Jack plotted the graph below to show the relationship between the temperature of his city and the number of ice cream cones he sold daily: Main title on graph is Ice Cream Cone Sale. Graph shows 0 to 30 on x axis at increments of 5 and 0 to 60 on y axis at increments of 10. The label on the x axis is Temperature in degree C, and the label on the y axis is Number of Ice Cream Cones Sold. Dots are made at the ordered pairs 0, 5 and 5, 15 and 7.5, 15 and 10, 24 and 10, 28 and 12, 32 and 12.5, 25 and 12.5, 30 and 15, 35 and 15, 40 and 17.5, 35 and 20, 45 and 22.5, 36 and 23, 46 and 25, 55 and 27.5, 60. Part A: In your own words, describe the relationship between the temperature of the city and the number of ice cream cones sold. (5 points) Part B: Describe how you can make the line of best fit. Write the approximate slope and y-intercept of the line of best fit. Show your work, including the points that you use to calculate slope and y-intercept. (5 points)


Answer 1


(a) The amount of ice cream increase as temperature increases


[tex]y = 2x + 5[/tex] --- equation

[tex]y = 5[/tex] --- y intercept

[tex]m = 2[/tex] --- slope

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment for graph

Solving (a): The relationship between the variables

From the attached graph, the dots on the graph increases towards up-right direction. This implies that there is a positive correlation between the variables.

In other words;

The amount of ice cream increase as temperature increases

Solving (b): The line of best fit

First, we draw a line through the points (the line should have almost equal points on both sides; see attachment 2).

From (2), we select any 2 points on the line:

[tex](x_1,y_1) = (15,35)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (0,5)[/tex]

The slope (m) is:

[tex]m = \frac{y_2 -y_1}{x_2 - x_1}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{5-35}{0-15}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{-30}{-15}[/tex]

[tex]m = 2[/tex]

So, the line of best fit is:

[tex]y = m(x - x_1) + y_1[/tex]

Substitute known values:

[tex]y = 2(x - 0) + 5[/tex]

[tex]y = 2(x) + 5[/tex]

[tex]y = 2x + 5[/tex]

The y-intercept is when [tex]x=0[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]y = 2*0 + 5[/tex]

[tex]y = 0 + 5[/tex]

[tex]y = 5[/tex]

Related Questions

Krishna got on an elevator on the 12" floor and went up 3 floors. If he then went down 8 floors,
what floor is krishna now on?​



Krishna is at the 7th floor

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Start = 12[/tex]

[tex]Up = 3[/tex]

[tex]Down = 8[/tex]


The current floor

This is calculated as:

[tex]Floor = Start + Up - Down[/tex]

[tex]Floor = 12 + 3 - 8[/tex]

[tex]Floor = 7[/tex]

which has a steeper slope y-1/2x or y=2/3x?




Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 is greater than 1/2. It doesn't matter if one of the slopes are negative.

Penny attended a four year state college. She took out a student loan to pay for her tuition and room & board for the four years she was attending the college. Her tuition fees were $6,970 per year, and the cost of her room and board was $11,320 per year. Now that she has graduated, she will have to start paying back her loan. Fortunately, Penny has a grace period of one year before she has to start paying back the loan. Her loan details are as follows: there is a fixed-rate interest of 4.5% and the interest compounds each month. During her one year grace period, interest will accrue on the loan, so that when she has to start paying the loan back she will owe more than what she owes now. Her goal is to be able to payoff the loan in 10 years.

Given all of this information, answer the following questions:

1. What is the original loan amount, i.e. how much were the total costs for tuition plus room & board for the four years that Penny attended the college?

2. What is the new loan amount after the one-year grace period (remember that interest will accrue on the loan during this initial 12-month period that she is not paying anything back on the loan)? This is the amount that she will be responsible for paying back. (Round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)

3. Given that she can pay back the loan in full after 10 years of payments, what is the total amount she will end up paying back (both principal and interest that has accrued over the 10 years)? And how much will her monthly payments on the loan be for those 10 years? (Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar)



27,880 for tutitions + 45,280 for room and board= 73,160 total




Step-by-step explanation:

That's an awful lot of points. You don't have to give that many. 10 or 15 points would be more than enough.

The graph touches the x axis at 1 point. That means its basic formula is y = (x - a)^2

Since it  upside down, the formula is y = -(x - a)^2. A couple of other things are true.

a = 1 because that's where the graph touches the x axis. y = - x^2 has shifted 1 unit to the right.

Finally the y intercept is -4 which means that the final equation is y = -4(x-1)^2

That's all preliminary. The actual question is, what does the discriminate look like?

y = -4(x^2 - 2x + 1)

y = -4x^2 + 8x - 4

a = - 4

b = 8

c = - 4

sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)

sqrt(8^2 - 4(-4)(-4) )

sqrt(64 - 64) = 0

The answer is the third one. The answer will always be 0 when the graph touches the x axis and does not go through it.

use the prime factors of 3136 and 2744 to evaluate:✓3136/3✓2744​



3136 = 2^6 × 7^2

2744 = 2^3 x 7^3

✓3136/3✓2744​ = ✓(2^6 × 7^2)/3✓(2^3 x 7^3) = (2^3 x 7)/3 x 14(✓14) = 56/42✓14 =4/3✓14

assume abc=def. if ab=5, ac=9 and ef=7, what is the length of bc?​



bc=  7

Step-by-step explanation:

how many subsets can be formed of a set A={a,b}​




Step-by-step explanation:


equation of the line which passes through point (0,5) at gradient of - 1​



y = - x + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Here gradient (slope) = - 1 and (0, 5) ⇒ c = 5

y = - x + 5 ← equation of line





Total frequencies:

25 - 4 = 21

Multiples of 3 or 5:

6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25 - total of 10

Required probability:

P(3x or 5x) = 10/21


Limes = 10 + 6 = 16Apples = 8 + 6 = 14Total = 16 + 14 = 30

(i) Good limes = GL = 10

P(GL, GL) = 10/30*9/29 = 3/29

(ii) Good fruits = GF = 10 + 8 = 18

P(GF, GF) = 18/30*17/29 = 51/145

(iii) Good apple = GA = 8, Bad lime = BL = 6

P(GA&BL or BL&GA)) = 8/30*6/29 + 6/30*8/29 = 16/145

Find the length of UC? Please help



The choose C. 18

Step-by-step explanation:

UC —> 105+82=187 —> 96+22+51=169 —> 187–169=18

I hope I helped you^_^

the ordered pairs model an exponential function, where w is the function name and t is the input variable.
{(1, 60), (2, 240), (3, 960), (4, 3840)}
what is the function equation in sequence notation?

wt = ____



w = 15 (4^t)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let w be what the function is equal to

Let t be the input variable

equation :

w = k a^t

Plug in any two of the points to solve for k and a

for example, let's take (1, 60) and (2, 240):

60 = k * a^1

k = 60 / a

240 = k a^2


240 = 60/a (a^2)

a = 4

k = 15

The function is

w = 15 (4^t)

Question 7 of 10
A construction worker needs to put a rectangular window in the side of a
building. He knows from measuring that the top and bottom of the window
have a width of 5 feet and the sides have a length of 12 feet. He also
measured one diagonal to be 13 feet. What is the length of the other
O A. 12 feet
B. 13 feet
O C. 5 feet
O D. 17 feet




Step-by-step explanation:

The diagonals of rectangle are equal in length.

13. The diagonal is the same either way

explanation would be appreciated. i don’t understand




Step-by-step explanation:

The area of the big triangle is 1/2 b h =  1/2*6*(12^2 = 6^2 + x^2)

that ends up being [tex]\sqrt{108} = 36\sqrt{3}[/tex]

the small triangle are needs to be subtracted....

[tex]\frac{\left(4\cdot \:sin\left(90\right)\right)}{sin\left(30\right)}[/tex] that is the length of the unknown side...

1/2 B * h of that triangle get you to [tex]8\sqrt{3}[/tex]

just subtract the two areas


(B) 28√3

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of quadrilateral ABED is equal to the area of triangle CDE subtracted from the area of triangle ABC.

Area of triangle CDE:

Triangle ABC is equilateral. All sides have length 12.

AB = BC = AC = 12

BE = 8

BE + EC = BC

8 + EC = 12

EC = 4

In an equilateral triangle, all angles measure 60°.

m<C = 60°

m<CDE = 30°

Triangle CDE is a 30-60-90 triangle.

DE = EC√3

DE = 4√3

area of triangle CDE = bh/2

area of triangle CDE = (EC)(DE)/2

area of triangle CDE = (4)(4√3)/2

area of triangle CDE = 8√3

Area of triangle ABC:

Side AC is a base of triangle ABC.

AC = 12

(1/2)AC = 6

The altitude of triangle ABC from side AC to vertex B measures

h = 6√3

area of triangle ABC = bh/2

area of triangle ABC = (AC)(h)/2

area of triangle ABC = (12)(6√3)/2

area of triangle ABC = 36√3

area of quadrilateral ABED = area of triangle ABC - area of triangle CDE

area of quadrilateral ABED = 36√3 - 8√3

area of quadrilateral ABED = 28√3

Which graph represents the step function f(x)=⌊x+2⌋?



biyotiptol graph by using pen

Help help help help help help help help help help help help




Step-by-step explanation:

I am not sure - are we seeing the full information about this problem ?

because the problem description is strangely vague and confusing, as it uses "total cost" two times for not the same thing ...

either total cost means including tax or not including tax. but it cannot mean both ...

I think the most likely understanding of this problem is that the first price is without tax, and now we need to calculate and add the extra 6% tax to get the really total price to be paid.

I will solve this now based on this assumption.

100% = $30.25

1% = 100%/100 = 30.25/100 = $0.3025

6% = 6×1% = 6×0.3025 = $1.815 ≈ $1.82

the total price is then calculated either by

100% + 6%

or by

106% = 100%×1.06 = 30.25×1.06 = $32.065 ≈ $32.07

in both cases we get the same result, of course.



Step-by-step explanation:

A system of linear equations includes the line that is created by the equation y = x+ 3, graphed below, and the line through the points (3, 1) and (4, 3).

On a coordinate plane, a line goes through (0, 3) and (2, 5).

What is the solution to the system of equations?

(–1, 2)

(1, 3)

(8, 11)

(9, 12)

i really dont get this at all can someone help me and explain




Step-by-step explanation:

1st line

y = x+ 3

We need to find the equation of the other line

We have two points (3, 1) and (4, 3)


m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( 3-1)/(4-3)

   = 2/1 = 2

The slope intercept form is y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y =2x+b

Using the point (4,3)

3 = 2(4)+b

3 = 8+b


-5 =b

y = 2x-5

We have 2 lines

y =x+3 and y = 2x-5

Setting them equal to each other

x+3 = 2x-5

Subtract x from each side

x+3-x = 2x-5-x

3 = x-5

Add 5 to each side

3+5 =x-5+5


Now we can find y

y =x+3

y = 8+3



c (8,11)

Step-by-step explanation:

resolve (5x+4) /( (x-4)( x+2))



Step-by-step explanation:


(5x+4) /( (x-4)( x+2))

(5x+4)/ (x² +2x -4x -8)=

(5x+4) /( x²-2x -8)

What is the estimate for 312+138+207




Step-by-step explanation:

312 + 138 + 207

= 450 + 207

= 657



Step-by-step explanation:

To round your answer, you check the tenths place to see if it is under 5 or above 5. If it is under 5, your answer will stay in the number the hundreds place is in currently. If it is above 5, you will add one to the hundreds place.

312: there is one in the tenths place, so it will stay as 300.

138: there is three in the tenths place, so it will stay as 100.

207: there is a zero in the tenths place, so it will stay as 200.

If you are doing it with the one's place, it is the same method. Either round up or down.

300 + 100 + 200 = 600

The answer is 600.

If sec^2 teta (1+sin teta) (1-sin teta) = k, find k

Pls help no spamming


Identities to be used :-

[tex]\boxed{\sf 1-sin^2\theta=cos^2theta}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\sf cos^2\theta=\dfrac{1}{sec^2\theta}}[/tex]


Let's do

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto k=sec^2\theta(1+sin\theta)(1-sin\theta)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto k=sec^2\theta(1-sin^2\theta)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto k= sec^2\theta(cos^2\theta)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto k=sec^2\theta\times \dfrac{1}{sec^2\theta}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto k=1[/tex]

[tex]\color{lime}\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Answer : - }}[/tex]

[tex] \sec^{2} θ(1 + \sinθ)(1 - \sinθ) = k[/tex]

[tex] \sec^{2} θ \: (1 - { \sin}^{2} θ) = k[/tex]

[tex] { \sec }^{2} θ \cos^{2} θ = k[/tex]

[tex] \sec ^{2} θ. \frac{1}{ {sec}^{2}θ } = k[/tex]

[tex]1 = k[/tex]


[tex] \color{red}k = 1[/tex]

Find the measure of the missing angle.
a =




Step-by-step explanation:

A straight line = 180 degrees, so all you need to do to find angle a is to subtract 156 from 180!

180 - 156 = 24 degrees

Hope this helped!

What is the domain of g(x)
X is a real number



The doing would be x

Step-by-step explanation:

since you are calculating domain for a specific value it would be the corresponding g(x) value which is the domain

Find the 5th term of each geometric sequence. 32,80, 200




Step-by-step explanation:

Help me solve for t please


Look at the answer down here please


[tex]t = \frac{ v_{1} - v_{0}}{a} \\[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a = \frac{v_{1} - v_{0}}{t} \\ a \times t = v_{1} - v_{0} \\ \frac{at}{a} = \frac{ v_{1} - v_{0} }{a} \\ t = \frac{ v_{1} - v_{0}}{a} \\ [/tex]

factorise [tex]x^{2} - 121[/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:


We are given the expression x²-121, and we want to factor it

The expression is a difference of squares expression.

The formula for the difference of squares is written as a²-b² can be factored as (a-b)(a+b)

121 is 11 squared, and x² is x squared

So that means that a=x, and b=11 in this case

Now substitute those values into the formula


Hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 -121

x^2 -11^2

This is the difference of squares  a^2 - b^2 = (a-b)(a+b)


Which equation can be solved using the one-to-one property?
3X = 10
4In x = 2
log x = 5
4* = 47x+2




Step-by-step explanation:



i hope this answer will help u


4x = 47x+2

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the one–to–one property, you can set x = 7x + 2.

what is the area of the figure below?




Step-by-step explanation:

A=l x w

5x^4 times 3x^5 is basically 3*5*x^4*x^5

when you multiply exponents with the same base, you add the exponents, so it becomes 15x^9

Yesenia drove 45.3 miles on Monday and 3.8
miles more on Tuesday. How many miles did she
drive in all?



49.1 milez

Step-by-step explanation:

Total miles driven=45.3+3.8=49.1 miles

The entrance ticket for a carnival costs $89.97, which includes a royal meal
that costs $10.85, 1 play station game, and 3 water rides (Each water ride
costs the same price). The cost of a water ride is twice as that of a play
station game. Find the cost of a water ride. Estimate to the nearest tenths.



Cost of a play station game = $11.3

Cost of each water ride = $22.6

Step-by-step explanation:

Entrance tickets = $89.97

Royal meal = $10.85

Cost of a play station game = x

Cost of each water ride = 2x

Find the cost of a water ride

Entrance tickets = Royal meal + 1 play station game + 3 water rides

89.97 = 10.85 + 1(x) + 3(2x)

89.97 = 10.85 + x + 6x

89.97 = 10.85 + 7x

89.97 - 10.85 = 7x

79.12 = 7x

x = 79.12/7

x = 11.302857142857

Approximately to the nearest tenth

x = $11.3

Cost of a play station game = x = $11.3

Cost of each water ride = 2x

= 2(11.3)

= $22.6

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The table shows certain values of a cubic function.



7 and - infinity

Step-by-step explanation:

The function is decreasing in nature. The function has a maxima when x is near 7 and as the function is decreasing, the function will approach -infinity as x approaches positive infinity.




it is 80⁰

Step-by-step explanation:

cuz the it vertical angle

and to find a just get


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