It is assumed that the time customers spend in a record store is uniformly distributed between 3 and 12 minutes. Based on this information, what is the probability that a customer will be exactly 7.50 minutes in the record store


Answer 1


0% probability that a customer will be exactly 7.50 minutes in the record store.

Step-by-step explanation:

Uniform probability distribution:

An uniform distribution has two bounds, a and b.  

The probability of finding a value of at lower than x is:

[tex]P(X < x) = \frac{x - a}{b - a}[/tex]

The probability of finding a value between c and d is:

[tex]P(c \leq X \leq d) = \frac{d - c}{b - a}[/tex]

The probability of finding a value above x is:

[tex]P(X > x) = \frac{b - x}{b - a}[/tex]

The uniform distribution is a continuous distribution, which means that the probability of an exact outcome is zero.

Uniformly distributed between 3 and 12 minutes.

This means that [tex]a = 3, b = 12[/tex]

What is the probability that a customer will be exactly 7.50 minutes in the record store?

Continuous distribution, so:

0% probability that a customer will be exactly 7.50 minutes in the record store.

Related Questions

Factor this polynomial expression.
3x^2 - 12x+ 12

A. (3x - 2)(x-6)
B. 3(x-2)(x + 2)
C. 3(x-2)(x-2)
D. 3(x + 2)(x + 2)


The answer is C. I tried factoring the equation itself, and I got the correct answer but I noticed that it isn’t one of the options. Therefore, the options are partly factored but not completely. I decided to just eliminate each of the multiple choice options. I got C after expanding it. Firstly, we need to distribute the 3 to (x-2). This gives us (3x-6)(x-2). After that, we can use the FOIL method. 3x^2 - 6x -6x + 12 is the same as 3x^2 - 12x + 12.

In case you want to see the fully factored polynomial, I won’t explain the steps since you don’t need it here, but it’s 3(x-2)^2. This is equivalent to 3(x-2)(x-2). That’s the same as C.

In a 2-digit number, the tens digit is 5 less than the units digit. If you reverse the number, the result is 7 greater than double the original number. Find the original number.


The original number is 38

A 2-digit number can be written as:

N = a*10 + b*1

Where a is the tens digit, and b is the units digit, these two are single-digit numbers.

We know that:

"the tens digit is 5 less than the units digit."

This means that:

a = b - 5

(notice that a must be larger than zero and smaller than 10, from this, we can conclude that b is a number in the range {6, 7, 8, 9})

"If you reverse the number, the result is 7 greater than double the original number"

The reverse number is:

b*10 + a

and this is 7 greater than 2 times the original number, then:

b*10 + a = 7 + 2*(a*10 + b)

Then we found two equations:

a = b - 5

b*10 + a = 7 + 2*(a*10 + b)

Replacing the first equation in the second, we get:

b*10 + (b - 5) = 7 + 2*((b - 5)*10 + b)

Now let's solve that:

b*10 + b - 5 = 7 + 2*(11*b - 50)

11*b - 5 = 7 + 22*b - 100

-5 - 7 + 100 = 22*b - 11*b

88 = 11*b

88/11 = b = 8

Now that we know that b = 8, we can use the equation:

a= b - 5

a = 8 -5 = 3

Then the original number is:

a*10 +  b = 3*10 + 8 = 38

The original number is 38

If you want to read more about this, you can see:

vector v has a horizontal vector component with magnitude 19 and a vertical vector component with magnitude 35. what is the acute angle theta formed by v and positive x-axis?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The tangent relation is useful here. The angle is opposite the vertical side and adjacent to the horizontal side of the right triangle.

  Tan = Opposite/Adjacent

  tan(α) = 35/19

  α = arctan(35/19) ≈ 61.5°

The angle made by v and the positive x-axis is 61.5°.

if a circumference of a circle is 22cm.find it diameter take pie 22/7.



Step-by-step explanation:

i know the answer ok it is easy

look at the image below



201.1 km²

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of the figure,


= 4×π×4²

= 64π

= 201.1 km² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

You have $90 in your bank account. Each work you plan to deposit $3 from your allowance and $25 from your paycheck. The equation b: 90+ (25+5)w gives the amount b in your account after w woeks. How rary works from
now will you have $220 in your bank account?
There will be 5220 in the account after works
(Type a whole number


33w=130 /33
W = 3.94

Witch statement is true about the value of |6|?



The third choice is the correct one.

Step-by-step explanation:

The absolute value of six means that it's the distance from 0 to six, and that distance will be positive regardless of the number being negative or not.

Answer: The third answer is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

Since |6| is the absolute value of positive six, the value of an absolute value of any number is always positive.

Primo car rental agency charges $21 per day plus $0.20 por milo. Ultimo car rental agency charges $24 per day plus $1.00 per milo. Find the daily mileage for which the Ultimo charge is four times the Primo charge.
The mileage is



300 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us consider the miles they travelled is 'm'

Mileage for Primo= 21 + (m × 0.20) = 21+0.2m

Mileage for Ultimo= 24+ ( m× 1.00) = 24 + m

Question says The mileage is equal when Ultimo's charge is 4× Primo


4 × (21+0.2m) = 24+ m

84 + 0.8m = 24 + m

60 = 0.2m

m = 300

Salaries of entry-level computer engineers have Normal distribution with unknown mean and variance. Three randomly selected computer engineers have following salaries (in $1000s): 70, 80, 90. The average and the standard deviation of the data in the sample are 80 and 10. Using hypothesis testing, determine if this sample provides a sufficient evidence, at a 10% level of significance, that the average salary of all entry-level computer engineers is different from $60,000.
a. Null hypothesis.
b. alternative hypothesis.
c. test statistic.
d. acceptance region.



H0 : μ = 60000

H1 : μ ≠ 60000

Test statistic = 3.464

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Sample mean salary, xbar = 80000

Sample standard deviation, s = 10000

Population mean salary , μ = 60000

Sample size, n = 3

Hypothesis :

H0 : μ = 60000

H1 : μ ≠ 60000

The test statistic :

T = (xbar - μ) ÷ (s/√(n))

T = (80000 - 60000) ÷ (10000/√(3))

T = 20000 / 5773.5026

T = 3.464

The Decison region :

If Tstatistic >Tcritical

Tcritical at 10%, df = 2 ; two - tailed = 2.9199

Tstatistic > Tcritical ; He

A bicyclist is at point A on a paved road and must ride to point C on another paved road. The two roads meet at
an angle of 38° at point B. The distance from A to B is 18 mi, and the distance from B to C is 12 mi (see
the figure). If the bicyclist can ride 22 mph on the paved roads and 6.8 mph off-road, would it be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads or to ride a direct line from A to C off-road? Explain.



Step-by-step explanation:

The diagrammatic expression to understand this question very well is attached in the image below.

By applying the law of cosine rule; we have:

a² = b² + c² - 2bc Cos A --- (1)b² = a² + c² - 2ac Cos B --- (2)c² = a² + b² - 2ab Cos C --- (3)

From the diagram attached below, we need to determine the side "b" by using equation (2) from above:

b² = a² + c² - 2ac Cos B

From the information given:

a = 12 miles;  c = 18 miles;   ∠B = 38°

replacing the values into the above equation:

b² = 12² + 18² - 2(12)(18) Cos (38°)

b² = 144 + 324 - 432 × (0.7880)

b² = 468 - 340.416

b² = 127.584

[tex]b = \sqrt{127.584}[/tex]

b = 11.30 miles

However, we are also being told that the speed from A → C = 6.8 mph

Thus, the time required to go from A → C  can be determined by using the relation:

[tex]\mathbf{speed = \dfrac{distance}{time}}[/tex]

making time the subject of the formula, we have:

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{distance}{speed }}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{11.30}{6.8}}[/tex]

time = 1.66 hours

By using the paved roads, the speed is given as = 22 mph

thus, the total distance covered = |AB| + |BC|

= (18+12) miles

= 30 miles

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{distance}{speed }}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{30}{22}}[/tex]

time = 1.36 hours

Therefore, the time used off-road = 1.661 hours while the time used on the paved road is 1.36 hours.

Since we are considering the shortest time possible;

We can conclude that it would be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads since it takes a shorter time to reach its destination compared to the time used off-road.

Learn more about Law of cosine here:

It would be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads since the time to go from A to C on the paved roads is 1.4 h and the time to go from A to C off-road is 1.7 h.        

To calculate which way would be faster we need to find the distance from point A to C with the law of cosines:

[tex] \overline{AC}^{2} = \overline{AB}^{2} + \overline{BC}^{2} - 2\overline{AB}\overline{BC}cos(38) [/tex]


[tex]\overline{AB}[/tex]: is the distance between the point A and B = 18 mi

[tex]\overline{BC}[/tex]: is the distance between the point B and C = 12 mi        

[tex] \overline{AC} = \sqrt{(18 mi)^{2} + (12 mi)^{2} - 2*18 mi*12 mi*cos(38)} = 11.3 mi [/tex]

Now, let's find the time for the two following cases.

1. From point A to C on the paved roads (t₁)

[tex] t_{1} = t_{AB} + t_{BC} [/tex]

The time can be calculated with the following equation:

[tex] t = \frac{d}{v} [/tex]    (1)


d: is the distance

v: is the velocity

Then, the total time that it takes the bicyclist to go from point A to C on the paved roads is:

[tex] t_{1} = t_{AB} + t_{BC} = \frac{18 mi}{22 mph} + \frac{12 mi}{22 mph} = 1.4 h = 84 min [/tex]

2. From point A to C off-road (t₂)

With equation (1) we can calculate the time to go from point A to C off-road:

[tex] t_{2} = \frac{\overline{AC}}{v_{2}} = \frac{11.3 mi}{6.8 mph} = 1.7 h = 102 min [/tex]

Therefore, it would be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads.  

To find more about the law of cosines, go here:  

I hope it helps you!                                  

2. Solve the following system of equations. y = 5 + x 2x + 2y = 30


x = 5

since we know y= 5 + x , plug this into y in the second equation.

2x + 2 (5 + x) = 30

distribute 2 into the 5 and x

2x + 10 + 2x = 30

combine like terms

4x + 10 = 30

subtract 10 from both sides

4x = 20

divide four by both sides to isolate the variable

x = 5
Answer is d 1+2 y=5 add all cards

Sydney has finished all his work on time, but many of his teammates are still struggling to complete their assignments. What should he do? a) Not distract them; they may get farther behind. O b) Listen to them complain about their workloads O c) Help them complete their work d) Share his thoughts on how they could get their work done faster



I think the correct option is c


I think the correct answer is (d)

Step-by-step explanation:

if he shares his thoughts on how they could get their work done faster like using an app like this, then it would be of great help to them

what is the aswer to 5 is 2 more than?



Cuz 5 is greater than 2

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Length of a line segment with endpoints (3,-2) and (-3,4).




Step-by-step explanation:

that's the answer I think

Please help out explanation need it



[tex] \sin(θ) = \frac{19}{41} \\ θ = 27.6 \\ θ = 28[/tex]

if the value of a any quadratic function f (x)=ax^2 + BX + C is -8, the function will​



The parabola will open downward

Step-by-step explanation:

f (x)=ax^2 + BX + C

Since a = -8

The parabola will open downward

When a< 0 the graph opens downwards

a>0 the graph opens upwards

This is a list of the heights ( each nearest cm ) of 12 children
150 134 136 139 131 141
132 134 136 137 150 146
Select the type of the data.PLEASE HELP CHOOSE ONE








Step-by-step explanation:

bcos it is in quality format

Cj took a math test and got 36 correct and 9 incorrect answers. What was percentage of correct answers?



Step-by-step explanation:

Your answer would be 80% or a B

There are 36 tables and 7 booths in the family restaurant. Each table seats 4 people. If the restaurant can seat up to 179 people, what is the capacity of each booth?

4 people

5 people

6 people

7 people



5 people.

Step-by-step explanation:

First we need to find how many people 36 tables seats. In order to do this, we need to multiply 36 (tables) by 4 (people sitting) to get 144. Now just subtract 144 from 179 to see how many people are left, here we get 35. Since there are 7 booths, we divide 35 by 7 to get 5. Each booth holds 5 people.


Convert the degree measurement to radians. Express answer as multiple of π: - 60°
A. π/3
B. −π/4
C. −π/5
D. −π/3




Step-by-step explanation:

To convert from degree to radians, multiply by pi/180

-60 * pi/180 =  -60/180 *pi = -pi/3


D. -pi/3

Step-by-step explanation:

degree to radians formula: x=degree, x*pi/180



amortization for house costs 35,000.00 at 6.5% interest for 10 years and payments of 400.00 were paid for 36 months what is the remaining balance




Step-by-step explanation:

8x + 2 = = 7 + 5x + 15




Step-by-step explanation:

8x + 2 = 7 + 5x + 15

Combine like terms:

8x + 2 = 7 + 5x + 15

8x + 2 = 22

      -2     -2


8x = 20

----    ----

8       8

x = 2.5

Hope this helped.

A 40-foot tree casts a shadow 60 feet long. How long would the shadow of a 6-foot man be at that time?​



26 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm guessing this is how it's done

60-40= 20

there for at this time any shadow would be 20x it's original height/length

so 6+20=26 ft

lmk if I'm correct

Taking ratios

Let the shadow length=x ft

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 40:60=6:x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{40}{60}=\dfrac{6}{x}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{4}{6}=\dfrac{6}{x}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x=6(6)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x=36[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{36}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=9[/tex]

The graph shows the solution of the following system of equations. y=-5/3x+3 y=1/3x-3 What is the solution? A. (-3,2) B. (3,2) C. (-3,-2) D. (3,-2)




Step-by-step explanation:

-5/3x + 3 = 1/3x - 3

-5/3x = 1/3x - 6

-2x = -6

x = 3

y = -5/3(3) + 3

y = -5 + 3

y = -2

Can someone help me with this?



183.3 in^3

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the volume of the rectangular bottom

V = l*w*h

V = 5*5*6 =150 in^3

Find the volume of the triangular pyramid

V = 1/3 Bh where B is the area of the base and h is the height

V = 1/3 ( 5*5) * 4 = 100/3

Add the two volumes together

150 + 100/3

150 +33.3

183.3 in^3

A study examines the relationship between being a registered nurse (yes/no) and passing a cultural competency exam (yes/no) among a group of 987 randomly selected employees at your hospital. What test would be appropriate to determine if there is an association



The appropriate test to determine if there is an association between being a registered nurse and passing a cultural competency exam among a group of 987 randomly selected hospital employees is a:

Chi-square Test.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Chi-Square Test uses either a diagram (like a scatter plot) or a hypothesis test to show the existence of an association between two variables or statistically demonstrate that a relationship exists between the two variables.  Using the computed t-score, the significant association between two categorical variables can be measured and established.

PLS HELP! What is the mistake made below in solving x2 – 12x + 10 = 0 using the completing the square method?

x2 – 12x + 10 = 0

x2 – 12x + (- 6)2 = - 10 + (- 6)2

x2 – 12x + 36 = 26

(x – 6)(x – 6) = 26

x – 6 = √26

x = 6 + √26



Step-by-step explanation:

Everything is correct. But you forgot to add

x = 6 - square root of 26. The answer is

x = 6 + square root of 26 or

x = 6 - square root of 26

For the function F defined by F(x) = x2 – 2x + 4, find F(b+3).



[tex]\displaystyle F(b + 3) = b^2 + 4b + 7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the function:

[tex]\displaystlye F(x) = x^2 - 2x + 4[/tex]

And we want to find F(b + 3).

We can substitute:

[tex]\displaystyle F(b + 3) = (b + 3)^2 - 2(b+3) + 4[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle = (b^2 + 6b + 9) + (-2b -6) + 4[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle = (b^2) + (6b-2b) + (9 - 6 + 4)[/tex]

Combine like terms. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle = b^2 +4b + 7[/tex]

In conclusion:

[tex]\displaystyle F(b + 3) = b^2 + 4b + 7[/tex]

Simplify: [tex]\sqrt{36} - \sqrt{6} + \sqrt{126}[/tex]


The answer is option (A)
Here’s the solution
Hope you understand it!!

what is the answer I need help?



8 1/8 units^3

Step-by-step explanation:

This figure is a rectangular prism, and the volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula:


But since we have the area of the base snd the height of the figure, there is also one formula that we can use to find the volume:


Which means area of base times the height.


16 1/4 x 1/2

= 65/4 x 1/2

= 65/8


Volume is measured in cubic units

SO YOUR ANSWER IS 8 1/8 units^3

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