Last question, thank you guys a lot for helping me out


Answer 1

Answer: Her earnings after taxes will be $415.80 (choice C)


PER 1 HOUR: 0.77 x (13.50 x 1) = 0.77 x $13.50 = $10.395

PER 40 HOURS: 0.77 x (13.50 x 40h) = 0.77 x 13.50 x 40 = $415.80

Related Questions

Graph the solution to the following system of inequalities.



Tb bight by icing I jb Yves j by by by navy by iffy i by by by

Solve each inequality, and then drag the correct solution graph to the inequality.


The correct solution graph to the inequalities are

[tex]4(9x-18)>3(8x+12)[/tex]  →  C

[tex]-\frac{1}{3}(12x+6) \geq -2x +14[/tex]  → A

[tex]1.6(x+8)\geq 38.4[/tex]  →  B

(NOTE: The graphs are labelled A, B and C from left to right)

For the first inequality,


First, clear the brackets,


Then, collect like terms

[tex]36x-24x>36+72\\12x >108[/tex]

Now divide both sides by 12

[tex]\frac{12x}{12} > \frac{108}{12}[/tex]

∴ [tex]x > 9[/tex]

For the second inequality

[tex]-\frac{1}{3}(12x+6) \geq -2x +14[/tex]

First, clear the fraction by multiplying both sides by 3

[tex]3 \times[-\frac{1}{3}(12x+6)] \geq3 \times( -2x +14)[/tex]

[tex]-1(12x+6) \geq -6x +42[/tex]

Now, open the bracket

[tex]-12x-6 \geq -6x +42[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]-6 -42\geq -6x +12x[/tex]

[tex]-48\geq 6x[/tex]

Divide both sides by 6

[tex]\frac{-48}{6} \geq \frac{6x}{6}[/tex]

[tex]-8\geq x[/tex]

∴ [tex]x\leq -8[/tex]

For the third inequality,

[tex]1.6(x+8)\geq 38.4[/tex]

First, clear the brackets

[tex]1.6x + 12.8\geq 38.4[/tex]

Collect likes terms

[tex]1.6x \geq 38.4-12.8[/tex]

[tex]1.6x \geq 25.6[/tex]

Divide both sides by 1.6

[tex]\frac{1.6x}{1.6}\geq \frac{25.6}{1.6}[/tex]

∴ [tex]x \geq 16[/tex]

Let the graphs be A, B and C from left to right

The first graph (A) shows [tex]x\leq -8[/tex] and this matches the 2nd inequality

The second graph (B) shows [tex]x \geq 16[/tex] and this matches the 3rd inequality

The third graph (C) shows [tex]x > 9[/tex] and this matches the 1st inequality

Hence, the correct solution graph to the inequalities are

[tex]4(9x-18)>3(8x+12)[/tex]  →  C

[tex]-\frac{1}{3}(12x+6) \geq -2x +14[/tex]  → A

[tex]1.6(x+8)\geq 38.4[/tex]  →  B

Learn more here:


4(9x − 18) > 3(8x + 12) = x > 9

(12x + 6) ≥ -2x + 14 = x ≤ -8

1.6(x + 8) ≥ 38.4 = x ≥ 16

Just follow the numbers with the dotted thing and see the numbers I underlined.

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the properties of inequality and real numbers to solve each inequality.

4(9x − 18) > 3(8x + 12)

36x − 72 > 24x + 36

12x − 72 > 36

12x > 108

x > 9

The graph has an open circle at 9, and moves toward the right on the number line.

(12x + 6) ≥ -2x + 14

12x + 6 ≤ 6x − 42

6x + 6 ≤ -42

6x ≤ -48

x ≤ -8

The graph has a closed circle at -8, and moves toward the left on the number line.

1.6(x + 8) ≥ 38.4

x + 8 ≥ 24

x ≥ 16

The graph has a closed circle at 16, and moves toward the right on the number line.

Find the surface area of the rectangular prism


Front: 60 cm^2

Area = 6 x 10 = 60

Back: 60 cm^2

Area = 6 x 10 = 60

Right: 30 cm^2

Area = 3 x 10 = 30

Left: 30 cm^2

Area = 3 x 10 = 30

Bottom: 18 cm^2

Area = 6 x 3 = 18

TOTAL: 216 cm^2

Formula I used:

SA of a rectangular prism:

2 (lw + hl + w)

Just use the formula without the “lw”. After you used the formula, just solve for “lw” again and add it back to the final answer. This is because the upper part of the prism is not included.


216 square cm

Brainliest, please!

Step-by-step explanation:

A rectangle has 6 sides. 2 are the same, 2 are the same, and the final 2 are the same.

(6 x 10) x 2 = 60 x 2 = 120 (Front + Back)

(3 x 6) x 2 = 18 x 2 = 36 (Top + Bottom)

(3 x 10) x 2 = 30 x 2 = 60 (Left + Right)

120 + 36 + 60 = 216 square cm

Find the length of BC



D 26, 05

Step-by-step explanation:

(look at picture attached)

Find an equation of the line through the given points right the final answer in intercept form



got it

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 2x 3 -7x^{3}−7x 3



It is given that


Step-by-step explanation:

By further calculation


So we get



You start with a given set of rules and conditions and determine something to
be true. What type of reasoning did you use?
O A. deductive
O B. inductive
C. logical
D. conditional



i use logical reasoning

Alex can cut a cord into 7 pieces in 36 seconds. How long will it take him to cut the cord into 12 pieces? (the answer is NOT 61 or 62.)



x=61.71428 or 61 5/7

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use a ratio to solve

7 pieces              12 pieces

-----------------   = ---------------

36 seconds          x seconds

Using cross products

7x = 36*12

7x = 432

Divide by 7

7x/7 = 432/7

61 5/7




Step-by-step explanation:

the sum of four consecutive even numbers is 1052. find these numbers



Answer is down below.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the answer, we will have to use basic Algebra in order to view the solution.

Let the first number be = x

Let the second number be = x+2

Let the third number be= x+4

Let the fourth number be= x+6

(We did the x+ part because consecutive means following continuously..)

Now let's put the equation:

x+x+2+x+4+x+6 = 1052

Let's add all the variables and numbers separately in order to simplify:

4x+12 = 1052

Subtract 12 on both sides.

4x = 1040

Divide 4 on both sides

x = 260

Now, we know the value of x. Let's put it in our numbers.

Let the first number be = x = 260

Let the second number be = x+2 = 262

Let the third number be= x+4 = 264

Let the fourth number be+ x+6 = 266

Now, let's double check to see if our answers are correct.

260+262+264+266 = 1052

Valla! They are.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Mark Brainliest please

Answer : 260,262, 264 & 266

Let the four consecutive even numbers be:

(X), (X+2), (X+4), (X+6)
Their sum is 1052.

(X) + (X+2) + (X+4) + (X+6) = 1052


4X + 12 = 1052

4X = (1052 - 12) = 1040

X = 260
(X+2) = 260+2 = 262
( X+ 4) = 260 + 4 = 264
(X+6) = 260+6 = 266

The sweet shop sells licorice at $9.40 per kg. How much would 250g of licorice cost?



9.40 x 250=2350


Step-by-step explanation:


Find n.
help pleaseeee




Step-by-step explanation:

Im pretty sure its c, i took this test not too long ago.

What is the negative square root of 0.25?




Step-by-step explanation:

Where do I get the second number from? I’m confused lol



(1, 0)

Step-by-step explanation:

You have to follow the horizontal line when the coordinate x=1, until the y-axis, so you'll realize that y=0


2/2,0/2 = (1,0)

Step-by-step explanation:


midpoint (x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2

What is the length of BD?



BD = 10 √3

Step-by-step explanation:

ABC ∆ ,

BD ÷ 20 = sin 60

BD = 20 sin 60

BD = (20 √3) / 2

= 10 √3

find the measure of one interior angle for the following regular polygon ​



144 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the formula (n-2)(180), where n = number of sides, to find the sum of all the interior angles in the decagon. Since a decagon has 10 sides:

(n-2)(180) = ?

(10-2)(180) = ?

(8)(180) = 1440.

Now, to find one interior angle in the decagon, divide 1440 by the number sides in our polygon (10).

1,440/10 = 144

               = 144 degrees

The diameter of a wheel of a car is 30cm. If the car travels at an average speed of 13.2m/s, find the number of revolutions made by the wheel per hour, giving your answer correct to the nearest whole number.



Approximately [tex]50420[/tex] revolutions (rounded to the nearest whole number.)

Step-by-step explanation:

Convert the diameter of this wheel to meters: [tex]d = 30\; \rm cm = 0.30\; \rm m[/tex].

Circumference of this wheel:

[tex]\pi \, d = \pi \times 0.30\; \rm m \approx 0.942\; \rm m[/tex].

Distance travelled in one hour:

[tex]\begin{aligned}v \cdot t &= 13.2 \; \rm m \cdot s^{-1} \times 3600\; \rm s \\ &= 47520\; \rm m\end{aligned}[/tex].

Number of revolutions required for covering that distance:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{47520\; \rm m}{(\pi \times 0.30\; \rm m)} \approx 50420[/tex].

for f (x)= -x + 8, what is the value of x for which f(x) = 9?




Step-by-step explanation:

f (x)= -x + 8

Let f(x) = 9

9 = -x+8

Subtract 8 from each side

9-8 = -x+8-8

1 = -x

Multiply each side by -1

-1 = x





[tex] \large{ \tt{❃ \: S \: O \: L \: U \: T \: I \: O \: N \:❃ }}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{❊ \: S \: T \: E \: P \: S \: ❊}}[/tex]

[tex] \huge{ \tt{ \: \frac{4 \sqrt{6} }{5 \sqrt{3} } = \frac{4 \: \cancel{ \sqrt{6}} \: ^{\sqrt{2}} }{5 \: \cancel{\sqrt{3} }} }} = \: \boxed{\frac{4 \sqrt{2} }{5} }[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \tt{⤻ \: OUR \: FINAL \: ANSWER : \boxed{ \tt{ \frac{4 \sqrt{2} }{5}}}}}}} [/tex]

Note : In the second step , I divided √6 by √3 as a result of it , I got √2

- Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer and don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any other help! :)




Hey I'm sorry I didn't get to answer your question it's just that I need the points because I don't have enough to get help with my question. I hope you get the answer that you need for you question. Good Luck :)

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the common ratio of the geometric


the answer is B. 7

Step-by-step explanation:

it's the number u see the most therefore its the most common


D. 10 maybe?

Step-by-step explanation:

because it moves a decimal with every number. im not sure I hope it's correct. it adds on a zero

a store sells a 1 1/4 pound of turkey for 9 dollars what is the unit price of the turkey in the package



7.20 dollars

Step-by-step explanation:

1 1/4 can be expressed as 5/4 ((1*4+1) /4)

If price of 5/4 pound of turkey = $9

Price of 1 pound of turkey = $9 / (5/4)

( Same way you'd divide the price of 2 pounds by 2 to get the price of 1 pound)

$9 / (5/4) = $7.2

Using the order of operations, what should be done first to evaluate 12+(-6)(3)+(-2)?
O Divide 12 by 5.
O Multiply -6 and 3.
O Divide 12 by -6.
Add 3 and -2.



hello there...

you know BODMAS for sure

First brackets then of then divi then multi then add and then subtract

going by BODMAS

we need to first of all multiply of -6 and 3

hence ans is multiplying -6 and 3

( option 1 Is wrong by the equation u sent if the equation is correct then ans is which given bur by options I think equation is wrong becoz I don't see divide symbol)

3. How many right angles and parallelogram has​



parallelogram has 4 right angle.


It has 4 angles

Step-by-step explanation:

Point A is located at (0, 4), and point C is located at (−3, 5). Find the x value for the point B that is located one-fourth the distance from point A to point C.



x = (-2 , 4.5)

Step-by-step explanation

Hope it helps! later!






Step-by-step explanation:

Let u=x+2

We need to now solve 3u^2+4u+1=0 for u.

I'm going to try factoring. 3u (u)=3u^2 and 1(1)=1 so I'm going to try factored form (3u+1)(u+1).

Since 3u(1)+1(u)=4u, we are done.

Since (3u+1)(u+1)=0, then either 3u+1=0 or u+1=0.

Let's solve u+1=0 by subtracting 1 on both sides which obtains for us that u=-1.

Let's solve 3u+1=0 by subtracting 1 and then dividing both sides by 3 which obtains for us u=-1/3.

Since u=x+2, we are down to just solving the following:

x+2=-1 and x+2=-1/3

Both equations require us to subtract 2 on both sides.

The solutions are

x=-1-2=-3 and x=-1/3-2=-7/3


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol {} Let : t=x+2 \ \ ; \ \ t^2=(x+2)^2\\\\3(x+2)^2+4(x+2)+1 =0 \\\\\\3t^2+4t+1=0 \\\\D=16-12=4 \\\\ t_{1}=\dfrac{-4-2}{6} =-1 \ \ ; \ \ \boxed{x_1=-3 }\\\\\\ t_2=\dfrac{-4+2}{6} =-\dfrac{1}{3} \ \ ; \ \boxed{x_2=-2\frac{1}{3} }[/tex]

If you have to invest in an account that pays 5.3 compound annually, after 10 years how much interest is earned


Rate=5.3 per year Time=10

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Interest=Rate\times Time[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Interest=5.3(10)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Interest =53[/tex]

It means that if your principal is $100 after 10years you will receive $53 as interest

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]thank \: you[/tex]

Please help could you explain or show work so I will remember how to do problems like this?

Problem: 4x - (x - 4) = - 20

I desperately need a good grade because this is my first grade.

Correct answer is brainiest!



x = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - (x - 4) = - 20

Distribute the minus sign

4x - x +4 = -20

Combine like terms

3x+4 = -20

Subtract 4 from each side

3x+4-4 = -20-4

3x = -24

Divide by 3

3x/3 = -24/3

x = -8


x = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - (x - 4) = -20


4x - x + 4

~Subtract 4 to both sides

3x = -24

~Divide 3 to both sides

x = -8

Best of Luck!




D. 769.7 ft^3

Step-by-step explanation:

because area of a solid is area of the base times the height, so to find the area of the base, it is pi*r^2(3.14*7^2), and that equals to 153.94, times that by 5 and you get 769.7 ft^3

please help!! will give brainliest


Answer: 320

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1) Identify Number of options for each set

For the entree, you have 4 options, for the sides, you have 4 options, and for the drink you have 5

Step 2) Find all possible outcomes

4 options for the entree × 4 options for the first side × 4 options for the second side × 5 options for the drink

Step 3) Solve

4 × 4 × 4 × 5 = 320

Write the equation in standard form then factor the left side of the equation. 2x^2=28-x



Step-by-step explanation:

Standard for is 5x=28. Factoring gives you x=28/5

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