Japan opened trade relations with the United States in the 1850s after _____.

America purchased Alaska from Russia
Commodore Perry fired warning shots in Tokyo’s harbor
the Japanese lost a naval battle with the United States
the Japanese were awed by America’s military power



Answer 1
1886 please please let me know

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De que manera se desarrolló la guerra fría


Answer: Su Origen Es situado entre 1945 y 1947 a causa de las tensiones de la posguerra, esta fue prolonged a hasta la disolucion de la union sovietica!

Explanation: simple response

Why did slaveholders support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?
O A. They wanted to keep freemen away from slaves.
O B. They believed it would result in a better life for freemen.
O c. They gained wealth from the transport of freemen.
D. They felt freemen were taking jobs from whites.



B. They believed it would result in a better life for freemen.


Hope it's correct...if not I'm sorry! -w-


The answer is A


the answer was correct for me

El procesador de texto permite



I don't speak spanish but if you read it better.


Yeah this is right main

whats the answer tpo



what is the meaning of tpo?




I don't know but I am here to increase the coins

who is the father of albert einstine?​



Hermann Einstein



Hermann Einstine


that is his father's name

Which empire took over the Safavid
Empire while attempting to expand
their territory?



Shah Ismail

The Safavid Empire was strengthened by important Shi'a soldiers from the Ottoman army who had fled from persecution. When the Safavids came to power, Shah Ismail was proclaimed ruler at the age of 14 or 15, and by 1510 Ismail had conquered the whole of Iran.07-Sep-2009

Which of the following best describes the work of descartes


What are the options?

he excretions of living organisms are best categorized as which type of factor in an environment?





It's definitely not abiotic and nonliving because they are living and who would categorized 'excretions of living organism' "living".

What type of economy is based on supplying the goods and services that people demand?



C. Market


The type of economy that is based on supplying goods and services that people demand is called a market, like free markets.

The answer is ,C.market

what is the impact germany had in their country?



Germany had suffered heavy losses during the war, both in lives and industrial power. 6.9 to 7.5 million Germans had been killed, roughly 8.26 to 8.86% of the population.


In summary, many many Germans were killed during the war.

According to the article, what “new element which had not been evident in the Palestinian terrorism of two or three decades earlier” emerged in the 1970s?

Islamic religious extremism
Unhappiness with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank
An alliance with al Qaeda
Increased support of socialist and nationalist ideals
Libyan-backed terrorists exploded a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Al Qaeda attacked a market in Afghanistan.



A) Islamic religious extremism

Explanation: Just finished the assignment.

According to the article, Islamic religious extremism had not been evident in the Palestinian terrorism of two or three decades earlier,” emerged in the 1970s. Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What is Islamic religious extremism?

The terms "Islamic extremism," "Islamist extremism," or "radical Islam" are used to describe extreme attitudes and actions connected to the Islamic faith. These are contentious phrases with a range of definitions, from scholarly perspectives to the contention that all ideologies other than Islam have failed and are subpar compared to Islam.

Other Islamic sects that do not hold the same beliefs as these might also be referred to using this terminology. One political definition of Islamic extremism is that it is any type of Islam that is opposed to "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of diverse religions and views." This definition is one that is used by the government of the United Kingdom.

Learn more about Islamic extremism here:



Which best describes how Babylonian and Sumerian societies were different?
A. Sumer had no religion.
B. Babylon had a well-organized military.
C. Babylon had no military.
D. Sumer had a larger government.


B - Sumer didn’t have a military

explain how conduction occur​


Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. ... These vibrating molecules collide with their neighboring molecules, making them also vibrate faster. As these molecules collide, thermal energy is transferred via conduction to the rest of the pan.

What caused the United States to declare war on the Axis powers of
Germany, Italy, and Japan?

A. The sinking of American supply in the Atlantic
B. The bombing of great Britain by German planes
C.The invasión of Poland by Germany & Russia
D.The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii



A. The sinking of American supply in the Atlantic


and also because at that time Japan was becoming more powerful.




Pearl Harbor was the biggest reason.

Based on the excerpt, what best summarizes the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act?

Owners and workers who separated customers by race were subject to fines or imprisonment.
Blacks and whites had to use public facilities specifically assigned by race.
Public places would no longer separate blacks and whites.
Whites were allowed to use public areas reserved for blacks, but not the other way around.



The correct option is B

Pls mark me brainliest




what was world war 1?



World War I, also called First World War or Great War, an international conflict that in 1914–18 embroiled most of the nations of Europe along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions. The war pitted the Central Powers—mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—against the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. It ended with the defeat of the Central Powers. The war was virtually unprecedented in the slaughter, carnage, and destruction it caused.


Any other one I need to add???



yes that's right


they did think people should have contracts with government

B) ¿Qué consideras que hizo posible que la humanidad vaya desarrollando sus capacidades cerebrales y físicas? AYUDA PLIS :C



La evolución humana fue un proceso que se dio hace miles de años a través de especies ancestrales en la escala evolutiva del hombre, quienes aportaron diversos conocimientos y logros que ayudarán en la adaptación de la especie humana en el planeta tierra. El descubrimiento del fuego, el lenguaje y la construcción de objetos como lanzas, permitió al hombre adaptarse al clima, la fauna y la flora, posibilitando la alimentación, la caza y la socialización.

El crecimiento del cerebro humano a lo largo de los años y su adaptación al medio ambiente también fue muy superior al de otras especies de mamíferos, lo que contribuyó a un mayor aprendizaje y evolución.

What was the main effect of the Articles of Confederation? A. Foreign powers did not take the new country seriously B. The national government was weak C. Three branches of government were created D. The authority of the state governments was severely limited


The answer is c because it is the best answer out here

Alex rolls a fair dice 108 times.
How many times would Alex expect to roll a number greater
than 1?



if a dice is rolled 108 times then

total number of numbers = 108*6=648

numbers greater than 1 = 108*5=540

so the probalililty will be = 540/648

= 5/6 ans

i don't know if its correct or not sombody knows than tell me too

The amount of times Alex can expect to roll a number greater than 1 is

lets say the number is x

p(x=1)= 1/0

p(x>1)= 1-p(x=1)= 1-1/6 = 5/6

x= 108*p(x>1) { formula of expectation }

=108*5/6 = 90

What is probability?

Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true.

Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true.  The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it is that the event will occur.

When dealing with experiments that are random and well-defined in a purely theoretical setting (like tossing a coin), probabilities can be numerically described by the number of desired outcomes, divided by the total number of all outcomes.

What is Formula of expectation?

The expected value of a discrete random variable X, symbolized as E(X), is commonly referred to as the long-term average or mean, symbolized as μ. This means that over the long term of doing an experiment over and over, you would expect this average.

For example, let X = the number of heads you get when you toss three fair coins. If you repeat this experiment (toss three fair coins) a large number of times, the expected value of X is the number of heads you expect to get for each three tosses on average.

To learn more about probability here,



Discuss the importance of the Scientific Revolution and how it affected the early Enlightenment Movement?



Brain list



The European Enlightenment of the !8th century could not have happened without the previous, and concurrent, Scientific Revolution, and its technological discoveries and inventions, in the !7th and 18th centuries. The Scientific Revolution is the most important event in world history yet most people have never heard of it. A person is unable to understand the world around around them today without at least some basic knowledge of The Scientific Revolution.

There was a small group of philsophers (of the Enlightenment) who really understood that a new world was emerging in Europe in the human understanding of reality. They understood that Man was able to rationally explain Nature for the first time in human history. That God was not actually physically present in Nature. That God, therefore, might not actually exist at all (Atheism). That Man was now in control of Nature. That Man was no longer part of Nature; these were now two separate philosophical realms. That Man was above Nature, even God. And, the big one, the basis of the Enlightenment itself, that Man could remake the world using his rational thought (ideas) without any reference to European history, European tradition or Man as even part of Nature. In other words, wishful thinking born from the dangerous rationalisation of taking ideas to their logical conclusion without any reference to reality.

So, of course, the adoption of these “scorched Earth” or “Year Zero” ideas of the Enlightment was, and still is, a complete disaster for humanity. Especially when combined with the new controlling powers of Science and Technology. The Enlightentment led directly to the first emergence of Left wing politics - that Man is created purely through Nurture, not Nature, and is born as a “blank slate” - with no reference to our 200,000 years of evolutionary adaptation as part of Nature.

This distorted thinking, in turn, led eventually, to the disastrous political and social events of 1968, when even objectivity itself was jettisoned. And, then to the final post-Modern delusion that European culture, art and science is no better than even the most primitive tribes (blank slates) still living in the jungle today.

Describe action taken in the first New Deal.


The first new deal dealt with pressing banking crisis through the Emergency Banking Act, The securities act was enacted to prevent a repeated stock market crash. The controversial work of the National Recovery Administration was also apart of the First New Deal. Hope this helps!

what is a characteristic of oligarchy


A characteristic of an oligarchy could be the government as a oligarchy is when a group of people rules over a majority!
when a group of people rule over a majority

The Louisiana Purchase was a problem for Jefferson because: Group of answer choices acquisition of new Indian lands was contrary to his principles and beliefs the cost was too high for the United States to pay he believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land it would be hard to defend it against the Spaniards the territory was ideal for slavery, which he opposed



He believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land.


President Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States. He was also American diplomat, statesman and a lawyer. He was the Founding father of the United States of America and also main author of the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson purchase Louisiana from France in the year 1803. It was a land purchase or deal between the USA and France where USA acquired about  827,000 square miles for $15 million to the west of the river Mississippi. But the purchase of the land is a problem for Jefferson because he knew that the American Constitution did not provide authority to Jefferson to purchase new land.

which type of government did the constitution of 1791 establish

A. a republic
B. an absolute monarchy
C. a limited monarchy
D. a totalitarian system ​


The answer to your question is D


constitutional monarchy

which term was not an accurate new description for women in the 1920's?
a. wage-earner
b. flapper
c. politician
d. voter



C. Politician


By the 1920s, women had the rights to earn wages and vote, and the term "flapper" was being used for their boldness. Women generally were not politicians in that time period.





3 investiga sobre la estructura política de los Estados


Estados Unidos constituye una república federal constitucional, con un régimen presidencialista como forma de gobierno basado en la separación de poderes en tres ramas: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial.

In the 1920s, what did businesses and industries do that caused the economy to slow down?
M They hired more workers.
They speculated in the stock market.
They bought stocks on margin.
They overproduced good.

It D got it right for edg2021



They overproduced goods


In the 1920s, businesses and industries overproduced goods which caused the economy to slow down.

This was because they failed to make proper plans about the rate of consumption and demand and ended up mass producing goods which made the economy go slow


D. They overproduced goods.


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