Is there a pattern of similarity and repetition evident in the development of these motifs? Or are there some differences and variations in the way they develop? Do these patterns of repetition and variation create formal parallelisms that structure the film?


Answer 1


Yes) they are quit similar but they have a difference between the 2

No) they come together. When you create a pattern it looks like a 3D type image but then when you paint it or color it it looks alive and colorful


Related Questions

This artist is famous for his structural use of color and brushwork that appeals to the intellect, and a solidity of composition enhanced by a fluid application of pigment that delights the senses. He was probably the most influential single artist on the early 20th century. Who was he



he is George Seurat.


he is george seruat!!!!

The New Orleans-born composer who incorporated African-Caribbean rhythms and Creole melodies in his compositions was
A. Lowell Mason
B. Louis Moreau Gottschalk
C. Charles Ives
D. Scott Joplin



B. Louis Moreau Gottschalk


Was born in New Orleans, was a pianist that incorporated African-Caribbean rhythms and Creole melodies in his songs (mostly piano).

Your friend Allison plans to add white paint to her yellow paint to make the hue lighter. She hopes to suggest a source of natural light within the artwork, such as sunlight. When she does this, what specific aspect of color do you determine she will be changing?

A. intensity

B. value

C. saturation

D. texture





When you add white to any color it lightens it and makes it's shade lighter therefore making the value lighter

Value is the important aspect of color that she is changing because she is lightning the yellow color.

What are the Characteristics of color ?

The characteristics of a color can be determined by three different attributes: hue, Chroma and value.

Hue is the most identifiable characteristic of a color. That's what most people mean when they say the word “color.” There are an infinite number of possible hues. For example, between red and yellow lies all possible orange hue.

Chroma is the purity and vehemence of a color. Colors  with high chroma  look rich and full. Colors with low chroma  will look dull or pale. Pastel colors are of low chroma, while intense jewel tones are of high chroma. Chroma is also referred to as saturation sometimes.

Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. Light colors are sometime called tints, and dark colors are called shades. Value is also referred to as luminance sometimes.

When you mix white with any color it lightens it and makes it's shade lighter so Allison adding white with yellow making its hue lighter is nothing but the value of Yellow she is changing.

Therefore option B is the correct answer.

Lea more about Value here:


How did the camera obscura lead to the science of photography?



It paved the way for photography to be greatly improved, and hence a much better and wider use for photography, at the same time making it much more accessible to the public.


Can someone draw me a Aquarius anime girl that is part wolf. Please!!!!





But I warn you:

I am not a virtuoso artist!

What inspirations did you have for the piece? For example, were you inspired by something you've seen or experienced, or did the piece come from something you imagined?



i get inspired by both, first you learnd from life about the experiences you had and maybe thet inspires you to make art, and in other ocassions you get inspired by the imagination of how you would like the world better, i think.


An instrumental composition that is associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene is called____.
A. Program music
B. Chance music
C. absolute music
D. Story music



A: Program music



the answer is A program music


The answer to your question is option A program music. Program music goes with the "program" and its associated with that "program" or story,idea , poem, or scene.

a treble clef is also know as what​



The treble clef located on the second line of the staff is called the second treble clef or simply the treble clef. In the baroque period it was known as the "Italian key". Currently in English and German it is called respectively "treble clef" ("treble clef") and Violinschlüssel ("violin clef").

The treble clef is also called the “G clef” because the symbol at the beginning of the staff (a stylized letter “G”) encircles the second line of the staff, indicating that line to be G4 (or G above middle C).

Puedo ser, sólido, liquido o gas Me deshago si me agitas Puedo dar lindos colores Si en agua me depositas…. ¿¿¿QUIEN SOY???



q내가 당신을 도울 수 있었지만 당신은 영어 또는 한국어로 작성하지 않았습니다

When and where were the Illustrated Books made?


The Illustrated Books were first made in Germany around the early 12th century.


The first Illustrated books were made in C) Germany, early 12th century.

Joe Negri is considered by many to be one of the finest _______ guitar players in the world.
A jazz B rock C pop


The answer is A: jazz guitarist


The answer is A: jazz guitarist


What is a drawing called that is made when figuring out where things will go in a final composition?

A basic
B loose
C preliminary
D formal


The answer is c. Not loose.

Preliminary is a drawing called that is made when figuring out where things will go in a final composition.

A preliminary drawing is an art term to refer to those drawings that have been made at the beginning of a design process for art or architecture in which the distribution of how things will go in a final composition is expressed. One of the most characteristic aspects of a preliminary is that it is generally more complete than the sketches.

According to the above, the correct answer is C. because it mentions the type of drawing that meets the definition presented. While the other options are not adequate.

Learn more in:

In this activity, you will research and explain in detail any one image capturing process that was historically in use. You could include various
details including its advantages and disadvantages.


History of photography, method of recording the image of an object through the action of light, or related radiation, on a light-sensitive material. The word, derived from the Greek photos (“light”) and graphein (“to draw”), was first used in 1830 Bs.

This article treats the historical and aesthetic aspects of still photography. For a discussion of the technical aspects of the medium, see photography, technology of. For a treatment of motion-picture photography, or cinematography, see motion picture, history of, and motion-picture technology

One image-capturing process that has been in use all through history is the old-fashioned (pencil on canvas) drawing.

How is image drawing done?

This simply involves the use of canvas (which could be leather or paper) and pencil (or old-fashioned coal or oil) to capture an image for record purposes.

According to historians, drawing was invented before written language. It evolved from the use of cave walls to record information (during the Paleolithic Age - about 30,000 years ago).

What are the advantages?

Drawing helps to capture the situation as it was when it was recorded.

How about demerits?

The demerits of this method of capturing image is that it is dependent on the memory of the artist as well as their ability to draw.

Learn more about image capturing at:

I need help with questions 1 , 2 , 3 and 4. This is for music it’s due tomorrow please help!


Vas happenin!!!
Hope your day or night is going well
The first one is whole notes all you have to do is draw circles sick of them

2. The space whole draw them in between the two lines and draw six of them

3. G, F, A, G, B, A, C , D, F , C , E, D, F
4. B, A, C, B, D, C, E, D, F, E, G, F, F

Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if any of this is wrong I tried

when was the Mona Lisa first Made ​



it was painted between 1503 and 1519 it now hangs in the Louvre Museum

The Florentine Camerata can best be described as:
A. the founders of opera.
B. coloratura singing.
C. Italian chamber music.
D. an opera house in Florence.


I think the answer is D


Founders of opera


Yiyi's favorite kind of comedy is the kind that wasn't supposed to be funny in the first place. What kind of film does Yiyi love most

A. slapstick comedy
B. campy comedy
C. situation comedy
D. physical comedy


C because situation comedy was never supposed to be funny but yiyi loves it
I think it would be C. Situation comedy

Describe the assembly process and list five possible materials suitable for use in an assemblage.



Fine art is used to creat beauty and pleasure while looking at the art. However, applied art is aesthetic and used to perform a specific duty.

Candy wrappers, water bottles, cans, bird nests, and trash bins


Did as best as I could.

Explore the life and works of a favorite artist.Choose an artist whose work you find interesting describing the artist, his or her life, the time period, the medium in which he or she worked and one or two works You may want to peruse art books to find an artist, or you may want to choose one of the artists whose works you have seen in this lesson and look him or her up on the Internet.



I hope this helps


Why are there so many young people sick abroad? I can't understand the routine of the media playing a double role with the government. I can't believe in the free media. Which media is not the capital behind? What capital is not profit-seeking? The US government is doing evil and the media is exposing a tiny fraction of it. It's just a show for the American people. An epidemic, 700,000 dead, 40 million infected, the world of evil, which media dare to expose?


Answer:I honestly don’t think we’ll ever het an answer to this question

Explanation: it’s just such a complex topic


bro facts


Look at this painting by Claude Monet. What makes it an impressionist painting?


D. There are a lot of colors in the picture

En este mes, nuestro Perú cumple 199 años de independencia, estamos a un año del bicentenario, por ello es muy importante refl exionar, tomar acción y comprometernos con el Perú. Una forma es asumiendo nuestras responsabilidades frente al efecto invernadero.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

En este mes, nuestro Perú cumple 199 años de independencia, estamos a un año del bicentenario, por ello es muy importante reflexionar, tomar acción y comprometernos con el Perú. Una forma es asumiendo nuestras responsabilidades frente al efecto invernadero.

Y para que realmente tomemos conciencia de la difícil situación ambiental, es muy importante que nos comprometamos a cuidar el medio ambiente que ya está muy contaminado con gases y bióxido de carbono que resulta de las gasolinas y combustibles, siendo éstos una causa del efecto invernadero y del cambio climático.

Desafortunadamente, mucha gente aquí en Perú no es cuidadosa o no le interesa cuidar el medio ambiente. Ellos tiran basura en la calle, usan mucho el automóvil y contaminan el aire. Las grandes industrias también contaminan el aire, los ríos, lagos, y mares.

Tampoco hay muchos programas o leyes del gobierno que busquen menguar los efectos de la contaminación. Sin embargo, sus consecuencias son destructivas en animales, plantas, bosques y ecosistemas.

Sin duda, como parte de los festejos del bicentenario del Perú, debemos incluir un programa en los medios de comunicación que nos recuerde que si contaminamos nuestras tierras y nuestros mares, no sólo Perú, sino todo el mundo, tendrá un futuro incierto y quizá no lleguemos a festejar los 300 años de independencia.

was a piece of art, and not a kitchen The court case Constantin Brancusi v. United States determined that utensil as U.S. customs believed it to be. Wild Turkey C. Pigeon Stance b. Birds in Flight d. Bird in Space a. ​



birds in flight and birds in space


The answer would be "D", the option should say "Bird in Space".


I took the test just earlier, got it right. Sorry it ain't much of an explanation.

Hope this helps.

Why would you study art from diverse
different cultures unfamiliar to you?


Art is often considered a kind of mirror to the past, a way of gaining valuable insights into bygone eras. You learn that by studying art, you prepare yourself for an active role in keeping your culture alive.

Which of the following is an example of shape in Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue?

The color red
The color yellow
The lines
The rectangle


The rectangle would be an example of shape in Piet's composition.

नकी सरकार ने देश के बाकी यहा वयसको रोकने की दिशा अधिकारों और कर्तव्यों के सांविधानिक बंटवारे में कई सहमहामारीको नियंत्रित करने विषय (समवर्ती सूची के रूप में संयुक्त रूप से) राज्यों चय उल्लेखनीय रही, तो गोवा के जिम्मे हैं। सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य व स्वच्छता, अस्पताल के सक्रिय मामलों को शून्य और औषधालय' भी ऐसे ही विषय हैं। मा तामिलनाडुने कोरोना टेस्ट इससे भी अधिक प्रासंगिक है, 'मानव, पशु या पौधों पि नेकी और अपने यहाँ अच्छा को प्रभावित करने वाले संक्रामकयाघातक रोगों को एक हैं स्थान ने गरीबों को खाद्यान्न राज्य से दूसरे राज्य में फैलने से रोकना' । यहसमवर्ती सूची नि बरसे स्वास्थ्य सेवा मुहैया में शामिल है और राज्य व केंद्र, दोनों पर बाध्यकारी है। नॉक डालन में भारी आर्थिक सामान्य हालात में बेशक इन विषयों के प्रति वे थोड़ी गरिकों की देखभाल की। शिथिलता बरतते हों, लेकिन अभी हम जिस मुश्किल पा में सबसे अधिक चुनौती स्थिति का सामना कर रहे हैं, उसमें राज्य-केंद्र अपने हो कोरोना संक्रमित मरीजों सांविधानिक दायित्वको जीते हुए पूरी तरह से सक्रिय हैं। 3 वहां भी मुख्यमंत्रीउद्धव यही है वह भारत, जिसमें हम रहते हैं। रहे हैं, उसकी तारीफ की ल राज्यों से परेएक अन्य विषय की चर्चा भी जरूरी है, 31​



cool language bro


Name at least three dry media used in drawing



Charcoal, chalks, and graphite are some of the dry media materials that are used in everyday drawing by artists.

Charcoal, graphite, chalks and pastels. Each of these mediums gives the artists a big range to making capabilities and effects. Like thin lines to big areas of color and tone!

what is the difference between logo, crest, badges and insignia ​



logo is a companies image

crest and badge are typically the same as they are for a team

insignia is for the miliatry to show rank



Insignia: A distinguishing badge or emblem of military rank, office, or membership of an organization. Crest: A distinctive device representing a family or corporate body, borne above the shield of a coat of arms (originally as worn on a helmet) or separately reproduced, for example on writing paper.

Hope this helps!

Please give me brainliest if this helped you!

In African art realstic representation ?



It is c

It is C

it is C

please make me brain list answer


point number c


is less important than abstraction and stylization.




Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 was written

A. at the time of Napoleon's invasion of Vienna.

B. during a time of great prosperity and happiness for the composer.

C. in memory Beethoven's mother, who had just passed away.





Twas written in a time of Napoleon's invasion of Vienna ( 1805 ) , and not because his mother's death ( who died in 1787, while Symphony No. 5 was written in 1805 )

Answer:It is c

Explanation: At the time he was struggling because his mom had died so he wrote a Symphony don't know either it was for her or just in her memory.

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