Janice is preparing a recipe that calls for 3/4 cup of oil per serving if Janice needs to prepare for 2 / 2 3 servings how many cups of oil would she neex​


Answer 1


Three cups would be needed.


2 2/3 × 3/4 = 8/2 × 3/4 = 24/8 = 3

Related Questions

Write a single Python regular expression for each of the following. Note: For each problem, you must use only ONE regular expression.
Matches a string that has both the substring dog and cat in the string in either order. For instance, both of the following strings match: 'The dog chased the cat' and 'xxcatxxdogxx'.


Matches a string that has both the substring dog and car in the string in either order

Given that EAX contains FFFF80C0h, which of the following would be true after executing the CWD instruction?

a. AX=FFFFh, DX=80C0h
c. DX=FFFFh, AX=80C0h
d. cannot be determined



c. DX=FFFFh, AX=80C0h


CWD instruction set all bits in DX register with same sign as in AX register. The effect is to create a 32 bit sign result. This will have same integer value as of 16 bit.

An infographic displays the relative frequencies of the 100 most common emojis used in text messaging for each of the last 12 months. Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from such a representation of emoji usage?
a. You can determine the growth or decline in popularity of a particular emoji.
b. You can determine what percentage of text messages contains a particular emoji.
c. You can determine how long the most popular emoji has held the #1 position.
d. You can determine the average age of emoji users based on emoji use.



d. you can determine the average age of emoji users based on emoji use.


The infographic displays 100 most common emoji used in text messaging. This information can be used to determine percentages of text message which contains particular emoji. This details can not determine the age of emoji user based in emoji use.

For minimization problems, the optimal objective function value to the LP relaxation provides what for the optimal objective function value of the ILP problem?



A lower bound on the optimal integer value.


The question is poorly typed.  The original question requires the optimal solution of the objective function of a minimization problem

I will answer this question base on the above illustration.

When an objective function is to be minimized, it means that the objective function will take the feasible solution with the least value.

The least value are often referred to as the lower bound.

What is a fruitful function? Explain with help of programming example?


These are the functions that return a value after their completion. A fruitful function must always return a value to where it is called from. A fruitful function can return any type of value may it be string, integer, boolean, etc. It is not necessary for a fruitful function to return the value of one variable, the value to be returned can be an array or a vector. A fruitful function can also return multiple values.

Unchecked exceptions require you surround the code that might throw such an exception with a try block or you must use a throws statement at the end of the method signature. Failure to do one of these two things will result in a compile error.

a. True
b. False



b. False


False, unchecked exceptions do not cause compilation errors and do not require try/catch blocks or throws statements. However, although they are not required it is good programming to include them in order to handle any exceptions that may arise. If you do not include a proper way to handle such an exception the program will still run but may run into an exception during runtime. If this occurs then the entire program will crash because it does not know how to handle the exception since you did not provide instructions for such a scenario.

Fill in the blanks in the SQL statement below that will list the vendor number, vendor name, vendor contact name for all vendors located in Iowa. Format all vendor contact names as last name, first name (example: Bucket, Charles) and name the column contact.SELECT vendor_id, name, ____ (last_name, ‘, ‘, first_name)AS ______FROM vendors, vendor_contactsWHERE _______ = vendor_contacts.contact_id AND vendor_state = ‘IA’;



Following are the response to the given query:


Following are the update out the blanks inside the following SQL query that lists all vendor number, seller name, vendor contacts information again for Iowa vendor. Format all seller number represents as their surname, their first name (example: Bucket, Charles). This SQL query joins two vendors of tables, vendor contacts & returns results.

Please find the query in the attached file.

difference between cyberbullying ,cyber wellness and cyber safety​


cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

cyber wellness is refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace.

cybersafety is being secure online

A network technician is planning to update the firmware on a router on the network. The technician has downloaded the file from the vendor's website. Before installing the firmware update, which of the following steps should the technician perform to ensure file integrity?

a. Perform antivirus and anti-malware scans of the file.
b. Perform a hash on the file for comparison with the vendor’s hash.
c. Download the file a second time and compare the version numbers.
d. Compare the hash of the file to the previous firmware update.


Answer: B. Perform a hash on the file for comparison with the vendor’s hash.


Before installing the firmware update, the step that the technician should perform to ensure file integrity is to perform a hash on the file for comparison with the vendor’s hash.

Hashing refers to the algorithm that is used for the calculation of a string value from a file. Hashes are helpful in the identification of a threat on a machine and when a user wants to query the network for the existence of a certain file.

Create a file named A10.java. Place all your code in this file. Create a publicstatic ArrayList of integers named intList.
Define a public static method addNumber(int i) that adds ito your list.
Exercise 2
Create a publicstatic HashMap of integers,integers namedintMap.
Define a public static method addPair(int i,int j) that adds i,jto your HashMap (make ithe key and j the value).



The file named as A10.java has been attached to this response. It contains the source code for the exercises. The source code contains comments explaining important parts of the code.

A few things to note;

i. To add an item to an arraylist, the add() method is used. For example to add an integer 7 to the arraylist named intList, simply write;


ii. To add an item to a hashmap, the put() method is used. The put method receives two parameters which are the key and value respectively. The key is a form of identifier used to store or retrieve a particular value in a hashmap. To store an integer 8 with a key of 5 in a hashmap named intMap, for example, simply write;


what is web browser ?​



A web browser, or simply "browser," is an application used to access and view websites.

Explain in details:
(i) Deadlock
(ii) File manager
(iii) Process
(iv) Multiprogramming
(v) Software Classification
(vi) Virtual memory


Answer and Explanation:

Deadlock occurs when two operating systems on the same computer are hindering each other's execution, getting blocked, waiting for each one to run first. This can happen when a preemption has not occurred, when a mutual exclusion has occurred, or when one of the systems causes the other to not execute.

File manager is software that allows a computer user to create directories and organize files inside and outside of them.

Process is the term used to determine the functioning of computer software. When a software is started, it uses its own programming code to perform a specific activity.

Multiprogramming is the term used for the moment when an operating system allows the user to run more than one software at the same time. For this to happen, the computer needs to have a high processing capacity, to handle the effort of running several software simultaneously.

Software Classification is the process that determines the composition and different aspects that make up a software. In this way, it is possible to understand the usefulness and programming of this software.

Virtual memory is the use of secondary memory for caching. This allows the user to share files more securely and quickly, in addition to alleviating the problems that limited memory presents.

Suppose users share a 3 Mbps link. Also suppose each user requires 150 kbps when transmitting, but each user transmits only 10 percent of the time. (See the discussion of packet switching versus circuit switching in Section 1.3.)
a. When circuit switching is used, how many users can be supported?
b. For the remainder of this problem, suppose packet switching is used. Find the probability that a given user is transmitting.
c. Suppose there are 120 users. Find the probability that at any given time, exactly n users are transmitting simultaneously. (Hint: Use the binomial distribution.)
d. Find the probability that there are 21 or more users transmitting simultaneously.



a) 20 users

b) 0.1  or 1/10

c) P ( X = n )   =   [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

d) 0.008


Given data:

Link shared by users = 3 Mbps

each user requires ; 150 kbps

percentage transmitted by each user = 10%

a) Determine the number of users can be supported

number of users = 3 Mbps / 150 kbps = 3000 / 150 = 20 users

b) P( user is transmitting )

given that percentage transmitted by each user = 10%

since packet switching is used ; P ( user is transmitting ) = 10% = 0.1

c) P ( n users are transmitting simultaneously )

let the number of users ( i.e. N ) = 120

number transmitting = n

P ( user is transmitting ) = 0.10

using Binomial distribution

P ( X = n ) = [tex]^{N}[/tex]Cₙ ( P )ⁿ ( 1 - P )^[tex]^{N-n}[/tex]

                = [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

d) P( X ≥ 21 transmitting simultaneously )

P ( X = n ) = [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

Therefore ; P( X ≥ 21 ) = 1 - P( X ≤ 20 )

                                   = 1 - BINOMDIST(20,120,0.1,1)  ( excel function )

∴ P( X ≥ 21 ) = 1 - 0.992059 ≈ 0.008

You are the owner of a small business. In the last year, you have started to hire employees and you now have 5 employees. Each has his or her own personal computer and you have hired a consultant to establish a local area network for your business. You realize that you should draw up a user access agreement and a code of conduct for your employees. Which of the three documents listed below should you create first?

a. The user access agreement
b. The code of conduct
c. The professional association code of ethics



a. The user access agreement


The first document that should be created would be the user access agreement. This is a document that holds all of the policies and guidelines that the employees of a company need to follow when using the companies equipment, software, or network. This includes behavior on the internet such as browsing specific sites, illegal activity, or personal hobbies during work hours, as well as offline such as using company hardware for personal gain. This is a document that is absolutely required for every company in order to protect the company from the consequences of certain employee activity.

[tex](a + b) {2}[/tex]





Design a RomanNumerals class that takes a number within 1 to 10 and display the Roman numeral version of that number (I, II, III, IV, V … X). If the number entered by the user is outside the range of 1-10, the program should display an error message. Code a driver class RomanNumeralsApp to test the class by asking user to enter a number, creating an object of RomanNumerals and calling its methods getNumber, setNumber, convertNum, and displayResult to perform the described task.




The following code is written in Java. It  creates a RomanNumberals class with all of the requested methods, including a convertNum method and displayResults method. The user is then asked to input a number within the main method. A RomanNumeral object is created, passed the userInput and all of it's methods are called for testing. A test output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter a number: ");

       int number = in.nextInt();

       RomanNumerals romanNumeral1 = new RomanNumerals();


       System.out.println("Test getNumber Method: " + romanNumeral1.getNumber());





class RomanNumerals {

   int number;

   String romanNumeral;

   public RomanNumerals() {


   public int getNumber() {

       return number;


   public void setNumber(int number) {

       this.number = number;


   public void convertNumber() {

       switch (this.number) {

           case 1: romanNumeral = "I"; break;

           case 2: romanNumeral = "II"; break;

           case 3: romanNumeral = "III"; break;

           case 4: romanNumeral = "IV"; break;

           case 5: romanNumeral = "V"; break;

           case 6: romanNumeral = "VI"; break;

           case 7: romanNumeral = "VII"; break;

           case 8: romanNumeral = "VIII"; break;

           case 9: romanNumeral = "IX"; break;

           case 10: romanNumeral = "X"; break;

           default: System.out.println("Not a valid number"); break;



   public void displayResult() {

       System.out.println("Number " + this.number + " is represented as " + this.romanNumeral);



what is the Is option that prints the author of a file​



Print.. is your answer...

is joining Together as a group to use a specific product more efficiently


[tex]\sf\purple{Collaborative \:consumption}[/tex] is joining together as a group to use a specific product more efficiently.

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Hope\:it\:helps.}}}}⋆[/tex]

Decomposing and modularizing software refers to the process of combining a number of smaller named components having well-defined interfaces that describe component interactions into a single, larger monolithic system.

a. True
b. False



b. False


Decomposing and modularizing means that a large software is being divided into smaller named components that have a well-defined interfaces which basically describes the component interactions. The main goal is to place these different functionalities as well as the responsibilities in different components.

Decomposition and modularization forms the principle of software design.

Hence, the answer is false.

6.23 LAB: Convert to binary - functions Instructor note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a function. If you weren't able to solve it before, think of this as a new opportunity. Write a program that takes in a positive integer as input, and outputs a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary. For an integer x, the algorithm is: As long as x is greater than 0 Output x % 2 (remainder is either 0 or 1) x = x // 2 Note: The above algorithm outputs the 0's and 1's in reverse order. You will need to write a second function to reverse the string. Ex: If the input is: 6 the output is: 110 Your program must define and call the following two functions. The function integer_to_reverse_binary() should return a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary (in reverse). The function reverse_string() should return a string representing the input string in reverse. def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value) def reverse_string(input_string)



The program in Python is as follows:

import math

def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value):

   remainder = ""

   while integer_value>=1:

       remainder+=str(integer_value % 2)



def reverse_string(input_string):


   for i in range(len(input_string)-1,-1,-1):

       binaryOutput = binaryOutput + input_string[i]


integer_value = int(input("Enter a Number : "))



This imports the math module

import math

This defines the integer_to_reverse_binary function

def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value):

This initializes the remainder to an empty string

   remainder = ""

This loop is repeated while the integer input is greater than or equal to 1

   while integer_value>=1:

This calculates the remainder after the integer value is divided by 2

       remainder+=str(integer_value % 2)

This gets the floor division of the integer input by 2


This passes the remainder to the reverse_string function


The reverse_string function begins here

def reverse_string(input_string):

This initializes the binaryOutput to an empty string


This iterates through the input string i.e. the string of the remainders

   for i in range(len(input_string)-1,-1,-1):

This reverses the input string

       binaryOutput = binaryOutput + input_string[i]

This prints the binary output


The main begins here

This gets input for integer_value

integer_value = int(input("Enter a Number : "))

This passes the integer value to the integer_to_reverse_binary function


HEYYY! you're probably a really fast typer can you please type this for me! i tried copying and pasting it but it wouldn't let me!!! sooo can you please be a dear and kindly type it for me ^^

what i want you to type is directly in the image so please type exactly that

i dunno what subject this would be under so i'll just put it in any



here you go. wish you a great day tomorrow.

and in fact,computer science is somewhat the right category

Abstract art may be - and may seem like - almost anything. This because, unlike the painter or artist who can consider how best they can convey their mind using colour or sculptural materials and techniques. The conceptual artist uses whatever materials and whatever form is most suited to putting their mind across - that would be anything from the presentation to a written statement. Although there is no one kind or structure employed by abstract artists, from the late 1960s specific tendencies emerged.

How do u create a blank line between two lines in a document


Answer: Press enter at the end of the line.


If you press enter at the end of the line or sentence, it will start a new space underneath your line or sentence.

is a collection of information stored under a single name ​


[tex]\boxed{ File }[/tex] is a collection of information stored under a single name.

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]


Explanation:A collection of information that is stored on a computer under a single name, for example a text document, a picture, or a program. The association between a file and the program that created the file. Displays the contents of the current folder or library.

We will find an video named????
Help us and select once name.
Complete: B__in___t


Beint cause its cool yea yea
Beinlit (pronounced ben-in-lit)

x-1; while x ==1 disp(x) end, then the result a. infinity or b. (1) ​



1 is the answer because ur trying to trick us


Phân tích những xu hướng mới của Digital Marketing nổi bật 2020-2023




c srfv fergvrgfcg

Explain the
4 ways

ways of arranging icons.



There are 4 ways of arranging icons:

By name.by type.by date or by size.


Click right-click a blank desktop area and then click Arrange icons to arrange icons for name, type, date, or size. Click on the command to show how the icons should be organized (by Name, by Type, and so on).

Click Auto Arrange to set the icons automatically. Click Auto Arrange to remove the checkmark if you want to set the icons alone.


Right-click the Desktop and from the resulting shortcut menu select View; make sure that Auto Arrange Icons are not selected.

         Destroy it before proceeding to the next step if selected.

Click on the desktop with the righ-click.Choose Sort-by from the resulting shortcut menu and then click on the desktop shortcut criteria.Any icon can be clicked and dragged to a different place on your desktop, for instance, to separate your favorite game from other desktop icons to help you easily find it.

Làm thế nào để hack mật khẩu trên 1 trang web


Trang web Hacker mật khẩu
Password Hacker hoặc Cracker đề cập đến cá nhân cố gắng bẻ khóa từ, cụm từ hoặc chuỗi ký tự bí mật được sử dụng để truy cập vào dữ liệu được bảo mật. Hack mật khẩu thường được gọi là bẻ khóa mật khẩu. Trong trường hợp chính hãng, kẻ tấn công mật khẩu cố gắng khôi phục mật khẩu từ dữ liệu được truyền qua hoặc được lưu trữ trên máy tính.

Quản trị viên hệ thống có thể sử dụng hack mật khẩu như một chiến thuật phòng ngừa, để giúp người dùng hợp pháp lấy lại mật khẩu đã quên. Bên cạnh đó, nó cũng giúp họ dễ dàng theo dõi mật khẩu bị tấn công để sửa đổi chúng nhằm tăng tính bảo mật.

Tội phạm mạng và những kẻ lừa đảo trực tuyến hack mật khẩu để có được quyền truy cập vào một hệ thống an toàn. Mục đích của họ là độc hại và nó thường xoay quanh việc kiếm tiền thông qua các phương tiện bất hợp pháp.

Làm thế nào để Crack và Hack mật khẩu?
Về cơ bản, có hai phương pháp được sử dụng để hack mật khẩu - một là phương pháp vũ phu và phương pháp kia là bằng cách đoán.

Brute Force: Trong phương pháp brute force, một hacker có mật khẩu cố gắng nhập mọi tiềm năng. Hãy thử cWatch ngay hôm nay! trình tự mật khẩu để tìm ra mật khẩu. Cho đến nay, phương pháp này là phương pháp hiệu quả để kẻ tấn công mật khẩu kết luận về hàm băm mật khẩu, hoặc tính toán toán học hoặc thuật toán, được sử dụng để mã hóa hoặc mã hóa dữ liệu mật khẩu.

Đoán: Trong phương pháp đoán, một hacker mật khẩu có thể sử dụng thông tin cá nhân của chủ sở hữu mật khẩu để tìm ra mật khẩu. Ngày sinh, vật nuôi, người thân hoặc thông tin khác của chủ sở hữu mật khẩu đều được sử dụng để đoán mật khẩu chính xác.

Which report views shows how the report will look in print and enable you to make modifications to the print settings?



Print preview


In Microsoft access the report view that will show you an accurate picture of what your print out will look like before it is printed is : Print preview

Microsoft access is a relational database that allows the usage and storage of information in and organization

which feature of organisations to manage needs to know about to build and use information system successfully


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The feature of organizations to manage needs to know about to build and use information system successful is the following.

Managers of successful organizations should know that companies have hierarchies and different structures in which these companies are organized.

Every company use systems and procedures that could be specialized to the degree the company requires. For that system to function, they have to be perfectly interconnected to all the areas of the company. The goal: to maximize efficiency and accomplish the goals.

Systems and procedures should take into consideration the culture and diversity of the workplace. There are interest groups in every organization that have special characteristics and requirements that have to be taken into consideration to create a much better system.

Good managers must be aware of these elements, and the different roles, goals, management styles, tasks, incentives, and departmental structure of the company so the system can better serve the purpose of the entire organization.

Other Questions
Total health care costs in the United States in 2016 was $1.7 trillion. he US population was 290.9 million. What was the average amount spent per person on health care? ASAP please write a poem If you win a holiday ticket lucky draw, where will you go, what will you do there. etc? If you have one super power, what will it be, how will you make use of it and why? 7 blue squares and 2 orange squares.What fraction of the squares are orange?What is the ratio of blue squares to orange squares? 6.23 LAB: Convert to binary - functions Instructor note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a function. If you weren't able to solve it before, think of this as a new opportunity. Write a program that takes in a positive integer as input, and outputs a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary. For an integer x, the algorithm is: As long as x is greater than 0 Output x % 2 (remainder is either 0 or 1) x = x // 2 Note: The above algorithm outputs the 0's and 1's in reverse order. You will need to write a second function to reverse the string. Ex: If the input is: 6 the output is: 110 Your program must define and call the following two functions. The function integer_to_reverse_binary() should return a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary (in reverse). The function reverse_string() should return a string representing the input string in reverse. def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value) def reverse_string(input_string) The Reformation was sparked by the posting of what document?A. The 95 ThesesB. The BibleC. The TanakhD. The New TestamentThe Answer is A. (The 95 Theses) ni no c in tch th xung quanh in tch c : write a letter to your friend discussing about excursion you went at the hospital What are the fourcharacteristics that identify something as living? TIME REMAINING59:00What is natural selection?O a process that selects variations that help with survival and that spreads the variations to more offspringa process through which nature selects an individual within a population for extinctiona process that causes all populations to gradually increase in sizeO a process that causes random variations to appear in the offspring of every generation The sum of two numbers is 12 The product of the smallerumber and 3 is -6. Find the numbers compare and contrast European to Japanese Feudalism how many people in the world ?? question tag: nobody has arrived yet, The length of a rectangle is four times its width.If the area of the rectangle is 100 yd, find its perimeter. Do enough citizens have the right to vote now ? And among those who can vote, why do you think more of them don't do it? what is investigation report Write the equations of two lines passing through (4,8) Someone help please! How does a mutation in a sex cell differ from a mutation in a non-sex cell?A. Mutations in sex cells are more deadly0B. Mutations in sex cells can be passed on to children.cC. Mutations in sex cells are chromosomal mutations.aD. Mutations in sex cells are silent mutations,