Know/you/do/anyone/ given up/has/ who/ smoking


Answer 1


Do you know anyone who has given up smoking?


Related Questions

9) Choose the correct words from the given brackets
a. The group (is, are, were) excited to trek to mustang.
b. Hari (is, were, have) an excellent guide .
c.We (are, is, was) sure of enjoying the trip.
d.I (am, were, has) strong enough to go trekking.​



a) answer=is b)answer =is C)answer =ared)answer =am

What would have been some of the implications of Homer's being a blind poet? Select all that apply.
He would have had more difficulty memorizing the works for oration
V Homer was really blind, he certainly would have had difficulty transcribing his poems without assistance.
He would have had a companion or scribe who followed him around, helping him in his travels and recording his stories.
His audiences would have had to concentrate more on the text, rather than allowing Homer's appearance to distract them.
His medical requirements would have hampered his creative abilities.



If Homer was really blind, he certainly would have had difficulty transcribing his poems without assistance.He would have had a companion or scribe who followed him around, helping him in his travels and recording his stories.


Although there´s no reliable evidence of Homer being blind, there´s a widespread myth among some scholars that he was. It´s known that his poems were orally transmitted and were put into written form around the eighth centuries BC.

If he was indeed blind, the implications would be that he would need assistance transcribing his poems, most likely a scribe who followed him around to record his stories.

There´s no reason to think that blindness would impair him from memorizing the works for oration, nor would it lessen his creative abilities.

And him being blind or not should have no relation with his audiences allowing Homer's appearance to distract them.

What is the best website to watch American Tv shows & movies outside the country ?


Netflix is pretty good

experts can examine the same evidence and come up with different causes to explain it



yes it can these causes are important for the individual or business to know about it

If your listening preference is to "cut to the chase" by getting to the point quickly,
then you are a(n) ______ listener.
O people-oriented



content oriented


to "cut to the chase" is to get to the point. People who are content-oriented are interested more in what is said rather than who is saying it or what they are feeling.


D but don't be surprised if it is C


You don't care about details.

Your favorite question is "What's the point?"

You don't care what the emotions were, and not particularly concerned with who the people are.

The choice that's going to give you trouble is action-orientated. You might want to know what the speaker wants you do do.

In spite of that, I would pick D because it's more general.

The following is what type of sentence? When the police are understaffed and politicians look the other way, urban crime is getting worse.​



The sentence is a Complex Sentence.

Mark me as Brainliest, if this answer helped

is it best for an author to have more than one purpose because it engages the reader ​





Because it is best for an author to have more than one purpose because it engages the reader.

Can you help me guys



subtopic 1 is easy

Subtopic 2 is hard

subtopic 3 in impossible

4. Change the following sentences to plural. Example: The (boy )is singing.
The boys are singing.
(a) The (tiger) jumped in the air.
(b) The( elephant) is running.
(c) They gave me (an apple.)
(d) Raju put the apple in (a box.)
(e) She opened the( door.)​



(a) The tigers jumped in the air.

(b) The elephants are running.

(c) They gave me apples.

(d)Raju put apples in boxes.

(c)She opened doors.


(a) the tigers jump in the air.

(b) the elephants are running.

(c) they gave us apples.

(d) raju put the apples in boxes.

(e) she opened the doors.

this should be easy...what grade are you in?

brainliest is very much appreciated!

how to write short intro about onlime classes and aditional classes??​



online classes suck and normal classes are cool


because you can see your friends

a letter about the good result of truthfulness​



Dear Alice,

Hope you are in good health. I am writing this letter, not to ask anything from you but to tell you something really important. You must be thinking what is so important thing that I really wanted to share from you. We are friends since last 10 years and there is nothing that has been successful in creating misunderstanding between us. We have always stood for each other in every problem that has come our way. You have always told me truth about every issue and we have dealt with it our way. It is really great courage to always speak truth even in difficult situations. But since you always speak truth, I can never doubt you and believe in whatever you say. This has made our relation really strong. I wish our relation continues forever and our love for each other stays same till our last breathe.



When looking at the home page, where do you think you will find information about different kinds of bridges?
a. Resources
c. Build a bridge
b. Teacher's guide
d. None of the above



c. Build a bridge

During which element of plot can the result of the conflict be predicted?


The answer should be climax.

Climax: Point of highest emotion; turning point; the point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted. 4. Resolution: (Denouement) Rounds out and concludes the action; struggles are over.

home alone story fof class 9​



if you want the story you can search it online


The majority of immigrants that entered the United States during the industrial age came from









.On edge

Read the paragraph Mark each statement True or False
Summertime is hot in Egypt. so pack light clothing. But he sure to bring warm-weather clothing that is also modest. If you visit a mosque shorts are definitely out of the question for both men and women. In mosques, women should wear longer skirts and a head covering, usually a scarf. And the upper part of their arms should be covered with sleeves. For touring other wonderful sights and historical places, casual comfortable clothing is fine for both men and women.
1) Light clothes are not good in the Egyptian summer
A True
B False
2) Warm-weather clothing is light
A True
B False
3) Sleeves are good for covering the head
A True
B. False
4) It's OK for men to wear shorts in a mosque, but not for women
A True
B False
5) In most of Egypt, outside of mosques, casual clothing is appropriate
A True
B False


1) A
2) A
3) B
4) B
5) A

is a dialogue in a text is a good example of what people might say in real life and why?​


I’m not sure cusmix. Ick

Read the passage from “Initiation.”

"Get up, gopher," Bev ordered.

There was something about her tone that annoyed Millicent. It was almost malicious. And there was an unpleasant anonymity about the label "gopher," even if that was what they always called the girls being initiated. It was degrading, like being given a number. It was a denial of individuality.

Rebellion flooded through her.

"I said get up. Are you deaf?"

Millicent got up, standing there.

"Into the house, gopher. There's a bed to be made and a room to be cleaned at the top of the stairs."

This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs.





This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs. character.

An internal conflict features character vs. self

amn't a doctor






Select the adjective phrase to complete the sentence.
Martin read a book and watched a movie
Martin read a book in the early evening
Martin read a book about Frederick Douglass
Martin read a book to his younger brother



Martin read a book in the early evening


The word early is an adjective while a movie, Fredrick Douglass, and his younger brother are nouns. A noun is a person, place, or thing.

Martin read a book in the early evening

1. Please get in touch ……….. our agent in Hamburg as soon as possible.
A. with
B. on
C. of
D. to



Please get in touch WITH our agent in Hamburg as soon as possible

Asnwer: A

The correct answer is A…. With

* 26. My uncle bought a house from an elderly realtor with a large bay window. 1 point a. My uncle bought a house with a large bay window from an elderly realtor. b. From an elderly realtor with a large bay window, my uncle bought a house.​





My uncle bought a house with a large bay window from an elderly realtor.

Sentence structure for A is correct.

Things ____(change) a great deal at our company. When we first _____(start) working here three years ago, the company ____(have, only) six employees. since then, we____(expand) to include more than 2000 full-time workers."​





had, only



Things changed a great deal at our company. When we first started working here three years ago, the company had only six employees. Since then, we expanded to include more than 2000 full-time workers."​


Have changed, started, had, expanded.


Things have changed a great deal at our company. When we first started working here three years ago, the company had only six employees. Since then, we've expanded to include more than 2000 full-time workers."​

1 )where were you posted ? (into Active voice) 2) please, inform him about everthing. (into passive voice)
3)The police did not like them to remain free. (into passive voice)
4)we are to earn more prestige.(into passive voice)
5) let the report be revised.(into active voice)
6) who broke the house?(into passive voice)
7)priya is studying science.(into passive voice)
8) everyone hates me.(into passive voice)
9)They had already posted the letter (into passive voice)
10) what do you mean by it?(into passive voice)
11)please help the needy(into passive voice) ​



4.Prestige is to be earned by us

5.Revise the report

6.The house was broken by who?

7.Science is being studied by Priya

8.I am being hated by everyone

9.the letter was already posted by them.

10...This question is already in a passive form

11.the needy is to be helped

sorry I can only help u with this questions

my father helps me too. ( negative)​


My father doesn’t help me too
What was the question????

Which word begins and ends with a fricative?






It would be sledge because A fricative is a consonant sound that is created by constricting the vocal tract, causing friction as the air passes through it.

what is the subject of the bet between Adell and Lupov



The more free space it has, the more entropy the device has. Adell and Lupov made a bet about the entropy about the human race and if a hundred billion years was enough to lose the entropy of society: how long it would take the human race to overpopulate and then suddenly die off from lack of natural resources.

Who has been the most influential person in your life? Why?



Hello, I am telling you about the most influential person in my life from another person's view, means its not mine, its any imaginary person's.


The most influential person in my life was my English Teacher. She is the main reason why I am a writer today. She used to teach us English very nicely and we always had an interest to listen to her in class. She always used to motivate us to become a writer, which I accumulated. When she knew that I wanted to become a writer, she asked me whether I wanted some extra classes during the weekends to know how to write properly. I agreed instantly and I learned a lot during the weekends and initially I became a very good author and knew how to write very well. I always thank my teacher in my mind everyday.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Write a conversation between the two friends talking about a friend getting married.​



"I can't believe alice is getting married," said Annie.

Gracie nodded agreeing then remarked "I know, I'm so happy for her"

Annie then replied, " I wonder when the ceramony is going to be, with Alice's taste I bet the wedding will be beautiful!"

"She will look as beautiful as ever! I cant wait to see her walk down the aisle"  Gracie said enthusiastically.


What poetic device is used to indicate meaning in a character or event in addition to the literal meaning



I think it is metaphor


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