Laying the groundwork for the 'germ theory' of disease _________ discovered that organisms cannot spontaneously arise, but must be introduced into an environment.
A. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Robert Hooke
D. Ernst Ruska


Answer 1
The answer you are looking for is B.Louis pasteur
Answer 2

Laying the groundwork for the 'germ theory of disease, Louis Pasteur discovered that organisms cannot spontaneously arise, but must be introduced into an environment.

Who was Louis Pasteur?

Louis Pasteur was a chemist and microbiologist. He is known for the discovery of vaccines, fermentation, and pasteurization.

The germ theory is given by Pasteur. He first of all states that process fermentation is done by living organisms, bacteria, and yeast.

Thus, option B. Louis Pasteur is correct.

Learn more about Louis Pasteur, here:


Related Questions

Name two organs that are made up of all four tissues?


i believe the heart and lungs are 2 organs made up of 2 or more tissues

Heart and lungs are the  two organs that are made up of all four tissues.     secretion, movement, strength, excretion and communication are the main functions of tissues.

What are tissues in human body?

Tissues are the same type of group of cells which have the same structure and functions together in a unit. Connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscular tissue, and nerve tissue are the four fundamental forms of tissue. Other tissues are held together and supported by connective tissue bone, blood, and lymph tissues.

All body surfaces are covered in epithelial tissues, which also line bodily cavities and hollow organs and make up the majority of glandular tissue. Connective tissues are presents in the blood cells in the human body. Loose connective tissue, adipose tissue, dense fibrous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue, cartilage, osseous tissue, and blood are further more tissues in the body.

Thus, Heart and lungs are the  two organs that are made up of all four tissues.    

For more details about Tissues, click here:


Whch part of reproductive system produces semen​


The answer is Testicles (testes)

match each term to its definition
a steam of plasma



The solar wind is a plasma, a stream of charged particles (ions and electrons) that are continuously escaping from the Sun into the interplanetary medium.

Which inference can you make about why finches have adapted different beak sizes and shapes? (1 point)
They are different species.
O They live in the same location.
O They eat different foods.
O They have a wide range of variation


Finches have adapted different beak sizes and shapes because they eat different foods. So the correct option is C.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is a mechanism for evolution to happen. It is the process by which living organisms acquire certain characters according to their needs.

It is important to understand natural selection to understand the essential concepts of the processes by which living organisms have been able to develop the complex structures which are helped them to survive.

Natural selection results from various conditions of environment, ecosystem and heredity. An example of natural selection is the development of antimicrobial resistance to pathogens.

Finches are known to have developed different sizes and shapes of beaks according to the kind of food that they eat. If they fed on insects, they had long and pointed beaks. If they fed on seeds and nuts, they had broad and blunt beaks.

Therefore the correct option is B.

Read more about natural selection, here


a person has a cardiac output of 4.9L per minute. the stroke volume of each heart beat is 70 ML


that's true

stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat

cardiac output is the blood pumped by ventricles per minute

Is that a question or a statement?

What happens during S phase?

O A. Chromosomes are duplicated.

O B. DNA separates into two nuclei.

O C. The cell splits in two.

O D. Cytoplasm is manufactured.


Answer: A. Chromosomes are duplicated.

Explanation: This is the correct answer on the quiz.

Chromosomes are duplicated in S phase. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

What do you mean by S phase?

Between G1 phase and G2 phase, DNA replication takes place during S phase of the cell cycle. The processes that take place during S-phase are tightly controlled and highly conserved.

The cell replicates its genetic material entirely during the S phase of DNA synthesis; At the end of S phase, a normal diploid somatic cell with a DNA complement of 2N acquires a DNA complement of 4N.

DNA synthesis or replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, which occurs prior to the interphase. Before entering mitosis or meiosis, the cell's genetic material is replicated in this manner, leaving enough DNA for daughter cells to divide.

Learn more about S phase:


omplete the passage to describe the function of the heart.

The pumping of the heart involves the alternate contraction and relaxation of the chambers of the heart. The upper chambers of the heart are called
, and the lower chambers of the heart are called



The pumping of the heart involves the alternate contraction and relaxation of the chambers of the heart. The upper chambers of the heart are called at atria and the lower chambers of the heart are called ventricles.

PLEASE NEED HELP ASAP!!! What statement is true about energy and matter in stars? Select the correct answers.
A. Some matter is converted into energy within stars.

B. Energy in stars causes the fusion of light elements.

C. All energy is converted into matter in stars.

D. Energy and matter are both conserved in stars.

E. Only energy is conserved within stars.

F. Only matter is conserved within stars.



I think the answer is A


I would wait for someone else to answer though.

Conjugation differs from reproduction because conjugation Group of answer choices transfers DNA horizontally, to nearby cells without those cells undergoing replication. transcribes DNA to RNA. replicates DNA. transfers DNA vertically, to new cells. copies RNA to make DNA.



it is differs from reproduction because conjunction group of answers

Conjugation transfers DNA horizontally, to nearby cells without those cells undergoing replication.

Conjugation is a mechanism of genetic transfer in bacteria where genetic material, usually in the form of plasmids, is transferred from one bacterial cell to another. Unlike reproduction, which involves the replication and inheritance of genetic material through cell division, conjugation allows bacteria to transfer genetic material horizontally between cells that are in close proximity to each other.

During conjugation, the donor bacterial cell containing the plasmid makes contact with the recipient cell through a specialized structure called a pilus. The plasmid DNA is then transferred from the donor cell to the recipient cell through this pilus. The transferred DNA can include genes that provide advantages such as antibiotic resistance or the ability to metabolize certain substances.

The key difference between conjugation and reproduction is that conjugation does not involve replication of the recipient cell's entire genome. Instead, it transfers specific genetic material from one cell to another. The recipient cell does not undergo replication as a result of conjugation but acquires new genetic information from the donor cell.

Reproduction, on the other hand, involves the replication and inheritance of the complete set of genetic material in the parent cell. It results in the production of offspring cells that are genetically identical or similar to the parent cell.

In summary, conjugation is a form of genetic transfer in bacteria where DNA is horizontally transferred between cells without those cells undergoing replication. It allows for the exchange of genetic material and the acquisition of new traits by recipient cells. Reproduction, on the other hand, involves the replication and inheritance of genetic material through cell division.

To learn more about Conjugation, here


Một các thể của một loài sinh vật khi giảm phân tạo giao tử. Trong số giao tử được sinh ra người ta nhận thấy số loại giao tử mang 2 NST có nguồn gốc từ mẹ là 6. Quá trình giảm phân diễn ra bình thường, không xảy ra trao đổi chéo.
a. Xác định bộ NST 2n của loài và tên loài.
b. Tính tỷ lệ loại giao tử nói trên?
Cho rằng tỉ lệ thụ tinh của giao tử đực và cái đều là 100%. Toàn bộ các hợp tử đều phát triển thành cá thể con.



i cant understand


because your language in vietnam

A pseudogene is a Group of answer choices second copy of a gene that functions when the original copy becomes damaged. gene that is unrelated in sequence to another gene but has the same function. gene that evolved by gene duplication and the acquisition of mutations to yield a gene product that has a slightly different function from that of the original gene product. gene that arose through gene duplication, but by acquiring mutations became nonfunctional.


Answer: Gene that arose through gene duplication, but by acquiring mutations became nonfunctional.


A gene is a functional unit of heredity formed by DNA. They possess a sequence of nitrogenous bases that during translation is read by ribosomes to produce molecules called proteins.  A pseudogene is a DNA sequence that resembles a gene, but which has been inactivated in the course of evolution by mutations in its sequence. Thus, it is a gene that derives from other known genes and whose functions are different, may have lost their functionality or have radically changed it. To this day, it is not known exactly how pseudogenes are created, however some theories are as follows:

1. A gene duplication can generate two copies of a gene when only one is needed. A mutation would then occur that deactivates one of the copies. In addition, the duplication event may not be complete, so that the copy has incomplete promoters.  

2. They may be fragments of the messenger RNA transcript of a gene may be spontaneously reverse transcribed and inserted into the chromosomal DNA. They lack the promoters of normal genes, so they are not expressed normally.

3. A gene may become non-functional or inactivated if such a mutation becomes fixed in the population. This can occur by normal means such as natural selection or genetic drift.

During a stay in the hospital, an accident victim develops symptoms of bacteremia. A blood sample shows the presence of Gram-positive cocci in pairs. Lab tests determine that the bacteria are non-hemolytic and bile salt tolerant. The bacteremia is likely due to





Enterococcus is reason for nosocomial infection with predilection for older patients with multiple comorbidities. It is usually caused by longer stay in hospital.  The infections may include urinary tract infections, wound infection and intra abdomen or pelvic infections.

What are true of multicellular organisms



hope this answer help you

2. Slime moulds cannot be put neither in kingdom Plantae nor in kingdom Animalia. Give reason.

3. Give the disadvantages of the two kingdom classification.



3. In the two-kingdom classification following are drawbacks:-

The plants comprised of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic species. Fungi, that feed on dead organic matter, were placed under photosynthetic plants. There was another class of classification needed were the organisms with the same characteristics were clubbed into one kingdom. This system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (green algae) and non-photosynthetic (fungi) organisms. There are some organisms which neither fall into plant nor animal kingdom like Lichens.


Hope my answer is helpful.. If yes, plz mark me as brainliest

If a scientific journal article is difficult to understand in its entirety, what is the best resource for comprehending the overall study
and results?


Answer:B an abstract of the study


Use an examples to distinguish dominant and recessive phenotypes.
I'm a bit stuck and need some help. Much appreciated!


Think recessive phenotypes as paper and dominant phenotypes as teared paper. Once paper is teared, it can't be fixed. Not even tape. It'll just leave that mess exposed. Same with dominant phenotypes. It just takes one dominant trait to change the looks of future offspring.

If you don't tear the paper, everything is fine. Same with recessive phenotypes. As long as there's no contact with any dominant phenotypes, the looks of future offspring will change.

See the image below!



it is cytosine part of deoxyribonucleic acid

please help me out, name all 3 parts of the atom. ​


1. Proton
2. Neutron
3. Electron

In the atom, the arrow 1 depicts the proton. The arrow 2 depicts the neutrons, and the arrow 3 depicts the electrons. All three of these are subatomic particles.

What is an atom?

An atom is the fundamental structural unit of matter. It consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles that are present outermost shell of the atom, while protons are positively charged particles that make up the core of the atom. The neutron doesn't have any charge.

Both neutrons and protons make up the core of an atom, while electrons revolve around them. A neutral atom has equal numbers of protons and electrons. Example: the sodium atom.

Hence, the atom showing arrow 1 is a proton, arrow 2 is a neutron, and arrow 3 is an electron.

To learn more about atom, refer the following link,

#SPJ2 5 answer me please please please please please please please please please please please



(a)The strength of natural fibers is very less as compared to synthetic fibers.  Natural fibers are heavy in weight.  Natural fibers can be damaged by moths and other insects.  These fibers are not wrinkle-free.  These fibers are not long lasting and hence not durable.

(b)  Cellulose is termed as polymer because it is made up of many monomer units.

(c) Rayon is first man- made fibre it is known as artificial silk because it have properties that are similar to silk.

(d) Rayon possesses many properties of natural fibers since it is a semi-synthetic fiber. Nylon is a synthetic fiber and has properties that are completely different from natural fibers. The key difference between rayon and nylon is their resistance to wrinkles and tears.

(e) Nylon has since become a popular choice, as it has excellent wind resistance, good elasticity, mildew resistance, and is comparatively cheaper. The material is also lightweight and dries quickly.

(f) When the piece of cotton is burnt then it burns completely and produces no odour or smell. When nylon is burnt, It completely burns and produces burning paper like odour. When nylon is burnt then the nylon is completely shrink and starts to melt first and then produces odour during the time of burning

Identify a global challenge



electrical waste management and deforestation

What can differentiate between multiple layers of the ocean floor?


magnetic imaging


seismic reflection



seismic reflection is the answer

Which of the following cell membranes is the most fluid?

Membrane A, because it is composed of saturated fatty acids that have one or more cis bonds that form stable aggregations

Membrane A, because it is composed of saturated fatty acids that lack weak hydrogen bonds that continually break and reform to permit macromolecule movement

Membrane B, because is it composed of unsaturated fatty acids that form weak covalent bonds at the site of their cis bonds, which permit easy movement

Membrane B, because it is composed of unsaturated fatty acids that have one or more bends, which prevent tight packing



Membrane B, because it is composed of unsaturated fatty acids that have one or more bends, which prevent tight packing.

A sealed Ecosphere is able to perpetually sustain life until what happens?


Answer:Oxygen is DEPLETED


As compared to the circulatory system of most fishes, the circulatory system of adult amphibians has the advantage of a single circuit. partially-separate circuits for gas exchange and systemic delivery of blood. complete separation between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. a four-chambered heart. a pocket of the gut that serves as an air bladder.



Partially separate circuits for gas exchange and systemic delivery of blood.


Adult amphibians have separate circuits for gas exchange and systemic delivery of blood. Fishes usually breathe through gills  and very few have nostrils. The fishes can breathe underwater with the help of their gills.

Human Population Growth and Overpopulation
Can someone please help me I don't understand what I have to do.



all you're trying to do is create a histogram of what has happened in the past and what could happen in the future.


for example and AD you feel the first little bar because it's not more than a billion and its last therefore it would be the zero billion

and then for 1850 you feel to bars because they had 1 billion people so therefore you feel the 0 billion and the 1 billion part

Which of the following describes a scenario that could increase the winds of the jet stream?
O Faster global convection currents
O Decreasing radiation from the sun
O Equal heating of the Earth's surface
O Stopping conduction from the ground​



faster global convection currents!

Fortunately I just took this quiz and received 100%!

The statement that explains scenerio that can bring an increase to winds of the jet stream is A: Faster global convection currents.

Jet streams can be regarded as a fast flowing as well as narrow and meandering, air currents which is found on Earth and other planet. It is a bands of strong wind which moves to east from west in the globe.

The wind of jet stream do increase by the action of wind current, because convection current do aid the movement of this this wind from a place to the other

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more at:

In the scientific process, what is the correct sequence for the following steps: A: Recognizing a problem/Asking a question; B) Testing a hypothesis; C Drawing inferences
Group of answer choices









Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate results.

what type of energy transfer happens when something freezes


Alternate interior angles is the chemical answer

1. Assertion: Mother may be a carrier for haemophilia.
Reason: The father is always a carrier for haemophilia.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the Reason is true.





The assertion is true,but the reason is false because the mother is the carrier.

I hope this helps

hormones in the bloodstream






chemical messenger.


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