Justify why the pituitary gland is the master hormone

A. It stimulates the production of other glands hormones

B. Its located at the brain

C. It is the strongest gland

D. It is the most intelligent gland


Answer 1


The correct answer is - A.  It stimulates the production of other gland's hormones.


The pituitary gland is also known as the "master" gland of the endocrine system. It stimulates or regulates other glands and the secretion of hormones of many of the other endocrine glands.

Its ability to control the function of the other glands and hormones gives it its name of master gland. The size of this gland is like a pea and found at the base of the brain.

Related Questions

2. Complete the chart below. The first one is done for you.
Liesita factor Explanation of limiting factor Example
A river, mountain or other landform The animals and plants on an island can't
that blocks an organism from moving migrate to other seas.
to another suitable place.



Physical barriers stops migration of animals.


Physical barriers are the substances that prevent the migration of movement of organism from one region to another. River, mountain or other landform are the examples of physical barrier that prevents movement. The animals and plants that are separated from the external environment breeds within the existing population and adopt itself towards the change that occurs in the environment.

Scott made a model of the water cycle by filling a tub with water, covering the tub with clear plastic, and placing a heat lamp over the tub. After a few days, he observed water droplets collecting on the plastic wrap. What process formed the water droplets in Scott's model?



The correct answer is - condensation.


When humid air comes in contact with the cold surface and we get the water in form of droplets, it is called condensation. In other words, condensation is the change of water vapor to the water exactly opposite of the evaporation process.

In the given experiment of Scott where droplets are collected on the plastic surface which simply illustrates the phenomenon of condensation as the water evaporated due to the heat of the lamp and condensed on the surface of plastic wrap.





A colorblind woman (it is the recessive trait) marries a man with normal
vision. What are the odds that their children are color-blind? The gene is
located on the x chromosome.

A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 100%


If it’s a boy they will have a 50% chance of being colourblind. If it’s a girl- the same thing (the chance of being colourblind is 50%) but they will carry the genes 100%

During the light reactions of photosynthesis, plants convert light energy into energy the plant can use. Where is the energy stored



Photosynthesis is a process where plants and other organisms convert energy from the sun into a chemical energy that through cellular respiration can be later released in order to fuel the organism's metabolic activities.

The energy which is stored in the form of sugar is broken down into starch entering the mitochondria to produce energy. The energy is stored in the chemical bonds. To obtain the energy, organisms take energy-rich compounds such as glucose and breaks them down to release their energy. The organism traps the released energy and stores it in a form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP.



Which feature is an example of psychological adaptation?


B) Octopuses ability to squirt ink

If it does not get digested once when in small intestines what organ might not be working well?



Small intestine

When the stimulus voltage is increased, _______. When the stimulus voltage is increased, _______. sodium permeability into the cell decreases sodium permeability into the cell increases to overcome the potassium exiting a greater-than-threshold depolarization results a greater-than-threshold depolarization results and sodium permeability into the cell increases to overcome the potassium exiting.



a greater-than-threshold depolarization results and sodium permeability into the cell increases to overcome the potassium exiting.


The occurrence of action potential requires the existence of active voltage-dependent channels to open and close in response to the membrane depolarization.  

When depolarization reaches and supers the threshold point, voltage-dependent Na+ channels open and the ion gets into the cell. The entrance of Na+ decreases the electric charge difference between the cellular interior and exterior. Membrane depolarizes and produces the action potential that tends to reach a potential equilibrium for Na+ = +60mV. The higher the Na+ input is, the greater is the depolarization and the greater is the Na+ permeability.

Once Na+ channels are closed, voltage-dependent K+ channels open, increasing the membrane permeability to the ion, letting K+ get out of the cell, following the electrochemical gradient.  

The closure of Na+ channels and opening of K+ channels are responsible for membrane repolarization.

Reactions occur within the sun to change nuclear energy into electromagnetic energy. This is just one example of…



Un ejemplo de reacciones de fusión son las que tienen lugar en el sol, en las que se produce la fusión de núcleos de hidrógeno para formar helio, liberando en el proceso una gran cantidad de energía en forma de radiación electromagnética, que alcanza la superficie terrestre y que percibimos como luz y calor.


primero:atiende a las clases de tu profesor

segundo:no seas vago

nada mas

Why do you think that Darwin's principle of natural selection was important and how did it relate to future ideas of biological evolution.



everything can be found in the picture

Through this process of natural selection, favorable traits are transmitted through generations.

Natural selection can lead to speciation, where one species gives rise to a new and distinctly different species. It is one of the processes that drives evolution and helps to explain the diversity of life on Earth.

What is speciation?Speciation, the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution. The species evolve by genetic modification.

To know more about evolution here



An object is placed at 0 on a number line. It moves 3 units to the right, then 4 units to the left, and then 6 units to the right. What is the displacement of the object?





Distance is how far something goes and Displacement is how far it is from 0 or from the starting point. Additionally, displacement is a vector so it has a direction, in this case, left or right. To make this shorter let's just find displacement. So you're at 0 and you go 3 units to the right and so you're at positive 3 on the line. Next, you move 4 units to the left so now you're at -1. Finally, you move 6 units to the right and now you're at postive 5. Now you're +5 units away from 0 and so +5 is your displacement (5 units to the right is also correct)

Answer: +5 units or 5 units to the right (as long as it has a sign or a direction it's correct)

+5 units or 5 units to the right

A certain stem cell produces only muscle cells. What kind of stem cell is this?
A. Pluripotent
B. Unipotent
C. Totipotent
D. Multipotent


the answer is (B. Unipotent)


B) unipotent


Unipotent stem cells come from multipotent stem cells which can only become a few different cell types. Unipotent stem cells can be programmed to be only a specific cell type. They will only follow that one genetic path, thus the name "uni".

Need a bit of helpppppppppppppppppppppp thank you



If the concentration of molecules outside the cell is very high relative to the internal cell concentration, the rate of diffusion will also be high. If the internal and external concentrations are similar (low concentration gradient) the rate of diffusion will be low.

Question 3

The difference between pectin an amylopectin is that

1. Pectin has more branching

2. Amylopectin has a - 1,4 glycosidic bonds and pectins have a - 1,6 glycosidic bonds

3. Amylopectin has more branching

4. Amylopectin has a - 1,4 glycosidic bonds and pectins have ß - 1,4 glycosidic bonds


The answer is number

The difference between pectin and amylopectin is that amylopectin has more branching than pectin.

What is pectin?"Pectin consists of a complex set of polysaccharides." This has a linear chains of α-(1–4)-linked D-galacturonic acid.This are mainly found in plants.This helps in binding cells together.What is amylopectin?"Amylopectin is a highly branched macromolecule composed mostly of α-(1→4)-d-glucopyranose units, with α-(1→6)-linkages at intervals of approximately 20 units."These are water insoluble.

Hence, the correct option is 3. Amylopectin has more branching.

To know more about amylopectin here



can someone please help



its the second one


your welcome :)

Ecological succession

a) The first organisms that appear in an area after it has been disturbed
b) The variety of life in an ecosystem
c) A biodiverse community of organisms in an ecosystem many years after a
d) Gradual changes in the types of species that live in an area

hurry pls


The first organisms to appear in an area undergoing succession are known as the pioneer species. These organisms lead to a more biodiverse steady-state ecosystem.

Based on the article "Will the real atomic model please stand up?," why did J.J. Thomson experiment with cathode ray tubes?​



To determine that electric beams in cathode ray tubes were actually made of particles


I hope this is correct, if it isn't then feel free to let me know and I will correct it. I'm sorry in advance if it is incorrect.

1. Juan es un estudiante joven que hace poco se mudó a su propio departamento. Realiza actividad física desde siempre pero últimamente nota que se cansa más rápido, tiene poca fuerza y ha perdido algo de peso. No entiende la causa porque sigue comiendo en forma abundante. Visita a su médico, quien le informa que tiene pérdida de masa muscular y le pregunta si está alimentándose correctamente. ¿Por qué le hace esta pregunta? ¿Qué tiene que ver la comida con el músculo?



Es posible que Juan sospeche que no está alimentándose correctamente (comer en grandes cantidades no significa estar bien alimentado)


Las proteínas representan un macronutriente esencial que debe ser consumido a través de la dieta para crecer en masa muscular y también para mantener la masa de los músculos. Las proteínas están compuestas por muchos tipos diferentes de aminoácidos (los bloques de construcción de las proteínas), pero solamente 20 aminoácidos conforman las proteínas que se encuentran en el cuerpo humano. Los aminoácidos esenciales son aquellos que el cuerpo no puede sintetizar por sí solo. Estos aminoácidos esenciales son: histidina, fenilalanina, treonina, lisina, metionina, triptófano, valina, isoleucina y leucina. El consumo diario recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) de proteínas en un hombre adulto es 0,8 a 1 gramo por kilogramo de peso corporal. Además, es posible que el cansancio que experimenta Juan se deba a alguna deficiencia en micronutrientes esenciales, es decir, debido a la falta de vitaminas y minerales, los cuales también deben ser consumidos a través de la dieta. Por ejemplo, la fatiga puede deberse a la falta de hierro, un mineral fundamental cuya deficiencia lleva a cuadros severos de anemia. Similarmente, la deficiencia en vitamina D puede también causar agotamiento o fatiga crónica, entre otros síntomas (por ej., abruptos cambios en el estado de ánimo, debilidad ósea en los huesos, daño en el estómago, etc). Por otra parte, es importante remarcar que no se debe descartar la posibilidad de que el cansancio experimentado por Juan se deba a un cuadro de estrés y/o algún otro tipo de problema de salud, siendo por lo tanto necesario una descripción más detallada del cuadro clínico para obtener una conclusión más precisa de su situación.

In an example food chain, rabbits only eat plants.
Which type of consumer are the rabbits?


plants and algae. These organisms are called primary consumers or herbivores. Some examples are rabbits, deer, tadpoles, and caterpillars. organisms are called secondary consumers.




A rabbit is very close to the bottom and they are ‘consumers’. They are herbivores, meaning that they mainly eat plant matter. They are also prey animals so larger animals capture and eat them.

Explain how the
leguminious plants assist
the growth of the



The leguminous plant is applied as cover crop with rubber tree. They help in increasing the organic content in soil which aids the rubber plant to grow at the same time it prevents the soil erosion.

Human body cells are constantly moving water into and out of themselves. Under what conditions can a human body cell achieve homeostasis?


Maintenance of homeostasis usually involves negative feedback loops. These loops act to oppose the stimulus, or cue, that triggers them.

Homeostasis is the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions. The body has several mechanisms to help maintain overall fluid balance, such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) system.

What is homeostasis?

Human body cells are constantly moving water into and out of themselves, and they rely on a complex system of transport proteins and channels to regulate the movement of water and other molecules. Under normal conditions, human body cells can achieve homeostasis by maintaining a balance between the concentration of solutes inside and outside the cell. This balance is maintained through a process known as osmoregulation, which involves the movement of water and solutes across the cell membrane.

Hence, homeostasis is the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions. The body has several mechanisms to help maintain overall fluid balance, such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) system.

Learn more about homeostasis here.



Based on the graph, which of these conclusions is correct? (2 points)
Heat is not added in portions BC and DE.

Heat is not added in portions AB and CD.

Change of state takes place in portions BC and DE.

Change of state takes place in portions AB and CD.



The answer is "Option c".


Throughout the given question, Option c is acceptable which is based on the graph. The status of parts BC and DE are significantly changed because the temperature in the parts BC (0 degrees Celcius) & DE (100 degrees Celcius) is relatively stable to only the template would also have changed from ice and water into the vapor.

Can anybody Help me find an analogy for how Chromosomes, genes, DNA can be related! ( take note that I can’t do the book one cuz my teacher already did it )


What was the book answer??

When hypothesizing a possible phylogeny in order to classify taxa,scientists incorporate systematics to
A)provide primarily morphological information.
B)provide molecular or genetic information,as well as morphological information.
C)name organisms using a genus and specific epithet.
D)create a hierarchy of classification based upon reproductive mating patterns.



B)provide molecular or genetic information, as well as morphological information.


Systematics is the science of classification and phylogeny reconstruction. Studies diversity as a consequence of evolutive history and establishes the bases to reconstruct biological patterns and formulate hypotheses to explain the processes of these patterns. It reconstructs the origin and diversification of a taxon. Systematics creates systems of classification represented in a tree. Taxonomy is based on systematics.

The main goal of systematics is to solve the genealogical relationship between different species and biological groups that produces natural clusters.

Systematic considers morphological characters, as well as physiological, cytological, molecular, and behavioral characters.  


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Enzymes are part of the ________ digestion process. Their function is to break down_________. Amylase is a digestive enzyme secreted _________ and is responsible for breaking down__________.

1. chemical, mechanical

2.macromolecules, atoms, vitamins

3.in the stomach by the gallbladder, in the small intestine by the liver, in the mouth by the pancreas

4. proteins, nuclei acids, lipids, starch



Salivary glands secrete salivary amylase, an enzyme that begins the breakdown of starch into glucose. Mucus moistens food and lubricates the esophagus. Bicarbonate ions in saliva neutralize the acids in foods


1. Chemical

2. macromolecules

3. In the pancreas

4. starch


A population of tree frogs lives in an area that has many types of plants and trees. The skin of most of the frogs is gray, which blends in better with the bark of trees than with the leaves of plants. Some of the frogs have skin that is greener in color, which blends in better with grasses and leaves. Snakes and birds are predators of the frog. Humans have come to the area and are beginning to cut down the trees. Describe the probability of survival for the three frogs of each genetic variation of skin colour if most of the trees are cut down. Use evidence in the paragraph to support your answer.



with the normal natural predators their chances of survival are high but when humans step in entire forests can be wiped out which will endanger every species of frog

If most trees are cut down, grey individuals will not survive because they will be more exposed to predation. Green frogs will show a greater survival rate. Directional selection is favoring the green phenotype and its genotype.

What is directional selection?

Directional selection is one of the different types of natural selection.

It increases the proportion of individuals with an extreme phenotypic trait.

It causes a decrease in the number of individuals expressing intermediate phenotype, and the other extreme phenotype.

This selection presents more frequently in those cases in which interactions between living organisms and the environment modify in the same direction.

In the exposed example, there is a natural environmental pressure: predation.  Frogs need to camouflage to avoid being seen by birds and snakes.

Most frogs are grey. They camouflage with the bark of treesSome other frogs are green. They camouflage with the grass and leaves.

The curve in a graph frequency vs phenotype shows a higher frequency of gray individuals.

When humans cut down the trees, they are applying another pressure to the population.

Since humans remove trees, grey frogs remain without a substrate in which to camouflage. They are now exposed to predation.

Birds and snakes can detect the gray frogs better and prey on them.

The grey phenotype and its genotype are affecting the animals' fitness. Grey frogs do not get to survive. So natural selection does not favor it.  

Natural selection tends to benefit the green phenotype, which is now the one that increases the frogs' fitness. Green animals are not seen by predators, so they get to survive.  

The curve in a graph frequency vs phenotype now shows a higher frequency of green individuals and a sharp decrease of grey frogs.

If more trees are cut down, grey individuals will not survive. However, green frogs will show a greater survival rate.

Directional selection is favoring the green phenotype and its genotype.

You will learn more about directional selection at



Within a plant cell, the glucose formed as a result of
photosynthesis may be used directly as
1) an energy source during cellular respiration
2) an enzyme for intracellular digestion
3) an absorber of radiant energy
4) a source of molecular oxygen



an energy source during cellular respiration

DNA sequences in many human genes are very similar to the sequences of corresponding genes in chimpanzees. The most likely explanation for this result is that __________.DNA sequences in many human genes are very similar to the sequences of corresponding genes in chimpanzees. The most likely explanation for this result is that __________.chimpanzees evolved from humanshumans evolved from chimpanzeesconvergent evolution led to the DNA similaritieshumans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor



humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor


someone else has asked the same question

Multiple Choice
Re-growing a forest will:

cause desertification in surrounding areas due to the trees' high water demands,

increase water run-off.
lead to eutrophication of nearby lakes,

reduce water run-off.


Answer: Reduce water runoff

Which arrow represents the change of state described above





That's you answer because if you look at the you see Whats its talking about

Some species form social groups only with members of the same gender. For example, elephants form groups with only females and their offspring. Once the male offspring reach a certain age, they leave the group and become solitary.

Which is a benefit of this type of social group structure?

Females do not have to compete for a mate.
Male offspring can belong to more than one social group.
Adult males can mate with females in several different social groups.
Females are the only ones responsible for taking care of the offspring.



Females do not have to compete for a mate.


Due to grouping of animals, females do not have to compete for a mate because each group has its own male. They have a male with which she mate and produce fertile offspring and has a complete family so we can say that the benefit of such type of social group structures is that females do not have to compete for a mate in the population as compared to other animals.


A. female's do not have to compete for mates.


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