Jot down some points how you inspire a bad friend to be a good friend


Answer 1

A few Points on how to inspire a bad friend to be a good friend is listed below:

Be kind to themLive a good example for them to emulateSpeak to them courteously and advice them regularlyEncourage them and motivate the to become better

Meaning of a Friend and Inspiring a friend

A friend can be defined as an individual that shares similar goals and interest with you. A friend can also be an individual that is not related to you by blood but you are fond of him or her

Inspiring a friend refers to influencing a friend to act, reason, respond and see things as you do

In conclusion, A few Points on how to inspire a bad friend to be a good friend is listed above

Learn more about A friend :


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why is the failure more honorable than to win cheating ? justify​


Answer: When you fail, you learn how to do it better than when you cheat to pass


When you fail, you learn how to do it better than when you cheat to pass. Failure doesn't means it's the worst or the end, it just means there is a better way to do it than the method which is already applied, but when you cheat you won't be able to learn or defend what you were caught doing. There is no honour in cheating but there is a failing, especially when you don't give up but see it as an avenue to improve better in what you failed at.

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Which of the following is the same for both Senators and Representatives?
1. The number of years they serve per term.
2. The number of times they can be re-elected.
3. The minimum age at the time of their election.
4. The length of time they have been US citizens.





1: not 1. Senators 6, Reps 2

2: As far as I know, both can serve as many times as they are elected by a popular vote.

3. Not the same. Reps are 25 Senate is 30

4. Not the same. I think Reps are 7 senators are 9


2. The number of times they can be re-elected.


There are two houses within the U.S. Congress. The founding fathers wanted to make the two houses different enough so that all citizens would be represented equally. Senators and Representatives have other numbers of years that they serve (Senators 6 years, Representatives 2 years), several elected officials in their house (Senators 100 members, Representatives 435 members), and the groups of people they are accountable to (Senate is responsible to citizens of their home state, Representatives accountable to citizens in their Congressional districts). They also have a different minimum age at the time of their election. (Representatives must be at least 25 years old, while Senators must be at least 30 years old at the time of their election.) The length of citizenship is also different for a Senator and a Representative. (A Senator has to be a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, while a Representative only has to be a citizen for seven years.) One similar detail between the Senate and the house is that officials can be re-elected unlimited times.

what is corruption ? why is it a social crime? Elucidate​



Explanation : corruption is regarded as social crime as it is lawbreaking by a salaried employee or senior.... The public post holders involve in corruption individually and

Institutionally also. Corruption also creates social conflict, inequality and problems.


Corruption is regarded as social crime as it is lawbreaking by a salaried employee or senior . ... The public post holders involve in corruption individually and institutionally also. Corruption also creates social conflict, inequality and problems.02-Jul-2020

Fiona has very vivid memories of a car accident she witnessed 3 years ago. If she closes her eyes and thinks about it, she feels like she can recall every detail, right down to the bumper sticker on one of the cars. Psychologists refer to vivid memories of this type as:



Flashbulb memory

What is weapon plzz help​



A weapon is a harmful device


A tool used to generally kill people and animals.


make a list of the areas of work of gehendra shumsher



Gehendra Shumsher (Nepali: गेहेन्द्र शमशेर, 1871–1906) was a Nepali innovator, firearm designer, and general in the then Nepali Army. He was the eldest son of Bir Shumsher, the third prime minister of the Rana dynasty. He is generally regarded as the first scientist of Nepal.


Gehendra was born in Poush, 1928 BS (1871 CE).[a] He was born in the Nepal where his father was sent to serve as the Nepali representative to India. Born in a noble Rana family, he had the rare privilege to study. Apart from being privately tutored within the palace in English, he later also attended Durbar High School – the oldest modern school of Nepal. With the enrollment in Durbar High School, his interests were kindled, now that he was trying his hand at sports and music as well. However, past Durbar High School, not much is known about his academic part of life. While some references suggest he was sent to Japan along with 5 others to pursue engineering studies, his precise academic qualification remains unknown.

As a kid, Gehendra was intimately drawn to mechanics and ammunition. After the murder of Ranodip Singh Kunwar in 1942 BS, his father, Bir Shumsher, became the nation's prime minister, and opportunities popped up for him. At a tender age of 14 years, he was appointed to take care of the ammunition department in the Royal Nepal Army. This early exposure gutted in him a lifelong fascination for arms, ammunition, and the like.

when did Industrial society begin?​



Industrial societies are a product of the industrial revolution, which began in the mid-18th century with the harnessing of natural elements such as water .

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By choosing their own thoughts, opinions and religion.


Jose enjoys biking every single day after he gets home from school. However, he lives in Florida and the summer season is approaching, which means rain almost every day at about 3 p.m., exactly when he would begin his bike rides. To modify his activity to avoid bad weather, he can


Answer: Bike at the gym on a stationary bike until the season passes


Exercising at gyms could fit in for some normal outdoor exercises. One of those that can be done either ways is cycling. Asides the sight exposure, cyclist tend to gain the same energy when they equally race at gym's. Due to the weather condition Jose can consider this option too as racing under the rain is convenient and could lead to ill health or accident.

Kira's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this, out of the four parenting styles we discussed





Parenting Styles

This is also a form of genetics influence. It is said that parent's behaviors and attitudes is directly linked to parent and child interactions. Parenting style tend to remain stable across situations and it is said to be biologically in all situations because interactions remain stable.

4 Types of Parenting Styles

1. Authoritarian Parenting

2. Authoritative Parenting

3. Permissive Parenting

4. Uninvolved Parenting

Characteristics of Permissive Parenting

1. Parents here are often high in warmth but low on control

2. There is no form of punishment and this makes the child to do as they pleases.

3. Parents here do accept their child's behavior and punishment is irregular.

4. Children under this parenting style are very impulsive and usually act out more etc.

This parenting style simply covers when parents do not give much discipline. They can step in sometimes, in a serious problem. They are said to be more of a friend role than a parent role. It usually increases confidence and creativity. Example is when a child gets an F as good .and the parents rather pay for better grades than punishing their child for it.

who are called Guthiyaar and thakali​



here u go


Each member of the guthi is known as a guthiyar and have responsibilities according to the current leadership formation within the group. Thakali people are an ethnolinguistic group originating from the Thak Khola region of Mustang District in the Dhaulagiri zone of Nepal

Hope this helps u

difference between literate and illiterate​



Literate people can read and write, while illiterate people can't

pleas help me im on the struggle bus





because is the shortest amount of time.

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a.Timely renovation should be made according to the situation.

b.Proper supervision of the work should be done using experts and concerned authorities.

c.Government must be serious in this matter and corruption in work should be avoided.

Keep smiling and have a nice day :)

An especially comforting nineteenth-century origin story speculated that Indian mounds were actually built by


An origin story speculates that the Indian mounds were built by an ancient civilization called Adena.

The Adena people are considered an ancient native society. They are classified as Mound Builders. They are believed to have lived in the Ohio River Valley 400 years ago b.c.

Although this is a very old civilization, much research has been done on the Adenas. It is currently known that:

They were hunters and gatherers.They had several villages spread across the Ohio River Valley.They build mounds for religious celebrations, but they also build mounds for protection and for funerary purposes.

You can find more information about this in the ink below:

What process must happen for clouds to form?



Evaporation and condensation must happen to form clouds.

When the invisible water vapour in the air condenses into visible water droplets or ice crystals, clouds form. To achieve this, the parcel of air must be saturated, or incapable of holding all of the water it contains in vapor form, causing it to condense into a liquid or solid form.

What are clouds?

A cloud is an aerosol composed of a visible mass of miniature liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles suspended in a planetary body's or similar space's atmosphere. The droplets and crystals could be made of water or other chemicals.

Clouds form on Earth as a result of air saturation when it is cooled to its dew point or when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor) from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

Therefore, evaporation and condensation are two important process to happen for clouds to form.

To learn more about clouds, click here:


Write the names of any four newly established universities of Nepal and mention the role they can play for transforming society.​



yeah! refer attached picture! :)

have a great day!

Please help me I neeeed this



A city-state, or polis, was the community structure of ancient Greece. Each city-state was organized with an urban center and the surrounding countryside. Characteristics of the city in a polis were outer walls for protection, as well as a public space that included temples and government buildings. The temples and government buildings were often built on the top of a hill, or acropolis. A surviving example of a structure central to an ancient acropolis is the famous Parthenon of Athens. The Parthenon was a temple built to honor the goddess Athena. The majority of a polis’s population lived in the city, as it was the center of trade, commerce, culture, and political activity.

There grew to be over 1,000 city-states in ancient Greece, but the main poleis were Athína (Athens), Spárti (Sparta), Kórinthos (Corinth), Thíva (Thebes), Siracusa (Syracuse), Égina (Aegina), Ródos (Rhodes), Árgos, Erétria, and Elis. Each city-state ruled itself. They differed greatly from the each other in governing philosophies and interests. For example, Sparta was ruled by two kings and a council of elders. It emphasized maintaining a strong military, while Athens valued education and art. In Athens every male citizen had the right to vote, so they were ruled by a democracy. Rather than have a strong army, Athens maintained their navy.

Greek city-states likely developed because of the physical geography of the Mediterranean region. The landscape features rocky, mountainous land and many islands. These physical barriers caused population centers to be relatively isolated from each other. The sea was often the easiest way to move from place to place. Another reason city-states formed, rather than a central, all-encompassing monarchy, was that the Greek aristocracy strove to maintain their city-states’ independence and to unseat any potential tyrants.

2. Explaining According to Ashoka, who can win "heavenly
bliss" and how?



According to Ashoka, beliefs that were widely held to be true across India have been proven to be false. Because this is the result of hard work. This is not something that can only be reached by a great man; even a tiny guy who decides to strive himself can win tremendous celestial joy.

calculate the human development index of nepal if it mean schooling years is 4.9 and expected schooling years is 12.4 ( obtain necessary figure PCI life expectancy etc from the internat​



The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone

Mr. Grammatica has made a pointed effort to gauge students' prior knowledge of how to calculate percentages. He has had the repeated experience of students holding onto prior schemes despite their inaccuracy. So on the first day of class he passes around a worksheet to gauge their understanding. Which effective strategy of mathematics instruction is Mr. Grammatica focusing on



Considering students' prior knowledge


instructional strategy

This is often refered to as ways used by teachers to give lectures or delivers lessons for the student's sake so as to be able to meet or achieve the learning objective. Strategies can be very explicit but a teacher can make it less explicit and student centered.

Considering students' prior knowledge

The act of igniting prior knowledge and arousing the interest  of student do bring about an instructional context where students can read with purpose, direction and yearning to learn more.  It is said that a good and effective teachers will use different means to activate students prior knowledge so that during lectures or in class they can  build on what they already know, challenge it, engage in thorough thinking about it, and thereafter refine it.

What is the purpose of government rules and regulations in a mixed economy?

Rules and regulations ensure that manufacturers follow fair and competitive practices.
Rules and regulations force manufacturers to agree on interstate taxation and shipping policies.
Rules and regulations require manufacturers to write guidelines in cooperation with other manufacturers.
Rules and regulations help manufacturers agree on what percentage of the market they will sell to.


Rules and regulations ensure that will allow manufacturers to follow fair and competitive practices are the reason for government rules and regulations in a mixed economy. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a mixed economy?

In a mixed economy, both market influences and government choices figure out which labor and products are created and the way that they are conveyed. By and large, market influences win in mixed economies.

Governments  can look to reallocate abundance by burdening the confidential area and utilizing charge assets to additional social objectives.

Normal instances of government mediation in blended economies incorporate exchange security, sponsorships, designated charge impetuses, monetary upgrade, and public-private organizations.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about mixed economy, here:


What does the transparency international (TI) lead at global level​


Your Answer is in the attachment.

Hope it helps you Please mark me as brainliest.

Menciona 3 ideas para evitar la contaminacion y preservar el medio ambiente



Evitar malgastar el agua como por ejemplo cuando me lavo los dientes apagar la llave mientras lo hago.

Evitar usar o comprar las botellas de agua para no hacer mas grande lq contaminación por el plástico.

Usar energías renovables

Why Was The necessity of getting a constitution fromlated by a popularly elected constitution assembly felt after the second popular movement 2062 / 63 ? list the reasons.​



kullabs:I n the history of Nepal, altogether 6 constitutions were promulgated. They were made by a single authority. All of them did not comprehend the sentiments of the people and their aspirations due to which Mass Movement 2062/63 took place and Loktantra was established. After the establishment of Loktantra in Nepal, the constituent assembly was conducted and thus, a constituent assembly was formed. It was formed to ensure better rights and freedom to the people.


I guess this is the answer but I don't know the reasons

Please help it is urgent .​



it has helped us in the sentences like saya thunga phulka Hami aautai malla Nepali means which ever religion we follow which ever caste we are we all are same we celebrate every festival together with happiness

For what purposes did the Greeks use the hilly land around their city-states?
h. What impact did mountains and seas have on Greek city-states?



mountains & Mediterranean:

encouraged the formation of many local centers of power, rather than one all-powerful capital

aristocracy strove to maintain their city-states' independence and to unseat any potential tyrants.

Greek polis (city-states) rather than kingdoms

raised goats,sheep, olive trees and grape vines


How is a school a reflection of the society?​


In other words education and its institutions such as the school, university, classrooms and curriculums are all social facts. They exist in society and are a reflection of society. Because they are social facts they cannot be the cause for society; rather it is the reverse that is true.

Eun Sun is a young and enthusiastic intern in a law firm and puts a lot of effort into her work. Her boss, however, never appreciates her work; he rather increases her workload every time she submits something for his approval. Though she is quite content with the nature of the work and the pay, Eun Sun is personally discontent with the work culture. On the basis of these factors, which of the following is most likely true of Eun Sun?

-Eun Sun lacks intrinsic motivation.
-Eun Sun lacks perceived organizational support.
-Eun Sun lacks extrinsic motivation.
-Eun Sun lacks both intrinsic and organizational support.



It's option B. Eun Sun lacks perceived organizational support.

The reason I chose this option is that perceived organizational support means that an individual working for the company is receiving good remarks or support for their hard work done. This is exactly what Eun Sun is in need of but unfortunately, her boss, fails to understand this and instead keeps giving her a hard time. Now, only if he were to say things like, "thank you for your hard work," or " you did great", Eun Sun would probably want to work even harder and better. Supportive words and encouragement can take you far.

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