Is there any way to tell the gender of a baby who has not yet been born before the mother has given birth? And is there any way to try and have a specific gender?
*This is worth a lot of points due to the fact that I need to know


Answer 1
By 18 weeks an ultrasound technician will most likely be able to identify the sex of the baby
Answer 2


one of the common traditional methods was


Through baking soda test

then twas later graduated to knowing through

Ultrasound check

and Through DNA blood test

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2. Use the information about Al-Khwarizmi on page 504 to explain how ancient mathematicians used squares to solve algebraic equations. Include an explanation of Al-Khwarizmi’s drawings for x^2 + 8x = 35 and a step-by-step algebraic solution with justification for each step of the equation.






Are god real? what is ur point of view guys



Yes god is real


do you belive in ghosts are there

Answer: I think yes. No points

How do i stay motivated to study? i have exams coming up but i tend to lose focus. any tips?



My future me makes me motivated for studies. I want to be a doctor in future and whenever I can't concentrate I just think of it. Or

Set a time table for the subjects you need to work on the most.spend maximum time and whenever you don't want to study or don't wish to study just do anything else for some time like drawing and then continue.Stay away from social media or technology while studying.
- set a goal, one you know you can keep.
- take lots of notes - easy ones. they help. - motivation quotes are good.
- try listening to calm music.

9. Windows Movie Maker is a ... software created by Microsoft. * a.Subscription base b. Free c.chargable d. Renewable​



b. Free


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

Basically, softwares are categorized into two (2) main categories based on their shareability and availability, these are;

I. Shareware.

II. Open-source software.

III. Closed-source (subscription-based) software.

IV. Freeware.

A freeware software refers to a type of software application (program) that can be downloaded over the internet and used at no extra cost i.e without an end user having to pay an amount of money as fees.

Windows Movie Maker is a free video editing software that was designed (created) and developed by Microsoft Inc. This free software was developed to avail it end users the opportunity to effectively, easily and quickly create movie using picture and video files.

Which of the following is NOT something you should always do before a journey?
A. Map the road ahead
B. Deflate and reinflate your tires
C. Assess your fitness to drive
D. Use the GPS properly, if necessary

Help plz


The answer is B because no one does that its un logical

The answer option which isn't something you should always do before a journey is: B. deflate and re-inflate your tires.

What is a journey?

A journey can be defined as a process that typically involves the movement of a person from geographical location to another, especially through the use of automobile vehicles.

Generally, deflating and re-inflating of tires is a statement which isn't something you should always do before a journey

Read more on journey here:


What four factors contribute to differences in wages



Wage is a payment to a wage earner for wage labor. Wages are a price set in a market, namely the labor market. It will thus ultimately depend on supply and demand in the labor market in question, but the structure of the labor market and thus the various institutional conditions in the labor market can have a major impact on how wage formation takes place. Institutional conditions cover the regulatory framework, the organization of the social partners (trade unions and employers' organizations), the degree of market power of the providers of (ie employees) and the demand for labor, respectively.

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