It is to be noted that the missing color code is #68B9F7. This type of coding, (that is the one that uses the # is called Hex Color Code. In order to derive the code, you need to use an RGB to Hex Color Converter.
What is the Hex Color Code system?A hex color code is a 6-character code composed of up to three 2-character parts. Each of the two-symbol components represents a color value ranging from 0 to 255.
The code is generated using a formula that converts each value into a unique two-digit alphanumeric code. In hexadecimal format, the RGB code (224, 105, 16) is #E06910.
Programmers like hex color codes because they are predictable. They are always six digits, regardless of color. RGB values can range between three and nine numbers. In web design, you are not needed to utilize hex codes.
Learn more about Hex Color Code: