Last year, the CDC claimed there were 1700 different strains of a virus around the
world. Since then, numbers have increased by 9.7% more than what the scientists
originally estimated. How many strains are estimated currently? Round to the nearest


Answer 1

Answer: 1865

Step-by-step explanation:


Claimed strains of virus is 1700

If it is increased by 9.7%

Estimated value can be given by

[tex]\Rightarrow 1700+1700\times 9.7\%\\\Rightarrow 1700(1+0.097)\\\Rightarrow 1700\times 1.097\\\Rightarrow 1864.9\approx 1865[/tex]

Thus, the estimated number is [tex]1865[/tex]

Related Questions

please helpppp i need it by tonight its very important






Step-by-step explanation:

measure one is supplementary(the angles add to 180) to measure four.

so we do 180-35=145

measure 2 is congruent to measure four because they are corresponding angles

so measure 2=35

and measure 3 is also congruent to measure 4 because the are corresponding angles

so m<3=35

The segments shown below could form a triangle.
A. True
B. False




Step-by-step explanation:


The given segment can form triangle. Therefore, the given statement is true.

What is triangle?

A polygon has three edges as well as three vertices is called a triangle. It's one of the fundamental geometric shapes. In Euclidean geometry, each and every three points that are not collinear produce a distinct triangle and a distinct plane. In other words, every triangle was contained in a plane, and there is only single plane that encompasses that triangle.

All triangles are enclosed in a single plane if all of geometry is the Euclidean plane, however this is no longer true in higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Unless when otherwise specified, this article discusses triangles within Euclidean geometry, namely the Euclidean plane. The given segment can form triangle.

Therefore, the given statement is true.

To know more about triangle, here:


look at the image below



201.1 km²

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of a sphere= 4πr², where r = radius



= 4×π×4²

= 64π

= 201.1 km² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Shawn has 4 times as many candies as Jason, who has a third as many candies as
lan. If Shawn has 64 candies, how many candies does Ian have?


Ian has 48 candies. hope that helps!
Ian has 4 candies...........

12/1,000 into decimal​


0.012 is the answer!

I hope this helps you out! :D

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{12}{1000}[/tex]

1000 has 3zeros hence decimal will go 3 points left

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 0.012[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{1}{10}=0.1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{1}{100}=0.01[/tex]

Triangle ABL is an isosceles triangle in circle A with a radius of 11, PL = 16, and ∠PAL = 93°. Find the area of the circle enclosed by line PL and arc PL. Show all work and round your answer to two decimal places.


The area bounded by a chord and arc it intercepts is known as a segment of a circle segment of a circle

The area of the circle enclosed by line PL and arc PL is approximately 37.62 square units

The reason the above value is correct is as follows:

The given parameters in the question are;

The radius of the circle, r = 11

The length of the chord PL = 16

The measure of angle ∠PAL = 93°


The area of part of the circle enclosed by chord PL and arc PL


The shaded area of the given circle is the minor segment of the circle enclosed by line PL and arc PL

The area of a segment of a circle is given by the following formula;

Area of segment = Area of the sector - Area of the triangle

Area of segment = Area of minor sector APL - Area of triangle APL

Area of minor sector APL:

Area of a sector = (θ/360)×π·r²


r = The radius of the circle

θ = The angle of the sector of the circle

Plugging in the the values of r and θ, we get;

Area of the minor sector APL = (93°/360°) × π × 11² 98.2 square units

Area of Triangle APL:

Area of a triangle = (1/2) × Base length × Height


The area of ΔAPL = (1/2) × 16 × 11 × cos(93°/2) ≈ 60.58 square units

Required shaded area enclosed by line PL and arc PL:

Therefore, the area of shaded segment enclosed by line PL and arc PL is found as follows;

Area of the required segment PL (98.2 - 60.58) square units = 37.62 square units

The area of the circle enclosed by line PL and arc PL ≈ 37.62 square units

Learn more about the finding the area of a segment can be found here:

The area of the circle enclosed by line segment PL and circle arc PL is 37.80 square units.

The calculation of the area between line segment PL and circle arc PL is described below:

1) Calculation of the area of the circle arc.

2) Calculation of the area of the triangle.

3) Subtracting the area found in 2) from the area found in 1).

Step 1:

The area of a circle arc is determined by the following formula:

[tex]A_{ca} = \frac{\alpha\cdot \pi\cdot r^{2}}{360}[/tex] (1)


[tex]A_{ca}[/tex] - Area of the circle arc.

[tex]\alpha[/tex] - Arc angle, in sexagesimal degrees.

[tex]r[/tex] - Radius.

If we know that [tex]\alpha = 93^{\circ}[/tex] and [tex]r = 11[/tex], then the area of the circle arc is:

[tex]A_{ca} = \frac{93\cdot \pi\cdot 11^{2}}{360}[/tex]

[tex]A_{ca} \approx 98.201[/tex]

Step 2:

The area of the triangle is determined by Heron's formula:

[tex]A_{t} = \sqrt{s\cdot (s-l)\cdot (s-r)^{2}}[/tex] (2)

[tex]s = \frac{l + 2\cdot r}{2}[/tex]


[tex]A_{t}[/tex] - Area of the triangle.

[tex]r[/tex] - Radius.

[tex]l[/tex] - Length of the line segment PL.

If we know that [tex]l = 16[/tex] and [tex]r = 11[/tex], then the area of the triangle is:

[tex]s = \frac{16+2\cdot (11)}{2}[/tex]

[tex]s = 19[/tex]

[tex]A_{t} = \sqrt{19\cdot (19-16)\cdot (19-11)^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]A_{t} \approx 60.399[/tex]

Step 3:

And the area between the line segment PL and the circle arc PL is:

[tex]A_{s} = A_{ca}-A_{t}[/tex]

[tex]A_{s} = 98.201 - 60.399[/tex]

[tex]A_{s} = 37.802[/tex]

The area of the circle enclosed by line segment PL and circle arc PL is 37.80 square units.

Convert 0.450 to a proper fraction




Step-by-step explanation:


this is not the answer, because it is not simplified

so here we have to find common factor and simplifying


450/1000 is simplified to 9/20, and it can no longer be simplified.

A car insurance company has determined that6% of all drivers were involved in a car accident last year. If14drivers are randomly selected, what is the probability of getting at most 3 who were involved in a car accidentlast year



[tex]P(x \le 3) = 0.9920[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]p = 6\%[/tex] --- proportion of drivers that had accident

[tex]n = 14[/tex] -- selected drivers


[tex]P(x \le 3)[/tex]

The question is an illustration of binomial probability, and it is calculated using:

[tex]P(x ) = ^nC_x * p^x * (1 - p)^{n-x}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]P(x \le 3) = P(x = 0) +P(x = 1) +P(x = 2) +P(x = 3)[/tex]

[tex]P(x=0 ) = ^{14}C_0 * (6\%)^0 * (1 - 6\%)^{14-0} = 0.42052319017[/tex]

[tex]P(x=1 ) = ^{14}C_1 * (6\%)^1 * (1 - 6\%)^{14-1} = 0.37578668057[/tex]

[tex]P(x=2 ) = ^{14}C_2 * (6\%)^2 * (1 - 6\%)^{14-2} = 0.15591149513[/tex]

[tex]P(x=3 ) = ^{14}C_3 * (6\%)^3 * (1 - 6\%)^{14-3} = 0.03980719024[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]P(x \le 3) = 0.42052319017+0.37578668057+0.15591149513+0.03980719024[/tex]

[tex]P(x \le 3) = 0.99202855611[/tex]

[tex]P(x \le 3) = 0.9920[/tex] -- approximated

Jack’s backpack weighs 15 pounds. Fernando’s backpack weighs less than Jack’s. Which graph shows how much Fernando’s backpack can weigh?




Step-by-step explanation:

c and d out of the question

b has its circle filled in meaning it could be 15lbs, which it's not

A correct answer by default


Step-by-step explanation: it has a filled in diamond which mean it's that...

Simplify the following expression




Step-by-step explanation:

Distribute the exponents

[tex](\frac{(7^{-2}p^{-6}q^{-8})}{2q^{-9}} )^{-1}[/tex]

[tex](\frac{q}{98p^{6}} )^{-1}[/tex]

Distribute the -1


Can someone do #4 and #5



First, find two points on the graph:

(x₁, y₁) = (0, 2)(x₂, y₂) = (2, 8)

Slope = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1} }{x_{2}-x_{1}} = \frac{8-2}{2-0} =\frac{6}{2}=3[/tex]

16 + (-3) = 16 - 3 = 13

According to this diagram, what is tan 62°?
O A.
O c. 1




Step-by-step explanation:



5 A machine puts tar on a road at the rate of 4 metres in 5 minutes.
a) How long does it take to cover 1 km of road
b) How many metres of road does it cover in 8 hours?​



5 a) Total = 20.83 hrs = 20 hrs and 50 mins  (1250mins total)

5 b) Total = 96 meters. = 0.096km in 8 hrs.

Step-by-step explanation:

1km = 1000 meters

5 mins = 4 meters

1000/4 = 250 multiplier

250 x 5mins = 1250 minutes

1250/60 = 20hrs + 50 minutes

50 / 60 =  0.83 = 20.83hrs

b)  8 hrs = 8 x 60 = 480 minutes

480/5 = 24 multiplier of 4 meters

24 x 4 = 96 meters

Which two shapes make up the digital camera below?


Rectangular prism and cylinder

Rectangular prism and cylinder make up a camera.

What is rectangular prism and cylinder?

A cube is a rectangular prism with all of its sides being the same length, a triangular prism has a triangle as its base, and a rectangular prism has a rectangle as its foundation. Another form of right prism that has a circle as its basis is a cylinder.

A rectangular prism includes a total of 6 faces, 12 sides, and eight vertices. Like a cuboid, it contains three dimensions- the base width, the height, and the length. The top and base of the rectangular prism exist rectangular. The pairs of opposite faces of a rectangular prism exist as identical or congruent.

A cylinder contains traditionally been a three-dimensional solid, one of the most essential curvilinear geometric shapes. Geometrically, it includes been regarded as a prism with a circle as its base.

Hence, Rectangular prism and cylinder make up a camera.

To learn more about rectangular prisms and cylinders refer to:


This graph represents which of these expressions?



x > 43

Step-by-step explanation:

Open circle at 43, which means it is not equal to 43

Line goes to the right, which means x is greater than

x > 43



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]6 \times + 4 = 10 \\ \\ 6 \times = 10 - 4 \\ \\ 6 \times = 6 \\ \\ [/tex]
that is the answer



x = 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

2(4x + 2) = 10           Remove the brackets

8x + 4 = 10               Subtract 4 from both sides

8x = 6                       Divide by 8

x = 6/8

x = 3/4


2(4*3/4 + 2) =?10

2( 3 + 2) = 10

2*5 = 10

10 = 10

Your parents deposit 2 50-dollar bills at the bank.
How much money did they deposit?


$100 is what they deposited!!

Answer: $100

Step-by-step explanation:

Considering 50 + 50 = 100

This means that the amount of money is $100

Complete the table for the given rule.
Rule: y is 0.75 greater than x
x y


The complete table is

x    y

0    0.75

3     3.75

9     9.75

What is equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.

What is substitution?

Substitution means putting numbers in place of letters to calculate the value of an expression or equation.

According to the given question.

We have values of x.

Also, one rule that y is 0.75 greater than x.

So, we have a equation for finding the value of y  i.e.

[tex]y = x + 0.75..(i)[/tex]

For finding the value of y

At x = 0, substitute x = 0 in equation (i)

[tex]y = 0 + 0.75\\\implies y = 0.75[/tex]

At x = 3, substitute x = 3 in equation (i)

[tex]y = 3+0.75\\\implies y = 3.75[/tex]

At x = 9, substitute x = 9 in equation (i)

[tex]y = 9+0.75\\\implies y = 9.75[/tex]

Hence, the complete table is

x    y

0    0.75

3     3.75

9     9.75

Find out more information about equation and substitution here:


Write the additive inverse of each of the following rational numbers:



(1)-3/4, (2) 5/21, (3)4/43






[tex]x^{2} -6x-27-x+9[/tex]

[tex]x^{2} -7x-18[/tex]




[tex](x^{2} -6x-27)(x-9)[/tex]

[tex]=x^{3} -15x^{2}+27x+243[/tex]


[tex]\frac{f}{g} (x)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{x^{2} -6x-27}{x-9}[/tex]






[tex]=x^{2} -6x-27+x-9[/tex]

[tex]=x^{2} -5x-36[/tex]




Im new to this app!
And im looking for help!!
Please help ASAP!!!



a>0 so we will be looking for minimum



Answer: (5;32)

look at the image for the question


It’s 16
You would multiply height (4) by the base (length(2) x width(2)=4) which is 16

1. A helicopter is at a position from two VORS (VHF Omnidirectional
Radio Range, an aircraft navigation system operating in the VHF band -
not covered in chapter) as in the diagram shown below. Given the angles
shown, find the third angle.


The position of the helicopter and the two VORs forms a triangle and the third angle formed by these three entities is 40 degrees

The diagram is not shown; however, the question can still be answered.

The given angles are:

[tex]\theta_1 = 74.0^o[/tex]

[tex]\theta_2 = 66.0^o[/tex]

Represent the third angle as [tex]\theta_3[/tex]

The helicopter and the 2 VORs form a triangle.

So, we make use of the following theorem to calculate the third angle

[tex]\theta_1 + \theta_2 + \theta_3= 180^o[/tex] ---- sum of angles in a triangle

Substitute known values

[tex]74.0^o + 66.0^o + \theta_3= 180^o[/tex]

[tex]140.0^o + \theta_3= 180^o[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]\theta_3= 180 -140.0^o[/tex]

[tex]\theta_3= 40^o[/tex]

Hence, the third angle is 40 degrees.

Learn more about angles in a triangle at:

Find the area of the figure. (Sides meet at right angles.)




Step-by-step explanation:


Find an upper bound for E(h) the error of the machine approximation of the two-point forward difference formula for the first derivative and then find the h corresponding to the minimum of E(h).

The two-point forward difference formula for f'(x) is:_________



I doubt it is not going to be a great

Please Help!! Whoever helps and gets it correct gets Brainliest and 5 star rating!!



the reasoning states that "all the numbers begin with a 7 or an 8"

however this is not accurate as they can be in different placements

which can make a big difference in the total estimate.

for example:

the number could've been an 8, or an 80

they both begin with an 8

however have totally different values and could have messed up the total estimated number.

hope this helps :D

Seven and one-half foot-pounds of work is required to compress a spring 2 inches from its natural length. Find the work required to compress the spring an additional 3 inch.



Apply Hooke's Law to the integral application for work: W = int_a^b F dx , we get:

W = int_a^b kx dx

W = k * int_a^b x dx

Apply Power rule for integration: int x^n(dx) = x^(n+1)/(n+1)

W = k * x^(1+1)/(1+1)|_a^b

W = k * x^2/2|_a^b


From the given work: seven and one-half foot-pounds (7.5 ft-lbs) , note that the units has "ft" instead of inches.   To be consistent, apply the conversion factor: 12 inches = 1 foot then:


2 inches = 1/6 ft


1/2 or 0.5 inches =1/24 ft

To solve for k, we consider the initial condition of applying 7.5 ft-lbs to compress a spring  2 inches or 1/6 ft from its natural length. Compressing 1/6 ft of it natural length implies the boundary values: a=0 to b=1/6 ft.

Applying  W = k * x^2/2|_a^b , we get:

7.5= k * x^2/2|_0^(1/6)

Apply definite integral formula: F(x)|_a^b = F(b)-F(a) .

7.5 =k [(1/6)^2/2-(0)^2/2]

7.5 = k * [(1/36)/2 -0]

7.5= k *[1/72]


k =7.5*72

k =540


To solve for the work needed to compress the spring with additional 1/24 ft, we  plug-in: k =540 , a=1/6 , and b = 5/24 on W = k * x^2/2|_a^b .

Note that compressing "additional one-half inches" from its 2 inches compression is the same as to  compress a spring 2.5 inches or 5/24 ft from its natural length.

W= 540 * x^2/2|_((1/6))^((5/24))

W = 540 [ (5/24)^2/2-(1/6)^2/2 ]

W =540 [25/1152- 1/72 ]

W =540[1/128]

W=135/32 or 4.21875 ft-lbs

Step-by-step explanation:

Round 573.073 to the greatest place




Step-by-step explanation:

To round a two-digit number to the nearest ten, simply increase it or decrease it to the nearest number that ends in 0: When a number ends in 1, 2, 3, or 4, bring it down; in other words, keep the tens digit the same and turn the ones digit into a 0

Hope this helps <3

if U>T, R>Q, S>T and T>R, which of the following is TRUE?
1. S>Q
2. U > S
3.U > R​
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. 1 and 2
D. 2 and 3



C. 1 and 2

Step-by-step explantation:

First, i would order them as U>T, T>R, R>Q, S>T

we can rewrite them as


now adding S, we get U>S>T>R>Q,

so U>S

We can also rewrite all of them as inequalities:





Add R-Q and T-R



T>Q, but because S>T we can say S>Q

Paul can install a 300-square-foot hardwood floor in 18 hours. Matt can install the same floor in 22 hours. How long would it take Paul and Matt to install the floor working together?
4 hours
9.9 hours
13.2 hours
30 hours



9.9 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula to determine the time together is

1/a+1/b = 1/c  where a and b are the times alone and c is the time together

1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c

The least common multiply of the denominators is 198c

198c(1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c)

11c+ 9c = 198

20c = 198

Divide by 20

20c/20 =198/20

c =9.9


B - 9.9 hrs

Step-by-step explanation:

took the test.

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