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Answer 1
Huh? Bro what is that??

Related Questions

Which statement best describes the role of women at the front lines of World War I?


Women had to pick up where men left of, meaning many women had to step up and do the work of men as many of them were fighting the war, women worked in many places like post offices and local shops, but the most important work they did was in factories like building munition for the war and putting themselves at risk .

Answer plsss! Im Losing Points! Help Asap!!!!
4. Now, you are ready to write. Imagine that you are a young African American living in a northern city in the 1920s. Which organization would you join — the NAACP or the UNIA — and why? Write a diary paragraph explaining your decision. (16 points)

Be sure to begin with a strong hook and include a thesis statement that lays out your main argument, supporting details, and a good conclusion.





The reason for this is because its an interracial American organization was created to work for the abolition of segregation and discrimination in housing, education, employment, voting, and transportation; to oppose racism; and to ensure African Americans their constitutional rights. Also because It is still active to this day and has won major legal victories. Today the NAACP has more than 2,200 branches and some half a million members worldwide. That is why  I would chose the NAACP if I was a young African American living in a northern city in the 1920s.

Hope this helps

outline the significances of passion death and Resurrection of Jesus to Christians today​



Until we as believers are able to address and answer the question of the doubters and unbelievers, we cannot effectively spread the Gospel and be agents of the Kingdom who are charged to bring the culture of heaven to earth.

How was the Jewish people under Nazi control



They were under control by the threats that the Nazi's had given.


"The Nazis treatment of the Jewish people derived from their social and racial policies. The Nazis believed that only Germans could be citizens and that non-Germans should not have any citizenship rights"

"As a result of these beliefs, the Nazis took the following actions:

Tried to eliminate the Jewish people.

Killed 85 per cent of Germany's gypsies.

Sterilised black people.

Killed mentally ill patients.

Sterilised physically disabled people, eg deaf people, and people with hereditary diseases.

Imprisoned people they regarded as anti-social in concentration camps. These included homosexuals, prostitutes, Jehovah's Witnesses, alcoholics, pacifists, beggars, hooligans and criminals."

Which scenario is the best example of a property crime?
A. A person throws a rock and hits a bicyclist in the head.
B. A person breaks a contract with her business partner.
C. A person steals a cart full of groceries from a store.
D. A person punches somebody in the jaw during a fight.


It’s obviously C because there is someone stealing t the store property

A person steals a cart full of groceries from a store scenario is the best example of a property crime. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is crime?

The term crime refers to the illegal activity. The crime is not allow to the country, if any person are commit the crime are go the jail. The legal punishable by the state in case of crime. The punishment is set according to the different crime. For example a person is harm another person property.

Violation, damage, harm, immoral, unlawful activity are also known as crime. The crime the best example is a groceries store near van are theft to another person. The crime are no range is decided crime is crime. A person theft a van is high charges of crime because groceries full cart are theft. It is under the category of property crime.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on crime, here:


Choose true or false for the following questions about tobacco:

Tobacco was easy to farm. t or f

Tobacco was Virginia’s main crop. t or f

Indentured servants were the only type of worker used to farm tobacco. t or f


The given statements are true.

Was tobacco easy to farm?

Not like glassblowing or flax and silk cultivation, the tasks related to tobacco were simple and can be fast mastered by youngsters or adults. Of route, tobacco had its disadvantages, too. Weather, disease, and pests may want to all too effortlessly wreck a crop.

Tobacco flowers ripen from the bottom to the pinnacle. The farmers begin harvesting tobacco with the aid of picking the early ripening leaves closest to the floor. They then move up the plant, selecting the stalk layers as they ripen. most effective three to six leaves are eliminated from the plant at every harvesting stage.

Learn more about tobacco here:


Answer: 1: False. 2: True. 3: False.

Explanation: I took the quiz, the answers are correct!

Which identifies Matteo Ricci?

the founder of the Society of Jesus
the Chinese emperor who persecuted Christians
a successful Italian Jesuit missionary in China
a Japanese warlord who accepted Christianity


The answer to this fantastic question is C

Which is true of Pan-Africanism?

A. It fought for important issues concerning the African diaspora
B. It helped civil rights throughout the African diaspora
C. It caused Europeans to oppose African civil rights
D. It only opposed imperialism in Africa



it fought for independence

it opposede imperialism

it fought for the rights of african

la iguana ricord vive el cuádruple del tiempo que vive las aves​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, olvidaste incluir una pregunta. Sólo escribiste una oración o afirmación.

Si se trata de una pregunta de verdadero o falso, la respuesta sería "verdadero."

Es cierto que la iguana Ricord vive el cuádruple del tiempo que vive las aves​.

Estamos hablando de la una de las especies más interesantes de iguánidos, cuto hábitat se localiza en la Isla de la Española, República Dominicana. Es un animal peculiar, que ha tenido que desarrollar procesos fisiológicos especiales para poder adaptarse a las condiciones ambientales adversas. Desafortunadamente, esta iguana ha sufrido por la presencia de sus depredadores y actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción.

25 POINTS AND BRAINLIEST TO THE FIRST RIGHT ANSWER Write a speech, or a speech outline, that you would present to the Constitutional Convention of Oklahoma supporting the ideas of direct democracy.







this is hard

What does liberty in the Preamble mean?

A freedom from government oppression

B All for one and one for all

C To insure domestic tranquility

D The citizens of each state must share in the benefits of justice, civil order, and equal opportunity





An economic theory that calls for workers to take control of factories is






Both socialism and communism are economic theories that attempted to

even out inequalities of wealth. However, while under communism private property wouldn´t exist at all, as all property would be communally owned, and controlled by a strong central government, under socialism individuals can own property, and workers, the proletariat, are meant to be the owners of the means of production.

The idea of workers taking control of factories is against the principles of capitalism, in which private businesses are the owners of the means of production, so Capitalism is incorrect.

Utopianism is incorrect because, despite the historical debate around their virtue, socialist structures are not impracticable theories.

Describe negative and positive liberty and name an individual or group who has advocated for each type of liberty?



Positive Liberty can be defined as a person possessing the ability to act on their own free will. It has to do with freedom and making the necessary conditions such as power and resources available where they can act on your own free will. Jean-jacques Rousseau is an advocate for this.

Negative Liberty can be described as having freedom from interference by others. Its main focus is freedom from external sources.

Explain stock speculation and the dangers it presented to the economy.



Speculation is an economic act intended to provide a return in the form of a change in value, often in the short term. In everyday speech, however, one often refers to the purchase of a listed asset that one is prepared to sell quickly, but more generally, speculation means that one expects a change in the value of the security itself, rather than changed conditions for the underlying asset. However, the term has a somewhat negative connotation and may also refer to irresponsible ownership of properties or businesses.

which part of this map is the subregion central america?


Subregion 1 is Europe because it s located North of Africa, on the West of Asia. Subregion 2 is Asia because it is located on the North-West of Australia

How does an individual enter into the devil’s family?



by offering to thy devil will please thee xp

Sacrifice is usually the way to do it from what I’ve heard

14. What was a purpose of the devshirme system?
A. To convert Shi'a Muslims to Sunni
B. To provide soldiers and bureaucrats
C. To enable efficient tax collection
D. To establish fair land distribution



B. To provide soldiers and bureaucrats. Sorry if this is wrong!


Christian boys were drafted to be slaves for the sultan; they were trained and educated as soldiers and bureaucrats, happened under the Devshirme system. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

In September 1776, Washington had to abandon _____ after numerous American retreats in the area.


New York City

New Jersey



The answer is New York City

The primary election, in which voters choose the presidential nominees, was introduced during the Jacksonian era. is used in Europe as well as in the United States. became the primary model for selecting party presidential nominees in the later half of the 20thcentury. is designed to strengthen the political parties. was introduced during the Cleveland era.



The primary election, in which voters choose the presidential nominees became the primary model for selecting party presidential nominees in the later half of the 20th century.


The primary election, also generally known as the primaries, is a process in which voters choose or indicate who they prefer to be their candidate(s) in an election. This election is usually done to select the candidates for the major or main election(s).

This form of selection that helped voters determine their preferred candidates is done to choose the presidential nominees. This process later became the primary model for selecting the presidential nominee, especially in recent years.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

1. What were the goals of the civil rights movement? List at least three goals of the civil rights movement.


The main goals of the civil rights movements are to end the racial segregation, Social control against African Americans, and to secure legal recognition.

What is civil rights movement?

From year 1954 to year 1968, the American Civil Rights Movement was a political movement and campaign in the United States aimed at ending institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement Civil Rights Movement.

The main goals of the civil rights movements are:

Social control against African Americans, Extremity of the racial segregation, andSecure legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights.

Therefore, the civil rights movement is beneficial to the Americans.

Learn more about the civil rights movements, refer to:

how does the geographical location of a place influence its history​



Geography is primarily spatial and environmental and history is temporal. ... Geographical attributes such as river, mountains barriers, landforms, climate phenomena are natural foundations upon which the edifices of human history at any time or in any geographical regions are erected.


Explanation: Geography is primarily spatial and environmental and history is temporal. Geographical attributes such as river, mountains barriers, landforms, climate phenomena are natural foundations upon which the edifices of human history at any time or in any geographical regions are erected

How were the views of France and the United Kingdom similar at the end of World War I?
They each planned to adopt President Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy.
They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements.
They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.



They each planned to adopt President Wilson's Fourteen Points. They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy. They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements. They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.



They each planned to adopt President Wilson's Fourteen Points. They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy. They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements. They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.


Which statement best describes the impact of total war during World War I?



the war affected not only the military but also all aspects of a country


Question 2
1 pts
Which side gained the greatest advantage from the Tet Offensive?
the U.S.
O neither side
North Vietnam
South Vietnam


south vietnam. hope i could help


North Vietnam


who is elon musk?


Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and business magnate. He is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; early stage investor, CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc. and founder of The Boring Company also the co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. A centibillionaire, Musk is one of the richest people in the world.
CEO of Tesla Motors.

The diagram is an example of



Dont know if you still need an answer 3 days later but there is no diagram. If you still need help with this just comment on my post and edit your question and I would be more than happy to help you out.


Read the scenario below and choose the best investment strategy for the
The President wants to rebuild the White House but doesn't have the funds to
achieve his goal. Which investment opportunity will benefit the President the
A. Savings account
B. Bond
D. Real estate


The investment opportunity that the President can use to his benefit the most are B. Bonds.

Why are bonds best for the president?

Bonds will allow the president to raise the money required to rebuild the White House at that moment.

The president can then repay the bonds overtime using taxes and other revenue sources for the government.

Find out more on the use of bonds at


Who was the first president?


George Washington was the first president of the United States of America
George Washington was the first US president

When did women finally win the right to vote?
A. After the Spanish-American War
B. After World War II
C. After the Civil War
O D. After World War I


D) After World War I, women finally win the right to vote.

Women in the United States won the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920.

This milestone came after a long and arduous struggle for women's suffrage that spanned several decades.

The women's suffrage movement in the United States gained momentum in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Activists and suffragettes fought tirelessly for women's right to vote, advocating for social and political equality.

They organized protests, marches, and lobbying efforts to raise awareness and gain support for their cause.

The suffrage movement faced significant opposition and encountered resistance from various groups.

However, the efforts of suffragettes and the changing social climate eventually led to a breakthrough.

The involvement of women in supporting the war effort during World War I played a crucial role in shifting public opinion and highlighting the need for equal rights.

The passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment was a significant achievement for women's suffrage.

It declared that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

This constitutional amendment granted women the right to vote, ensuring that their voices were heard in the democratic process.

For more questions on women


What led President John F. Kennedy to blame Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace?

the Soviet role in the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista

the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba

the Soviet enforcement of a naval blockade of Cuba

the Soviet role in the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion



the building of Soviet nuclear mise sites in Cuba


B. the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba


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