List pairs of congruent angles and the extended proportion that relates the corresponding sides for the similar polygons. Given ABDF ~ VXZT



Answer 1


[tex]ABDF\sim VXZT[/tex]

To find:

The pairs of congruent angles and the extended proportion that relates the corresponding sides for the similar polygons.


We have,

[tex]ABDF\sim VXZT[/tex]

The corresponding angles of similar polygons are congruent. So,

[tex]\angle A\cong \angle V[/tex]

[tex]\angle B\cong \angle X[/tex]

[tex]\angle D\cong \angle Z[/tex]

[tex]\angle F\cong \angle T[/tex]

The corresponding sides of similar polygons are proportional. So,

[tex]\dfrac{AB}{VX}=\dfrac{BD}{XZ}=\dfrac{DF}{ZT}=\dfrac{A F}{VT}[/tex]

Therefore, the required solutions are [tex]\angle A\cong \angle V,\angle B\cong \angle X,\angle D\cong \angle Z,\angle F\cong \angle T[/tex] and [tex]\dfrac{AB}{VX}=\dfrac{BD}{XZ}=\dfrac{DF}{ZT}=\dfrac{A F}{VT}[/tex].

Related Questions

determine the general term of this sequence -15:-11;-7;,,173




Step-by-step explanation:

hi pls help. pls explain a bit:) thank you



i think this is right i’m sorry if not :)

Homework 1
Question 11, 1.1.87
HW Score: 76.92%, 10 of 13 points
Score: 0 of 3
Shannon, who is paid time-and-a-half for hours worked in excess of 40 hours, had gross weekly wages of $551 for 52 hours worked. What is her regular hourly rate?



frnddcchdddssjegtgeeusiss ehejsbdvbsjwjgebee e e e e r ytjrbehww



Step-by-step explanation:






I put 40x to represent her normal rate when she isnt working overtime which is over 40 hours. And then I put 12*1.5x which is broken down into two parts, 12 represent the amount of overtime hours worked 12 hours overtime (52-40=12) and 1.5x represents the time-and-a-half (which if you didnt know is where you get paid 1.5 times your hourly wage each hour worked overtime). And when you solve this equation you get 9.5 hours an hour as her regular hourly rate

Is it possible to build a triangle with side lengths of 3, 3, and 9?




Step-by-step explanation:

The sides of a triangle must be

a-b< c< a+b  where a and b are the two smaller sides and c is the larger side

3-3 <9< 3+3


This is not true so it cannot make a triangle



step-by-step explanation:

each side must be smaller than the sum of other sides





find the surface area of the cylinder round to the nearest tenth ​



CSA is 12.57

TSA is 18.85 .. i dont know what the question is asking..

I will recommend you to use TSA



Step-by-step explanation:

Formula for surface area of the cylinder=2πr(r+h)

We have,






Rounding to the nearest tenth,

We get Surface area of the cylinder=19 ft

How is adding and subtracting radical expressions similar to adding and subtracting variables ?????


Answer: To add or subtract radicals, the indices and what is inside the radical (called the radicand) must be exactly the same. If the indices and radicands are the same, then add or subtract the terms in front of each like radical. If the indices or radicands are not the same, then you can not add or subtract the radicals.


combining like terms. if the radicand is the you can combine the radical. this is the same as combining variables as long as the variable is the same if that makes sense

Step-by-step explanation:

so like you can add 7a and 3a because they have the same variable a. you can combined 2 root 2 and 4 root 2 because the radicand is same <3

Y = 2x + 3

(2, 7)

(1, 3)

(-3, 6)

(0, 2)




Step-by-step explanation:

Traveling at 55 miles per hour, how many minutes, rounded to the nearest whole number, does it take to drive 310 miles from Boston to Syracuse?








Step-by-step explanation:


it would take 310/55 =62/11 h to reach syracuse

62/11 h = 338.181818mins ≈ 338mins

338 because it is the right answer

what is the meaning of EMI calculation​


What Is an Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)?

An equated monthly installment (EMI) is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are applied to both interest and principal each month so that over a specified number of years, the loan is paid off in full. In the most common types of loans—such as real estate mortgages, auto loans, and student loans—the borrower makes fixed periodic payments to the lender over the course of several years with the goal of retiring the loan.


equated monthly installment

An equated monthly installment (EMI) is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are applied to both interest and principal each month so that over a specified number of years, the loan is paid off in full.

Step-by-step explanation:

An equated monthly installment (EMI) is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are applied to both interest and principal each month so that over a specified number of years, the loan is paid off in full. In the most common types of loans—such as real estate mortgages, auto loans, and student loans—the borrower makes fixed periodic payments to the lender over the course of several years with the goal of retiring the loan.

Find the values of p and q for which the system of the linear equation has
infinite number of solutions
2x -3y = 7
(p +q) x -(p+ q- 3) y =4p+q

unwanted ans will be reported


If it has infinite solutions

[tex]\boxed{\sf \dfrac{a_1}{a_2}=\dfrac{b_1}{b_2}=\dfrac{c_1}{c_2}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{2}{p+q}=\dfrac{3}{p+q-3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2(p+q-3)=3(p+q)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2p+2q-6=3p+3q[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2p-3p+2q-3q=6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -p-q=6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto p+q=-6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto p=-6-q[/tex]

Take p as 1


Rick spent 3/5 of his money on books. He spent another 2/7 of his money on stationary. What fraction of his money had he left?



He has 4/35 of with money left

Step-by-step explanation:

1 - 3/5 - 2/7 = 4/35

This basically answers the question

Find the marked price if: Selling price =Rs 4999.50 and Discount percentage = 10%.​




if it is right plz comment me .

What is a negative rational number times a positive integer?
A) A negative integer
B) A positive rational number
C) A negative rational number
D) An irrational number




Step-by-step explanation:

The product of a negative rational number and a positive integer is a negative rational number

Answer: C (A Negative Rational Number)

Step-by-step explanation

A Negative number mutiplied by a positive number is a negative number.

Please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like

11. When you multiply two decimals less than 1, how does the product compare to the factors?
Illustrate with an example.
the ctarting line there are water stations every



When multiplying a number by a decimal less than one, the product will be smaller than the number being multiplied. This is because we are finding a fractional amount of a quantity. For example, 0.1 x 0.8 = 0.08, because the question is asking us to find one tenth of eight tenths.


It will always be less than both.

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying by something smaller than 1 will always make the result smaller, so taking something like

0.8⋅0.5 means that we are taking half of 0.8

OR 45 of 0.5 (same thing)

either way it makes it smaller, which means we will get something smaller than both.

Phil’s age is 7 years more than times Peter’s age. Also, 4 times Phil’s age is 2 years less than twice Peter’s age. If x is Peter’s age in years, identify the equation that represents this situation and identify the solution to the equation.




Step-by-step explanation:

Peter's age:x.... twice age:2x

Phil's age:x+7...4times age:4(x+7)

Difference if ages is 2

Hence; 2x-4(x+7)=2







54 answers

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Step-by-step explanation:

we know that "x" is Peter's age

assume that "y" is Phil's age

In the sentence "Phil's age is 7 years more than 1/5 times than Peter's age" are two things: "Phil's age": y and "1/5 times Peter's age": 1/5 x

create equation with these two things

y = 1/5 x

including "7 years more"

many people make a lot of errors with it, they dont know: y+7 = 1/5 x or y=1/5 x + 7 ?

in order to avoid mistakes

read the sentence and point, which: y or 1/5 x is greater and smaller

"Phil's age is 7 years more than ..."

so y is greater, and 1/5 x smaller

y = 1/5 x

greater = smaller

we must add 7 to smaller number to make an equality

greater = smaller + 7

y = 1/5 x + 7

Second sentence:

"4 times Phil's age is 2 years less than twice Peter's age."

Two things: "4 times Phil's age": 4y and "twice Peter's age": 2x

4y = 2x

read the sentence once again

"4 times Phil's age is 2 years less than (...)" , so 4y - smaller, 2x - greater

4y = 2x

smaller = greater

including "2 years less" we add 2 to a smaller number

smaller + 2 = greater

4y + 2 = 2x

Substitute y=1/5 x + 7 to the equation 4y+2 = 2x

Step-by-step explanation:

One hamburger and one coke cost $3.20. Three hamburgers and one coke cost $8.00. Find the cost of one hamburger.




Step-by-step explanation:

-3 (1x + 1y = 3.2)

3x + 1y = 8


-3x - 3y = -9.6


3x + 1 y = 8


0x -2y = -1.6

÷ -2


y = 0.8

one hamburger costs $0.80

the product of two number is 105. if one number is -3 what is the other number​


Answer: -35

Step-by-step explanation:

You can check it by multiplying -3 and -35 you should get 105

Choose the algebraic description that maps the image ΔABC onto ΔA′B′C′.

Question 2 options:

(x,y) → (x – 4,y)

(x,y) → (x,y + 4)

(x,y) → (x,y – 4)

(x,y) → (x + 4,y)



(x , y )  -----> (x , y -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

There is no change in x-coordinate

Compare the y-coordinate of A(-4 , 7) and A'(-4 , 3)

7 + a = 3

    a = 3 - 7

   a = -4

y-coordinate of A' = y-coordinate of A  - 4

If f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3 and g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7 , find (f - g)(x) .



x^2 + 10

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3

g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7

(f - g)(x) =2x ^ 2 + 3 - (x ^ 2 - 7 )

Distribute the minus sign

             =2x ^ 2 + 3 - x ^ 2 + 7

Combine like terms

            = x^2 + 10

25. Several functions represent different savings account plans. Which functions are linear?
A. y = 3.6 x2
B. y = 5.25 x
c. y = 0,5 Х
D.y = 2.5 x +7
E. y = 2.50(1.3)*



b, c, d

Step-by-step explanation:




so y=5,25x-right



Susan wants to make pumpkin bread and zucchini bread for the school bake sale. She has 15 eggs and 16 cups of flour in her pantry. Her recipe for one loaf of pumpkin bread uses 2 eggs and 3 cups of flour. Her recipe for one loaf of zucchini bread uses 3 eggs and 4 cups of flour. She plans to sell pumpkin bread loaves for $5 each and zucchini bread loaves for $4 each. Susan wants to maximize the money raised at the bake sale. Let x represent the number of loaves of pumpkin bread and y represent the number of loaves of zucchini bread Susan bakes. What is the objective function for the problem



Objective Function z

z =  5*x  +  4*y .       to maximize

Step-by-step explanation:

                           eggs             flour

P. Bread    (x)        2                   3

Z. Bread .   (y)       3                  4

Availability .        15                 16


Eggs availability .  15

2*x + 3*y ≤ 15

Flour availability 16 cups

3*x + 4*y ≤16

Objective Function z

z =  5*x  +  4*y .       to maximize

The model:

z =  5*x  +  4*y .       to maximize

Subject to:

2*x + 3*y ≤ 15

3*x + 4*y ≤16

x ≥ 0  y  ≥ 0 .  integers

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

Correct on edg 2020

G(x)=3x+2 encontrar el dominio, codominio y haga tabla de valores




[tex]x = \frac{2}{g - 3} [/tex]

explainion is shown in picture above. Hope this helps

which is the right equation




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

y = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] x + 1 ← is in slope- intercept form

with slope m = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex]

Parallel lines have equal slopes , then

the slope of a parallel rail has slope = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex]

The only equation with this slope is

y = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] x + 3 ← could represent the path of the second rail → C

The question is
"Mia has a large bag of sweets, If i share the sweets equally among 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 people, there will always be 1 sweet left over"
with step by step pls :(






Step-by-step explanation:

Find the L.C.M. of 2,3,4,5,6 and add 1.

2| 2-3-4-5-6


2| 1-3-2-5-3


3| 1-3-1-5-3


5| 1-1-1-5-1


 | 1-1-1-1-1-1


reqd. number=60+1=61

if i distribute between 2,3,4,5,6 people then reqd number is 61

if Mia is also among those people or she gets also share

then the people are2,3,4,5,6 or 7

L.C.M. of 2,3,4,5,6,7=60×7=420

so reqd number is 420+1=421

What is x in the diagram below?



3rd option, 2√10

Step-by-step explanation:


or, x=√(4×10)

or, x=2√10

Answer: C, 2√10

Step-by-step explanation:

how do i convert y = 6x into y = mx + b form?​



it already is in that form

y = 6x

technically Y = 6x + 0 could be the answer...

but in math we tend to not rite "obvious"  information

to reduce clutter and confusion

+1[tex]x^{1}[/tex] is technically correct but we drop the + sign for positive numbers

and also drop the exponent if it is a 1 ... similarly

+1[tex]x^{1}[/tex] + 0 + 0 + 0  would also be silly and we don't write the zeros

+1[tex]x^{1}[/tex] + 0 + 0 + 0 = x

Step-by-step explanation:

6 + 13mn + 7m² n²




Step-by-step explanation:

The coefficients and variables in this equation have a common factor of 1, therefore the equation will go back to it's original state if you use 1 as the common factor.

I hope this helps and sorry if am wrong

what is 2,034,627 rounded to the nearest ten thousand



rounded to the nearest ten thousand



A piece of wire is bent to form a square of area 121 cm?
The length of each side of the square
The perimeter of the square


Step-by-step explanation:

that is really a problem ?

come on !

you know, the area of a square is side length × side length = length²

that is basically all of us learn as the very first thing when we are learning about squaring and multiplication.

how do we get the regular side length out of length² ?

we pull the square root. you have a calculator (at least on your computer, cell phone,...).

sqrt(121) = .... .... .... 11 ! tada !

and the perimeter of a square ... you really have to ask ?

it is the way all around the whole square. you need to go along every one of the 4 sides.

so, it is side length × 4 = 11×4 = 44 cm

again - you really needed help with THAT ?

Given g(x) = -x + 4, find g(5).



g(5) = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = 5.




Step-by-step explanation:

g(x)= -x+4

then substitute 5 on x


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