isabella’s landlord has included a clause in the rental contract that makes it possible for him to increase isabella’s monthly rent if taxes on the property go up. which clause was included in the contract?


Answer 1


Escalator clause


Related Questions

Jobs and careers that require degrees or certificates generally jobs that require little or no training



IT companies

Court Reporter

Sheet Mental worker

Certifications are less expensive, degrees provide a comprehensive education. The following statement explains their importance.

What is the more valuable degree or a certificate?

While certifications are less expensive, degrees provide a more comprehensive education. If you want to expand your knowledge in IT-related fields, there are two options: certifications and degrees. Both paths have advantages, but they are not the same.

IT companies, Court Reporter requires degree or certification courses. While Sheet Mental workers, working in a garage, do not require degrees or certificates.

Therefore, the above statement explains the importance of a degree or a certificate.

Learn more about the importance of a degree or a certificate here:

what are the effects of increasing a manager's span of control ?


Answer: Higher average span of control means fewer layers of management within the organization and a relatively flatter organizational structure.

Explanation: This can lead to, Faster decision-making due to fewer levels of approvals required for a specific decision, which allows the company to respond more quickly to business issues.

100 points & brainliest.






the answer is the first option (A)



Becky works as a cashier at a local grocery store. The pathway in the human services cluster that Becky works in is:

A. Counseling and Mental health services.

B. Family and community services.

C. Early childhood development.

D. Consumer services.

If you don't know don't answer, I don't want any wrong answers...



Becky works as a cashier at a local grocery store. The pathway in the human services cluster that Becky works in is:

I think it's

D. Consumer services.


D have a great day :)


Select the Internet site(s) that could be used as job lead sources.


Answer: and

Explanation: You can usually find job offers surfing the internet with ease.

What should you not do during a hostage rescue attempt?



1) Remain still and low to the ground. 2) Encourage others around you to remain calm.



Avoid attempting to negotiate or offer advice. Hostage takers occasionally force hostages to make requests. If this occurs, say what they want you to say, avoid making your hostage captors angry, and avoid attempting to play the hero.

What do you mean by Hostage?

A person who has been forcibly and illegally taken prisoner is known as a hostage. The hostage-takers seek to make claims against other parties, which is why they are keeping, and occasionally even threatening, the captive. It is against the law to take hostages.

Hostage killing was listed as a war crime in the International Military Tribunal Statute on August 8, 1945.

The execution of hostages by German troops in the occupied territories was categorized as clearly excessive due to their excessive tendencies war crimes an in the trial against the generals in south-eastern Europe.

The court described the shooting of hostages as barbaric but legal reprisals under international law. The Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949.

People have historically been held as hostages and forced to live there by the opposing party to enforce a contract.

They were frequently the sons of honorable tributary state representatives, who were frequently treated with respect and raised in the host nation. Attila and Theodoric the Great are two prominent examples.

Learn more about Hostage, here


What is your idea of failure?



Personally, failure is the inability to succeed die to the lack of effort. If full effort was given and the best someone could do was done, I don't count it a failure but a growing opportunity or a lesson. However if the lack of success was die to the lack of effort or persistance, I count it a failure. I also think success taken dishonestly or unjustly is considered a failure because rather than benefitinh someone, it is a detriment to their character.

Compare general, limited, and limited liability partnerships. Formulate reasons as to why a group of prospective partners might choose each.


The best comparison between general, limited, and limited liability partnerships is:

In a limited liability partnership, each partner has a limited risk of losing their personal assets and the partners are not liable to any losses incurred.

What is a Business Partnership?}

This refers to the relationship between two or more people who have vested interests in a company based on their investment with the aim of making profit after a period of time.

With this in mind, we can see that Limited Liability partnership, is the one which is very common among investors as there is a shared risk among them.

Read more about limited liability partnerships here:

1. Explain why businesses pay overtime rates rather than employ more workers on the lower standard wage rate?
2. Why do the directors receive a salary rather than a wage?
3. How much would a production worker be paid in a week if they worked a full week plus seven hours overtime?
4. Why do you think sales staff are paid partly by commission?
5. How do sales staff benefit from a company car?



Executive Summary

The labor market continues to recover, but a stubbornly high rate of underemployment persists as more than five million Americans are working part-time for economic reasons (U.S. BLS 2015a; 2015b). Not only are many of this type of underemployed worker, by definition, scheduled for fewer hours, days, or weeks than they prefer to be working, the daily timing of their work schedules can often be irregular or unpredictable. This both constrains consumer spending and complicates the daily work lives of such workers, particularly those navigating through nonwork responsibilities such as caregiving. This variability of work hours contributes to income instability and thus, adversely affects not only household consumption but general macroeconomic performance.

The plight of employees with unstable work schedules is demonstrated here with new findings, using General Social Survey (GSS) data. These findings (as well as key findings from other research) are highlighted below.

Irregular scheduling

About 10 percent of the workforce is assigned to irregular and on-call work shift times and this figure is likely low.1 Add to this the roughly 7 percent of the employed who work split or rotating shifts and there are about 17 percent of the workforce with unstable work shift schedules.

Six percent of hourly workers, 8 percent of salaried workers, and 30 percent of those paid on some other basis work irregular or on-call shifts. Adding in split or rotating shifts, the shares working unstable work schedules are 16 percent (hourly), 12 percent (salaried) and 36 percent (other).

By income level, the lowest income workers face the most irregular work schedules.

Workers paid under $22,500 per year are more likely to work on irregular schedules than workers in the income bracket above that (workers in the latter bracket who are salaried would be just above the current salary minimum threshold for assured FLSA overtime coverage).

Irregular shift work is associated with working longer weekly hours.

By occupation type, about 15 percent of sales and related occupations have irregular or on-call schedules.

By industry, irregular scheduling is most prevalent in agriculture, personal services, business/repair services, entertainment/recreation, finance/insurance/real estate, retail trade, and transportation communications.

Estimates of the proportion of the workforce with “variable hours,” in terms of not being able to specify a “usual” workweek (according to Current Population Survey, not GSS data), are remarkably consistent—almost 10 percent of workers overall. Being part-time more than doubled the likelihood of having hours that vary weekly. The share with variable workweeks also is higher in certain occupations and industries, such as sales, and lower in others, such as professional, managerial, and administrative support. Also, the prevalence is reduced for union members, married workers, government employees, whites, men, and workers with a higher level of education.

Nearly half of workers (45 percent) surveyed by the International Social Survey Program said that their “employer decides” their work schedule. Only 15 percent perceived that they were “free to decide” their work schedule. The remaining 40 percent felt they could “decide within limits.” This conforms to another study of “early career” workers; just under half of hourly early career workers surveyed in the National Longitudinal Study of Youth said they have their daily start and end times of work decided entirely by their employer, without their input.

Irregular scheduling and outcomes

Employees who work irregular shift times, in contrast with those with more standard, regular shift times, experience greater work-family conflict, and sometimes experience greater work stress.

Less than 11 percent of workers on “regular” work schedules report “often” experiencing work-family conflict in contrast with as many as 26 percent of irregular/on

Mia likes to write books during her free time. At present, three of her books have been published and sold around the world. The income received from selling her books is an example of





____ are examples of public goods provided by the government. They are accessible to all (even those
who do not pay to use them) and can be used by many people at once.

Roads, mail delivery, and education

Your computer, house, and car

Getting a haircut, eating out, and clothes


The answer is A.- Roads, Mail delivery, and education

Roads, mail delivery, and education
are examples of public goods provided by the government.

which term refers to the mix of nations, economies, and cultures?




Explanation: I just took this quiz

Question down below, Real answer only, no websites. Just an answer.





what is a table in economics and state 5 characteristics of a table​


A table is a systematic arrangement of data implementing columns and rows to display information which make it easier for better understanding.

Table number: A table should always be numbered for easy identification

Title of the table

Stubs: These refer to the headings of horizontal rows.

Captions: these refer to the headings of vertical columns

Clear, to the point and a suitable font/ size for the text. Information must be inserted in the same format into the appropriate cells

Your class makes a proposal to sell hot dogs, hamburgers, and other refreshments at sporting events. The local School Board agrees. A representative from the School Board Office arrives and provides the class with a list of foods to purchase for the refreshment stand, as well as the amount of food to purchase and the prices that your class must charge. Your class must also agree to buy all of
the food and supplies from a company that has other contracts with the school.

What type of economic system does this scenario suggest, and why?



I help u after my online class:))))


I help u after my online class wait my answer

explain five characteristics of economic resources ​



Scarcity; they are found in small quantities compared to the many uses into which they have to be put and hence not sufficient to satisfy all human wants


I dont know the rest, lmk if im wrong

identify each political scenario as promoting neoliberal economics, or not.


The examples of neoliberal economic policies include:

The privatization of state-owned infrastructure.Free markets.Reduction of government funding for social services.

Neoliberal economic policies are the policies that are used in the elimination of price controls, lowering trade barriers, deregulation of the capital markets, and making use of privatization.

Therefore, examples of neoliberal economic policies are the privatization of state-owned infrastructure, free markets, and the reduction of government funding for social services.

Read related link on:

Describe how has Manchester United implemented each element of the marketing mix?
Do you think Manchester United has been successful in integrating those components? Why or why not?
How has the marketing mix helped Manchester United in branding their franchise?


The marketing mix at Manchester United was positive and further helped the team create value for consumers and increase their positioning and profitability.

Pricing in Manchester United's marketing mix is ​​premium, which has contributed to the team's image of being one of the most valued today, with loyal fans willing to pay a higher amount to purchase the team's products and services.

Manchester United's product is the team, which sells football shirts all over the world, in addition to having its own television channel where it sells its broadcast to other channels and a product marketing website. There are also ticket sales, partnerships with large companies, etc.

The promotion is carried out through the recognition of Manchester United around the world as one of the most appreciated teams today, with commercial strategies focused on building value through players, who are considered idols, such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Cavani.

Therefore, Manchester United implemented the elements of the marketing mix through a strategy focused on the core product, which is the team, through advertising carried out by the players themselves to sell products associated with the team.

Learn more here:

Identify one way Raul could have increased the total amount of money he made over 40 years



Maybe by investing his money into a buisness.




Jordynne was the manager of Pets-R-Us, a pet store in Southern Valley Mall. Pets-R-Us had a one-year lease, and rent payments were $2,000.00 per month. Five months into the lease, Jordynne found a better site for the pet store. She notified Southern’s manager, vacated the mall, and moved her store to its new location. After two months, Southern was able to re-lease the premises to another retail store, but at a reduced rent of $1,800.00 per month. If Southern successfully sues Pets-R-Us, Southern will likely receive:_________


Southern is likely to receive $14,000 for damages

A lease such as the one between Jordynne and Southern represents a contract. Due to this, it is expected both parties met the conditions previously agreed. This means:

Jordynne should have stayed in the first site for a year.Southern cannot ask Jordynne to leave the site she rented.

In this context, it was Jordynne the one that breached the contract, as a consequence Southern can sue her. In this case, it is expected Jordynne has to pay the rent for the months she was not in Southern Vally Mall.

$2,000 x 7 months (she left in the fifth month) = $14,000

Learn more in:

Which work value is most likely to be important in a person's career choice?

preferring a fast-paced environment
volunteering at the animal shelter
spending time on social media applications
being skilled at negotiating and bargaining with people



oD. being skilled at negotiating and bargaining with people

A _____ combines financial measures of past performance with nonfinancial measures of the drivers of future performance to provide management with a road map for creating shareholder value.

a. profit center

b. balanced scorecard

c. cost driver

d. operating budget


Business often uses the balanced scorecard. A balanced scorecard combines financial measures of past performance with nonfinancial measures of the drivers of future performance.

A balanced scorecard is simply regard as a strategy performance management tool. It is known as a thorough structured report, that is used by managers to monitor the execution of activities by the staff within their control.

It is also used to keep track the consequences arising from these actions.

It is known also as a management system targeted at translating an organization's strategic goals into a number of organizational performance objectives.

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A store manager paid $181 for an item and set the selling price at $253.40. What was the percent markup


Based on the information given the percent markup is 40%.

Using this Formula

Percent markup=(New price-Old price)/Old price


New price=$253.40

Old price=$181

Let plug in the formula

Percent markup=( $253.40-$181)/$181

Percent markup=$72.4/$181

Percent markup=0.4 ×100

Percent markup= 40%

Inconclusion the percent markup is 40%.

Learn more here:

Lauren rents an apartment for $1,000 per month. How much equity will she have built up after living there for two years


Lauren's equity build-up after living there for two years is; 24 × $1,000 = $24,000

By definition:

Equity build-up is the increase in the net ownership value of a property that is achieved by the gradual reduction of the mortgage loan principal that was used for financing its acquisition by the investor.

This gradual reduction of the mortgage loan principal in discuss is achieved by the periodic payments made by the borrower.

In essence, her equity build-up after living there for two years is;

24 × $1,000 = $24,000

Read more:

What happens to your credit score if many lenders run a credit report on you?
A. Your credit score is not affected
B. Your credit score is inaccurate
C. Your credit score goes up.
D. Your credit score goes down.





Too many credit inquiries in a short enough period of time will put a tiny dent in your credit score.

In case, many lenders run a credit report upon an individual, it affects the credit score negatively. Hence, option D is correct.

What is a credit report?

A report that discloses the details of the credibility of an individual in the open market, is known as the credit report. It is impacted by loans or advances and their repayments.

If someone applied for loans with multiple lenders, and they run a credit report on such person, it lowers the credit score of an individual, as it raises a contingency upon his or her credibility in the open market.

Hence, option D holds true regarding the credit report of an individual.

Learn more about credit report here:


If you could implement a training program , what training program would it be and why?.



Plan a training program properly. ... Show that the goals are achievable and what must be demonstrated in terms of consistency to show that training is complete and successful. Set clear targets. Use the best person to deliver the training – their knowledge and enthusiasm will be the example that the trainees follow.


a respected mit professor had a simple 5-word rule for his classroom, and every company should follow it


The respected MIT Professor who had a simple 5-word rule for his classroom and who advised that companies should follow is Patrick Winston.

Patrick Winston was a respected MIT Professor who had a simple 5-word rule for his classroom. He knew how to speak and get others to listen.

He taught at MIT for fifty years and knew how to captivate his audience. Winston's rule of engagement is an example of emotional intelligence in real life. It's the ability to make emotions work for you.

Read related link on:

What are the differences between term-life and whole-life plans?



whole life adds a cash value component that you can tap during your lifetime


One of the most distinctive features of Disney World is the way it seeks to combine ________.

Question 1 options:

safety and control

fantasy and reality

nostalgia and innovation

pleasure and escapism



Fantasy and reality


give me brainlist

What is NOT one of the main components of money management? records
B.personal financial statements
C.tracking interest rates


What is not one of the main components of money management is tracking interest rates. Money management is a strategy to make money work by tracking expenses and financial factors.

The components of money management are:

Financial recordsPersonal financial statementsBudget

Through these three components, a person is able to analyze, manage, control and review their finances to keep their inflows and outflows, investments and financial needs under control.

It is therefore essential for an individual to learn more about money management, to avoid debt, undue expenses and losses arising from mismanagement of their personal finances.

The correct answer is letter C.

Learn more about money management here:


C because you need to know all the financial records , personal statements and how to budget .


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How is Wheatley's "On Being Brought from Africa to America" historically significant? Select all that apply.It is among the first literary works published by an African author.It is the first literary work to assert African equality to whites.It is the first literary work to assert African superiority to whites.It is among the first literary works published by an African American. 1 If finding unit rate, what would be the best buy for potato chips? A. 18 oz. for $4.17 B. 32 oz for $7.92 C. 20 oz for $5.19 D. 30 oz for $5.99 Please please help please help me help help me please help me 100 point will mark brainliest to first answer only A 10 kg box is motionless on the floor. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.4 andthe coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.3 (between the box and the floor), find theforce required to start the block in motion What is the definition of excersize The third term of a geometric sequence is -10, and the fourth term is -5. Find the first term and the fifth term.a. a1 = 80 and a5 = 2b. a1 = -40 and a5 = 5/2c. a1 = 40 and a5 = 5/2d. a1 = -40 and a5 = -5/2Find the common ratio of the given geometric sequence: -1, 3, -9, 18, ...a. -1/3b. -3c. 1/3d. 3The third term of a geometric sequence is -10, and the fourth term is -5. Find the common ratio.a. -1/2b. -2c. 1/2d. 2 What are the advantages of deforestation on rivers? list other celebrated names from the harlem renaissance and tell what they did. How does cartilage differ from other connective tissue? Divide.$0.435\longdiv{118.32}$The quotient is . In right triangle EAD with right angle at A, AE=4 units, AB=BC=CD and the area of triangle ABE=6 sq units. What is the length of segment CE? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth. Sort the characteristic into the proper type of economy The author makes autumn feel present to the reader by using apostrophe. Metaphor. Rhyme. Rhythm. Which sentence is an example of an incorrectly used homophone? Remember, homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differektly and have different meanings. A. This summer lam going to Mexico on a cruise B. I have two younger brothers, C. All of my friends wanted ice cream to. is anyone THERE pls help 70=x+16? Show how to do What can be learned from disease monitoring?O the amount of money one hospital has spenton treating a certain diseaseO the number of people who have a certaindiseaseOthe number of people who took part in a fund-raising walk to raise money for a certaindiseasewhether a certain person will die from aspecific disease We're no strangers to loveYou know the rules and so do IA full commitment's what I'm thinking ofYou wouldn't get this from any other guyI just wanna tell you how I'm feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youWe've known each other for so longYour heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going onWe know the game and we're gonna play itAnd if you ask me how I'm feelingDon't tell me you're too blind to seeNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give, never gonna give(Give you up)(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give(Give you up)We've known each other for so longYour heart's been aching but you're too shy to say itInside we both know what's been going onWe know the game and we're gonna play itI just wanna tell you how I'm feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry A car drives at a constant speed of 45km in 20mn. The speed of the car is..?