Kristi, an event planner, wants to store caterers’ names and contact information in an organized manner. Kristi will MOST LIKELY use a


Answer 1


Publisher Program


Related Questions

The program prompts the user for five to ten numbers all on one line, separated by spaces, calculates the average of those numbers, and displays the numbers and their average to the user.

The program uses methods to:

1) get the numbers entered by the user all on one line separated by spaces;

2) calculate the average of the numbers entered by the user; and

3) print the results.

The first method should take no arguments and return a String of numbers separated by spaces.

The second method should take a String as its only argument and return a double (the average).

The third method should take a String and a double as arguments but have no return value.

IF user input is: 20 40 60 80 100



import java.util.Scanner;  

public class AverageDemo


public static String getNumbers()



 String numbers;  

 Scanner scn = new Scanner(;  

 System.out.println("Enter five to ten numbers all on one line, separated by spaces: ");

 numbers = scn.nextLine();

 return numbers;


public static double calcAverage(String numbers)


 String[] values = numbers.split(" ");

 double total = 0;  

 for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)


  total += Integer.parseInt(values[i]);


 if (values.length == 0)

  return 0.0;


  return (total / values.length);


// Method definition of printResults: print the results

public static void printResults(String numbers, double average)


 System.out.printf("\nThe average of the numbers %s is %.2f\n", numbers, average);


// main method

public static void main(String[] args)


 // Call the methods

 String numbers = getNumbers();

 double average = calcAverage(numbers);

 printResults(numbers, average);




What are the three major tasks does a computer perform?​



Input, processing, and output.

The three major tasks a computer performs are Input, processing, and output.

What are the tasks of a computer?

These tasks exist all connected to the four basic computer functions: input, output, processing, and storage.

Taking data and instructions from a user, processing the data as per instructions, and showing or storing the processed data, exist the four main functions of a computer.

To learn more about computer


why are laptop employment of computer popular these days​



Because due to pandemic all the offices and employment sector are closed physically and to make their work smoothly people are preferring virtual platforms with the concept of work from home .

I hope it is helpful and mark me as brainlest and follow me plllzzz♥️♥️

Still giving out the brainly thing :)
just answer its as simple as that and you get points :)



The answer to that my friend, Is 0 :D





how do i put pinned app to thr main screen​



Go to the screen you want to pin.

Swipe up to the middle of your screen. ...

At the top of the image, tap the app's icon.

Tap the Pin .

Which of these optical devices is fairly fragile, easy to snap or scratch

1. Flash memory
2. Magnetic tape
3. CD
4. Hard disk​





The optical device that is fairly fragile and easy to snap or scratch is called; 3: CD

How to identify optical devices?

An optical instrument is a device that processes light waves either to enhance an image for viewing or to analyze and determine their characteristic properties.

Now, from the given examples, they all come with protective covers except for the CD. Thus, the CD is the most fragile because it can easily be scratched or snapped.

Read more about Optical Devices at;


Which is an example of machine-to-machine communication?
(Correct answer only)

A. talking to a friend
B. a computer connecting to a server
C. a computer doing statistical analysis
D. playing a video game
E. talking on the phone to a family member



B Or C sorry Im not Sure


Machine-to-machine communication, or M2M, is exactly as it sounds: two machines “communicating,” or exchanging data, without human interfacing or interaction.


B. a computer connecting to a server


Helllppppppp plzzzzzzzz



i help you

ife ifrt ksd

its a study meeting of girls i am also girl here we only study boy were not allowed because he disturb here we only study its safe meeting of girl

Which of the following characterizes pooled interdependence? Multiple Choice Each member has a great deal of discretion in terms of what they do and with whom they interact while collaborating to accomplish the team’s work. Interaction in the team only occurs between members who perform tasks that are next to each other in a sequence. Members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team’s work. Group members complete their work assignments independently, and then this work is simply "piled up" to represent the group’s output. Different tasks are done in a prescribed order, and the group is structured such that the members specialize in these tasks.



Group members complete their work assignments independently, and then this work is simply "piled up" to represent the group’s output.


A pooled interdependence arise or occurs when the members of a group are able to function with relative independence and then their combined output or level of productivity is used to significantly augment the group's overall performance.

A characteristic of pooled interdependence is that group members complete their work assignments independently, and then this work is simply "piled up" to represent the group’s output.

What combination of keys will autofill highlighted cells to the right?



it is Ctrl+R            

which computer is used in hospital for ultrasound?​



Pentium Powered Computer


Pentium powered computer

how do you underline the selected text?


Select the text that you want to underline. Tip: You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D. Use the Underline style drop-down list to select an underline style. Use the Underline color drop-down list to change the color of the line.

Match the term with the appropriate definition.
1. motherboard
the central processing unit
2. CPU
a small mobile computer
3. system software
a device that gives you directions
to a certain location
4. GPS
instructions for the computer
written in a programming language
the main board in the body of the
5. laptop
software that helps run the
6. program
computer hardware



1. the main board

2. the central processing unit

3. software that runs

4. a device that gives you directions

5. hardware

6. instruction for the computer


1- the main board in the body in the computer

2- central processing unit

3- software that helps run the computer hardware

4-  instructions written for the computer in a programming language

5- small mobile computer

6- device that gives directions


460N of force is exerted on an object with a surface area of 2,5m.How much pressure is felt by the object?​






Force = 460N

Surface Area = 2.5m

Pressure = F/A

= 460/2.5

= 184 Pa

If the surface area was 10m


= 460/10

= 46Pa

Didnt know the surface area clearly

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

What types of customizations have you or would you make to your operating system, and why?




I have made a couple of customizations to my OS, which is Windows 10. The first being that I activated dark mode, this feature turns the entire OS into a dark-themed color, including apps and menus. This makes using the computer for extended hours much easier on the eyes. The other very important customization I added was a hover taskbar. This allows me to add many important shortcuts to the taskbar which all appear when I hover over the taskbar. It makes my desktop much cleaner and I have quick and easy access to my most important applications.

What are the uses of magnetic force?​



Computer hard drives use magnetism to store the data on a rotating disk. More complex applications include: televisions, radios, microwave ovens, telephone systems, and computers. An industrial application of magnetic force is an electromagnetic crane that is used for lifting metal objects.


Examples of magnetic force is a compass, a motor, the magnets that hold stuff on the refrigerator, train tracks, and new roller coasters. All moving charges give rise to a magnetic field and the charges that move through its regions, experience a force.

I Hope this will help you if not then sorry :)

Can you recommend me a movie? ​


Ice age definitely……….

Which of the following are characteristics of distributed version control systems? Select 3 options.

Developers must be connected to the internet to make changes to the project files.

A full copy of all project files is stored on each developer’s computer.

Project files are maintained in a central repository.

It allows many developers to work on the same project from anywhere at the same time.

The process may require file locking, depending on file type.




Distributed Version Control Systems are a must for any development team. Some of the characteristics of these systems include

Project files are maintained in a central repository.

It allows many developers to work on the same project from anywhere at the same time.

A full copy of all project files is stored on each developer’s computer.

It is somewhat similar to a Centralized Version Control system, with the main difference being that every team developer has a complete project copy in their own system. This allows them to work on the project without access to the internet. Instead, they make changes and update their own server version. This updated version later gets pushed to the centralized server.


1. It allows many developers to work on the same project from anywhere at the same time.

2. Project files are maintained in a central repository.

3. A full copy of all project files is stored on each developer’s computer.


i did the assignment

One of your users suspects that the battery in their notebook computer is failing. You test it by using a known good power adapter to plug it in long enough to receive a full charge. The battery reads that it is fully charged in Windows. You then disconnect the laptop from its power source and wait to see how long the battery lasts. The battery dies after only about 15 minutes. What should you do to resolve to this problem?
A. Assume the battery is failing and replace it.
B. is failing and replace it.Configure the Power Scheme settings to minimize battery usage.
C. Put the battery in another notebook to verify that it’s the battery that is failing.
D. Calibrate the battery to synchronize the power meter to the actual charge capacity of the battery.


Answer:assume the battery is failing and replace it


write an algorithm to verify a number as even​


Algorithm to verify a number as even is given in the picture attached.

In order for two queries to be UNION-compatible, they must: Select one: A. both have the same number of lines in their SQL statements. B. both output compatible data types for each column and return the same number of rows. C. both return at least one row. D. both return exactly one row.


Answer: B. both output compatible data types for each column and return the same number of rows.


In order for two queries to be UNION-compatible, they must be both output compatible data types for each column and return the same number of rows.

It should be noted that two relations are union compatible when both relations have the same attributes and also the domain regarding the identical attributes are thesame.


The Fleischer Studio produced two animated feature films. The financial success of both films was negatively impacted by what event?

- The Great Depression

- World War I

- World War II

- the popularity of television

The first to answer correctly gets a crown and 5 stars. Please help.



The Great Depression and The popularity of television  and the event was The Great Animation Strike  


you’ve found an image you want to insert into your slide presentation you want to make the image look more gray so that it looks like an older image what would you need to adjust


image grayscale

format : format options: recolor : then pick the color

Rewrite the following using if else statement:
int x;
String s=(x%3=0)? “Divisible by 3" : "Not divisible by 3";


int x;
String s = “x%3=0?”
if( x%3 == 0){
s = “Divisible by 3”
s = “Not divisible by 3”

In large organizations, there is a formal business function that includes developing an information policy, planning for data, overseeing logical database design and data dictionary development, and monitoring how information systems specialists and end user groups use data. __________ is responsible for information policy, as well as for data planning, data dictionary development, and monitoring data usage in the firm.



Data administration.


Data management is a type of infrastructure service that avails businesses (companies) the ability to store and manage corporate data while providing capabilities for analyzing these data.

A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

Hence, a database management system (DBMS) is a system that enables an organization or business firm to centralize data, manage the data efficiently while providing authorized users a significant level of access to the stored data.

Data administration is a strategic process that is typically responsible for establishing information policy, data planning, data dictionary development, and monitoring data usage in the firm.

How do we explain the difference between fake news and facts​


Answer: it depends if the news is on the news and someone rights an article about it and says some mislead details that's how u know its fake  


A blog is a Web site of personal or commercial origin that uses a dated log format updated, daily or very frequently, with new information about a particular subject or range of subjects. true or false


True True True True True

Kolom terakhir pada lembar kerja Excel 2019 adalah​



Tahan CTRL dan tekan tombol panah kanan (tombol kursor) pada keyboard. Anda dibawa ke kolom paling kanan. Dalam versi Excel modern, ini adalah kolom XFD, yaitu 16.384 kolom. Di versi Excel yang lebih lama (2003 dan sebelumnya) kolom terakhir adalah IV yaitu 256 kolom.

in english

Hold down CTRL and press the right arrow key (cursor key) on the keyboard. You are taken to the right-most column. In the modern versions of Excel this is column XFD, which is 16,384 columns. In older versions of Excel (2003 and prior) the last column was IV which is 256 columns.

describe how it is necessary to design documents, files, forms/inputs, reports/outputs and validation​




Good organization, complete information and clear writing are the most effective ways to design a document.

I hope this helps

What type of operating system is Linux? An outsourced operating system An open source operating system A closed source operating system A variable source operating system



Linux is a free, open source operating system.



Linux is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly manages a system's hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage.

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