know isadora duncan, loie fuller, ted shawn, and ruth st. denis and their major contributions to modern dan


Answer 1

There are  major contributions to modern dance by  Isadora duncan, Loie fuller, Ted shawn, and Ruth st. denis .All of them are American modern dancer that began their long journey by influences are clearly seen in many works throughout the modern dance’s path.

Isadora Duncan was an American dancer whose teaching the dancing performances in the late nineteenth and early tweentieth century. She was among the first to raise interpretive dance status of art creativity and helped to free ballet from its conservative restrictions and presaged the development of modern dance.

Loie Fuller's  was also an American dancer who achieved international distinction for her innovations in theatrical lighting, as well as for her invention in  the serpentine dance and skirt dances  was popular in a striking variations of those days. Dance styles was emphasized their self-expression and mobilization of emotions and natural contemporary ideas in the forms of dance.

Learn more about Isadora duncan click the link here:


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in what ways does the contract limit the freedom of the laborers? (click here to read the full document from the textbook.)


The settlement limits the laborers' freedom by having stated freedman obey their supervisor's orders & be a part of a binding settlement with stated supervisor, beneathneath the chance to have their bills docked for disobedience & sloppiness.

The required details about laborers' freedom is mentioned in below paragraph.

The laborers' freedom thing is a quantitative degree that considers diverse components of the prison and regulatory framework of a country’s hard work market, which include guidelines regarding minimal wages, legal guidelines inhibiting layoffs, severance requirements, and measurable regulatory restraints on hiring and hours worked.The laborers' freedom thing is a quantitative degree that considers diverse components of the prison and regulatory framework of a country's hard work market, which include guidelines regarding minimal wages, legal guidelines inhibiting layoffs, severance requirements, and measurable regulatory restraints on hiring and hours worked.

To learn about laborers' freedom visit here.


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Before the end of the seventeenth century, Northern European powers' initial focus relative to the new world was on establishing white-settler colonies along the coast of North America.

What is European Expansion?

The global expansion of Western Europe between the 1760s and 1870s differed in several respects from the expansionism and colonialism of previous centuries. Together with the rise of the Industrial Revolution, which economic historians often credit the 1760s, and the continued spread of industrialization in empire-building nations, came a shift in change in business strategy with the colonial world. Instead of being primarily buyers of colonial goods (and often under pressure to supply enough marketable goods to balance the exchange), as in the past, industrialized nations have increasingly become sellers of goods. to find a market for their growing volume of machine-made goods.

Learn more about European expansion


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Locke’s perspective on human nature was more positive

African Americans were treated fairly when they returned from WWI?


Black draftees were treated with extreme hostility when they arrived for training. White men refused to salute black officers and black officers were often barred from the officer's clubs and quarters. The War Department rarely interceded, and discrimination was usually overlooked or sometimes condoned

World War I, or the Great War of 1914, began in part because of ...
O rivalry between France and England
O a rebellion in Eastern Europe
O African demands for independence
O a system of defensive alliances among European states



a system of defensive alliances among European states


World War I, or the Great War of 1914, began in part because of a system of defensive alliances among European states. In the decades leading up to the war, many European countries had formed alliances with each other for mutual defense and support. These alliances created a complex web of relationships and obligations, and when one country declared war, it often triggered a domino effect as its allies were drawn into the conflict. This is what happened in 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Because Russia had an alliance with Serbia, it declared war on Austria-Hungary, which then prompted Germany, Austria-Hungary's ally, to declare war on Russia and its ally, France. This series of events quickly escalated into a full-scale global war. While the other factors you mentioned (rivalry between France and England, a rebellion in Eastern Europe, and African demands for independence) may have contributed to tensions and conflicts leading up to the war, the system of alliances among European states was the main reason for its outbreak.

The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency established to
process the petitions of African Americans hoping to become free
help formerly enslaved African Americans move to the North
aid formerly enslaved African Americans after the Civil War
bring an end to slavery in the western territories after the Civil War


The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency established to aid formerly enslaved African Americans after the Civil War. Hence option c is correct.

What is civil war?

Civil war is defined as a bloody battle taking place on state territory between that state and one or more organized non-state actors.

An Act to Establish a Bureau for the Relief of Freedmen and Refugees was approved by Congress on March 3, 1865, to provide displaced Southerners, including recently liberated African Americans, with food, lodging, clothing, medical care, and land. The Freedman's Bureau gave Freedmen access to food, lodging, and medical care.

Thus, the Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency established to aid formerly enslaved African Americans after the Civil War. Hence option c is correct.

To learn more about civil war, refer to the link below:


The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency established to bring an end to slavery in the western territories after the Civil War. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is Civil War?

A fundamental component of democracy is the protection of civil rights. Without regard to color, religion, or any other traits, they are assurances of equal social opportunity and legal protection. Similar to World War Two, the Civil War ended. Early in the 16th century, the phrase started to become commonplace.

During the Civil War, the Freedmen's Bureau was a federal institution whose major goal was to provide food, medical care, shelter, and other necessities to displaced Southerners. A federal institution intended to assist Southern blacks in their transition from slaves to free people.

As a result, the federal agency on the slave free as the Civil War. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on Civil War, here:


Although women made few gains in the eighteenth century, they did achieve a degree of progress in 1790 when they won which of the following? Equal access to public education in Massachusetts



Which of the following was true of New Englanders' westward migration during the 1790s and 1800s? Much of the land in the areas where the settlers arrived had already fallen into the hands of politically well-connected speculators.


How does radiocarbon dating change how historians viewed the relationship between Europeans and Africans during the time?


Radio carbon dating was used to peep into the past so as to get the relationship between the two sides in the past.

What is meant by radiocarbon dating?

Carbon-14 decays in predictable ways over time. Researchers are now able to go into the past and establish absolute dates for a variety of materials, including wood, food, pollen, feces, dead animals, and even humans and humans, with the use of radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating is a worldwide dating method, which may be used anywhere in the globe as long as there is organic material present. It can generate chronologies for places where there were no calendars before and is useful for dating between the last 50,000 years and 400 years ago.

A technique called radiocarbon dating offers precise age estimates for carbon-based materials that come from living things.

Read more on radiocarbon dating here:


Since the publication of To Err is Human in 1999, the health care industry overall has seen which of the following improvements?Wider awareness that preventable errors are a problemMore than a decade after the publication of To Err Is Human, there is now wide recognition throughout health care that the number of errors is way too high. Although this awareness has not yet led to consistently lower rates of preventable medical error, progress is being made. Health care organizations have begun to realize and accept that most errors cannot be linked to the performance of individuals, but rather to the systems in which they function.



Combined, 41 percent of adults in the United States have either experienced a medical error in their own care or were personally involved in a situation where a medical error was made in the care of someone close to them.


TRUE OR FALSE general sherman's conquest of atlanta turned the tide of the u.s. presidential election of 1864, ensuring that lincoln would again take office and that union armies would continue to pressure the confederacy.


General Sherman's conquest of Atlanta turned the tide of the presidential election of 1864, ensuring that Lincoln would again take office and that armies would continue pressure on the Rebel. So correct answer is True.

A formal process of communal decision-making, an election is how a population choose a person or people to participate in government. Since the 17th century, elections have been the primary method used to carry out representative democracy in contemporary times. Election may be held to fill legislative, occasionally executive, occasionally judicial, and occasionally regional and municipal positions. Numerous other private and commercial organizations, including clubs, nonprofit organizations, and businesses, also employ this procedure. Under the parliamentary government of such Spartan Constitution, the Ephors of Spartan held the first known popular polls of people to public official, by democratic majority, where all people were entitled to vote.

Learn more about Election here:


the three scenes at the bottom of this manuscript folio include all of the following except? cain killing abel


The three scenes at the bottom of this manuscript folio include all of the following except Cain killing abel. First three conists of fragments from a letter th last contains a dozens of quotations.

Folio refers to the writing sheet material from a leaf and one half of a  bifolium. The number of leaves  is termed as foliation and it was commonly founded in manuscript. For instances, the collections of  hand written books, letters or diaries in a libraries.

In the pre-modern period it was often only numbered on one side but in modern period itt is resulted in twice as many pages as folio in the same book. There are three types of manuscript folio that is rapid communication, research originals, Articals reviews and case studies.

Learn more about Manuscript folio click the link here:


who were the people that invaded western europe during dark age​


The period's name alludes to the invasion of so-called barbarian peoples into what had been the Western Roman Empire, including the Huns, Goths, Vandals, Bulgars, Alani, Suebi, and Franks. Due to the implied value judgment, historians no longer frequently use the term "Dark Ages."

The Migration Period, also known as the Dark Ages or Early Middle Ages, is the early medieval era in the history of western Europe.

More specifically, it refers to the period (476–800 CE) when there was no Roman (or Holy Roman) emperor in the West or, more broadly, the time between approximately 500 and 1000, which was characterized by frequent warfare and the almost complete disappearance of urban life.

Although it is frequently assumed that the term's meaning derives from the scarcity of information about the historical period, its more common and derogatory meaning refers to a time of intellectual darkness and barbarism.

To know more about Dark age

Walter Rodney in Chapter 1 of his book,
“How Europe underdeveloped Africa’-
explains what development and
underdevelopment means. Explain the
meaning of development and
underdevelopment Rodney articulates in the
chapter on “some questions on development”.
He expands the meaning of the definition
from mere economic terms to include a wide
range of areas. Discuss his argument and the
the case he is making about the meaning of
development and underdevelopment and
what it means.


The concept and the answers to the given questions are mentioned  below:

Walter Rodney argues that development and underdevelopment are not simply economic terms, but have broad social, political, and cultural implications. He defines development as “the process whereby the productive capacity of a society is increased and its efficiency is improved so that there is a steady rise in the standard of living of the population.” Underdevelopment, in contrast, is the opposite of this; it is “the process whereby the productive capacity of a society is diminished and its efficiency is reduced so that there is a steady fall in the standard of living of the population.”

Rodney argues that the process of development and underdevelopment is not simply a matter of economic productivity, but is inextricably linked to social, political, and cultural factors. He argues that the “unequal distribution of power” is a major factor in the process of development and underdevelopment. He argues that wealthy and powerful countries are able to “exploit” poorer countries and use their resources for their own gain. This unequal power dynamic serves to keep these countries in a state of underdevelopment, as they are unable to use their resources to their own benefit.

Rodney also argues that colonialism has played a major role in the process of development and underdevelopment. He argues that colonialism has been used to “stifle” the development of countries in Africa and other parts of the world. He argues that colonialism has served to limit the ability of these countries to use their resources in a way that would benefit their citizens and instead has caused them to remain in a state of underdevelopment.

Ultimately, Rodney argues that development and underdevelopment are not simply economic terms, but are inextricably linked to social, political, and cultural factors. He argues that the unequal distribution of power, colonialism and other factors have played a major role in keeping countries in a state of underdevelopment.

To know more about developed and underdeveloped countries visit here:


there was most likely one momentous event in which people migrated from africa into the middle east. T/F


It is FALSE to state that there was most likely one momentous event in which people migrated from Africa into the middle east.

What is migration?

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another, especially to a new country, in order to live or work there. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to find better job opportunities, to be with family, to escape conflict or persecution, or to pursue educational or personal goals.

Migration can be voluntary, meaning that people choose to move, or it can be forced, meaning that people are driven to move by external factors such as conflict or persecution.

Learn more about migration:

The Maurya and Gupta civilizations of India were best known for their accomplishments in what area?




The Mauryan empire was an efficient and highly organized autocracy with a standing army and civil service.

d History BIC SCHW1100V
Writing Workshop: Geography, Industrialization, and Imperialism
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Great Britain and Japan are both island nations with limited resources. As a result, each nation developed according to its distinctive g
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The essay on Great Britain and Japan are both island nations with limited resources. As a result, each nation developed according to its distinctive geographic location and limitations is give below.

Great Britain and Japan are both island nations with limited resources.

Both Great Britain and Japan are island nations that have been shaped by their geography, including the resources they have available and the challenges they face. For example, Great Britain is located off the northwest coast of Europe and has a temperate climate. It has abundant water and fertile soil, which have supported agriculture and helped to fuel its industrialization. However, it has relatively few natural resources, such as coal and iron, which it has had to import from other countries.

Japan, on the other hand, is located in East Asia and has a varied geography, including mountains, forests, and coastlines. It has a limited supply of arable land and natural resources, but it has a long tradition of fishing and trade. Its industrialization was fueled in part by its access to raw materials and markets in other parts of Asia and the Pacific.

Therefore, Both Great Britain and Japan have faced challenges as a result of their geography, but they have also been able to use their unique locations and resources to their advantage. This has played a significant role in the development and industrialization of both countries, as well as their relationships with other nations.

Learn more about limited resources from


See full question below

Great Britain and Japan are both island nations with limited resources. As a result, each nation developed according to its distinctive geographic location and limitations.

For this assignment, compare and contrast the effects of geography on the industrialization and imperialistic growth of these two nations. Use evidence from at least five documents in your essay. Support your response with relevant facts, examples, and details.

Very largeThe most distinctive feature of the early American cities of Mexico City, Vera Cruz, and Lima is that they were all


The most distinctive feature of the early American cities of Mexico City, Vera Cruz, and Lima is that they were all very large. This city was the heart city of America.

City of Mexico so so special because it stands on the ruins of an ancient Aztec capital city that was built on lake and it was the capital of New Spain and the very oldest and inhabited city in the Americas.There are so many interesting things about Mexico city was  it is the most populated city in the western hemisphere.

Mexico was famous for its rich culture , dazzling beaches and incredible cuisine.180 museums are there in Mexico city  and it has a sprawling public transport system. Mexico was a beautiful city because there are quieters neighborhoods, calmer and absolutely beautiful people.

Learn more about Mexico city features click the link here:


Identify the reasons why the Soviet Union was able to withstand the German invasion without completely collapsing by the end of 1942.


One of the reasons of why the Soviet Union was able to withstand the German invasion without completely collapsing is because of the poor strategic planning.

Clearly, Operation Barbarossa was a failure. Despite significant losses and territorial gains by the Red Army, the goal of completely destroying Soviet fighting capability and forcing a capitulation was not met.

Poor strategic planning was one of the main causes of this. The Germans did not have a viable long-term invasion strategy. They erroneously believed that the campaign would be brief and that the Soviets would capitulate after being shocked by colossal initial defeats. Hitler promised the High Command that the "whole rotten structure" would come tumbling down if they simply kicked in the front door. Russia, however, was not France.The initial Blitzkrieg's shock factor was diminished by the immense distances, logistical challenges, and sheer quantity of Soviet troops, all of which led to attritional losses of German forces that could not be sustained. 

Learn more about German invasion to Soviet Union here:


Which of these BEST describes how Islam spread between 700-1000 CE?

Your answer:

Islamic missionaries

Muslim merchants

military conquest

Mongols spread the religion


The best options best describes how Islam spread between 700-1000 CE is military conquest.

What is Islam spread through military conquest?

Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries.  it should be noted Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time.

It should be noted that Military conquests by the Arab Empire and traders of Islamic faith were the primary means for spreading Islam to Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Therefore, conquest, in international law, can be seen as the acquisition of territory through force, especially by a victorious state in a war at the expense of a defeated state however the effective conquest takes place when physical appropriation of territory .

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about Islam at:


What are some accomplishments of the United Nations?
What are some arguments for the effectiveness of the United Nations? What are some arguments against its effectiveness?
What changes could be made to the United Nations that would make it more effective?


The United Nations has helped end conflicts and promote reconciliation by conducting successful peacekeeping operations in dozens of countries, including Cambodia.

Many consider the Declaration to be the most important achievement of the United Nations.

What are some arguments for the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Research has found that UN peacebuilding, peacekeeping and conflict prevention work has been a key factor in the 40% decline in conflicts worldwide since the 1990s. United Nations preventive diplomacy and other forms of preventive action have quelled many potential conflicts.

What are some arguments against its effectiveness?

Common criticisms are: perceived ineffectiveness of the body (including its complete ineffectiveness in both prevention and mitigation of existing conflicts ranging from social strife to full-blown warfare), anti-Semitism, appeasement, collusion, Promoting globalism, inaction.

What changes could be made to the United Nations that would make it more effective?

These reforms are based on three pillars:

(1) Reposition the United Nations development system in the best position to advance towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; (2) Pursue management reforms that simplify processes, work towards gender equality, streamline personnel processes, and generally create a more efficient organization; (3) restructuring peace and security operations to better meet today's challenges;

The reform aims to make the United Nations more agile, less bureaucratic, more transparent and accountable, more decentralized and effective.

Learn more about United Nations :


Hitler states in the excerpt that he believes in maintaining:


Hitler states in the excerpt that he believes in maintaining racial purity.  Thus option C is correct.

Who is Hitler?

German leader Adolf Hitler, who was baptised in Austria, ruled Germany as its tyrant from 1933 until his assassination in 1945. As the Nazi Current leader and head of state, Hitler ascended to power.

Hitler presents his agenda to the population as an effort to only purify Germany, not even to damage the Jewish population. Overall, the true strategy for eliminating the Jewish community was concealed.

If he had said that his only goal was to kill Jews, it would be more difficult for him to win support and recruit members. If he had, the Jewish, as well as Aryan people, would be more terrified. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about Hitler, Here:


The question is incomplete, the complete question will be :

On February 1, 1933, two days after he was appointed chancellor, Hitler spoke over the radio to the German people about his vision for the future of the country:

Over fourteen years have passed since that unhappy day when the German people, blinded by promises made by those at home and abroad, forgot the highest values of our past, of the Reich, of its honor and its freedom, and thereby lost everything. Since those days of treason, the Almighty has withdrawn his blessing from our nation. Discord and hatred have moved in. Filled with the deepest distress, millions of the best German men and women from all walks of life see the unity of the nation disintegrating in a welter of egotistical political opinions, economic interests, and ideological conflicts.

As so often in our history, Germany, since the day the revolution broke out, presents a picture of heartbreaking disunity. We did not receive the equality and fraternity which was promised us; instead we lost our freedom. The breakdown of the unity of mind and will of our nation at home was followed by the collapse of its political position abroad.

We have a burning conviction that the German people in 1914 went into the great battle without any thought of personal guilt [for the start of the war] and weighed down only by the burden of having to defend the Reich from attack, to defend the freedom and material existence of the German people. In the appalling fate that has dogged us since November 1918 we see only the consequence of our inward collapse. But the rest of the world is no less shaken by great crises. The historical balance of power, which at one time contributed not a little to the understanding of the necessity for solidarity among the nations, with all the economic advantages resulting therefrom, has been destroyed.

Hitler states in the excerpt that he believes in maintaining?

A. democracy.

B. isolationism.

C. racial purity.

D. Communism.

Which is the best description of a civil right?
O a freedom enjoyed by citizens in their daily lives
a plan of action taken by a government to achieve a goal
a protection enabling a citizen to be treated fairly under the law
a plan to grant specific protections to individual groups of citizens



a protection enabling a citizen to be treated fairly under law


What does millers quote about his actions reveal about him


The thing that millers quote about his actions reveal about him is when mass hysteria takes hold in society, it's necessary for people to step up to the plate and do the right thing.

What is Mass hysteria ?

Mass hysteria  serves as the outbreak of unusual and uncharacteristic behaviors, thoughts as well as feelings, or health symptoms shared among a group of people.

In some cases People that are affected by mass hysteria usually have this belief that something specific has triggered their symptoms however Hysteria  could take place in two types we have the Primary Hysteria which do take place due to substantial personality disorder, then we also have Secondary Hysteria that can be seen as a result of the  underlying mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

Hence , when mass hysteria takes hold in society, it's necessary for people to step up to the plate and do the right thing.

Learn more about millers at:


· Between the 1830s and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, the American South expanded its wealth and population and became an integral part of an increasingly global economy.
· The South actively engaged new technologies and trade routes while also seeking to assimilate and upgrade its most "traditional" and culturally ingrained practices within a modernizing world.
· 1830s, merchants from the Northeast, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean flocked to southern cities, setting up trading firms, warehouses, ports, and markets.
· Populations became more cosmopolitan, more educated, and wealthier.



Explanation:In the decades leading up to the Civil War, the southern states experienced extraordinary change that would define the region and its role in American history for decades, even centuries, to come. Between the 1830s and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, the American South expanded its wealth and population and became an integral part of an increasingly global economy. It did not, as previous generations of histories have told, sit back on its cultural and social traditions and insulate itself from an expanding system of communication, trade, and production that connected Europe and Asia to the Americas. Quite the opposite; the South actively engaged new technologies and trade routes while also seeking to assimilate and upgrade its most “traditional” and culturally ingrained practices—such as slavery and agricultural production—within a modernizing world.

Which two figures are credited with the spread of Christianity from the Byzantine Empire to Slavic people groups?

John of Damascus and Gregory
Michael Cerularius and Constantine XI
Belisarius and Theodora
Methodius and Cyril



Therb figures that are  credited with the spread of Christianity from the Byzantine Empire to Slavic people groups are: Michael Cerularius and Constantine XI. Option 2

How did Christianity spread in the world?

In the first century, a Second Temple Judaic sect called Christianity emerged in the Roman province of Judea, from whence it spread across the Roman Empire and beyond.

Christianity eventually drew adherents from all around the Roman world, including Jewish towns. The apostle Paul was in charge of starting this new religion off on the right foot. To promote the Christian message throughout the Roman Empire, Paul journeyed almost 10,000 kilometers.

The disciple Paul played the most important part in the spread of Christianity after Jesus' death. He visited numerous locations and converted people through preaching.

Read more on Christianity here:


Answer: B

Explanation: I just took the exam at got it right

PLEASEEE ANSWER!! Which of the following accurately describes the Cold War's impact on Latin America?

A. It had little impact as there was little interest in socialism Latin American countries.
B. It saw American support for several authoritarian regimes resisting communism.
C. It renewed the political movement to federalize into the United States of South America.
D. It saw the most widespread bloc of communist states outside of Eastern Europe.


Answer: B. It saw American support for several authoritarian regimes resisting communism.

Explanation: The Cold War's impact on Latin America saw American support for several authoritarian regimes resisting communism.  The Cold War was a geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union from the late 1940s to the early 1990s. During this time, both countries competed for global dominance and influence while supporting their respective political ideologies. The United States, as a capitalist country, sought to contain the spread of communism throughout the world, including in Latin America. As a result, they provided support to several authoritarian regimes in the region that were resisting communist influence.  The United States was involved in several military interventions and covert operations in Latin America during the Cold War period. This includes the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba and the support for military dictatorships in countries such as Chile, Argentina, and Brazil.

Learn more about the Cold War here:

Which of the following does NOT describe an aspect of the impact of World War II on American society?
-It brought recovery from the stagnation and unemployment of the Great Depression.
-Military life served as a melting pot, as well as taking Americans far from home.
-Women found new economic opportunities despite little change in gender attitudes.
-Women and minorities felt resentment at being barred from military service.


4th option is correct. Women and minorities felt resentment at being barred from military service does not describe an aspect of the impact of World War II on American society.

World War II started on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland. With war already raging in Asia, the invasion sparked a global conflict that lasted until 1945. The Axis Powers fought relentlessly against the Allied Powers for dominance around the world.

The United States remained neutral in the war until Japan, a member of the Axis Powers, attacked an American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. In response to the attack and a dramatic speech by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the U.S. Congress declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941. Three days later, the United States declared war on Germany and Italy.

To know more about World War II visit:


TRUE/FALSE. the so-called 'undeclared war' between the u.s. and france took place because the chronically financially strapped french revolutionary government , no longer receiving american payments for loans, routinely seized and sold off american merchant vessels and their cargoes.


Yes it is to be true that the so-called 'undeclared war' between the u.s. and france took place because the chronically financially strapped and the French revolutionary government and no longer receiving american payments for loans, routinely seized and sold off american merchant vessels and their cargoes.

French Revolution was lasted from 1789 to 1799 and this revolutionary participated series of european wars that was forcing the United States to articulate their policy of neutrality in order to avoid being in these European conflicts.

The French was helped to the Americans in the Revolutionary wars by motivated by their desire to humiliate the British army. French revolution changed a lots of in America that makes the nation strongest in physically, economically or politically support .

Learn more about French revolutionary click the link here:


A mi abuela _____ _____________ los duraznos. (gustar)


Answer: A mi abuela le gusta los duraznos

Translation: My grandmother likes peaches.

HELP ASAP PLEASE!!!! GIVING 100 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(03.04 MC)The Iroquois Confederacy was similar to what in ancient Mesopotamia?




The Iroquois Confederacy was similar to ancient Mesopotamia because they both had city-states. 


Therefore, the answer is Confederacies.

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