List the guidelines Time Safari, Inc. has set up to "protect the future"? Of these, which is the most important?


Answer 1


does anyone know it i need the answer too lol


Related Questions

Kami wants to use the following research question for a multimedia presentation.How did colonialism impact modern society?Which statement best describes Kami's research question?It is an open-ended question that needs to be more specific.It is a close-ended question that is too broad in scope.It has a limited set of responses and is too narrow.It is a very strong and very specific research question.


The correct answer is D. It is a very strong and very specific research question.


When conducting an investigation, it is necessary to ask an appropriate question to adequately develop the research. To construct a suitable question it is necessary to select a specific topic so as not to cover too much information and to avoid digression. On the other hand, a correct question for an investigation must be open to being able to adequately deepen the subject and cover the subjects necessary to test our hypothesis. These features allow our question to be suitable, giving strength to the investigation and specificity. So the answer is D. because the question ".How did colonialism impact modern society?" establishes a specific topic "colonialism and modern society" and it is an open-ended question as it starts with the word "how" and there can be different possible answers.

Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game," by
Richard Connell.
Which analysis best explains the effect of adding the
female character in the film adaptation of the scene?
His foot touched the protruding bough that was the
trigger. Even as he touched it, the general sensed his
She advances the plot. Having her run through the
danger and leaped back with the agility of an ape. But he
ungle moves the events of the story along.
was not quite quick enough; the dead tree, delicately
She serves a practical function. Using her bracelet to
adjusted to rest on the cut
living one, crashed down and
create the trap makes it more realistic to the
struck the general a glancing blow on the shoulder as it
fell; but for his alertness, he must have been smashed
beneath it. He staggered, but he did not fall; nor did he
She raises the stakes. Giving the audience someone
drop his revolver. He stood there,
else to care about increases the suspense level.
rubbing his injured
shoulder, and Rainsford, with fear again gripping his
She makes the film prettier. Having a beautiful female
heart, heard the general's mocking laugh ring through the
character is mostly decorative, creating a nice visual.



C.) she raises the stakes. Giving the audience someone else to care about increases the suspense level.


Just took the test on edge 2022

I usually..... (get up) at 5'o clock every morning.​


Cool, are you a morning person? I'm not!


I usually gets up at 5'o clock every mmorning.

Hope it is helpful to you

Please answer,ASAP please and thank you OWO








Landon was the shining star of the football team means that he was very popular there and good. Everyone noticed him. So the correct answer is B: Landon was the shining star of the football team.  

The girls who cried mouse and the girls who never told a lie
Select the correct answer.
What is a common theme in this story and this poem?
Think about the lesson or message that the two passages share.
to see
O A.
Honesty is not always the best policy.
Asking for help when it's not needed is good.
O C.
Some people respect humor over honesty.
OD. Honesty earns a person respect from others.



new the way you can


the girl who never told a lie

IV. Đặt câu hỏi cho các câu sau:
1. I went to Ha Long Bay last month.
2. My brother goes to school by bus every day.
3. The trip was great.



1. When did you go to Ha Long Bay?

2. How does your brother go to school?

3. How was the trip?


When did you go to Ha Long Bay?
How does your brother go to school everyday?
How was your trip?

To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Which sentence from Nature best supports Emerson’s claim? I am glad to the brink of fear. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child.



The sun illuminates only the eye of the man but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.

The author expresses that most adults have a very superficial way of seeing things. They cannot truly appreciate the beauty of nature. Only a true nature lover whose inward and outward senses are truly aligned and adjusted to each other is able to appreciate nature's beauty. This quality is present in every child but only a few men are able to retain this quality into adulthood

Observe the pictures and create article about how they are responstble to polluted our environment​



but where's the picture we're to observe

Why would an organic chemist prefer to read primary sources about experiments in her field, rather to a secondary sources?


Answer:Because primary sources can be more truthful

Explanation: Primary sources tend to say all of the information about the experiment, while secondary sources might botch it up.

An organic chemist prefer to read primary sources about experiments in her field, rather to a secondary sources because primary sources are the accurate in the data.

What is primary source?

The term primary sources are the first sources are the first source as the not involved the secondary sources. The sources as the division of the primary and the secondary. The primary are the first sours to the research based. The primary sources as the unique sources not involved the another sources.

An original material or document of the raw material or first-hand information is called primary sources. The primary sources are the first time collection of the data. An organic chemist prefer to read primary sources was the identifies the accurate in the data.

As a result, the conclusion of the primary sources and the secondary sources are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on primary source, here:


Work a pairs. If you have a passport, tell your partner when you got it and which country/countries you have already visited. If you do not have a passport, would you like to you have one? why?



Yes I would like to have a passport


It is because in the questions, it says that you should tell your partner where you got the passport from and which country/countries you have visited so without the passport I will not be able to tell my partner where I got it from and what countries I have visited.

the root is the part of the plant ben _ _ _ h the soil - whats the missing 3 words ?



the root is the part of the plant beneath the soil

5. Imagine you are the manager of a company that organizes celebrations and

parties, and you've been put in charge of organizing a high school dance.


any three of Fayol's five management functions and describe what

performing that function will look like in preparing for this job.



You must begin by determining who will not be working on the project and who will be working on it. I would also include a list of the items we would require, as well as any decorations. Following that, I'll look at which restaurants I'd like to do catering for. Following the planning step, I must organize the tasks that each employee must do. In addition, I must order the staff in a detailed manner so that they understand their responsibilities.

the detective asked the wisness to describe the scene of the crime in


I'm sorry I don't understand what your question wants

For most of their time in orbit, astronauts are fully (1) ……….with repairs and scientific experiments. But time for relaxation and recreation is essential. To reduce boredom, homesickness and isolation, astronauts are (2)………to receive a weekly video telephone call from home, as well as daily email messages.

If boredom (3)…….., there are plenty of windows from which to admire the ever-changing (4)……….as the International Space Station orbits the planet every 90 minutes. The crew enjoy searching for familiar landmarks, watching lightning flashes, and waiting for one of the (5)……….. sunrises and sunsets.

There is a wide choice of leisure activities (6)………. crew members are (7)…….. to take along their personal choice of entertainment. These range from chequers or chess sets to books and CDs or their own instruments.

Time (8)…….. and bond together is essential for any crew. Meal times are generally set aside for periods of friendly get-togethers, and evenings often (9)……… the crew settling down to watch the (10)……….DVD movies.



ve a la universidad y estudia


ve a la universidad y estudia

1.This hotel looks clean and ............................(COMFORT) 2.There isn't any.............................. In this village nowadays.(ELECTRIC) 3.My parents ........................... Me to the park in that competition.(COURAGE) 4.There is a very ......................... Programme on TV tonight.(INTEREST) 5.Easter is a joyful festival which is .................. In many countries all over the world.( CELEBRATION) 6. You must be when you open that door. ( CARE) 7. The tsunami in Japan in 2011 was the most of the year. ( DISASTER ) 8. Bi Rain is ___________known by teenagers in my country. ( WIDE ). 9. The garden is ____ with trees and flower. ( beauty) 10. They enjoy the ____ atmosphere here. ( PEACE)







5. celebrated


7. disastrous




Dividing fractions word problems
A turtle can walk of a kilometer in an hour. The turtle is of a kilometer away from a pond.
At this speed, how long will it take the turtle to reach the pond?
use a hint.
Report a problem
Your answer should be
an integer, like 6
a simplified proper fraction, like 3/5
a simplified improper fraction, like
a mixed number, like 1 3/4



2 2/5

Explanation:  we know that

A turtle can walk 1/12 of a kilometer in an hour


by proportion

Find how long will it take the turtle to reach the pond (1/5 km)

Convert to mixed number

four contributory factors to unemployment locally


Economic growth,cyclical structural factors,demographics,education and training

Love wanted a flower from Flora who would be the undisputed queen of flowers.



I say best too


I just makes the most sense when used in a sentence

Write ang ten verbs and show their tense types.​




1, simple present : I play basketball every week .

2, Present progressive :I "m playing basketball now.

3,simple past; I played basketball yesterday .

4,past progressive: I was playing basketball whole evening .

5, present perfect: I have just played basketball .

6,present perfect progressive : I have been playing basketball for 3 hours .

7, past perfect : I had played basketball before mary come.

8, past perfect progressive: I had been playing basketball when mary came.

9,Future - will : Iwill play basketball next week .

10, future perfect: I will have played basketball by tomorrow.

Jeff has one month to prepare for his debate. What should he do to best prepare his argument? Check all that apply.
O consider the various perspectives of each side
research the topic from others' points of view
Opick out an appropriate outfit for the debate
compare opposing viewpoints to his own
craft thoughtful and respectful rebuttals



consider various perspectives of each side


-consider the various perspectives of each side

-research the topic from others’ points of view

-compare opposing viewpoints to his own

-craft thoughtful and respectful rebuttals



How much time do you spend .....TV every day ?
A watch
B to watch
C watching
D in watching



C. watching is the answer. Hope it helps you^_^


Please mark as the brainliest

C. watching

hope it helps!

Which best compares the authors' purposes in Silent Spring and "Save the Redwoods"?



Both authors want to persuade readers of their point of view. -best compares and contrasts the authors' goals in Silent Spring and "Save the Redwoods."

conversation between a doctor and a patient​



patient: doctor, i'm very nervous this is my first Extraction:(

young doc : don't worry, it's my first extraction too:)

doctor: i have 2 bad news...
patient: what is it?
doctor: the first bad news is you only have 1 day to live...
patient: what's the other bad news?
doctor: i forgot to tell you yesterday...

what pronoun defines what you are writing about:



Pronouns that introduce dependent clauses for instance (which are called relative pronouns), pronouns that turn back on themselves (which are called reflexive pronouns), pronouns that help us ask questions (interrogative pronouns) and pronouns that show ownership (which are possessive pronouns) - just to name a

What is the best thing that make you energetic?


Answer: adrenaline


a jolt of energy look it up

Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. (140-190 words)

Some people say that young offenders should be sent to an army camp for a while instead of being sent for prison. Is this a good or a bad idea for young offenders?

Write about:
1. Being punished for a crime
2. Learning life skills
3. (your own idea)​


In this exercise, you have to write an essay giving your point of view about where young offenders should be sent.

An essay should have an introduction, a body where you state why you think what you think and a conclusion where you give the essay a closure and you reaffirm what you stated before.

In this case, you need to take into account writing about:

1. Being punished for a crime. You need to explain if you think the punishment should be being sent to an army camp or to prison. However, you can even discuss if punishment is okay or if there should be another penalization after a young person commits a crime. Since it is an opinion essay, you can decide what you want to say regarding this specific item.

2. Learning life skills. Here you might want to discuss what place is better to learn life skills or whether they are able to learn any life skills there or not, also, you can discuss how young offenders should learn life skills.

3. You have to write something that has not been said before in the essay about the topic. For example, you can tell your opinion regarding young offenders being in the same place as adult offenders who have been in prison for a long time.

In conclusion, it is up to you what you want to write in the essay but you need to be aware of the essay structure and also writing about what you are being asked.

You can find more information on how to write a good opinion essay in the following link

"Student life is not the proper time to do things. It is the time to ‘prepare’ for things to be done in future."

How does it sound??​



While I do get what you're trying to say, try rewording your sentences. For example, instead of saying "Student life is not the proper time to do things," you can use this: Being a student means that you can not focus on your interests and study for school assignments at the same time. You are, eventually, going to have to focus on one thing, either your interests, or school. As school keeps students busy with loads of assignments, tests, and exams that students can't find a proper time to do the things they want to do. (see how I used your sentences here?)

Try doing the same for your next sentence, and come back here!

What is the best revision of the error in sentence
[1] On her way home from practice, Rebekka
found a gold man's watch. [2] She wasn't sure
what to do. [3] There was no name engraved
on the back. [4] Looking at the gold links on
the band, the watch seemed to Rebekka to be
expensive. [5] She felt badly that someone
had lost such a nice watch.
"gold watch of a man"
"man's gold watch"
"man's watch of gold"



"man's gold watch"


just got it right.


first one is BAD

second one is MANS GOLD WATCH



just took it on edge lol (。_。)

BRAINLIEST + 50 pts!

Read these lines from the poem. They refer to the biblical story of Samson.

Upon the pillars of the temple laid

His desperate hands, and in its overthrow

Destroyed himself, and with him those who made

A cruel mockery of his sightless woe;

The poor, blind Slave, the scoff and jest of all,

Expired, and thousands perished in the fall!

In the Bible, God gives Samson immense physical strength. But Samson is tricked by evil people into losing his strength. The evil people capture Samson, blind him, and make him a slave. Samson asks God to give him strength once more so he can seek revenge on the evil people, and God does. Samson destroys their temple, killing many of them, and killing himself in the process. Longfellow compares the slaves in America to Samson.

How does this allusion affect the tone of the poem?

A. The poem sounds like a religious lecture or sermon, designed to inspire slaves to rise up against their masters.

B. The poem’s tone is stern, comparing slaves to the evil people who captured Samson.

C. The poem sounds like a caution that slavery does not only harm slaves, but may damage the entire country.

D. The poem’s tone is critical of slaves because they do not stand up for themselves the way Samson does.





slaves should stand up and fight for themselves and what is rightfully theirs meaning their rights

The poem seems like a religious lecture as well as a sermon, which is how the allusion makes slaves feel motivated to rebel against their owners. Thus, option A is appropriate.

An allusion is an instance of speech where an item or incident from a different context is subtly or indirectly referenced. It is typically referred to as a source when the author makes the relationship unambiguous.

A poem may allusively speak of someone, something, or another literary work. Allusions in poetry are typically inferred or indirect, and they are not always cited along with the work or actual event they allude to.

Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about Allusion here:


What did Jim share with Hans?​



Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson shared the cake Connie had baked. They talked about Bathsheba, Gabriel Oak, Sergeant Troy and Dorset. They even talked about the books they liked. They agreed about everything.

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