Is there a better way to study literature?


Answer 1


Laying the Groundwork

Examine what you already know. Write out all the details you can remember from your first reading of the text, as well as anything you remember from your course lectures. Don’t “cheat” by looking at your notes or your text -- just write down what you are confident you remember. This will be your starting base and will reveal any gaps in your knowledge.

Look at sample questions, if you can. If you were given a study guide or sample questions, see how much of this material you are already familiar with. This will help you zone in on what needs more work and make a study plan.


Answer 2


Read and re-read your texts. ...

Learn quotations. ...

Read around your text. ...

Talk your ideas through. ...

Go back over your own work. ...

Study style – select and scrutinise significant/striking/special sections. ...

Get to know VCAA a little better. ...


Related Questions

Define and describe the human rights violation of Xenophobia??​


Xenophobia is a stress disease in which encountering immigrants or foreigners causes excessive resistance of fear. Other than the trigger, the indications for xenophobia are very comparable to other stress disorders: conciseness of breath, rapid heart rate, and excessive sweating followed by intense fear or anxiety.

Brett finds out that he won't have enough money to pay rent this month. He starts feelings stressed out and starts having an anxiety attack. He tells himself to breathe and takes a long shower to take his mind off of his anxiety level. This type of coping style is called:_____.
a. Problem-focused coping
b. Emotional relief
c. Emotion-focused coping
d. Temperament focused problem solving
e. None of the above



C. Emotion focused coping


Brent is having emotion focused coping here. In this type of coping mechanism, what he is trying to do is to manage the emotions that are causing him the anxiety attack. He does this instead of trying to fix whatever situation is responsible for the anxiety.

This means that Brent is trying to manage his anxiety level (emotions) first instead of the issue that led to the anxiety attack. Which is the inability to pay his rent

The coping strategies are the behaviors and methods to cope with stress and anxiety. Brent is using the emotion-focused coping style.

What is Emotion-focused coping?

Emotion-focused coping is the coping style that reduces negative emotional factors like depression, stress, anxiety, frustration, etc by various methods.

This method includes the management of the behavior causing the emotional strain leading to the anxiety attack. This includes fixing the emotion rather fixing the problem.

In this situation, Brent is trying to cope with his emotional unbalance and anxiety but is not trying to fix the problem that is paying the rent.

Therefore, option c. this type of coping style is emotion-focused.

Learn more about coping styles here:

How does social control work between confrmity and deviance?



Conformity and deviance are two responses to real or imagined pressures from others. Conformity is opposite to social deviance which implies obedience to the norms that make a person acceptable in a particular society, group, or social setting.


Fun fact:

Conformity. Social control is established by encouraging individuals to conform and obey social norms, both through formal and informal means. The tendency to conform occurs in small groups and in society as a whole, and may result from subtle unconscious influences or direct and overt social pressure.

Two examples of medicalization effecting how we experience our bodies



Examples of medicalized disorders include menopause, alcoholism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anorexia, infertility, sleep disorders, and erectile dysfunction (ED) [3].



The Medicalization of Obesity

Examples of medicalized disorders include menopause, alcoholism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anorexia, infertility, sleep disorders, and erectile dysfunction (ED)

qual a reacao e o pemsmemto do jovem ao descamsar a sambra da arvore​





how does the policy of centralisation of industries disadvantage rural communities​



Decentralisation is unlikely to prove a panacea for weak central government but decentralised government could do more to create an enabling framework for private sector provision of services previously provided by the state. The appropriate level of subsidiarity is an empirical question related to the size of a country, its resource endowments, the number of levels of government and the particular characteristics of different goods and services. Applying this to the decentralised provision of agricultural services, the key determinants appear to be the existence of economies of scale, the nature of any externalities or spillover effects, and the characteristics of rural communities. Although decentralisation reduces agro-ecological diversity it may accentuate divisions between ‘gainers’ and ‘losers’ in local communities through the public provision of certain services suggesting that many ‘collective’ goods assume the characteristics of ‘club’ goods at the local level. This makes private provision through farmers’ associations and the payment of user fees economically rational. The paper concludes with an examination of ways in which local government can provide the enabling environment required for the private provision of agricultural services.

as a student what can be your greatest contribution to the community? ​



The greatest contribution that students should give to society is that of ideas. ... Students also contribute to society through the organisation of pressure groups especially in situations dealing with the needy and future generations such as the environmental issues.


Thực trạng, nguyên nhân,cách khắc phục tình trạng thất nghiệp của sinh viên hiện nay



-Thực trạng:   Theo số liệu mới nhất của Tổng cục Thống kê, đến quý 1 năm 2017, trong tổng lực lượng lao động cả nước có gần 918 nghìn lao động thiếu việc làm và lao động thất nghiệp là 1,14 triệu người. Thông thường, tình trạng thiếu việc luôn là vấn đề phổ biến ở khu vực nông thôn. Trong quý 1 năm 2017, hiện có gần 85,0% lao động thiếu việc làm sinh sống ở khu vực này. Xét về khác biệt giới, thị phần lao động nam thiếu việc là cao hơn so với lao động nữ (52,2% và 47,8 % tổng số lao động thiếu việc cả nước). Đồng thời, tình trạng thất nghiệp lại được quan tâm hơn ở khu vực thành thị. Mặc dù, tỷ trọng lao động thất nghiệp thành thị hiện thấp hơn, chỉ chiếm khoảng 47,6% tổng số lao động thất nghiệp cả nước. Hơn nữa, dựa trên kết quả điều tra lao động việc làm quý 1 năm 2017 cũng cho thấy lao động thất nghiệp nam là đông hơn so với lao động nữ (chiếm 58,9% và 41,1% trong tổng số lao động thất nghiệp cả nước). Nếu xem xét tình trạng thất nghiệp theo trình độ chuyên môn kỹ thuật (CMKT) tức là sinh viên ra trường có trình độ chuyên môn nhất định, trong quý 1 năm 2016, có tới hơn 32,3% số lao động thất nghiệp cả nước là lao động đã qua đào tạo chuyên nghiệp hoặc nghề từ 3 tháng trở lên. Trong đó, nhóm lao động có trình độ từ đại học trở lên chiếm thị phần lớn nhất, khoảng 38,6% tổng số lao động thất nghiệp nhóm này. 6 nhóm ngành/nghề đào tạo hiện có tỷ trọng lao động thất nghiệp có trình độ CMKT từ 3 tháng trở lên theo thứ tự là “Kinh doanh và quản lý - 30,3%”, “Công nghệ kỹ thuật - 13,4%”, “Sức khỏe - 10,7%”, “Dịch vụ vận tải - 9,5%” và “Khoa học giáo dục và đào tạo giáo viên - 9,0%”. Chỉ khoảng 3,6% nhóm lao động thất nghiệp có trình độ CM:KT

l à có 2 bằng/chứng chỉ đào tạo trở lên.

*Nguyên nhân : - Không có định hướng nghề nghiệp trước khi học

- Sinh viên ra trường thiếu kỹ năng làm việc

- Chất lượng đào tạo chưa thực sự gắn với nhu cầu xã hội

- Trình độ ngoại ngữ vẫn còn nhiều hạn chế

- Luôn than trách và đổ lỗi cho số phận

• Giải pháp

-  cần định hướng sơ bộ về nghề nghiệp của mình trong tương lai

- cần thay đổi nhận thức, hiểu được đầu ra của ngành học

cần học những ngành nghề mà trong đó có sự đam mê, yêu thích của bản thân và phù hợp với khả năng của minh

- các giảng viên của nhà trường nên kết hợp cùng với lãnh đạo của các doanh nghiệp trao đổi và định hướng nghề nghiệp phù hợp với từng tân sinh viên, dựa trên việc phân tích tính cách, đặc điểm gia đình, sở thích...của từng cá nhân để đưa ra lời khuyên cho các em nên chọn ngành nào phù hợp với mình, có cơ hội việc là tốt nhất và phát huy được năng lực cao nhất.

- trải nghiệm thực tế tại các doanh nghiệp  

-  cần nghiêm túc học hành ngay khi đang còn ngồi trên ghế nhà trường

- Nhà nước hoàn thiện thể chế thị trường lao động, tạo khung pháp lý phù hợp, bảo đảm đối xử bình đẳng giữa người sử dụng lao động và người lao động,  Thực hiện đúng các luật về lao động, tiền lương tối thiểu, bảo hiểm lao động, xuất khẩu lao động, pháp lệnh đình công... Người lao động được quyền hưởng lương đúng với số lượng và chất lượng lao động họ đã bỏ ra, phải được bảo đảm về chỗ ở và những điều kiện môi trường lao động, an sinh khác theo đúng luật pháp.

-  Nhà nước cùng các doanh nghiệp cần phải quan tâm đào tạo công nhân trình độ cao, trình độ lành nghề, trình độ văn hóa đối với lao động trẻ, khỏe, nhất là khu vực nông thôn để cung ứng cho các vùng kinh tế trọng điểm, các khu công nghiệp, khu du lịch, dịch vụ và xuất khẩu lao động.

- đa dạng hóa các loại hình thị trường, các lớp dạy nghề của Nhà nước, của tư nhân và quốc tế; áp dụng cơ chế thị trường trong dạy nghề, dần dần hình thành thị trường dạy nghề phù hợp với pháp luật. Thực hiện quy hoạch đầu tư tập trung hệ thống dạy nghề, kỹ thuật thực hành qua lao động trực tiếp; đặc biệt là xây dựng các trường dạy nghề trọng điểm quốc gia.

-  thực hiện hiệu quả dự án hỗ trợ đào tạo giảng viên; xây dựng cơ chế xác định chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh đào tạo trung cấp, đào tạo cao đẳng, đại học hàng năm trên cơ sở nhu cầu của thị trường lao động, năng lực đào tạo và tỷ lệ người học tốt nghiệp có việc làm của cơ sở đào tạo; chỉ đạo các cơ sở đào tạo đầu tư nâng cao điều kiện đảm bảo chất lượng đào tạo, hợp tác với đơn vị sử dụng lao động để xây dựng chương trình đào tạo cân đối giữa lý thuyết và thực hành, xây dựng chuẩn đầu ra, hỗ trợ sinh viên thực tập và đánh giá sinh iên tốt nghiệp theo yêu cầu TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO:

1. Tổng cục Thống kê năm 2016 - 2017

2. ThS. Nguyễn Thúy Hà, Chính sách việc làm: Thực trạng và giải pháp, Trung tâm Nghiên cứu khoa học - Viện Nghiên cứu Lập pháp

của thị trường lao động.



Faculty of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics

Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment

James has been working at a restaurant for a couple years. During this time, he has received numerous positive reviews from customers and his coworkers know they can depend on him during busy periods. However, despite his hard work he is still earning the same hourly wage he was when he was first hired. This wage is so low that James is struggling to pay his bills and afford an apartment. While he is experiencing this financial struggle, he sees many customers drive nice cars to the restaurant and hears stories about how many of his coworkers are taking vacations. James’s dissatisfaction with his standard of living is best described as :___________

a. absolute poverty.
b. structural discrimination.
c. relative poverty.
d. anomie.



c. relative poverty.


Relative poverty is an individual or people that earns less than an average household usually about 50% less than an average household.

They do not have access to what every other household posses their salary can only take care of the basics as in the case of James who struggles to pay his house rent from his salary.

This people cannot afford to participate actively in the society just as James could not afford a car or send himself to vacation.

1.1.1. Define and describe the human rights violation that you have chosen human trafficking​



Human trafficking is known to be recruitment, transporting and  trading of humans through deception, force or fraud with the purpose of exploitation for profit. In this aspect of crime, anybody can fall a victim- men, women, and children of all ages. But statistics show that children are the highest victims of human trafficking.

The victims are usually traded against their will through force, threats and coercion. Sometimes, the traffickers use fraudulent employment agencies and also gives the victims false hope of education and job opportunities to trick them.  Some of the trafficking that the victims experience are child trafficking, sex trafficking, forced labour, organ trafficking, child marriage, etc.

This is actually a violation of human rights.


It's true that many countries are actually fighting hard in order to arrest the crime of human trafficking. Stiffer measures should be adopted in order to duly punish the erring ones.

Help Please This is science


Answer: climate
Please mark brainliest


The Climate


As the given passage above is about Antarctica, the answer is obviously "The Climate".

Because "the weather" Is a short-lasting term refers to the change in an atmosphere whereas "the climate" is a long-lasting term to say about an atmosphere of a certain place that doesn't change constantly (such as The Climate of Antarctica).


What is Sri Lanka, and what is your opinion about Sri Lanka?​



Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, and

officially the Democratic Socialist Republic

of Sri Lanka, is an island country in South


Vị thế xã hội thay đổi vai trò xã hội không đổi có thể quy về các loại cơ động xã hội nào ? Vì sao ?



Di động lên và di chuyển xuống, do địa vị xã hội của họ thúc đẩy họ đến xã hội cao hay thấp. Điều này thường có thể là do kinh tế suy thoái hoặc đi lên, hoặc có thể là do tai tiếng hoặc danh tiếng.


Hy vọng điều này đã giúp!

help me plssssssssssssss:(



gumawa kanalang ng kwento Kong may libro ka

kumuha kanalang ng maikling kwento


Ang explaination ko lang ay mas na kakabuting kumuha ng kwento sa libro

Help please!!! Read the text below, and state one way that the Indian Removal Act of 1830 would affect many Native American Indians.
An act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished [revoked], as he [the president] may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other.

-- Indian Removal Act of 1830



Many of them would die because they were forced to walk the Trail of Tears in deadly conditions with no assistance.

According to research, during which period do children typically hear about heterosexual intercourse?
Multiple Choice
A.birth to 2 years
B.2-4 years
C.5-11 years
D.14-18 years


Hi !


According to research, during which period do children typically hear about heterosexual intercourse?Multiple Choice

C.5-11 years

C. 5-11 years
Hope this helps!

Những mâu thuẫn nảy sinh trong quá trình phát triển kinh tế thị trường định hướng XHCN ở Viêt Nam là gì?


Answer: Việt Nam chuyển sang nền kinh tế thị trường xã hội chủ nghĩa vào năm 1986 sau khi không đạt được các mục tiêu sản lượng kinh tế của kế hoạch 5 năm. ... Trong nền kinh tế thị trường xã hội chủ nghĩa, doanh nghiệp nhà nước hoạt động như một doanh nghiệp độc lập, cung cấp thu nhập cho nhà nước thông qua thuế


Không phải lời của tôi! Tôi hy vọng điều này sẽ giúp tho!

what three factors should be considered when choosing a research topic? explain each factor and provide examples​



1. Your interest is important where you have burning desire to add value.

2. Your skills, background knowledge versus your interest and societal need.

3. Level and type of research-Under-graduate, Graduate student etc or just research

4. Availability of resources including Experienced Supervisor or Co-investigator, facilities/funds/Data/instrument among others


Cơ quan nào cấp giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư trong nước?



Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư


Ban quản lý các khu công nghiệp, khu chế xuất, khu công nghệ cao và khu kinh tế


Theo quy định tại Luật Đầu tư 2014, các cơ quan sau đây được cấp, điều chỉnh, thu hồi giấy chứng nhận đầu tư.

Thời gian điều chỉnh giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tưr

The belief, not shared by bio social theories, that all human beings are born with an equal potential to learn and achieve is known as



Gender equality


Gender equality is the belief that all human beings are born with an equal potential to learn and achieve. There is no inequality between male and female, they all have equal rights of learning and in other aspects of life. This belief provides a tool to women to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. They can gain respect and higher status through hard work and determination.

It is a general rule that the person who receives treatment is responsible for payment even if someone else requests the services. Explain who is responsible for minors and incompetents.



hmmvzzgjhscb pits. FCC in in Z GB i. GB n

If you think more carefully about your plan to complain to the company's CEO, I'm sure you will agree with me that it is not a good idea. After all, I am your boss. I have more experience than you, and I decide who gets fired around here.

a. Does it commit a fallacy?
b. Does it commit an appeal to pity fallacy?



a. Yes.

b. No.


The argument presents a fallacy called Argumentum ad verecundiam, or appeal to authority. A fallacy is an argument that makes disjointed premises to establish itself as true, even if it is not. Appeal to authority is the fallacy that appeals to the relevance of an authority to present an argument as true and to justify a behavior or event. In the above argument, we can see that the speaker, having the authority to dismiss employees, states that this authority should be taken into account when employees want to make complaints to the CEO of the company, when in fact the complaints and the authority of the speaker are not related .

We can see that the argument does not make an appeal to pity, because this is the fallacy where the speaker plays the victim to try to win the listener's sympathy.

3. Think and write. Write two thin about any your society You d dislike ?​



What we do not like about our society:-





La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que que no hay opciones ni incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La diferencia entre la opinión de una problemática social y el estudio de dicha problemática es que la opinión simplemente se basa en eso, en simples opiniones o criterios propios de los ciudadanos o participantes en la opinión pública. Esa opinión no tiene mayor bases que los respalden porque son simples percepciones.

En cambio, el estudio de una problemática no se basa en opiniones, sino en investigaciones, Esta problemática debe ser analizada desde la perspectiva política, económica, social o científica, dependiendo de la problemática, para poder analizarla, entender el fenómeno que se presenta y dar una explicación sensata con argumentos.

What are differences between Juneteenth and Fourth of July??

5 for Juneteenth
5 for Fourth of July

What are some similarities of Juneteenth and Fourth July? Give me 5 examples.

ASAP please!!




July 4th is a federal holiday but Juneteenth is not. Juneteenth is recognized as a holiday by 45 states, and there is a movement calling for it to be a national holiday


please mark as brainliest answer as it will also give you 3 pts

which group/people do you feel are most stigmatized in South Africa? why​


Somalia is well known as the home country of the pirates who terrorize the key trade waters near the Horn of Africa. Source: National Defense University. Civil war in the 1980s led to the collapse of Somalia's central government in 1991. Following this, various groupings of Somali factions, sometimes supported by outside forces, sought to control the national territory (or portions thereof) and fought one another. But they continued to stand their ground which is why I find this tribe the strongest.

As per the research that has been done by many researchers, the people who  belong to the category with poor financial conditions, illiteracy, and lack in basic literacy skill belong to the most stigmatized category in South Africa.

Who are researchers?

For doing any kind of research, there is a need for qualified people who are specialized in their field of research. They are called researchers. Researchers are the ones who do research in different fields. There are various fields in which research work is done.

For example, when conducting research on South Africans who fall into the stick but ice category, a sample of people from that nation, according to that research condition, has a high early rate and basic literacy skills are lacking.

Thus, for this researchers are required.

Learn more about researchers from here:


what you think should be done to africanize tourism?​



By adopting techniques of African culture.


We should Africanize tourism by adopting the techniques and methods used in African culture and tradition. We have to built architecture and buildings just like African culture as well as introduce animals and other organisms in the touring spot in order to make a feeling of Africa so giving touch of Africa to the tourism place and materials used is the way we can Africanize tourism .

In your opinion, why do you think humans have become so evolved?



In my opinion, humans have traits of resourcefulness and curiosity. With that curiosity we have discovered new things, leading to the advancement in tools. Our resourcefulness on the other hand leads in the same direction. If you were being attacked and you saw a stick on the ground, you would most likely grab it to defend yourself, right? That is precisely what I'm talking about. In my opinion, the advancement of humans most likely came from our extensive traits.


If this does not meet criteria, you may report it.

The South Pacific Tuna Treaty controls _____.

A the amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania
B the number of turtles that can be caught while fishing for tuna
C the size of fishing vessels in relation to how many fish they catch
D the amount of coral damage allowed by international shipping


Answer: A) the amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania

The South Pacific Tuna Treaty controls the amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania.


The South Pacific Tuna Treaty is a treaty between the United States and many different Pacific Island countries. This treaty has lasted for over 30 years!

Answer: The amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania


describe two ways in which the laws protects citizens against human rights violations​



The law protects citizens against human right violations in the following ways:

1. Protection of Human Rights Act 1993: declares the rights pertaining to life, equality, liberty,and dignity of an individual that is guaranteed by the Constitution of India.

2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)- declared by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 1948.

i found it in brainly

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in phn nng chy hon ton 14,9 gam mui clorua ca 1 kim loi km R thu c 2,24 lt kh . R l kim loi g ? Healthcare manufacturers and Health foods after rely on statements or personal appearances called True or false please help Ill give brainliest Which country had the second largest sphere of influence in China? UNIQUE NUMBER: 653234 This assignment is based on Unit three, Unit Four and Unit Five of the Study Guide (TUT501). One of the aims of the unit is to assist you with how words are pronounced in the English Language. The alphabet used for pronunciation is different from that used for writing. Read the 2 units of the Study Guide, Chapter 12 of Carter and Goddard (2016), and Section A1. B1 and C1 of Mullany and Stockwell (2010) for a detailed discussion of the alphabet before you answer the following questions. Question 1 a) Study the words below which have been phonetically transcribed. Provide two words (a pair of words) that can be represented by each phonetic transcription. i. /so:/ ii. /breik/ iii. /san/ iv. l'avl V. Id b) Explain the type of vowel sound in each pair in you have provided in a) above. [Total: 10 marks] Question 2 timular attention to the underlined words. Which The Metropolitan Bus Company (MBC) purchases diesel fuel from American Petroleum Supply. In addition to the fuel cost, American Petroleum Supply charges MBC $225 per order to cover the expenses of delivering and transferring the fuel to MBC's storage tanks. The lead time for a new shipment from American Petroleum is 10 days; the cost of holding a gallon of fuel in the storage tanks is $0.03 per month, or $0.36 per year; and annual fuel usage is 180,000 gallons. MBC buses operate 288 days a year.Required:a. What is the optimal quantity for MBC?b. How frequently should MBC order to replenish the gasoline supply?c. The MBC storage tanks have a capacity of 15,000 gallons. Should MBC consider expanding the capacity of its storage tanks?d. What is the recorder point? Which set of ordered pairs represent a function? O A {(1,0), (2,1), (2,3)} O B{(1,3), (1,4), (1,5)} O C{(1,5), (2,5), (3,5)} O D{(3, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)} The image shows a world map.A map of the world that shows population density by the number of people per square kilometer.Which measurement of population does this map illustrate?population in relation to resourcespopulation changespopulation densitypopulation in relation to ethnicity PLEASE, WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST! THANKS! Hey guys LOLIndicate in standard form the equation of the line through the given points, writing the answer in the equation box below. P (0, -4), Q (5, 1) put this sentence in the correct order ein Buch Wohnzimmer Im Winter lese ich im Please answer question 4 AAA HELP PLEASE !! SUMMER MATH SCHOOL IS WAY TOO HARD ISTG Please select the word from the list that best fits the definitionDe pequea siembre las mismas canciones. -jugaba-estudiaba -dormia-estaba-cantaba What do application in productivity suites have in common |x+2|+4=11A) x=5,-9 Before she got her driver's license, seeing police cars and their flashing red lights did not bother Olive. But then she started driving and has been pulled over several times for speeding. Each time she was pulled over, first she saw the flashing red lights of the police car. Then she would be questioned by the police and given a ticket, which made her feel very tense and upset. Now whenever she sees a police car with its flashing lights on, she feels a little bit nervous, even if it is pulling over someone else. In this example, what is the CONDITIONED STIMULUS Why might an author choose to use a third-person narrator?A. To create a more personal experience for the readerB. To tell the story from many different perspectivesC. To show the thoughts and feelings of one characterD. To allow the readers to feel as if they are a part of the story 9. Here are two expressions with a missing number: Expression 1: Expression 2: + 4 Choose the same number to put in both blanks, so that both expressions would result in an irrational answer. You can choose your number from the following list: 3.2, , , and 0.232323... Explain your reasoning. (4 points: 2 points for the answer and 2 points for the explanation) Using the data below for Ace Guitar Company: Region A Region B Sales $786,500 $643,500 Cost of goods sold 298,900 244,500 Selling expenses 188,800 154,400 Service department expenses Purchasing $240,200 Payroll accounting 160,200 Allocate service department expenses proportionally to the sales of each region, determine the divisional income from operations for the Regions A and B. For interim calculations, round the percentages to one decimal place. Region A $fill in the blank 1 Region B $fill in the blank 2 someone please explain this question PART "b) i" ONLY!!!