it ____(be)if the train___(stop)​


Answer 1


It were if the train stopped

I think this is the answer.

Related Questions

Your friend is visiting you from his home direct him to your residence





To direct any friend of mine who's visiting me to my residence, I would usually be sure that they install a good GPS. After doing so, I would give them my address, and stay on speaker phone with them so that they aren't distracted while they drive, and so that I can answer their questions if they have any. (I also usually offer to pick them up, so they can learn the way to my house!)


-Make Sure They Install a GPS,

-Give Them Your Address,

-Stay on Speaker Phone With Them! Hope I helped!

(sorry I posted this in the comments earlier, my bad!)

change following questions into active voice (a)social media tears down communication and distance barriers ​



Communication and distance barrier are geared down by social media

write an Article for youe teacher for sports lesson



I made the mistake of teaching sports lessons straight from the textbook and not finding ways to use sports to engage with my students.

And as a result, they weren’t very motivated to study.

For many people, sports is a very personal topic.

It’s something that they’re emotionally invested in, and the only way you’re going to capture their attention is to talk about sports in a way that’s relevant to them.

For example, if you’re teaching English to students from Sri Lanka, you’ll probably have more success connecting with them over cricket than you would baseball, simply because cricket is a huge part of the culture there and a lot of people enjoy playing and watching it.

9. Write a letter to your friend describing him/her about
your plan after final examination.​


Write it in a formal, and descriptive way. Be more elaborative about your goal and try keeping the past away and focus on the future of your life.
25 May, 2015
Dear Masud,

Your letter is just to hand. From your letter I have come to know that you are much interested to know what I want to do after my final exam. You know that our final exam will end on 13 December. So, we are going to have a great chance to pass leisure time. During this period I have a noble plan. You know that most of the people of our country are illiterate. They even do not know how to read and how to write.

Being a conscious person of the society, it is our moral duty to do something for the inhabitants of our society. So, I have taken decision to start a night school in my village. I think that performing this duty, we can be able to repay our debt to the society partly. I earnestly invite you to join me. If you accompany me, my mission will prove more successful. Best luck.

Yours ever,

hope that helps you please mark brainliest

What is a MAIN effect of the use of the third-person omniscient narrator in the passage?
to encourage the reader to feel a closer rapport with the characters
to inspire the reader to have more sympathy for the characters' plights
c. to allow the reader access to different characters' thoughts and feelings
to provide the reader with a restricted view of the characters and events


Answer: encourage the reader to feel a closer rapport with the Character

What is the correct pronunciation of interesting, obviously it is spelled in-ter-es-ting but people say it is in-tru-sting instead? so which is correct?





no matter how you pronounce it. It will remain same as in-te-re-st-ing.

The person... lives next door is on holiday​



The person who love next door is on holiday


The perspn who lives next door is on holiday

Convert the following dialogue to reported speech

Raju. : Father, I want your room. Father : Why ? Raju :I have to receive a friend. Father : You have your own room. Raju. : My room is too small. I can't show it to Roger. Father : Who is this Roger? Raju : He's from the U. K.​



Raju told his father that he wanted his room.

His father asked him why and he said that he had to receive a friend. His father told him that he had his own room but Raju said his room was too small and that he couldn't show it to Roger. His father then asked who Roger was and Raju said that he was from the UK

"And may each clime with equal gladness see
A monarch's smile can set his subjects free!"

Wheatley uses the word free in these lines to suggest that
the king’s subjects could live without rules.
the king’s subjects had previously been in captivity.
the king will make decisions that are to his subjects’ advantage.
the king has the potential to make his subjects happy.



A the king sub


D. "The King has the potential to make his subjects happy"


"May each climb with equal gladness" (metaphor)

"Monarch's smile can set his subjects free" (hyperbole/metaphor)

She basically saying that the king's good deeds possesses the ability to please his subjects. In the first line his actions are being compared to a climb, a usually difficult activity - if not properly prepared failure is given. But she's describing this climb using the words "equal" and "gladness", which gives the readers a vivid picture of a proud feeling to a great step in the right direction made by the king. Than she continues with "A Monarch's smile can set his subjects free" Which is a hyperbole and metaphor because a smile can't set a person, so she's using "smile" as a symbiotic word to describe his actions as "good or helpful" towards his people. Demonstrating that the actions of the man in power does effect those around him.

- I just did the quiz on Edge and I hope this was helpful.

a/ that/ flower/beautiful/ is /red/ tiny


that is a beautiful red tiny flower


that is a beautiful tiny red flower


Many nurses __ hard and they often work overtime to look after their patients.
A. doing B. works C. profession D. work





In the following sentences, underline the nouns and circle the verbs. One is done for you.

1. We will camp at the foothills near that old fishing camp.

2. They fish huge fish with simple nets.

3. This drink smells great. You must drink a little water.

4. He cooks with the cooks at the seaside restaurant.

5. She eyes the dolls in the toy shop with longing eyes.

6. Kaki's mother asked her to milk the cows and sell the milk in the market.​


Answer: #1 camp is the noun. #1fishing is the verb.


Camp is a place therefore it is a noun. Fishing is a action word therefore it is a verb

write a letter to your friend of sympathy to your friend who has recently got a bike accident and has been hospitalized.plz write a letter in nice way.​



Dear (friend) your friendship has been a true gift to me and although there are ups and downs in life I'm glad that I can be there by your side to support you through the tough times, get well soon!


hope it helped :0

Write your compare-and-contrast paragraph.


To write a compare and contrast paragraph, one has to solely concentrate on a tightly focused difference or similarity between two things.

What is compare and contrast?

This is known to be a style of writing that focuses and points out similarities and differences between two subjects.

Hence, we can see that to clearly write a compare and contrast paragraph, one has to know that there are steps to writing a paragraph of such concept.

Read more about compare-and-contrast here:


write an essay on businesss, finance and economic literacy​.





We go to school, college,university to complete our education and start earning our livelihood. We take up jobs, practice,professional or can earn money to make our living.

From simple practices like keeping a track of our expenses and understanding the need to spend money if we like a product to striking a balance between the value of time saved and money lost,paying our taxes and filing of tax returns,finalizing the property deals ,etc.

Hope it will help you .

Have a great day .

A memoir is an example of


Answer: mqth


Choose the correct figure of speech for each statement.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm It is B ok

Essay writing about Amagoduka at glencoe station ​


ali’s poetry has not received much critical attention, especially at the international level, he has however written enough good poetry worthy of serious critical consideration and acclaim.

       He was born in Vryheid in the Northern part of Kwa Zulu, Natal, where he received his primary school education. His attempt to study at the University of  was thwarted by the Apartheid policy but he  


Discuss how trustworthy consumer ratings and reviews of product and services are. Companies use different tools: badges, contribution level, or verification of the reviewer. Do you think these tools help increase credibility of reviews and ratings? Support your answer with researched information.
Discuss how crowdsourcing can help a social cause, giving specific examples.



 Reading customer ratings and reviews of products and services can be helpful sometimes, and help you choose which product or service to purchase when looking for the best quality. However, it can sometimes be misleading, and you should always check the profile of the reviewer, to see if they are new to the company, verified to be telling the truth, and see if their contribution level is good or bad. I believe that these tools do help increase credibility of reviews and ratings.

  Say you were looking at the reviews on a bag you've wanted to buy for some time. You also have a back up bag that you can buy that is cheaper. You see a bunch of reviews saying that the bag you really want rips/tears too easily, and is a little smaller than advertised. You check the verification on their profiles and see that they have been using those products for a few months now, and weren't satisfied with it. The back up bag you chose has better reviews and is said to be more durable. You check the verification on their profiles as well, and see that they are satisfied customers, and have been using those products for years.

 So, instead, you buy the cheaper bag. You are happy with your decision, and the bag lasts for almost four years, and never fails you. Thanks to the reviews and comments, you have decided to change your decision.

   Crowdsourcing can be a big help purchasing an item that is popular, or when you are looking for cheaper alternatives.

I hope this answer has helped you :)  


customer ratings and reviews of products and services can be helpful most times, and help you choose which product is the best for what you are looking for. However, it can sometimes be misleading(fake profiles and such) and you should always check the profile of the revie verified to be telling the truth. I do believe that these tools do help increase credibility of reviews and ratings.

When used correctly, social media crowdsourcing can be a powerful customer research tool!!!! crowdsourcing can help quickly assemble the data you need and   perform a task or solve a problem by allowing people and organizations to collaborate freely and openly across disciplinary and geo-graphic boundaries.


Which of the following is true about the different essay structures, such as analytical, argumentative, and cause and effect? a. These structure types all share similar qualities of academic writing, but they differ according to the purpose of the essay. b. These structure types differ in how long the body paragraphs are and in whether or not you can use an informal tone like “I” and “you.” c. These structure types differ in where the thesis statement is placed. Sometimes it comes in the introduction, and sometimes it comes halfway through the paper.


Answer:The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.


Many teenagers struggle with depression. How can parents and teachers help?




he played football into past perfect​



I think the answer is he had played football

ballet dancers learn five bassic positions for the arms and feed
A. All of
B. Of every
C. All
D. Every


every ..................
everyyyyyyyyy i thinkkkk

What is the meaning of the word “clad”?









this word "clad" is past participle of clothe

do not make any noise. the exams is
c. participating
d. progressing ​





Hope it is correct

Health experts strongly advise patients with hypertension to avoid _____ food amounts of fat.



Health experts strongly advise patients with hypertension to avoid the food...........

The complete sentence is -"Health experts strongly advise patients with hypertension to avoid food containing amounts of fat." Thus, option (B) is correct

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is also known as High blood pressure, which often grows slowly. It can occur as a result of bad lifestyle decisions, such as a lack of routine exercise. Diabetes and obesity are two health disorders that might raise the chance of having high blood pressure.

Containing is a gerund, which refers to have or hold someone or something within. "Health professionals highly urge hypertensive individuals to avoid foods CONTAINING fat." Therefore, it can be concluded that option (B) is correct.

Learn more about Hypertension here:


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was...

A. contained

B. containing

C. contains

D. is contained

What is the meaning of the ending of the book "Beloved"?



Beloved concludes with a group of women from the local community converging on 124 to ward off the ghost that has been haunting it. ... By saying that Beloved was her “best thing,” Sethe devalues herself and suggests that her only worth comes through her role as a mother.

• Alan has missed his sales goals for three months in a row
• As a result, Alan's boss is worried
• Alan is usually the best sales rep on the team

Which sentence best restates this information?

Alan is the best sales rep on the team under normal circumstances, but he's
missed his goals for three months in a row, and now his boss is concerned.

Alan is usually the best sales rep on the team and has missed his goals for
three months straight, worrying his boss.

Usually the team's best sales rep, Alan has missed his sales goals for three
months in a row, and his boss is concerned.

Alan's boss is worried that he, the team's best sales rep, has missed his
goals for three consecutive months.

Alan's boss is worried because Alan has missed his sales goals for three
months running and is usually the best sales rep on the team.



Alan's boss is worried because Alan has missed his sales goals for three

months running and is usually the best sales rep on the team


Write a paragraph of at least 150 words to describe a place that you enjoy visiting. You should write about:
where the place is
what you can see and do there
how this place has changed since you first visited it and explain why you enjoy
visiting this place.
You should spend about 30 minutes on this task


I was sixteen years old, it was my birthday when father took me and my sibling a science world museum in Vancouver in Canada. It was my first visit there and as the name suggest, I was wondering it will be boring and educational type museum only. As we reached there, I entered the museum after paying ticket. I was not really excited as I though it will be waste of my day.

When I went inside the museum, I was completely surprise to see there physics, biology and chemistry all together in a completely different manner. There were few structures which demonstrated how human body function, there were some mechanical machines created with wood which complemented physics.

When I went further into a large lounge there was a huge piano which a person can play by walking on the keys. It was so much fun playing music along with dance. There was lift yourself activity, which is just like a manual jumpin ride, in which you pull yourself up through a rope attached to a pulley.

When It was 6 in the evening my father asked us to go back to home but I suddenly asked him When we will be here again? This place is so much fun. I had no idea my birthday will be so much wonderful after visiting this place. This was fun along with learning. One of the most memorable day of my entire life.

Learn more at

List any four southern Africa writters​



Peter Abrahams

Njabulo Ndebele

Andre Brink

Antje Krog

Achmat Dangor

Damon Galgut

Lauren Beukes

Breyten Breytenbach


hope it helped.

° ° °

Chinua Achebe :wrote some of the most extraordinary works of the 20th century. His most famous novel, Things Fall Apart (1958), is a devastating depiction of the clash between traditional tribal values and the effects of colonial rule, as well as the tension between masculinity and femininity in highly patriarchal societies.

Mariama Bâ : is known for her powerful feminist texts, which address the issues of gender inequality in her native Senegal and wider Africa.

Aminatta Forna :first drew attention for her memoir The Devil That Danced on Water (2003)

Alain Mabanckou’s :works are written primarily in French, and are well known for their biting wit, sharp satire and insightful social commentary into both Africa and African immigrants in France.

Ngugi wa Thiong’o :is one of Africa’s most important and influential postcolonial writers. He began his writing career with novels written in English, which nevertheless revolved around postcolonial themes of the individual and the community in Africa versus colonial powers and cultures.
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