplied by the nervous system to capture prey.

The nitrogen (N) atom is a fundamental component of biomolecules such as DNA (nitrogenous bases) and proteins (aminoacids).

Rhodopsin is a light-sensitive protein pigment that is abundant in the rod cells found in the retina. This pigment (rhodopsin) is responsible for night vision.

There are two types of photoreceptor cells located in the retina: rod cells and cone cells. Rod cells are required for vision at low light levels.

The retina and lens are parts of the eye: the retina is a layer at the back of the eye; whereas the lens is located behind the iris and the pupil.

The visual system is composed of the eye (i.e., the sensory organ) and different areas of the central nervous system which include the optic nerve, optic tract, and visual cortex.

The musculoskeletal system and nervous system work together in response to stimuli such as visual motion or stimulus localization.

Learn more in:

why do translocation sometimes reduces the total number of chromosomes



When two nonhomologous chromosomes mutate by exchanging parts, the resulting chromosomal rearrangements are translocations. Here we consider reciprocal translocations, the most common type. A segment from one chromosome is exchanged with a segment from another nonhomologous one, so two translocation chromosomes are generated simultaneously.


Hope it helps.. if yes, plz mark me as brainliest

Thirteen different SSR loci are used by the FBI to perform DNA fingerprinting. If SNP loci were assayed instead to identify individuals, which of the following would be true?
a. Fewer than 13 SNP loci would need to be assayed.
b. Many more than 13 SNP loci would need to be assayed.
c. All SNP loci could be genotyped, just as all SSRS are, by electrophoresis of a PCR product.
d. SNP loci, because they are usually biallelic, cannot be used to identify individuals.
e. Using SNPs instead of SSRs, only carriers of disease alleles could be identified.
f. Using SNPs instead of SSRs, only non-anonymous SNP loci could be assayed.





The correct statement is that all SNP loci, like all SSRS, can be genotyped by electrophoresis of a PCR product.

What is DNA fingerprinting?

The technique of identifying a person's DNA traits is called DNA profiling. DNA barcoding is a type of DNA analysis used to identify species rather than specific individuals. The nucleotide sequences of specific areas of human DNA that are particular to each person are utilized in the laboratory procedure known as DNA fingerprinting to ascertain a person's likely identification.

DNA fingerprinting is a method for detecting and analysing individual DNA variations. It is based on polymorphism and variability in DNA sequences. Applications of it include: It is utilized in forensic science to pinpoint potential criminal offenders. to establish family relationships and establish paternity.

To learn more about DNA fingerprinting refer to:




A meta phase it’s a bit spread out and that’s the second step in the phases

one bone in her foreman is badly broken .Name the broken bone​



When only one bone in the forearm is broken, it is typically the ulna — usually as a result of a direct blow to the outside of your arm when you have it raised in self defense.

Explain briefly George Wofan's hypothesis about the origin of the earth.​



In 1749 A.D. George Wofan, a French scientist, put forward the theory of evolution of the Earth for the first time. According to his theory the Earth along with other planets and satellites, was formed when a comet moving around the universe stroke the sun many years ago.


In 1775 A.D., a German philosopher Kant put forward another nebular theory, which was later improved by Laplace in 1796. According to him, there was a gaseous mass revolving around the earth. While revolving, this mass began to cool and shrinked resulting many smaller masses. These smaller masses began to move round the larger central mass. This central mass became the sun and over revolving bodies formed planet and satellites.

According to hypothesis proposed by Jeans and Jeffery in 1917 A.D., a big star orbiting round the sun finally approached it. The star with its own attraction caused a tide to be developed from the sun. As this fragmented tidal matter cooled, planets, satellites, etc. were formed and the solar system was created. In this process, the Earth was also formed.


Any two geological Era are as follows:

Palaeozoic era: Palaeozoic era was began from 540 million years ago and ended at 250 million years ago. In this era, the plants and animals were found tohave developed which was found from the studies of the fossils remained in sedimentary rocks. Similarly, it is also believedthat there was a change in atmosphere and whether. This era is divided into six periods.

Mesozoic era: Mesozoic era began from 250 million years ago and ended at 65.5 million years ago. In this era, different types of hills and mountains were formed. It is supposed that the vital conditions for the survival of life on land, water and air were formed. This era is divided into three periods.

Explain two ways in which trachea is adapted to perform its function​



The trachea has a number of adaptations: cartilage rings in the walls of the trachea help to keep it open. ciliated epithelium and goblet cells to clean the air before it reaches the lungs.

The two approaches in which the trachea is adapted to carry out its characteristic​:-

The trachea serves as a passage for air, moistens and warms it even as it passes into the lungs, and protects the breathing floor from an accumulation of foreign debris.The trachea is coated with a wet mucous-membrane layer composed of cells containing small hairlike projections referred to as cilia.

What is the trachea?

The trachea normally referred to as the windpipe is a tube approximately 4 inches long and much less than an inch in diameter in the majority. The trachea begins surely underneath the larynx (voice field) and runs down to the again of the breastbone (sternum). The trachea then divides into smaller tubes known as bronchi: one bronchus for each lung.

Learn more about trachea here:


Una galleta con chispas de chocolate y un helado con fresas, son ejemplos de:
A. Sustancia
B. Compuesto
C. Mezcla homogénea
D. Mezcla heterogénea


Una galleta con chispas de chocolate y un helado con fresas, son ejemplos de mezclas heterogéneas.

Una mezcla heterogénea está compuesta por dos o más sustancias diferentes, en donde es posible distinguirlas fácilmente ya que es una composición no uniforme. Las sustancias que lo forman no son representadas por ninguna fórmula química pero a su vez tienen sus propiedades particulares.

No se trata de una mezcla homogénea ya que la misma se trata de una mezcla uniforme en donde sus componentes no se pueden distinguir fácilmente. Esto significa que toda la mezcla posee las mismas propiedades. Unos ejemplos de mezcla homogénea son el agua de mar, café con azúcar, cerveza, etc.

Tampoco se trata de una sustancia ya que la misma se trata de cualquier componente que posee ciertas propiedades físicas y químicas estables que pueden detectarse fácilmente. Está compuesto de moléculas o átomos iguales, siendo ejemplos de sustancias: oxígeno, nitrógeno, etc. Además, no es posible separar una sustancia mediante ningún método.

Por último, tampoco se trata de un compuesto ya que el mismo se trata de una mezcla de distintos elementos que se combinan en una reacción, que pueden representarse mediante una fórmula química y que no pueden separarse o romperse salvo por procesos químicos puntuales. Es decir, está formado por moléculas con átomos distintos pero en la misma proporción, y siempre se trata del mismo tipo de molécula. Por ejemplo, el agua, que está formada por un átomo de oxígeno y dos de hidrógeno (H2O).

Para concluir, podemos decir que un elemento está formado por un solo tipo de átomo. Una sustancia se encuentra formada por mas de un elemento unido mediante un enlace químico. Un compuesto está formado por elementos distintos unidos, y una mezcla está formada por sustancias que pueden ser iguales o no, pero en cantidades aleatorias y que pueden separarse. En una mezcla homogénea, la composición es la misma en cualquier parte, y en la mezcla heterogénea la composición es variante.

Aprende mas sobre sustancias aquí:

What statement best describes “biology”?

The naming of organisms

The study of natural selection

The science of life

The measurement of populations



the science of life


The science of life

The person above me is correct. The statement that best describes biology is the science of life.




A carrier is right answer

A zoo has a male and a female animal that look that look very alike. They put them in the same enclosure to see if they will breed.
a) Suggest why the zoo think the animals may be the same species? (1 Mark)
b) Describe what the zoo would expect to happen if the animals were of the same species. (1 Mark)
c) Describe another method that the zoo could use to check if the animals were of the same species. Explain your answer. (2 Marks)


A and bjdhdndkfjvendjg inclusive

In this module you will learn to identify the plant parts and their functions. Why do you think plants are important in our life?



: Green Plants are the sources of energy for all oraganism. They trap the solar energy and convert it into chemical energy in the form of food(starch)and they give off oxygen. if all green plants would not be there then all the herbivores will die due to starvation and so will the carnivores.

:Plants are really important for the planet and for all living things. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen from their leaves, which humans and other animals need to breathe.

Also many plants are very useful in field medicine.

:Roots of plants and trees reduce soil erosion by holding the soil firmly.

Please please please help



sry but its not clear to answer this question

During an experiment, what is the purpose of a control group?
Group of answer choices

To disprove the theory

To produce replicated results of other groups

To compare results to the experimental group with the variable being tested

To prove the hypothesis



its the things That are being controlled the same way between one another


You have 2 plants that are the same Type

you water your plant the same amount of water

you give your plants the same amount of soil

Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called a?
-O base substitution.





As such, the nucleotide sequences found within it are subject to change as the result of a phenomenon called mutation.

What is the best description of the word 'recessive' as it is used in biology?
A. Having two identical versions of an allele in a cell.
B. An allele that is always expressed, even if there is only one copy in a cell.
C. An allele that induces reclusive behavior in an organism.
D. An allele that is only expressed if two versions of it are present in a cell.



An allele that is only expressed if two versions of it are present in a cell.


After suffering a stroke, JaneDoe finds that she cannot move her left arm. This would suggest that the stroke caused damage to the ___________________ lobe.

a. right temporal
b. right frontal
c. left occipital
d. left frontal
e. left temporal



Choose D.  left frontal


Not sure but hope it helps.


Answer is Option 'D'. Left frontal

What is the per capita growth rate per year of a population of 95 gophers that grows to 933 gophers in 6 years? (Rounded to two decimal places)



Kent State Golden Flashes place kicker Matthew Trickett (95) kicks a field goal in the game against the Utah State Aggies during the 2019 ...

plsss helpppppppppppppppppp





ml=cm^3 so 100 cm^3

The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will cook.


The answer is True. When higher is the temperature of water, the faster an egg will cook.

During New Moon, when does the Moon set?



New Moon Rises at sunrise, transits meridian at noon, sets at sunset


PLS mark it brainliest

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