Is it ethical for a professor to deny a student an opportunity to write exam since he or she's late n didn't write his or her assignments then allowing other students to write an exam while they are also late , reasons plss​


Answer 1


it is not ethical because it is not fair. reason is because the principle denied one student to write a late exam, but allowed others to. he is having favoritism on all students besides the one he didn't allow to write a late exam. it would be more ethical to allow ALL students an opportunity to write their exams late, or even disallow everone. that would be a less biased choice as a professor.

Related Questions



The correct answer is A. Much ... effect


To ask questions in English you can use "how much" and "how many"; these two differ in that the first is used to ask for uncountable nouns such as air, salt, sugar, among others, while the second is used for countable such as apples, people, animals, hours, among others. Therefore, the most appropriate word to ask about the amount of salt that is healthy to eat per day is "how much". On the other hand, the word "affect" is a verb that refers to action, while "effect" is a noun that refers to the consequences of an event. So, the most appropriate is the noun because the text is wondering about the effect that salt has on health and not how it "affects" health. So the answer is A. Much ... effect.

La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August every year.
A. hold B. held C. is held D. be held



C. is held


step by step explanation




D. be held

Help me please…………………





when you connect a work of ficition to its historical context, you



have to take the customs and events into consideration of a time period during which context was written.



How did the sexual division labor evolved?



Based on the current theories and research on the sexual division of labor, four critical aspects of hunter‐gatherer socioecology led to the evolutionary origin of the SDL in humans: long‐term dependency on high‐cost offspring, optimal dietary mix of mutually exclusive foods, efficient foraging based on specialized skill, and  sex‐differentiated comparative advantage in tasks.


Based on the current theories and research on the sexual division of labor, four critical aspects of hunter‐gatherer socioecological led to the evolutionary origin of the SDL in humans:

(1) Long‐term dependency on high‐cost offspring

(2) Optimal dietary mix of mutually exclusive foods

(3) Efficient foraging based on specialized skill

(4) Sex‐differentiated comparative advantage in tasks.


These combined conditions are rare in nonhuman vertebrates but common to currently-existing populations of human foragers, which gives rise to a potential factor for the evolutionary divergence of social behaviors.

The Puritans advanced intellectual recognition for the American Colonies in what way?


The Puritans created an educational system and influenced their children to eagerly pursue their studies. This is how they promoted the intellectual recognition of the colonies.

Although the Puritans molded all their activities to religious life and the quest for divine grace and salvation, they strongly believed in the education of children, as they believed that they had a great capacity for learning and should be educated as children to become wise adults and and capable of carrying the values of Puritanism.

With this, the Puritans were the pioneers to create a school system in America, where children, in addition to studying the principles of religion, learned to read and write, in addition to taking classes in mathematics and arithmetic.

You can find out more about this at the link below:

How Amanda feels when encountering George



Amanda set her books on the table and gave a angry stare at George, making him puzzled about what was his mistake.


Amanda seems to be angry as Gorge forgot to deliver an important message to one of their friend

B. Adjectives into nouns: write the appropriate noun in the second sentence, so that it has a
similar meaning to the first.
1. The scene was so beautiful that it took her breath away.
The _____________________ of the scene took her breath away.
2. They measured how wide the road was.
They measured the _______________________ of the road.
3. The fact that he was thin put off directors.
His _______________________ put off the directors.

C. Combine the sentences replacing the adjective with a noun:
1. My sister was cheerful. This made me forget all my troubles.
2. The Mosque's foundations are strong. This stopped it from collapsing in the earthquake.
3. The crate is heavy. It slowed Ram's progress.




1.The beauty of the scene took her breath away.

2. They measured the width of the road.

3. His leanness put off the directors.  


1. My sister's cheerfulness made me forget all my troubles.  

2. The foundations' strength stopped the Mosque from collapsing in the earthquake.  

3. The heaviness of the crate slowed Ram's progress.


Nouns tell us the name of a person, animal or thing but at the same time, it also tells the abstract value of certain things, emotions, and state of being or quality.  

Question B requires the adjectives in the respective sentences to be replaced with words similar in meaning in the given sentences. Question C requires the given sentences to be rewritten as a single sentence replacing the adjectives with appropriate nouns.

Thus, the final answers are as follows-


1.The beauty of the scene took her breath away.

2. They measured the width of the road.

3. His leanness put off the directors.  


1. My sister's cheerfulness made me forget all my troubles.  

2. The foundations' strength stopped the Mosque from collapsing in the earthquake.  

3. The heaviness of the crate slowed Ram's progress.

Memories of a Memory

Have you ever witnessed something amazing, shocking or surprising and found when describing the event that your story seems to change the more you tell it? Have you ever experienced a time when you couldn't really describe something you saw in a way that others could understand? If so, you may understand why some experts think eyewitness testimony is unreliable as evidence in scientific inquiries and trials. New insights into human memory suggest human memories are really a mixture of many non-factual things.

First, memory is vague. Imagine your room at home or a classroom you see every day. Most likely, you could describe the room very generally. You could name the color of the walls, the floors, the decorations. But the image you describe will never be as specific or detailed as if you were looking at the actual room. Memory tends to save a blurry image of what we have seen rather than specific details. So when a witness tries to identify someone, her brain may recall that the person was tall, but not be able to say how tall when faced with several tall people. There are lots of different kinds of "tall."

Second, memory uses general knowledge to fill in gaps. Our brains reconstruct events and scenes when we remember something. To do this, our brains use other memories and other stories when there are gaps. For example, one day at a library you go to quite frequently, you witness an argument between a library patron and one of the librarians. Later, when telling a friend about the event, your brain may remember a familiar librarian behind the desk rather than the actual participant simply because it is recreating a familiar scene. In effect, your brain is combining memories to help you tell the story.

Third, your memory changes over time. It also changes the more you retell the story. Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony that could not have been known at the time of the event. Research has also shown that the more a witness's account is told, the less accurate it is. You may have noticed this yourself. The next time you are retelling a story, notice what you add, or what your brain wants to add, to the account. You may also notice that you drop certain details from previous tellings of the story.

With individual memories all jumbled up with each other, it is hard to believe we ever know anything to be true. Did you really break your mother's favorite vase when you were three? Was that really your father throwing rocks into the river with you when you were seven? The human brain may be quite remarkable indeed. When it comes to memory, however, we may want to start carrying video cameras if we want to record the true picture.

Which word from the text best describes memories from our childhood?




Answer: either jumbled or familiar


I would say jumbled because of the last paragraph

Julio and Rosalía are in love and all of their friends are fed up because they show their affection for each other everywhere. What do they do? Write sentences with the following elements to explain it. Sometimes the friends are speaking and sometimes Julio and Rosalía are speaking. MODELO ellos / besarse / en público Se besan en público. 1. ellos / mirarse / profundamente enter answer 2. nosotros / escribirse cartas / durante la clase enter answer 3. ellos / hablarse por teléfono / cinco veces cada día enter answer 4. nosotros / decirse "mi amor" o "mi cielo" / siempre que hablan enter answer



3. talk on the phone five times a day

4. say "my love" or "my heaven" whenever they speak.


Talk on the phone five times a day and say "my love" or "my heaven" whenever they speak to each other are the actions which fed up their friends. They talk too much with each other and say the words i.e.  "my love" or "my heaven" when they speak to each other that make their friends annoyed and unhappy so we can say that these two actions make their friends fed up from them.

Need help please . It's urgent about 3rd person point of view. Which passage uses third-person limited point of view?

a) Dustin wasn't sure how to get home, but Mark knew the route like the back of his hand. Unlike his friend, Mark was used to walking to and from the baseball field on the other side of town. Dustin, meanwhile, was already getting a little nervous as the sun began to set.
b) Patrick ran as quickly as he could down the soccer pitch and made a sliding tackle, knocking the ball from between Ryan's feet and sending Ryan tumbling to the ground. Ryan gripped his ankle, pretending it was hurt, but the referee, who knew Ryan was just faking it, ignored his acting and let the play continue.
c) Sheena could never like Aunt Edna. Every time she visited her aunt's house she was aware of the place's particular musty smell, and her aunt's inability or unwillingness to respect her personal space. She was always hugging and kissing and pinching her cheeks, and it made Sheena uncomfortable.
d) We wanted to win the car design contest in our class, so we spent hours working together. Tim worked on writing the report, which Karen said she would present to the class. Meanwhile, I drew the concept drawings, and Unity turned those drawings into a model using clay.





Which option is the best point of comparison between the genres of horror
and comedy?
A. The role of fear in the story
B. The importance of the past
C. Hijinks and absurd situations
D. The direction of a typical plot


The answer would be:

D: The direction of a typical plot.

The purpose a writer gives to a work is often referred to as
O a. Ethos
O b. Pathos
O C. Telos
O d. Logos





it's what the writer feels and wants the reader to feel

The rhetorical strategy used by the author to give purpose to his work can be Logos. Thus, option D is correct.

The rhetorical strategies have been used by the author for addressing his audience with messages and ideas. The ancient greek rhetoric terms have been Ethos, Pathos. Kairos, and Logos.

The rhetorical strategies can be explained as:

The ethos has been used for the appeal, or take care by the author, It has been used by the author to gain its audience's trust.

Pathos has been used by the author to gain empathy from the audience. With the help of pathos, a writer has been provided with the value of belief and asks the audience to imagine and feel the situation.

Logos has been the logical appeal or message that has been delivered by the author through his text,

Kairos has been a timeless argument that has been added by the author to attract the audience discussion the text.

The rhetorical strategy used by the author to give purpose to his work can be Logos. Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about logos, refer to the link:

Read the following two arguments about school uniforms then answer the question below. Carl: "Imagine a world without color and free choice. That will be the world we live in if we are forced to wear uniforms. The uniforms will be ugly. They will make you look like a nerd, because uniforms are what all nerds wear. Don't be one of the fools that think this is a good idea, because everyone knows we do not need uniforms. Beth: "Uniforms are a great idea for our school. Studies have shown that schools that adopted a uniform saw a 10% increase in grades. I know Carl says that the uniforms are ugly, however as a guy, what does he know about fashion? The uniforms will not be ugly, because uniforms are not ugly." Who uses card stacking in their argument?



Carl because he keeps on adding and adding stuff that makes It stacking

On reading the two arguments about school uniforms, inference can be drawn that Carl uses card stacking in their argument.

What is card stacking?

Card stacking is an approach where a person keeps highlighting only one side of the argument while degrading the other.

What is argument?

Argument is a fight which occurs between two people when they do not agree with what each other says.

Learn more about argument here


why are Don Gonzala and Laura annoyed with each other?



Dona Laura is annoyed with Don Gonzalo because despite her warning he scares away the birds which were feeding on her crumbs in the park. Don Gonzalo is annoyed because she is complaining about some birds which were feeding in a public park.

identify the adjectives and say what kind adjective
1. There are four apples and two orange on the plate​



There , four and two.


There - demonstrative adjective

Demonstrative adjectives are special adjectives or determiners used to identify or express the relative position of a noun in time or space. A demonstrative adjective comes before all other adjectives in the noun phrase. Some common demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these, and those.

Four & Two - adjective of number

Numbers are usually adjectives, because the information they give is how many of the noun.

i have(go) since 1965





trước since là thì htht.................

Do you think health is the most important in life?



sure. Without it, we couldnt continue to live


how does the setting influence characterizatin in the text


The setting influences the plot, which includes the story's events. Certain actions are more likely to take place in specific environments. Also, the story's tone and theme rely on its setting. In addition, the setting shapes the characters.


Read the following paragraph:

I had been student council president for a month now, and the meetings covered a wide variety of topics. Today's meeting had run long, and when we opened the floor up to questions, Alan's hand shot up immediately. Nobody else had a question. Great, I thought sarcastically. It will probably be something about how we didn't use Robert's Rules of Order correctly, or something equally boring.
What is the most likely motive for the narrator's reaction in the final sentence?

He is intimidated by Alan's usual questions.

He believes Alan asks too many questions.

He is afraid to answer questions publicly.

He was hoping nobody would ask any questions.



A. he is intimidated by Alan's usual questions

Please help anyone ?!!!!



The answer of no 8 is ig true but about the other ones I don't know I have never read it

The directions are to fix the sentence.
The war was over soldiers spread baseball across the U. S.


Answer: the proper grammer to this question wold be: The war was over and soldiers spread baseball across the U.S.


the meaning behind the changes made comes down to proper sentance structure and the fluidity of the way we say things.

hope this helps u :)

a peace above all earthly dignities a still and quiet conscience explanation



Answer:William Shakespeare

Henry VIII, Act 3, Scene 2. Wolsey responds to Cromwell’s question of how he is after his downfall. He has abandoned ambition and achieved redemption, finding true happiness and peace at last.

Who does the Time Traveller meet when he lands in the future in The Time Machine?

A. People dressed in purple
B. Wild life—cougars and lions
C. A group of masked figures
D. Green aliens


The time traveler meets people in purple dress when he lands in the future using time machine.

He is astonished to see the difference and when he travels with a time machine is meets people wearing purple dresses which is different for him.

This is not something casual in the time where he used to live in and time traveled from.

The correct answer to the given question is A.

A. People dressed in purple.

Learn more at

Answer: People dressed in purple

Explanation: took quiz

the more beautiful or handsome you are the more problem you have.argue for or against this statement​


I would agree/disagree because people might trust you more because you are more popular. Then again you might be less approachable to people who think less of themselves. Also people might think that you're perfect even if you're not. Also, they might only treat you for your looks and not brains.

Write an article to your college newspaper between 150-200 words about the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by college students



Originally, Social Media was a way to interact with friends and family but later on, Business Organizations have taken interest in this popular communication method to reach out to customers. Social Media plays a significant role in helping to grow businesses. Social Media platforms are becoming a natural place to reach targeted potential customers as 50% of World’s population use social media now a day. Many business organizations recognize the benefit of social media as a communication platform to communicate with their customers.

Here are some of the advantages of using social media to build a brand or to run an existing business

By using social media, a business organization can create a real human connection to the customers

Social Media plays an important role in Lead Generation by offering an easy way for the customers to express interest in their business.

Social Media is becoming the most important part of a sales funnel of any business as a number of people using social media is growing day by day.

Social Media is an excellent platform to promote one’s well-researched content in front of new people to grow the audience base.

Social Media gives business owners the opportunity to connect with their fans and followers every time they log in to their account.

Conclusion to social media essay

Social Media is a crucial tool for almost all kinds of businesses. Business organizations use this platform to find and engage with customers, generate sales through promotion and advertising and offering customers after sale service and support. Though Social Media is becoming an important part for business organizations, unplanned activities in Social Media can kill a business too.

Final Words: – Social Media is becoming an important part of our life, thus an essay on Social Media was needed. Taking this in mind, We, Team Guide to Exam have decided to write an essay on Social Media. In this essay on Social Media, we are trying to include different category wise short essays for students of different standards. In addition to that, we have written a long essay on Social Media (700+ Words) for higher-level students.

Ratatouille is made…….red pepers, aubergines and courgettes.



Option A is correct


Ratatouille is made with red pepers, aubergines and courgettes.

Hope it is helpful....

The ones going to the football game are we juniors


wheeeeeeeee juniors ruleeeeee


weeere Junior ruleeeeee

Choose The Correct Ans. 1) Her thinking leans ____ democracy.
A) with
B) towards
C) for
D) None of these , 2) He got too tired _____ over work.
A) because of
B) because off
C) on
D) for​



1. towards

2. because of


If you put every option with the sentence, you can single out which one makes the most sense with the process of elimination.

1. Her thinking leans with democracy.

Her thinking leans for democracy.

Her thinking leans towards democracy

Apply this to the second sentence and it should be more understandable! Hope this helped!

What does it mean to Appeal to ethics



ethical appeal, means to convince an audience of the author's credibility or character. An author would use ethos to show to his audience that he is a credible source and is worth listening to. ... Pathos or the emotional appeal, means to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.

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