Jessica always uses the same ratio of green beads to blue beads when she makes necklaces. The graph shows these equivalent ratios.

Which table shows the same data?


Answer 1
A set of data is normally distributed with

Related Questions

3.52 A coin is tossed twice. Let Z denote the number of heads on the first toss and W the total number of heads on the 2 tosses. If the coin is unbalanced and a head has a 40% chance of occurring, find (a) the joint probability distribution of W and Z; (b) the marginal distribution of W; (c) the marginal distribution of Z



a)  The joint probability distribution

P(0,0) = 0.36, P(1,0) = 0.24,   P(2,0) = 0,   P(0,1) = 0,  P(1,1) = 0.24,  P(2,1)= 0.16

b)  P( W = 0 ) = 0.36,    P(W = 1 ) = 0.48,  P(W = 2 ) = 0.16

c) P ( z = 0 ) = 0.6

  P ( z = 1 ) = 0.4

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of head on first toss = Z

Total Number of heads on 2 tosses = W

% of head occurring = 40%

% of tail occurring = 60%

P ( head ) = 2/5 ,    P( tail ) = 3/5

a) Determine the joint probability distribution of W and Z

P( W =0 |Z = 0 ) = 0.6         P( W = 0 | Z = 1 ) = 0

P( W = 1 | Z = 0 ) = 0.4        P( W = 1 | Z = 1 ) = 0.6

P( W = 1 | Z = 0 ) = 0           P( W = 2 | Z = 1 ) = 0.4

The joint probability distribution

P(0,0) = 0.36, P(1,0) = 0.24,   P(2,0) = 0,   P(0,1) = 0,  P(1,1) = 0.24,  P(2,1)= 0.16

B) Marginal distribution of W

P( W = 0 ) = 0.36,    P(W = 1 ) = 0.48,  P(W = 2 ) = 0.16

C) Marginal distribution of Z ( pmf of Z )

P ( z = 0 ) = 0.6

P ( z = 1 ) = 0.4

Part(a): The required joint probability of W and Z is ,


Part(b): The pmf (marginal distribution) of W is,


Part(c): The pmf (marginal distribution) of Z is,



The joint distribution is,






Learn More:

A wire 9 meters long is cut into two pieces. One piece is bent into a equilateral triangle for a frame for a stained glass ornament, while the other piece is bent into a circle for a TV antenna. To reduce storage space, where should the wire be cut to minimize the total area of both figures? Give the length of wire used for each: For the equilateral triangle:


The length of wire used for the equilateral triangle is approximately 5.61 meters.

The remaining length of wire used for the circle will be 9 - 5.61 ≈ 3.39 meters.


To minimize the total area of both figures, we need to find the optimal cut point for the wire.

Let's assume the length of the wire used for the equilateral triangle is x meters, and the remaining length of the wire used for the circle is (9 - x) meters.

For the equilateral triangle:

An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal in length.

Let's call each side of the triangle s meters. Since the total length of the wire is x meters, each side will be x/3 meters.

The formula to find the area of an equilateral triangle with side length s is:

Area = (√(3)/4) * s²

Substitute s = x/3 into the area formula:

Area = (√(3)/4) * (x/3)²

Area = (√(3)/4) * (x²/9)

Now, for the circle:

The circumference (perimeter) of a circle is given by the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * r

Since the remaining length of wire is (9 - x) meters, the circumference of the circle will be 2π(9 - x) meters.

The formula to find the area of a circle with radius r is:

Area = π * r²

To find the area of the circle, we need to find the radius.

Since the circumference is equal to 2πr, we can set up the equation:

2πr = 2π(9 - x)

Now, solve for r:

r = (9 - x)

Now, substitute r = (9 - x) into the area formula for the circle:

Area = π * (9 - x)²

Now, we want to minimize the total area, which is the sum of the areas of the triangle and the circle:

Total Area = (√(3)/4) * (x²/9) + π * (9 - x)²

To find the optimal value of x that minimizes the total area, we can take the derivative of the total area with respect to x, set it to zero, and solve for x.

d(Total Area)/dx = 0

Now, find the critical points and determine which one yields the minimum area.

Taking the derivative and setting it to zero:

d(Total Area)/dx = (√(3)/4) * (2x/9) - 2π * (9 - x)

Setting it to zero:

(√(3)/4) * (2x/9) - 2π * (9 - x) = 0

Now, solve for x:

(√(3)/4) * (2x/9) = 2π * (9 - x)

x/9 = (8π - 2πx) / (√(3))

Now, isolate x:

x = 9 * (8π - 2πx) / (√(3))

x(√(3)) = 9 * (8π - 2πx)

x(√(3) + 2π) = 9 * 8π

x = (9 * 8π) / (√(3) + 2π)

Now, we can calculate the value of x:

x ≈ 5.61 meters

So, the length of wire used for the equilateral triangle is approximately 5.61 meters.

The remaining length of wire used for the circle will be 9 - 5.61 ≈ 3.39 meters.

To learn more on derivative click:


A bus driver makes roughly $3280 every month. How much does he make in one week at this rate.



I think around $36

Hope it helps!


It depends...

Step-by-step explanation:

It depends how much weeks are in the month if there are three weeks and no extra days then you would have an answer of about 1093 (exact: 1093.33333333). just divide the number of weeks by the number of money.

Simplify this expression 3^-3


Step-by-step explanation:

-27 okay 3^-3 its same as 3^3

Answer: A)







How many subsets of at least one element does a set of seven elements have?


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

For each subset it can either contain or not contain an element. For each element, there are 2 possibilities. Multiplying these together we get 27 or 128 subsets. For generalisation the total number of subsets of a set containing n elements is 2 to the power n.

n=7 elemens

total subsets


If the cost of a 2.5 meter cloth is $30.5. What will be the cost of 22 meters ?




Step-by-step explanation:

We can write a ratio to solve

2.5 meters        22 meters

-----------------  = --------------

30.5 dollars       x dollars

Using cross products

2.5 * x = 30.5 * 22

2.5x =671

Divide each side by 2.5

2.5x / 2.5 = 671/2.5

x =268.4

Which property was used to simplify the expression 4(b+2)=4b+8


Answer: distributive property

Step-by-step explanation: the 4 is multiplied by everting in the parenthesis

At the Fidelity Credit Union, a mean of 3.5 customers arrive hourly at the drive-through window. What is the probability that, in any hour, more than 5 customers will arrive? Round your answer to four decimal places.



0.1423 = 14.23% probability that, in any hour, more than 5 customers will arrive.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have the mean, which means that the Poisson distribution is used to solve this question.

In a Poisson distribution, the probability that X represents the number of successes of a random variable is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

In which

x is the number of sucesses

e = 2.71828 is the Euler number

[tex]\mu[/tex] is the mean in the given interval.

A mean of 3.5 customers arrive hourly at the drive-through window.

This means that [tex]\mu = 3.5[/tex]

What is the probability that, in any hour, more than 5 customers will arrive?

This is:

[tex]P(X > 5) = 1 - P(X \leq 5)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X \leq 5) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5)[/tex]


[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-3.5}*3.5^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.0302[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = \frac{e^{-3.5}*3.5^{1}}{(1)!} = 0.1057[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = \frac{e^{-3.5}*3.5^{2}}{(2)!} = 0.1850[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 3) = \frac{e^{-3.5}*3.5^{3}}{(3)!} = 0.2158[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 4) = \frac{e^{-3.5}*3.5^{4}}{(4)!} = 0.1888[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 5) = \frac{e^{-3.5}*3.5^{5}}{(5)!} = 0.1322[/tex]


[tex]P(X \leq 5) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) = 0.0302 + 0.1057 + 0.1850 + 0.2158 + 0.1888 + 0.1322 = 0.8577[/tex]

[tex]P(X > 5) = 1 - P(X \leq 5) = 1 - 0.8577 = 0.1423[/tex]

0.1423 = 14.23% probability that, in any hour, more than 5 customers will arrive.

What is the common difference between successive terms in the sequence?

0.36, 0.26, 0.16, 0.06, –0.04, –0.14,


The correct answer is: -0.10. Explanation: The common difference between successive terms in a sequence is the number you add to each term to find the next one.

Using f(x)=2x+7 and g(x)=x-3, find f(g(-2))


It’s 2x+1 sorry if it’s wrong

Determine the degree of the polynomial −65b+53x3y



im pretty sure the degree is 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

i need help. i will give brainiest as soon as possible




Step-by-step explanation:

Let me know if you need an explanation.



Step-by-step explanation:


4x^3 cannot cancel with others= 4x^3

4x^2-3x^2= x^2

5x cannot cancel with others= 5x

-3+5= 2


On a coordinate plane, a curved line begins at point (negative 2, negative 3), crosses the y-axis at (0, negative .25), and the x-axis at (1, 0).
What is the domain of the function on the graph?



Option D

Step-by-step explanation:

correct answer on edge :)


D <3

Step-by-step explanation:

To make a committee 4 men are chosen out of 6 candidates. What is the probability that 2 certain people will serve on that committee



The probability that 2 certain people will serve on that committee is 11.11%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since to make a committee 4 men are chosen out of 6 candidates, to determine what is the probability that 2 certain people will serve on that committee the following calculation must be performed:

4/6 = 2/3

1/3 x 1/3 = X

0.333 x 0.333 = X

0.1111 = X

Therefore, the probability that 2 certain people will serve on that committee is 11.11%.



Step-by-step explanation:

6 groups, and 4 certain people





1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6/1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 1 × 2

1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6/1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 1 × 2

5 × 6/ 1 × 2

30/2 = 15

15 possible combinations

4 people, and 2 specific ones





1 × 2 × 3 × 4/1 × 2 × 1 × 2

1 × 2 × 3 × 4/1 × 2 × 1 × 2

12/2 = 6

[tex]\frac{6}{15}=\frac{\frac{6}{3} }{\frac{15}{3} } =\frac{2}{5}[/tex]

Suppose there are three balls in a box. On one of the balls is the number 1, on another is the number 2, and on the third is the number 3. You select two balls at random and without replacement from the box and note the two numbers observed. The sample space S consists of the three equally likely outcomes {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)} (disregarding order). Let X be the sum of the two balls selected. What is the mean of X


Step-by-step explanation:

a) X is a discrete uniform distribution. As the number of outcomes is only 3.

b) sum is at least 4

X ≥ 4--------

i.e  (1,3) or (2,3)

probability of X ≥ 4 is 2/3

2/3= 0.667

66.7 % is the probability of the outcome to have  a sum at least 4.

c) The 3 likely outcome of X

(1,2) where X ; 1+2=3

(1,3) where X ; 1+3=4

(2,3) where X ;  2+3=5

Mean = 3+4+5/ 3

Mean = 4

Feel free to ask any uncleared step

Which graph represents a line with a slope of -2/3 and a y-intercept equal to that of the line y=2/3x - 2


Answer: The image shown in your question as well as the one I provided is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation:

a line with a slope of 2/3 must mean that the "m" is 2/3

y = mx + b

y = 2/3x + b

The question calls for the y-intercept to be equal to that of y=2/3x - 2

using the given equation, we easily figure out -2 is the y-intercept

so the line must go through (0,-2).

Which point is a solution to y equal greater than or less too
4x + 5?​



4x+ 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 4 of 10
If A = (-1,-3) and B = (11,-8), what is the length of AB?
A. 12 units
B. 11 units
C. 14 units
D. 13 units


Step-by-step explanation:

AB = square root of [(xA-xB)^2+(yA-yB)^2]

AB=Squarerootof(-1-11)^2 +(-3-(-8))^2=Squarerootof(-12)^2+(5)^2)

AB=Squarerootof((144)+25)= Squarerootof(169)=13 the answer is 13 units

The choice D is the right one

The mode of 3 numbers is 6 and the
range is 4. Write down a possible set of




mode of 3 numbers is 6

range is 4

possible set of numbers are

{3,4,6,{} }

Help on this math question please



3x² + x + 1

-3x² + x + 1


Step-by-step explanation:

there is nothing complicated to it. you just use the requested pertain on the whole expressions of the functions, and the result is then the new function.


r(x) = 3x²

s(x) = x + 1

what do you think s + r is ?

it is simply

(s+r)(x) = 3x² + x + 1

done. that is really all there is to this.

now the next (but consider the sequence due to the sign)

(s-r)(x) = x + 1 - 3x² = -3x² + x + 1

and the third

(s×r)(x) = 3x²(x+1) = 3x³ + 3x²

so, for x=-3

(s×r)(-3) = 3×(-3)³ + 3×(-3)²

remember, an even power of a negative number gives a positive result, an uneven power of a negative number gives a negative result.

(s×r)(x) = 3×-27 + 3×9 = -81 + 27 = -54

Tara created a 1 inch cube out of paper.
1 in
If she doubles the volume of her cube, which statement could be true?
A Tara added two inches to the height, length and width of the cube.
B Tara added two inches to the height of the cube.
C Tara doubled the measurements of the cube's height, length and width.
D Tara doubled the measurement of the cube's height.



answer D

Step-by-step explanation:

V=L*W*H=1 ==> L=1,W=1,H=1


L-> L+2=1+2=3

W -> W+2 = 1+2=3

H -> H+2=1+2=3

V=3*3*3=27 not the doubled of the volume's cube

A is false


H -> H+2=1+2=3

V=1*1*3=3 not the doubled of the volume's cube

B is false


H -> 2*H=2*1=2

L -> 2*L=2*1=2

W -> 2*W = 2*1=2

V=2*2*2=8 not the doubled of the volume's cube

C is false


H-> H*2=1*2=2



V=1*1*2=2 is the doubled of the volume's cube

D is true

A random sample of medical files is used to estimate the proportion p of all people who have blood type B. (a) If you have no pre-liminary estimate for p, how many medical files should you include in a random sample in order to be 90% sure that the point estimate will be within a distance of 0.03 from p?(b) Answer part (a) if you use the pre-liminary estimate that about 13 out of 90 people have blood type B.



a) 752 medical files should be included.

b) 372 medical files should be included.

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

The margin of error is of:

[tex]M = z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].

Question a:

This is n for which M = 0.03. We have no estimate, so we use [tex]\pi = 0.5[/tex]. So

[tex]M = z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03 = 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.5*0.5}{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03\sqrt{n} = 1.645*0.5[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{1.645*0.5}{0.03}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{1.645*0.5}{0.03})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 751.67[/tex]

Rounding up:

752 medical files should be included.

Question b:

Now we have that:

[tex]\pi = \frac{13}{90} = 0.1444[/tex]


[tex]M = z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03 = 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.1444*0.8556}{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03\sqrt{n} = 1.645\sqrt{0.1444*0.8556}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{1.645\sqrt{0.1444*0.8556}}{0.03}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{1.645\sqrt{0.1444*0.8556}}{0.03})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 371.5[/tex]

Rounding up:

372 medical files should be included.

Which of these is an example of a continuous random variable?
A. Number of flights leaving an airport
B. Pieces of mail in your mailbox
C. Attendance at a sporting event
D. Time to run a race



continues means that can be written in decimal like weight,height, distance(5.44km)

I think its D. is time decimal? Gods plan.

if the two linear functions are represented two different forms the _____ is used to compare the steepness of the two functions>




Step-by-step explanation:


The above statement


What compares the steep of linear functions

Literally, steepness means slope.

So, when the slope of the two linear functions are calculated, we can make comparison between the calculated slopes to determine which of the functions is steeper or less steep.


Higher slope means steeper line


4 is steeper than 1

In June, an investor purchased 300 shares of Oracle (an information technology company) stock at $53 per share. In August, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $42 per share. In November, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $45. What is the weighted mean price per share? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


Answer: The mean price per share is $22.91

The required weighted mean price per share is $46.09.

Given that,
In June, an investor purchased 300 shares of Oracle (an information technology company) stock at $53 per share. In August, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $42 per share. In November, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $45.
To determine the weighted mean price per share.

What is average?

The average of the values is the ratio of the total sum of values to the number of values.

What is mean?

The mean of the values is the ratio of the total sum of values to the number of values.

Required  weight mean = 300 * 53 + 400*42 + 400 * 42 / [300 + 400 + 400]
Required  weight mean = 50700/ [1100]
Required  weight mean = $46.09 per share.

Thus, the required weighted mean price per share is $46.09.

Learn more about mean here:


18. Which of the following is true for a circle that has a circumference of approximately 75 feet?
O The diameter is approximately 12 feet.
O The radius is approximately 12 feet.
O The radius is approximately 12 square feet.
O The diameter is approximately 12 square feet.



A) The diameter is approximately 12 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

C= piD

sq ft would be wrong bc this is not talking ab area

Which of the following displays cannot be used to compare data from two different sets?



Scatter plot charts are good for relationships and distributions, but pie charts should be used only for simple compositions — never for comparisons or distributions.

Which expression is equivalent to 3(x - y) + y? 3x - 4y 3x - 3y 3x - 2y 3(x - 2y)


9514 1404 393


  (c)  3x - 2y

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the distributive property to eliminate parentheses, then collect terms.

  3(x -y) +y = 3x -3y +y = 3x +(-3+1)y = 3x -2y

Now we have to find,

The expression which is equivalent to,

→ 3(x - y) + y

Let's get the solution,

→ 3(x - y) + y

→ 3x - 3y + y

→ 3x - 2y

Hence, required expression is 3x - 2y.

What number can go in the box to make the number sentence true?
6 + 0 = 10


I believe it would be 4 lil man

Fraces bonitas para decirle a tu nv?

minimo 6



it's. is now the MA plz I miss you

si pudiera escoger entre vivir eternamente y vivir dos veces

yo escogeria vivir dos veces porque vivir una vida eterna sin ti a mi lado seria el mayor sufrimiento, ahora vivir dos veces me dejaria tranquilo porque despues del final de mi vida podria volver a encontrarme contigo y vivir todos los momentos bellos una vez mas y eso seria un sueño volviendose realidad

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