John and Pablo caught fish that have the lengths, in centimeters, listed below. 45, 44, 47, 49, 45, 47, 42, 39, 45, 42, 44 Which box-and-whisker plot correctly represents the data?


Answer 1

The options for the box and whisker plots aren't given ; however using technology, a box and whisker plot could be generated from the data.


Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

45, 44, 47, 49, 45, 47, 42, 39, 45, 42, 44

Using technology, the box and whisker plot generated for the data is attached below.

The 5 - number summary is also given below :

Minimum: 39

Median: 45

First quartile: 42

Third quartile: 47

Interquartile Range: 5

Maximum: 49

Outliers: none

Answer 2


Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Dan invests £18790 into his bank account. He receives 5.9% per year simple interest. How
much will Dan have after 2 years? Give your answer to the nearest penny where appropriate.


Answer: £21007.22

Step-by-step explanation:

First, find the interest amount using the formula SI = (P × R × T) / 100.

SI = interest amount P = principle amount = £18790R = interest rate(in percentage) = 5.9T = time(in years) = 2

SI = (P × R × T) / 100 = (18790 × 5.9 × 2)/100 = 221722/100 = £2217.22

The total amount = principle amount + interest amount

= £18790 + £2217.22 = £21007.22

Zoe and Hanna share tips in the ratio 3:7
Last week Zoe received £24
How much did Hanna receive last week?




Step-by-step explanation:

Zoe : hanna

3         7

Zoe got 24

3*8 = 24

so multiply each side by 8

Zoe : hanna

3*8         7*8

24           56

Hanna got 56

[tex]\text{Solve for 'x':}\\\\3(x+1)=12+4(x-1)[/tex]


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]x = -5[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Solving for 'x'...}}\\\\3(x+1)=12+4(x-1)\\----------\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 12 + 4x - 4\\\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 12 -4+4x\\\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 8 + 4x\\\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 4x + 8\\\\\rightarrow3x + 3 -3 = 4x + 8 - 3\\\\\rightarrow 3x = 4x + 5\\\\\rightarrow 3x - 4x = 4x - 4x + 5\\\\\rightarrow -x = 5\\\\\rightarrow \frac{-x=5}{-1}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{x = -5}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  



Step-by-step explanation:











Explain the relationship of the meaning of the word isometric to the properties of an isometric or rigid transformation


Step-by-step explanation:

The iso parts of isometric means same, and It is similar becuase rigid trtransformation and the metric parts means measure. Basically isometric means same measure. Rigid transformation preserve "same measures" like angles and side lengths.

in how many ways can 10 people be divided into three groups of 2, 3, and 5 people respectively



2520 ways

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]n = 10[/tex]

[tex]r = (2,3,5)[/tex]


The number of selection

First, select 2 people from 10 in 10C2 ways.

There are 8 people, left.

Next, select 3 people from 8 in 8C3 ways.

There are 5 people left.

Lastly, select 5 from 5 in 5C5 ways

So, we have:

[tex]Total = ^{10}C_2 * ^8C_3 * ^5C_5[/tex]

Using combination formula

[tex]Total = 45 * 56 * 1[/tex]

[tex]Total = 2520[/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:

5.1, please this is just a guess from using my head to calculate

The width of a rectangle is twice as long as the length. if the length is increased by 50% and the width is decreased by 20%, the perimeter becomes 248. find the width and length of the original rectangle.



Step-by-step explanation:

The percents here make this more tricky than it originally seems to be. We'll make a table and see where it takes us:

                          original                 new



And we'll fill it in according to our rules given. Starting with the original, we are told that the width is twice as long as the length. We don't know the length, so we'll call that L, and if the width is twice that, the width is 2L:

                           original                  new

length                       L

width                       2L

Now here's the tricky part. What I'm going to do is fill in the "new" column with the expressions and then we'll simplify them in the next step.

The length is increased by 50%. So we have 100% of the original length and we are adding another 50% to that:

                            original                        new

length                      L                       100%L + 50%L

width                       2L

The width is decreased by 20%, so we have 100% of 2L and we are subtracting 20% of 2L from that:

                             original                       new

length                        L                     100%L + 50%L

width                        2L                  100%(2L) - 20%(2L)

And now we'll simplify that "new" column:

                              original                         new

length                        L                         150%L = 1.5L

width                         2L               80%(2L) = 160%L = 1.6L

Now we're ready for the perimeter part. The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2L + 2w, so filling in from our "new" column, since 248 is the perimeter given for AFTER the rectangle's length and width are manipulated:

248 = 2(1.5L) + 2(1.6L) and

248 = 3L + 3.2L and

248 = 6.2L so

L = 40 and that means that w = 80 (because in the "original" column, the width is twice the length)

The height of a baseball in feet can be found by the equation -4.982 – 20t + 1000. How far has the
baseball traveled at t = 6?




Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this, we must plug in 6 for our t value. So, we have the equation:

-4.982 - 20(6) + 1000

Following the rules of PEMDAS, we have:

-4.982 - 120 + 1000 = 875.018

Find the value of both variables.


[tex] \cos(45) = \frac{5 \sqrt{2} }{x} \\ \frac{1}{ \sqrt{2} } = \frac{5 \sqrt{2} }{x} \\ x = 10 \\ \\ \tan(45) = \frac{y}{5 \sqrt{2} } \\ 1 = \frac{y}{5 \sqrt{2} } \\ y = 5 \sqrt{2} [/tex]

I hope I helped you ^_^

help me please to solve this 2 questions pleasee faster.. i will mark you as brainliest​



1. x=72, y=, 108

2.x=30, y=72

Step-by-step explanation:

Brainliest please~

Express 3.023 in P form where p and q are integers and q= 0 D​



The number is 3.023.

To find:

The given number in the form of [tex]\dfrac{p}{q}[/tex], where [tex]q\neq 0[/tex].


The given number is 3.023. It can be written as:

[tex]3.023=3.023\times \dfrac{1000}{1000}[/tex]


It cannot be simplified further because 3023 and 1000  have no common factors.

Therefore, the given number 3.023 can be written as [tex]\dfrac{3023}{1000}[/tex].

1/x^-2 x=7 yeet yeet




Step-by-step explanation:

x = 7

1 / x^-2

= x^2

= 7^2

= 49

Answer: 49

Step-by-step explanation: yeet

What is the simplified form of the complex fraction? 2x2+7x+6x2+x−64x2−9x2−5x+6



3x - 124

Step-by-step explanation:

kindly find solutions in the picture above

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The simplified form of the complex expression 2x² + 7x + 6x² + x - 64x² - 9x² - 5x + 6 is

-65x² + 2x + 6

What is an expression?

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: 2 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an expression.

We have,

2x² + 7x + 6x² + x - 64x² - 9x² - 5x + 6

Combine all like terms.

(2x² + 6x² - 64x² - 9x²) + (7x - 5x) + 6

(8x² - 73x²) + 2x + 6

-65x² + 2x + 6

There are no common factors or like-terms to simplify.


The simplified form is -65x² + 2x + 6


The simplified form of the complex expression 2x² + 7x + 6x² + x - 64x² - 9x² - 5x + 6 is

-65x² + 2x + 6

Learn more about expressions here:


A machine with velocity ratio of 5 is used to raise a load with an effort of 500N . If the machine is 80% efficient , determine the magnitude of the load.​



Solutions given:

Velocity ratio V.R =5

effort =500N

efficiency =80%

magnitude of load=?

mechanical advantage [M.A ]

we have

efficiency =M.A/V.R*100%





we have

M.A =load/effort




the magnitude of the load is 2000N.

aint the answer for this 10 just let me if im wrong​




Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

=-251x3+281 +251x3-1+281


1. 80 = -10b
2. 6 = 2n
3. -16r = 32




1. - 8

2. 3

3. - 2

Step-by-step explanation:


80 = - 10b

- 10b = 80

b = 80 / - 10

b = - 8


6 = 2n

2n = 6

n = 6 / 2

n = 3


- 16r = 32

r = 32 / - 16

r = - 2


1. b = - 8
2. n = 3
3. r = -16

Step-by-step explanation:

we’re trying to solve for each variable

1. 80 = -10b

Divide both sides by -10

80/-10 = -10b/-10

-8 = b

2. 6 = 2n

Divide both sides by 2

6/2 = 2/2n

3 = n

3. -16r = 32

Divide -16 by both sides

-16r/-16 = 32/-16

r = -16

Second time posting this. Please help!! :)



Step-by-step explanation:


The numerator of the rational expression the money he earned for 'x' hours

The rate at which William is paid for each hour in excess of 40 hours 24.

x = 50 hours = (40 + 10 ) hours

The amount paid for excess 10 hours = 24 *10 = 240

Total amount earned for the week = 480 + 240 = 720

A diver begins at 140 feet below sea level. She descends at a steady rate of 7 feet per minute for 4.5 minutes. Then, she ascends 112.2 feet. What is her current depth?
Negative 549.3 feet
Negative 59.3 feet
59.3 feet
549.3 feet



Step-by-step explanation:

starting point: 140 feet below sea level.=-140

she then decends= 7(4.5)=31.5


finally she ascends 112.2 feet

-171.5+112.2=-59.3 feet or 59.3 feet below sea level


It's B

Step-by-step explanation:

In a jail cell, there are 5 Democrats and 6 Republicans. Four of these people will be
chosen for early release. How many 4-person groups are possible?


two because there is 11 people in total and you have two 4 person groups so that would leave 3 people left and you cant make a 4 person group w 3 people

Combination is a way of arranging the required items from a collection of items where the order of selection is not relevant.

If in a jail cell, there are 5 Democrats and 6 Republicans, the possible ways to form a group of 4 is 330.

The number of possible groups is 330.

What is combination?

Combination is a way of arranging the required items from a collection of items where the order of selection is not relevant.

It is given as:

[tex]^nC_r = \frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}[/tex]

We have,

The total number of people:

5 Democrats and 6 Republicans = 5 + 6 = 11.

The number of persons in a group = 4.

The number of groups possible are:

= [tex]^{11}C_4[/tex]

= 11! / 4! ( 11-4)!

= 11! / 4! 7!

= 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 / 4 x 3 x 2

= 330


The number of possible groups is 330.

Learn more about combination here:


Question 6 of 25
In APQR, m P= 60°, m_ Q = 30°, and m2 R = 90°. Which of the following
statements about APQR are true?
Check all that apply.



A, E, F

Step-by-step explanation:

From the angles given, we can infer that ΔPQR is a 30-60-90 special triangle. In a 30-60-90 triangle, the leg opposite the 30 degree angle is 1/2 the hypotenuse and the leg opposite the 60 degree angle is √3 times the one opposite the 30. Using this, we can say:

PR = 1/2 PQ which is just 2 PR = PQ(E)

PR √3 = QR (A)

We can substitute in PR from the first equation to the second to get:

√3/2 PQ = QR(F)

1 point (1) Three times a number minus two times a number* Your answer



Three times a number minus two times a number



The product of two algebraic expression is 4x²-9.If one of the expression is (2x+3),find the other expression​



Solution given:

we have formula





using formula


other expression is 2x-3.


( 2x - 3 )

Step-by-step explanation:

4x² - 9 is a perfect square meaning it can be factored into 2 expressions,

( 2x + 3 ) ( 2x - 3 )

Give the order of symmetry from the fig 3


the order of symmetry is three as there are three of each repeated shape

how many metres are there in ½ of ⅕ km​


Step-by-step explanation:


1/2 of 200


Solve the equation sine Ф=0.6792 for 0°≤Ф≤360



42.78⁹, 137.22⁹.

Step-by-step explanation:

sine Ф=0.6792

Angle Ф in the first quadrant = 42.78 degrees.

The sine is also positive in the second quadrant so the second solutio is

180 - 42.78

= 137.33 degres.


picture included^^^^

need help asap please n thank you!





Step-by-step explanation:

The a value is from the center to the maximum

We want from minimum to max so we need 2 times the amplitude

a = 7

2 *7 = 14

(8) The average daily temperatures in July of some cities in Texas are shown in the table. Which
of the following fiets the cities from greatest temperature to least temperatura
Average Daily
San Antonio
85 F
Fort Worth
a. Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin
b. Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth
c. Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Dallas
d. Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Austin




Step-by-step explanation:

85.9 > 85.31 > 85 > 84.52

Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin

This Venn diagram shows the pizza topping preferences for 9 students.
What elements are in A and B?
(Look at picture)



I think the answer is C.

On a Job application Doris gave her age as 32 years. Her actual age at the time was about 27. What is the relative error fo her age?



Relative error = 0.19

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Measured age = 32 years

Actual age = 27 years

Relative error =?

Next, we shall determine the absolute error. This can be obtained as follow:

Measured age = 32 years

Actual age = 27 years

Absolute error =?

Absolute error = | Measured – Actual |

Absolute error = | 32 – 27 |

Absolute error = 5 years

Finally, we shall determine the relative error. This can be obtained as follow:

Absolute error = 5 years

Actual age = 27 years

Relative error =?

Relative error = Absolute error / Actual years

Relative error = 5 / 27

Relative error = 0.19

Other Questions
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