Light and sound travel in a straight line, called a ____
as long as they are not interfered with. A
group of these lines in parallel represents a_____
of light.


Answer 1


it is called a ray


Related Questions

Which program helped Washington's water resources by constructing dams and canals?
O Puget Sound Project
O Columbia Basin Project
O Forests and Fish Law
O Deforestation Initiative




Columbia Basin Project

Child abuse, domestic violence, and juvenile delinquency describes the _________ ________ in our society. * 1 point

Social group

Cultural History

Cultural Identity

Social Issues​


The answer would be social issues

in what ways were Africans affected by the slave trade?


The size of the Atlantic slave trade dramatically transformed African societies. The slave trade brought about a negative impact on African societies and led to the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. This intensified effects that were already present amongst its rulers, kinships, kingdoms and in society.

True or False: Soil gets its nutrients from earthworms and animal waste. *



true is the right answer




These words from Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison are inscribed on the U.S. Supreme Court building. How does this statement relate to the function of the judicial branch and its place within our three-branch system of government? Why do you think this idea was important enough to have it displayed at the Supreme Court? If we did not have an independent, impartial judicial branch, who might be responsible for saying what the law is, and why might that be problematic?


Answer and Explanation:

1. The statement this question refers to is "Equal Justice Under Law." This declaration shows that the judiciary is completely in accordance with the laws in force in the country and does not take decisions that could violate those laws, determining that the laws are the center of the national organization and that which must never be disobeyed. In this case, we can see that the role of the judiciary within the three-branch system is to promote justice and resolve national problems based on the constitution.

2. This idea was important to be exhibited in the Supreme Court because it shows that there is only justice in a country if the law is obeyed, because justice is subject to the law..

3. It is likely that, in this case, the person responsible for the law was the President of the United States, as he is the head of the executive branch. This would be problematic because it would allow the president to manipulate the law in his own favor, allowing him to abuse power without being punished whenever he wants to.

Where should the athlete focus when he/she is about to jump?



beyond their goal


By focusing beyond their goal their mind will help push their physical abilities.

4. The three branches of government are like the legs of this stool. Explain2 what this means and what would happen if one of the legs were gone. U.S. Government the Supreme Court Cudidal branch) the Capitol Degislative branch) the White House (executive brand) Your answer​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The three branches of government are like the legs of this stool.

This statement means that the three branches must exist so the United States federal government can function correctly, as it was planned by the founding fathers and framers of the US Constitution.

The system of checks and balances was created with the division of powers in the federal government when the delegates were drafting the US Constitution during the Constitutional Convention from May to September 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This system allows the balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, in order to allow none of them to have more power over the others.

why you think most victims do not report gender based violence?​



being afraid that no one will believe them or think its their fault or their embarrased/ashamed or not knowing it was because of their gender or afraid others wont think its because of their gender and assume they must have deserved it


have an amazing day<3

instrument use to measured wind speed​



Instrument is called a Anemometer


An important tool used by meteorologist to study weather patterns and frequent changes in wind patterns, at times in relation to storms.


Wind Vane


They are like four bowl. Arranged in the cardinal points/direction(NWSE) order. Its connected to a computer or analyser which records the speed of the wind. The computer records its data on how fast the vane rotates

Que elementos consideras que debe tener una politica monetaria para q no se perjudique tanto a las personas


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Los elementos que considero debe tener una política monetaria para que no se perjudique tanto a las personas son los siguientes.

Las políticas monetarias deben tener una visión social que piense en el bienestar de las mayorías. Ya no se pueden limitar a mantener una estabilidad económica sacrificando el bolsillo de la gente pobre y de la clase media.

Los sistemas monetarios internacionales y las instituciones como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial, no están interesados en el bienestar de las clases medias y bajas. Pareciera que sólo sirven a los intereses económicos de las grades corporaciones internacionales y los poderoso países acreedores.

Esa ha sido la razón por la que la pobreza en el mundo, aumenta.

Cada país debe establecer políticas monetarias y planes económicos que realmente procuren ayudar a las clases más necesitas, generando mayores fuentes de empleo, mejores sistemas de educación, mayores servicios públicos y de salud.

Find out the HDI and ranking of the following country.

Nations HDI score Ranking





Saudi Arabia




HDI refers to Human Development Index and it’s a measure of the key elements and areas of how citizens of the country develop. These can be measured through their average income, health care etc.

China- 0.761 85th

USA - 0.926 17th

Japan- 0.919 19th

UK- 0.932 13th

Saudi Arabia- 0.854 40th

Iraq- 0.674 123rd

A member of the House of Representatives proposes a Constitutional amendment that would force the president and Congress to balance the budget every year.
Which of the following accurately describes the amendment process?
Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)
The bill must pass the House and the Senate with a two-thirds majority and be approved by the Supreme Court

(Choice B)
The bill must pass both the House and the Senate with a simple majority

(Choice C)
The bill must pass both the House and the Senate with a three-fourths majority

(Choice D)
The bill must pass both the House and the Senate with a two-thirds majority



Which of the following accurately describes the amendment process?

Explanation: . two-thirds of the Congress must pass the amendment

Arrow C in Figure 27-1 is best described as ____.
solar radiation
heat trapped near Earth's surface
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






specialization can help a country’s economy by


Answer: Specialization can help a countries economy by allowing the said country to focus on one low part in the countries economy and improve on that to close in hole allowing its economy to crumble


What role did the Municipal Corporation of Lucknow play in controlling the pandemic


Answer: A C-19 surge continues, night curfew in Lucknow in a bid to effectively control the pandemic


Which battle between a teacher and his student helped bring on the Civil War? The only
casualty was a Confederate horse. The student won. *
(1 Point)
Fort Sumpter
Bull Run / Manassas
Hampton Roads
Antietam / Sharpsburg


Answer: Fort Sumpter


The bombing of Fort Sumter by the Confederacy is what is considered the event that started the American Civil War. Located in South Carolina, the Union port was ordered to surrender by the South Carolina militia but they refused to do so.

The Commander of the Union fort, Robert Anderson, had been the teacher of the Commander of the South Carolina garrison, by Brigadier General P. G. T. Beauregard.

The bombing claimed no lives save that of a Confederate horse.



Answer: The Silk Road was a vast trade network connecting Eurasia and North Africa via land and sea routes.  

Explanation: The Silk Road earned its name from Chinese silk, a highly valued commodity that merchants transported along these trade networks.

For question 2 :)

whst the person feels​



Depressed ☹︎


what do you admire about benjamin franklin?please help I need this



This is a good question! :)


Ardent and Dutiful. Charming, naturally sociable, and witty, Franklin drew people to him wherever he lived. ...

Ambitious and Rebellious. ...

Motivated to Improve. ...

Strategic and Persuasive. ...

More to Explore. ...

Get It To Go.,

Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-90, American statesman, printer, scientist, and writer, b. Boston. The only American of the colonial period to earn a European reputation as a natural philosopher, he is best remembered in the United States as a patriot and diplomat.

Give a description how poor service delivery has displayed itself in your community


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Here is my description of how poor service delivery has displayed itself in my community.

Recently, my community has suffered from trash collection and a lack of sewage infrastructure. People are upset because they pay their taxes and obey all the law requirements. It is a peaceful community and citizens are demanding the government to correct these malfunctions.

Some people in the government officials say that there is not enough money to enhance the services, but people question why if they are sharp wneh paying their taxes.

These poor services are upsetting local people to the degree that they are organizing a group of citizens to visit the major and I have heard that they are willing to go to the state capitol to talk to Congressmen.




The left side of the brain is effected.


A person who suffered a stroke in the left side of the brain will paralyze right-side of the body whereas the damaged occur to right side of the brain causes paralysis of left side of the body. The left side of the body is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain while on the other hand, the right side of the body is connected to the left side or hemisphere of the brain so that's why we can conclude that a person who suffered a stroke in the left side of the brain will paralyze right-side of the body.

during the pandemic time,were social gatherings and other important events are not allowed how will you celebrate fiesta/special occasions in your community



maybe through a video all or have everyone be far apart with masks on. also try to make sure that everyone is vaccinated.


I mean we supposed wear mask and stay 6ft distance from each other in these type of events but who really does that in today society?  

There's difference how i celebrate my special events

A state statute provides a remedy for victims of employment discrimination. The statute requires complainants to bring charges before the state's fair employment commission within 180 days of the alleged unlawful employment practices. The commission then has 120 days to convene a fact-finding conference to obtain evidence, ascertain the parties' positions, and explore settlement possibilities. An employee was discharged from his job purportedly because of a physical handicap unrelated to his ability to perform his job. The employee filed a timely complaint, alleging unlawful termination of employment, as required by the statute. However, through inadvertence, the commission scheduled the fact-finding conference five days after the 120-day statutory period expired. At the conference, the employer moved that the charge be dismissed for lack of a timely conference. The commission denied the motion. The employer petitioned the state supreme court. The court held for the employer, stating that the failure to comply with the 120-day requirement deprived the commission of jurisdiction to consider the employee's charge. On appeal to the United States Supreme Court, the employee argues that his right to due process will be violated if the commission's error is allowed to extinguish his cause of action.
Which of the following best describes the viability of the employee's due process claim?
response - correct
Press Enter or Space to submit the answerAThe claim fails, because the employee had no protected property interest in his job.BThe claim fails, because the state legislature, having conferred on claimants a remedy for claims of unfair employment practices, has the prerogative to establish limiting procedures for such claims.CorrectCThe claim succeeds, because the employee had a protected property interest in the remedy.DThe claim succeeds, because of the fundamental unfairness of leaving the employee without a remedy.A state statute provides a remedy for victims of employment discrimination. The statute requires complainants to bring charges before the state's fair employment commission within 180 days of the alleged unlawful employment practices. The commission then has 120 days to convene a fact-finding conference to obtain evidence, ascertain the parties' positions, and explore settlement possibilities. An employee was discharged from his job purportedly because of a physical handicap unrelated to his ability to perform his job. The employee filed a timely complaint, alleging unlawful termination of employment, as required by the statute. However, through inadvertence, the commission scheduled the fact-finding conference five days after the 120-day statutory period expired. At the conference, the employer moved that the charge be dismissed for lack of a timely conference. The commission denied the motion. The employer petitioned the state supreme court. The court held for the employer, stating that the failure to comply with the 120-day requirement deprived the commission of jurisdiction to consider the employee's charge. On appeal to the United States Supreme Court, the employee argues that his right to due process will be violated if the commission's error is allowed to extinguish his cause of action.
Which of the following best describes the viability of the employee's due process claim?
A. The claim fails, because the employee had no protected property interest in his job.
B. The claim fails, because the state legislature, having conferred on claimants a remedy for claims of unfair employment practices, has the prerogative to establish limiting procedures for such claims.
C. The claim succeeds, because the employee had a protected property interest in the remedy.
D. The claim succeeds, because of the fundamental unfairness of leaving the employee without a remedy.



C. The claim succeeds, because the employee had a protected property interest in the remedy.


As shown in the question above, there is a state law that protects people from being discriminated against in their jobs. Thus, an employee who was dismissed due to a physical disability was a victim of discrimination at work. In this case, this functionary has legal support to claim this situation. In other words, we can state that under state law, the fired employee will have a successful legal claim because the employee had a protected property interest in the remedy.

could someone type me a paragraph on differences between ancient Greek and ancient Rome's religious beliefs

thank you!


Both Greece and Rome are Mediterranean countries, similar enough latitudinally for both to grow wine and olives. However, their terrains were quite different. The ancient Greek city-states were separated from each other by hilly countryside and all were near the water. Rome was inland, on one side of the Tiber River, but the Italic tribes (in the boot-shaped peninsula that is now Italy) did not have the natural hilly borders to keep them out of Rome.

In Italy, around Naples, Mt. Vesuvius produced fertile land by blanketing the soil with tephra which aged into rich soil. There were also two nearby mountain ranges to the north (Alps) and east (Apennine).

of 06
Greek art is considered superior to the "merely" imitative or decorative Roman art; indeed much art we think of as Greek is actually a Roman copy of a Greek original. It is often pointed out that the goal of the classical Greek sculptors was to produce an ideal art form, whereas the goal of Roman artists was to produce realistic portraits, often for decoration. This is an obvious oversimplification.

Not all Roman art imitated the Greek forms and not all Greek art looks terribly realistic or impractical. Much Greek art adorned utilitarian objects, just as Roman art adorned the living spaces. Greek art is divided into the Mycenaean, geometric, archaic, and Hellenistic periods, in addition to its acme in the Classical period. During the Hellenistic period, there was demand for copies of earlier art, and so it too can be described as imitative.

We typically associate sculptures like the Venus de Milo with Greece, and mosaics and frescoes (wall paintings) with Rome. Of course, the masters of both cultures worked on various mediums beyond these. Greek pottery, for instance, was a popular import in Italy.

¿Cual pensaba Hitler que era su destino?


Answer: para deshacerse de todos los judíos porque pensaba que eran malos

can u answer this for me ill give brainliest



Winston Churchill

In technology the act of continual learning is critical. Technology changes rapidly and the need to stay up-to-date in this every changing field is critical. Explain what areas you enjoyed researching the most over the past 9 weeks. IT is a never ending discipline that required constant research. What additional areas of the class would you like to explore more after the course ends.


Answer: Learning, they say is a daily activity, it's important that it's done everyday. There is a saying that "a man that stops learning stops growing".


Learning, they say is a daily activity, it's important that it's done everyday. There is a saying that "a man that stops learning stops growing", this is true because they world is changing every micro seconds, people are seeking for ways to make things simpler than it was yesterday or than what we have today.

The area I enjoyed researching over the past nine weeks is digital marketing, it's a field that guides you on how to use the internet to sell a product effectively. The world is going digital daily and there is a need for those doing any form or business or working for people to consider how they can take their business globally, after this course , I would look into using the internet for strategic marketing

Hola raza, alguien habla español?​


parece joonkou - jonku  de bts verdad quien hablaaaa españollllll

amigos por g mail siiiii


hola yo xd, we eso es de bts, hay no ahkhsakjh


grax por los puntos:3

All of these are true about humanistic therapists EXCEPT that humanistic therapists: believe the path to growth includes taking immediate responsibility for one's feelings. focus more on the collective unconsciousness than conscious. attempt to reduce growth-impeding inner conflicts by providing clients with insight. believe the present and future are more important than the past.


Answer: Focus more on the collective unconsciousness than conscious.


The main purpose of therapist is to seek for ways to address the emotional and mental challenges individuals are going through, they tend to access everything about the individual, most especially the mind of the individual then profer solutions on how to solve problem. One of thing they don't ignore is the conscious state of the fellow involved, they take examination of both his conscious and unconscious state, to arrive at a great solution.

anyone wanna help me please?


a and d I think i’m not sure tho


The france invaded Germany

The France forced German to follow orders


the French invaded Germany in the "Battle of France" in

May 10, 1940 – Jun 25, 1940

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What are the coordinates of the point that is 2/5of the way from A(-4,-2) to B(11,-2)? How did Pericles die? at the hands of the Spartan army at the hands of the Spartan navy at the hands of the Persian army during the Athenian plague The process of initially recording business transactions in a journal is: A. sliding. B. posting c. kiting D. journalizing. help appreciated !!!!! help me .................. Last question I need help with an answer not a link How many vertices dose the following shape have? What are the domain and range of this function? Where can we find what the chemical symbols in a compound mean? Example: 0, C, Na, Li what is a fixed expenseeverfi What are 15-20 negative effects and general facts about deforestation. (bullets) To which of the following can the change in the world population illustrated in this graph most likely be attributed? What is the name of the pattern shown on the map? In a single, well-developed paragraph, explain how the importance of connectionsbetween people is shown in both "He Fixes Broken Things" and "Indifference". Botanists might study the behavior of a school of fish in the presence of a tiger shark. True or false SOLVE EQUATION BY TAKING SQAURE ROOTS.64m^2 -5 = 76 Amy is going on a 4 1 4 4 4 1 mile hike. She has already hiked 2 3 4 2 4 3 miles. How many more miles does she have left Two angles are complementary ( the sum of the two angles is 90). The sum of the first angle plus twice the second angle is 150. Find the measures of the angles. Which of the following would increase the pressure of a gas? What process helps equalize the fluid balance inside and outside of body cells ?