Janes but a small clectric car and recorded the distance it waveled. The table below shows the distance waveled (nt during the st 4 seco
Bapsed Time Distance Traveled
(seconds) feet)
Which of the following equations represents the relationship between the distance traveled and the clapsed time?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Choose the correct answer below. A. The proportion of numbers in the population is equal to the mean of the sample proportions. B. The proportion of numbers in the population is equal to the mean of the sample proportions of numbers. C. The proportion of numbers in the population is not equal to the mean of the sample proportions. D. The proportion of numbers in the population is equal to the mean of the sample proportions of numbers.



A. The proportion of numbers in the population is equal to the mean of the sample proportions

Step-by-step explanation:

The relationship between the  mean [tex]\mu _{\overline p}[/tex], and standard deviation, [tex]\sigma _{\overline p}[/tex], of the sample proportion and the population proportion, p, are given as follows;

[tex]\mu _{\overline p}[/tex] = p

[tex]\sigma _{\overline p} = \sqrt{\dfrac{p \cdot (1 - p)}{n} } \times \sqrt{\dfrac{N - n}{N - 1} }[/tex]


N = The size of the population

n = The sample size

Therefore, the proportion of numbers in the population is equal to the mean of the sample proportions

When creating lines of best fit, do you believe that estimation by inspection of the equation is best or do you think it should be determined exactly? In what situations would it be best to use one over the other?



Estimation by inspection is better than trying to determine the line of best fit exactly

i) For a scatter plot : The use of estimation by inspection

ii) For a straight line graph : The exact determination method

Step-by-step explanation:

To create lines of best fit the estimation by inspection is better than trying to determine the line of best fit exactly .

This is because line of best fit only shows the trend of the data and in most cases it doesn't have to start from origin.

Scenarios :

i) For a scatter plot : The use of estimation by inspection

ii) For a straight line graph : The exact determination method



Answer is 7/10 because you need the same denominator so you multiply 1/2 by 5 both top and bottom then multiply 1/5 by 2 both top and bottom and then add numerator



Step-by-step explanation:

½ of a cup of cheddar=½ x 1=½

⅕ of a cup of parmesan=⅕ x 1=⅕

all cheese used=½ + ⅕= 7/10

I don't have time to do this before my class, could someone help? Thanks so much




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the area of this trapezoid?



18 m^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a trapezoid is given by

A = 1/2 (b1+b2)h  where b1 and b2 are the lengths of the bases and h is the height

A = 1/2 ( 5 + (6+1)) * 3

A = 1/2 ( 5+7)*3

    = 1/2 (12)3

     = 18



Step-by-step explanation:

greater base = 6 + 1 = 7 m

Area = [(greater base + minor base) * height] / 2 = [(7+5) * 3]/2 =18 m^2

Akili has two tests next week. The probability that he will pass the first test, science, is 34 . How he does on that test affects how he will do on his math test. If he passes science, then the probability that he will also pass the math test is 45; otherwise, the probability is only 13 that he will pass the math test. If the probability he passes exactly one test can be expressed as mn for two relatively prime positive integers m and n, what is m n



Following are solutions to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

First-test probability: [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

A person's chances of passing a second test are reduced if he fails the first test: [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

However, the chance of failing the first test is 1 in 4. As just a result, the probability of these events is low.

[tex]\to \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{12}\\\\\to \frac{3}{4} + \frac{1}{12} = \frac{9+1}{12} = \frac{10}{12} = \frac{5}{6}[/tex]

One of the other.

Independence and Exclusiveness are two topics which are important to probability and often confused. Discuss the difference between two events being independent and two events being mutually exclusive. Use examples to demonstrate the difference. Remember to explain as if you are talking to someone who knows nothing about the topic.



Independence and Exclusiveness are two topics which are important to probability and often confused. Discuss the difference between two events being independent and two events being mutually exclusive. Use examples to demonstrate the difference. Remember to explain as if you are talking to someone who knows nothing about the topic.

[my response: talk to them in formal language about the topic.]

Step-by-step explanation:

What did they ask on FLVS alegebra 1 honors moduel 7 dba



its easy dont worry

Step-by-step explanation:

Quadrilateral ABCD will be dilated about the origin by a scale factor of 1/3 and then reflected across the y-axis.



See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

The coordinate of ABCD is not given; So, I will solve using general coordinates (x,y).

First, ABCD is dilated by 1/3.

The rule is:

[tex](x,y) \to \frac{1}{3}(x,y)[/tex]

This gives

[tex](x,y) \to (\frac{x}{3},\frac{y}{3})[/tex]

Next, it is reflected across y-axis.

The rule is:

[tex](x,y) \to (-x,y)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex](\frac{x}{3},\frac{y}{3}) \to (-\frac{x}{3},\frac{y}{3})[/tex]

So, the complete transformation is:

[tex](x,y) \to (\frac{x}{3},\frac{y}{3}) \to (-\frac{x}{3},\frac{y}{3})[/tex]

Assume that:

[tex]A = (1,3)[/tex]

The transformation will be:

[tex]A' = (-\frac{1}{3},\frac{3}{3})[/tex]

[tex]A' = (-\frac{1}{3},1)[/tex]

and this is right or not​


answer: 11% = 0.11
how: 11 divided by 100 = 0.11

Please hurry I will mark you brainliest

It's a hot summer
day and the icecream truck is on it's way. The driver gives you two options:
1) You can have a cone that is doubled in radius but the same height as a regular cone.


2) You can have a cone that is doubled in height but the same radius as a regular cone.

Which would you choose and why?
You can explain it or attach a picture of your work. ( please show it in math form)



Option 1: Double the radius

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the volume of a cone is:


It squares the radius whereas it only multiplies by the height. Let's try both situations.

1. 1/3[tex]\pi[/tex](2)^2(1) --> 4/3

2. 1/3[tex]\pi[/tex](1)^2(2) --> 2/3

Option one is better.

If f(x) = -x2 – 1, and
g(x) = x + 5, then
f(g(x)) = [ ? ]x2+[? ]x+[?]




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = -x^2 – 1, and

g(x) = x + 5

f(g(x)) = Plug g(x) in for x in f(x)

        = -(x+5)^2 -1

        = -(x^2 +10x+25) -1

         = -x^2 -10x-25 -1


Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words. If necessary, use / for the fraction bar.
If x+2 is a factor of x^3-6x^2-11x+k then k=


The value of k in the expression x³ – 6x² – 11x + k is –10

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

f(x) = x³ – 6x² – 11x + k

Factor => x + 2

Value of k =?

Next, we shall obtained the value of x from x + 2. This can be obtained as follow:

x + 2 = 0

Collect like terms

x = 0 – 2

x = –2

Finally, we shall determine the the value of k. This can be obtained as  illustrated below:

f(x) = x³ – 6x² – 11x + k

x = –2

Value of k =?  

f(–2) = 0 since x + 2 is a factor

x³ – 6x² – 11x + k = 0

(–2)³ – (–2)² – 11(–2) + k = 0

–8 – (4) + 22 + K = 0

–8 – 4 + 22 + K = 0

10 + k = 0

Collect like terms

k = 0 – 10

k = –10

Therefore, the value of k is –10

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/13587979

Consider the scenario and use complete sentences to answer the question.

Two players each roll an ordinary number cube. The sum is found of the two numbers showing. If the sum is an even number, player A gets 1 point. If the sum is an odd number, player B gets 1 point. The game ends after 6 rounds.

Is this a fair game? Use the possible results of the game to support your answer.



yes both chances are 1/2 = equal

Step-by-step explanation:

Factorize the following by splitting the middle term:-
(a) 3x^2 +11x+30



See explanation

Question has been corrected

Step-by-step explanation:


3x² + 11x + 30

To factorise, multiply the coefficient of x² by 30

= 3 * 30

= 90

Find two numbers that have a product of 90 and a sum of 11

** There are no such two numbers, therefore the question can't be solved using factorization

Correcting the error in the question:

x² + 11x + 30

To factorise, multiply the coefficient of x² by 30

= 1 * 30

= 30

Find two numbers that have a product of 30 and a sum of 11

6 and 5

6 + 5 = 11

6 * 5 = 30

x² + 11x + 30

= x² + 6x + 5x + 30

= x(x + 6) + 5(x + 6)

= (x + 6) (x + 5)

need help with this question plz picture of question added ​



The domain of the function is (-2,&)

Can you answer this math homework? Please!


7.5x = 5.5x + 10

x = 5

so i’m guessing it’ll be 5 classes
substitute the 5 into x

the total monthly cost should be $37.5

please correct me if i’m wrong

Evaluate the function.
f(x) = 4x² + 73 – 18
Find f(-9)




Step-by-step explanation:





Find the 20th term of the following sequence.
-6, -4,-2, O,...


Step-by-step explanation:





please help with this too



The area of the sector in circle G formed by segments [tex]\overline{AG}[/tex], and [tex]\overline {GB}[/tex] is approximately 125.66 square units

Step-by-step explanation:

The given parameters are;

The radius of the circle with center G, r = 15

The measure of the given angle, m∠AGB = 64°

The area of a sector is given as follows;

Area of a sector of a circle = (θ/360°) × π × r²


The area of the sector in circle G formed by segments [tex]\overline{AG}[/tex], and [tex]\overline {GB}[/tex] is given as follows;

The area of the sector in circle G  = (64°/360°) × π × 15² ≈ 125.66 square units

Write the words that represent s + 21.



A number s plus 21

Step-by-step explanation:


A number s plus 21

25 x square - 4y Square = 36 equation 1
5 x - 2 y=2equation 2​


It is hard to find out question cn u pls take a pic and upload so it will more easier to find out the question

Anyone knows the answer?



a) yes

b) y = -x

c) yes it goes thru the origin (0,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

a) x**2 + y**2 = 17

(-4)**2 + (-1)**2 = 17

16 + 1 = 17 YES

b) the slope of DE is

(y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2)

(-1 -4)/(-4 -1) = -5/-5 = 1,  so a perpendicular segment will have a

slope of - 1/current slope or -1.

The midpoint of DE is

x = (x1 + x2)/2 = (-4 +1)/2 = -3/2

y = (y1 + y2)/2 = (-1 +4)/2 = 3/2 so

y = mx + b

y = -x + b plug in the point (-3/2,3/2)

3/2 = -(-3/2) + b

b = 0 SO y = -x

c) The circle equation dictates that it has no offset so centers around the origin (0,0) and the equation of the bisector y = -x indeed fits (0,0).

Which equation can be used to find the number of students needed to make 1,500 in profit ?



we can use simple equation

5n-300=1,500 should be the correct answer , I hope this helps !

(−5abc − 6ac + 7cb) − (10abc + 6ac − 8bc)



-15abc - 12ac + 15bc

General Formulas and Concepts:


Distributive Property

Algebra I


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


(-5abc - 6ac + 7cb) - (10abc + 6ac - 8bc)

Step 2: Simplify

[Distributive Property] Distribute negative:                                                        -5abc - 6ac + 7cb - 10abc - 6ac + 8bcCombine like terms:                                                                                         -15abc - 12ac + 15bc

A salesman sold twice as much pears in the afternoon than in the morning. If he sold 360 kilograms of pears that day, how many kilograms did he sell in the morning and how many in the afternoon?



120 kg in morning and 240 kg in afternoon

Step-by-step explanation:

x+2x=360 kg


x + 2x = 360 kg

3x = 360 kg

3x/3 = 360 kg/3

x = 120

2x=2(120 kg) =240 kg

Final Answer:

So, 120 kg in morning and 240 kg in the afternoon.

Hope this helps!

David's goldfish ate 20 grams of food in 4 weeks. At this rate, how long would it take the fish to eat the food
in a 100-gram container?


Answer: 20 weeks for 100 grams

There are nine different marbles in a bag. Supposed you reach in and draw one at a time. And do this three times. How many ways can you draw the three marbles if you do not replace the marble each time


Answer: 504 ways

Step-by-step explanation:


There are nine different marbles in a bag

For the first time, there are 9 possible ways to draw a marble

After removal of first marble, there are 8 possible ways to draw a marble

for the third time, there are 7 possible ways

so, total ways to draw three marble are

[tex]\Rightarrow 9\times 8\times 7=504\ \text{ways}[/tex]

Now that you know the vertex, find the y-values that pair with a few x-values that are less than 2 and a few that are greater than 2.

Plsssss help!!!!!!!


y when x=0: 3
y when x=1: 2
y when x=3: 2
y when x=4: 3

for what is values of x does 4(3x-2) = 12x - 5? select all that apply.
E.none of these​



‼️A) 12‼️

Step-by-step explanation:

Key skills needed: Interior Angle Measure Theorem, Equation Creation

Step 1) First, we need to classify this shape. It has 7 sides, which means that we can use the Interior angle Theorem to find out the sum of all the interior angle measures

The theorem is:    S = (n - 2)180S=(n−2)180

S is the sum of all interior angle measures

n is the number of sides of the polygon

Step 2) With this, we can plug in 7 for "n" (Since the figure has 7 sides) and get:

---> S = (7-2)180S=(7−2)180

---> (7-2) is 5 since 7 - 2 = 5 so --> S = 5(180)S=5(180)

---> 5(180) is the same as 5 x 180 which is 900 so --> S = 900S=900

This means that the sum of all interior angles is 900 degrees.

Step 3) Now, we have to find out the sum of all the angles that they gave us so:

---> 10x + 10x + 9 + 133 + 9x + 14 + 12x - 9 + 10x + 5 + 136 = 90010x+10x+9+133+9x+14+12x−9+10x+5+136=900

The left side is the sum of all interior angles in the shape, and the right side is what the sum should be when expressed as a number.

Step 4) We have to combine all like terms on the left side:

---> 10x + 10x + 9x + 12x + 10x = 51x10x+10x+9x+12x+10x=51x

---> 9 + 133 + 14 -9+5+136 = 2889+133+14−9+5+136=288    

Step 5) This means that ---> 51x + 288 = 90051x+288=900

Subtract 288 from both sides  and get:

---> 51x = 61251x=612    (900-288 = 612)

Then divide by 51 from both sides and get:

---> x = 12x=12     (612 ÷ 51 = 12)

Therefore A) 12 is your answer.

I think it should be none of these.

The term on the left has to be even no matter what value of x and the right has to be odd no matter what value of x. Therefore, there shouldn't be an integer value of x that satisfies the equation, let alone the answer choices A-D.

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