is -66 rational or irrational ?


Answer 1


It's rational because it's not a decimal numbet

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At a particular restaurant, each slider has 225 calories and each chicken wing has 70 calories. A combination meal with sliders and chicken wings has a total of 7 sliders and chicken wings altogether and contains 1110 calories. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of sliders in the combination meal and the number of chicken wings in the combination meal. Define the variables that you use to write the system.




Step-by-step explanation:

i  remember  doing something like this but mines had the word onion rings .

9. Find the remainder when the polynomial: p(x) = x⁴ + 2x³- 3x² + x - 1 is divided by (x - 2)
pls it's urgent



answer is 21..............


p(x) = x⁴ + 2x³- 3x² + x - 1

Factor of p(x)



Then by using synthetic division

which inequality is represented on the number line shown?


Answer: A x> -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Given an arithmetic progression 17,13,9,..... find the number of terms required so that its sum is - 33 .



11 terms.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the arithmetic sequence:

17, 13, 9, ...

And we want to find the number of terms required such that the sum is -33.

Recall that the sum of an arithmetic series is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle S = \frac{k}{2}\left( a + x_k\right)[/tex]

Where k is the number of terms, a is the first term, and x_k is the last term.

The desired sum is -33. The first term is 17 as well. Thus:

[tex]\displaystyle (-33) = \frac{k}{2} \left( (17) +x_k\right)[/tex]


[tex]-66 = k(17 + x_k)[/tex]

We can write a direct formula to find the last term x_k. The direct formula of an arithmetic sequence has the form:

[tex]x_ n = a + d(n-1)[/tex]

Where a is the initial term and d is the common difference.

The initial term is 17 and the common difference is -4. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle x_n = 17 - 4(n-1)[/tex]

Then the last term is given by:

[tex]x_k = 17 - 4(k-1)[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle -66 = k\left( 17 + \left( 17 - 4(k-1)\right)\right)[/tex]

Solve for k:

[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} -66 &= k(17 + (17 - 4k + 4)) \\ -66 &= k(38 -4k) \\ -66 &= -4k^2 + 38k \\ 4k^2 -38k -66 &= 0 \\ 2k^2 - 19k -33 &= 0 \\ (k-11)(2k+3) &= 0 \\ k-11&= 0 \text{ or } 2k+3 = 0 \\ \\ k &= 11 \text{ or } k = -\frac{3}{2}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Since we cannot have a negative amount of terms, we can ignore the second solution.

Therefore, the given sequence must have 11 terms such that it sums to -33.


Here is 2 methods

Step-by-step explanation:

1) we use excel to find n=11 for lasy students

2) mathematical method

[tex]u_1=17\\u_2=13=17+(2-1)*(-4)\\u_3=9=17+(3-1)*(-4)\\\\\\\boxed{u_n=17+(n-1)*(-4)}\\\\\\\displaystyle s_n=\sum_{i=1}^nu_i\\=\sum_{i=1}^n(17+(i-1)*(-4))\\\\\\=(\sum_{i=1}^n 17) + (-4)*\sum_{i=1}^n (i) +4*\sum_{i=1}^n (1)\\\\\\=17*n+4*n-4*\frac{n*(n+1)}{2} \\\\\\=21n-2n^2-2n\\\\\\=-2n^2+19n\\\\=-33\\\\\\\Longrightarrow\ 2n^2-19n-33=0[/tex]

[tex]\Delta=19^2+4*2*33=625=25^2\\\\n=\dfrac{19-25}{4} =-1.5\ (excluded)\ or\ n=\dfrac{19+25}{4}=11\\\\[/tex]

A person walks on average 4000 steps per day. If one step is about 2 feet long, how much would the average person walk per week? HELP



56000 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

4000 steps a day.

7 days in a week.

2 ft per step

so, we calculate how many steps in a week

4000 × 7 = 28000

and then we calculate the distance by saying each of these steps is 2 ft


28000 × 2 = 56000 ft

as a little extra thought :

there are 5280 ft in a mile.

so, the person walks

56000 / 5280 miles = 10.61 miles

in a week.

X+3y=2 and y=2x+3
Please explain using substitution method.


- X + 3Y = 2  (*)

⇔X = 2 - 3Y  (1)

- Y = 2X + 3   (2)

(1),(2)⇒ Y = 2(2 - 3Y) +3

       ⇔ Y = 4 - 6Y + 3

       ⇔ Y = 1  (**)

(*),(**)⇒ X + 3×1 =2

       ⇔ X = -1






Step-by-step explanation:

negative exponent means 1/...

so, this is

(32/243)^(4/10) = (32/243)^(2/5)

that means to the power of 2 and then pulling the 5th root.

so, let's pull the 5th root first, and then we square

(32/243)^(2/5) = (2⁵/3⁵)^(2/5) = (2/3)^2 = 4/9

A purchase costs $25.79 plus a tax of $1.29. Find the sales tax rate.



The sales tax rate is 5%.

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine the sales tax rate if you already know the amount of tax being added to the purchase price, divide the amount of tax by the purchase price. In this example, divide $1.29 (amount of tax being added) by $25.79 (purchase price). When you do that, you will see that the answer is 0.0500, or 5%.

Emma rides a bicycle 16 miles east and then 15 miles north. About how far is she from her starting point?


Step-by-step explanation:

starting pt.

root 16²+15²

= 256 + 225


distance= 22 miles aprox.

James is having a BBQ. Burgers come in packs of 12
and buns come in packs of 8. How many packs of each
will James need to buy so that he has no spares?



2 packs of Burgers, 3 Packs of Buns


He will need to buy 2 packs of burgers. And 3 packs of buns.

Step-by-step explanation:

The lowest common number that 12 and 8 Share is 24. 12×2=24 8×3=24

9x mũ 2 + 6x + 1 cho mình hỏi câu này ạ



can you translate in english,would be better...

answer maybe wrong because of the language but stil....




Un avión puede volar con la velocidad de 400 km por hora en atmósfera tranquila si cuando se dirige hacia el este el viento viene del Sur con la velocidad de 40 km por hora cuál es la dirección de su vuelo



84,3 ° Sureste

Step-by-step explanation:

El diagrama vectorial que tipifica la pregunta se muestra en la imagen adjunta.

La dirección del avión es la dirección de la velocidad resultante.

Si esta dirección es θ

θ = tan ^ -1 (400/40)

θ = 84,3 ° Sureste

factor and solve the problem in the photo ……. pleaseeee helppppp i havent done algebra in 2 years



Not factarable, all terms must be in x. or y

Step-by-step explanation:

đưa về phương trình tích: f(x)=3x^2-2x-1





Pls answer all questions



The 3multiples are 25,50,75


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 6\:of\:2+9-5[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 6(11-5)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 6(6)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 36[/tex]







LCM of 9 and 5 is 45 hence its true


HCF of two consecutive numbers is 1

Find the distance between the two points.
Enter the number that
goes beneath the
radical symbol.




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sqrt{(0 - ( - 5) ){}^{2} + (0 - 1) {}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt{ {(5)}^{2} + {( - 1)}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt{25 + 1} [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt{26} [/tex]

Answered by GAUTHMATH



Step-by-step explanation:

(-5, 1) (0, 0)

sqrt(5^2 + (-1^2))

sqrt(25 + 1)


So, 26 goes under the radical.

i have 17 coins. N of them are nickels and the rest are dimes. write an expression in two different ways for the amount of money that i have



Step-by-step explanation:

(N)0.05 + (17-N)0.1 = M; M = amount of money I have.

Or 1.7-0.05N = M.

An expression two different ways to  the amount of money is equals to

1. 5N + 10 (17 -N)  = Y cents

2. N + 2(17 - N) = Y nickels

What is amount?

" Amount is defined as the total of any given quantity."

According to the question,

Total number of coins = 17

Number of nickels coins = N

Number of dimes coin = 17 - N

'Y' express the amount of money

Represent amount of money in cents

1 dime = 10 cents

1 nickel = 5 cents

Expression to represents amount of money in cents,

5N + 10 (17 -N)  = Y cents

Expression to represents amount of money in nickels,

1 dime = 2 nickel

N + 2(17 - N) = Y nickels

Hence, an expression two different ways to  the amount of money is equals to

1. 5N + 10 (17 -N)  = Y cents

2. N + 2(17 - N) = Y nickels

Learn more about amount here


a trader is given 15% discount on goods bought from a factory. If the original price of an item in the factory is 45000. Calculate the amount the trader paid for them​




Step-by-step explanation:

Its a 15% discount so youre only paying 85% of the original 45,000. You then multiply 45,000 by .85 to find what youre paying because the decimal version of 85% is .85. You can find the decimal version of a percentage by dividing the percentage by 100; 85/100=.85. Once you multiply 45,000 by .85 you get 38,250.

Geometry, please answer question ASAP


9514 1404 393


  D.  5.4

Step-by-step explanation:

The point U divides segment SP into the ratio 1 : 2. So, segment SU is 1/2 the length of segment UP.

  SU = UP/2 = 3.6/2 = 1.8

The length of PS is ...

  PS = PU +US = 3.6 +1.8

  PS = 5.4


Additional comment

If you were asked to find the value of x, you would discover x=1. That is not what you're asked here.

If A=(prime number less than 10)list the element of set A and find n(A)​


A=(2 3 5 7)
N(A) =4

( sorry I need the points)

The product of two numbers is 10000.If one number is 16 times the other numbers ,find the two numbers.​




The product of two numbers is 10000. If one number is 16 times the other numbers ,find the two numbers.


Both numbers are 25 and 400.

Step By Step Explanation:

Given that:

The product of two numbers is 10000.

One number is 16 times the other number.

To Find:

Both numbers?


Let us consider that one number be n, in question it is stated that other number is 16 times the first number. Therefore, other number is 16n.

According to the Question :

[tex]\sf↦ Product ~of ~numbers = 10000\\\\↦ n × 16n = 10000\\\\↦ 16n² = 10000\\\\↦ n² = \sf \dfrac{10000}{16}\\\\↦ \sf n = \sqrt{\dfrac{10000}{16}}\\\\↦ \sf n = \sqrt{\dfrac{100\:\times\:100}{4\:\times\:4}}\\\\↦ \sf n = {\cancel{\dfrac{100}{4}}}\\\\➦\pmb{\underline{\boxed{\sf{\pink{n = 25}}}}}[/tex]


1st number = n = 25

2nd number = 16n = 16 × 25 = 400

∴ Hence, both numbers are 25 and 400.



(25, 400) or (-25, - 400)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the numbers be x and y.

We have:

y = 16xxy = 10000

Substitute y and solve for x:

x(16x) = 1000016x² = 10000x² = 10000/16x² = 625x = √625x = ± 25

Then y is:

y = ± 25*16 = ± 400

The numbers are:

25 and 400 or -25 and - 400

Ashish is 175 cm tall his sister Annu is 8% shorter than him what is Annu's height

pls help​



8% out of 175 = ( 8 ÷ 100 ) × 175 = 14

175 cm - 14 = 161 cm


please help! will give brainliest if the answer is correct:) need the answers in order to move on in the lesson!



Just use a calculator and wite the square root value in it

Step-by-step explanation:

Atempt this method with all options at last u will have ur answer

How do I solve this problem?


9514 1404 393


  see attached

Step-by-step explanation:

Short answer: to solve this problem, follow directions.

a. Write the inequalities

Let c and p represent numbers of cakes and pies produced daily. Then the constraints are ...

  2c +3p ≤ 108 . . . . . . . . available hours of preparation time

  1c +0.5p ≤ 20 . . . . . . . available hours of decoration time

  p ≥ 0, c ≥ 0 . . . . . . . . . negative numbers of cakes or pies cannot be produced


b. Sketch the feasible region

It works well to let a graphing calculator do this.

The feasible region is the doubly-shaded area with vertices ...

  (0, 0), (0, 36), (3, 34), (20, 0)


c. Write the profit function

Profit is $25 per cake and $12 per pie, so is ...

  p = 25c +12p


d. Determine maximum profit

The attached table shows the profit for the various mixes of cakes and pies in the feasible region. The most profit is had by production of cakes only.

The maximum profit is $500 per day for production of 20 cakes.


Additional comment

We have used x for cakes and y for pies in the attachment, because those are variables that the Desmos calculator prefers.

As is sometimes the case, the production point giving maximum profit leaves one of the resources (preparation time) only partially utilized.

Two thirds of the students in a class have pets. There are
36 students in the class. How many of the students have pets?


I am so sorry if this is wrong. But I hope it helps u.

Answer is - 24

I did 2/3x 36 =24

24 of the students have pets

Step-by-step explanation:

Two thirds of the students in a class have pets =

2/3 of the students in a class have pets

If there’re 36 students in the class, how many of the students have pets?

Step 1. Convert 2/3 as a decimal

2/3 = 66.6

Step 2. Use part/whole = part/whole

66.6%/100% = ?/36

Let ? represent the amount of students who have pets in class

Step 3. Divide 66.6/100


Step 4. Then multiply it by 36

doomdabomb: All brainliest
and thanks are appreciated
and would mean a lot to me,

Help me pls

Find the missing segment in the image below



The answer is 12

Step-by-step explanation:

You see its because.



Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Thalès's theorem:

[tex]\dfrac{6}{6+4}=\dfrac{?}{20} \\\\?*10=6*20\ (cross\ products)\\\\?=\dfrac{6*20}{10} \ dividing\ by\ 10\\\\?=12[/tex]

10-7+12 dived (2^3-6) hope you can answer



The answer is 7.5

A motorboat travels 81 miles in 3 hours going upstream. It travels 135 miles going downstream in the same amount of time. What is the rate of the boat in still water and what is the rate of the current?



27, 18

Step-by-step explanation:

Here's why

Delta math need help




Step-by-step explanation:

We'll use the Pythagoras theorem to solve this, which states that in a right angle triangle:

h^2 = a^2 + b^2

4^2 = 3^2 +b^2

16= 9 +b^2

16-9= b^2

7= b^2

(take square root in both sides)

b= 2.65

round to nearest 10th = 2.6

answer by Gauthmath


Missing side is 2.6

3^2 + x^2 = 4^2

9 + x^2 = 16

-9            -9

x^2 = 7

([tex]\sqrt{x}[/tex])^2 = [tex]\sqrt{7}[/tex]

x = 7

Find the approximation o the square root of 7 in fractions then carry out the long division.


Approx. is 2 3/5 which equals 2 6/10 which equals 2.6

¿Qué valor de m creará un sistema de líneas paralelas sin solución? y = mx - 6 8 x - 4 y = 12 Una cuadrícula de coordenadas con una línea etiquetada como 8 x menos 4 y es igual a 12. La línea pasa por un punto en (0, menos 3), (1, menos 1) y un punto en (1,5, 0). - 2 - 2





(0,-3) True

(1,-1) True

(1.5,0) True

(-2,-2) False

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&mx-6\\8x-4y&=&12\\\end{array}\right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&mx-6\\y&=&2x-3\\\end{array}\right.\\\\\\The\ slope\ must\ be\ the\ same:\ m=2\\\\\\\begin{array}{c|c}&y=2x-3\\---&--------\\x&y\\0&2*0-3=-3\\1&2*1-3=-1\\1.5&2*1.5-3=0\\-2&2*(-2)-3=-7\\\end{array}[/tex]

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