Locate the indefinite pronoun in the following sentence.
We owe the success of the project to everyone.



Answer 1




it's a singular indefinite pronoun because it isn't referring to a specific person, place or thing like a regular pronoun does.

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from chapter 23 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

"Don't it s'prise you de way dem kings carries on, Huck?"

"No," I says, "it don't."

"Why don't it, Huck?"

"Well, it don't, because it's in the breed. I reckon they're all alike,"

"But, Huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions."

"Well, that's what I'm a-saying; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out."

Which best describes the satirical element of this excerpt?
Jim and Huck still genuinely believe that the“rapscallions” are royalty.
Jim is revealing to Huck that most people are not what they seem.
Jim tells Huck that he knew the truth about the kings before everyone else.
Jim and Huck are basing their opinion of all royalty on fake kings.


Answer: Jim and Huck are basing their opinion of all royalty on fake kings


Satire is the use of irony, ridicule, humour, or exaggeration, to criticize the vices of people on topical issues. The aim is to bring attention to a certain thing and also promote change.

The sentence that best describes the satirical element of this excerpt is that Jim and Huck are basing their opinion of all royalty on fake kings.


Huck has decided that all kings are rascals.




i think the answers repetition
b. repetition
hope this helps

Sugar change the world What is the purpose of this text?



The primary purpose of the prologue in Sugar Changed the World is to inform the reader about the impact of sugar on world events and culture. First, the text introduces the history of sugar production and indicates that it led to slavery.


A car _ road

On, in, out

What is the answer??


a car on the road
that’s your answer

write a paragraph about activity you have done outside

-who have you done with the activity with

-where you have done it

-why you do the activity



Adequate outdoor activity increases health and physical development by improving sensory development, reducing obesity and stimulating blood cells. Outdoor activities help kids stay fit and active which will benefit them in the long run. They can ward off health problems like obesity and heart ailments later in life.

Brainly · Installed

essay on importance of outdoor activities - Brainly.in

And plese follow

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

In the analogy about the tiger at the end of this excerpt from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, who is likely analogous to the tiger?

capitalist countries
colonial countries
communist countries
democratic countries



Communist countries


In this section of the address, Kennedy discusses the situation of the newly-independent countries. He addresses them, and warns them against communism, which he refers to as the "tiger." He warns them that choosing a communist regime would be equivalent to replacing one form of tyranny with another one.  




the other two are examples of how america was created and how it is now run

The church at Philadelphia was alive.




if it doesn’t breathe it’s not alive

Read “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. In the poem, what does the word sleep symbolize?



The word "sleep" symbolizes death, darkness, etc.


Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is a metaphorical poem about life in general. The poem is a reflection on nature as well as human life.

Told from the perspective of a traveler going through a forest, the narrator watched the snowfall on the trees. Taking in on the lovely scene before him, the speaker then recounts the beauty of nature. He then expresses the way ahead, admitting that even though he likes the scene before him, he must move on.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

The word "sleep" here symbolizes the darkness of the night that's approaching, or metaphorically, death.

The soldiers were awestruck when they saw the village of the Bishnois, yet they were ready to destruct that peaceful and healthy environment. In what way would they not only damage the environment, but the faith and trust of people as well?



They would be damaging the environment by cutting down the trees. Trees play a vital role in the environment as they clean the air of carbon dioxide and help stop erosion as well as provide food and habitats to various organisms. Were they to be cut down, they would stop being these things to the environment.

As for the people, the solider betrayed their trust because as soldiers, they are meant to protect the people of the country that they are from. If a country's soldiers begins to attack the livelihood and property of the country's citizens as well as killing its own people, they have violated the oath they took to protect those same people.

give a brief summary of the play: romeo and juliet


they’re star crossed lover who went through hell to be together when they knew they couldn’t & ended up deceased because of it

When writing for a general audience, the writer should keep in mind that a general audience most likely

A. Knows little about the topic

B. Knows a lot about the topic

C. Is interested in the situation

D. Has the power to effect change



A. Knows a little


Because it has the power to change the effect

Who is a minor character in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"?



Darzee's wife, Karait, Chuchundra, and the Coppersmith.


Answer the following questions. who was the speaker sold into the chimney sweeping business by​


The speaker of this poem is a small boy who was sold into the chimney-sweeping business when his mother died. He recounts the story of a fellow chimney sweeper, Tom Dacre.

Select the phrase in the excerpt that best supports this inference: womens right to vote


Is this a joke or sum? There’s so passage to read

Look the photo
plz help me asap
i will give brainliest



miss there is no photo


what figure of speech is used in this sentence. My alarm clock yelled at me to wake me up.





The author's main purpose is to convince readers to devote less time to worrying about what to eat. Resist working too much in favor of taking up the arts. Avoid endangering themselves just so they can look better. Spend as much time developing the mind as developing the body.


Answer: Spend as much time developing the mind as developing the body.


The author's main purpose is to convince readers to spend as much time developing the mind as developing the body.

According to the author, people usually look at their body and develop it more but leaves their mind undeveloped. The author stated that human beings employ different people in order to bribe their stomach into decent behaviour but on the other hand, ni attention is given to the mind and posited that both the body and mind are important.

The author's main purpose is to convince readers to D. spend as much time developing the mind as developing the body.

What is a convinction?

This is the state of mind of a person who is sure that what he or she believes or says is true.

The author believes that people usually look at their body and develop it more but leaves their mind undeveloped. He states that human beings employ different people in order to bribe their stomach into decent behaviour.

Read more about purpose here:


Which of the following lines best summarizes a theme of the story? In Sunny Days and Sunny Nights


The answer to your question is c

Read the procedural text.
What question will a reader who is unfamiliar with
scientific equipment most likely ask?
Preparing a Wet-Mount Slide
Purpose: to view aquatic specimens under a microscope
by suspending them in fluid
What is a pipette and a concave slide?
O How long does the procedure take?
O Why do people prepare wet-mount slides?
What is the purpose of the paper towels?
Materials: concave slide, cover slip, water, tweezers,
pipette, paper towels, specimen
Steps in the procedure:
1. Use pipette to place a drop of water in the concave center
of the slide
2. Use tweezers to position the specimen in liquid.
3. Place one side of the cover slip on slide at the edge of
the concave center
4. Lower the cover slip slowly over the center and remove
any water with the towel.



1. Use pipette to place a drop of water in the concave center

of the slide


if the reader doesnt know about science than they would fail on the first step.

Thew correct option is 1. Use pipette to place a drop of water in the concave center of the slide

What is Scientific equipment?Scientific equipment represents equipment planned for the sole purpose of scientific research or teaching, and in individual models, instruments, apparatus, and machines.Among the many articles that would be considered available lab supplies are pipettes, scales, centrifuges, Bunsen burners, freezers, hot plates, incubators, coolers, stirrers, water baths, and fume hoodlumsTechnical & Scientific Equipment offers a range of testing agencies and measuring equipment for enterprises and laboratories. TSE specializes both in laboratory tools and in process and measurement instrumentation with a special direction on leak testers, low-pressure measurement, odor, water, and tensile testers.

To learn more about Scientific equipment, refer to:



i need a speech of how to stop drug addiction.​



Very good morning and a warm welcome to everybody present here today. Today, I will be talking on the topic of‘ drug abuse’.

The word ‘drug’ when it comes to one’s mind, is taken in a negative sense as it is often misused. If the drugs are used for serving a useful purpose, it could bring a considerable change in the lives of people.

The drug is not a dangerous substance itself. But people misuse it in many ways. It is highly dangerous and can cause serious health problems if one takes it on a regular basis. The drug has become a trend in today’s world. Today’s generation has become obsessed with following whatever is new or trending in the world. Such is the situation in case of drugs.Pharmaceutical drugs are classified into the following groups that have the same kind of chemical structure, mechanisms of actions, mode of action of the same type of drugs, etc. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification is the most popularly used drug classification system. It assigns a unique code or the ATC code to each drug. The ATC code is an alphanumeric code. It assigns that specific drug within the ATC system.

Another essential classification system that is widely used for drug classification is the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. This system classifies the drugs according to their solubility and permeability or absorption properties.

There are also different kinds of drugs. Among them, Psychoactive drugs play an essential role. It consists of chemical substances that are very harmful to the human body. It has a high chance to affect the function of the nervous system of a human being. These drugs can affect one’s stability of mind, inflict mood swings, etc.These psychoactive drugs have a significant impact on people. These drugs mainly consist of depressants, antidepressants, hallucinogens, etc. and have been proven extremely useful. It has also gained huge success in treating mental disorders around the world. The drugs that are used in a wide variety in the world are caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and many more. These drugs are considered to be recreational drugs. Recreational drugs refer to the drugs that are consumed for pleasure and not for medical purposes.

Abuse of such psychoactive drugs can turn out to be very dangerous to the entire humankind. It can cause psychological or physical addiction. All these drugs have tremendous side effects; these side effects can later give rise to several diseases.Thus, the government has come up with strict rules and regulations regarding the production of these drugs. This industry is closely supervised, so the smuggling of drugs can be reduced as much as possible.

It is our duty as responsible citizens of our country not to misuse the drugs as it will cost us our lives and follow the rules and regulations of the government appropriately. If we see any such crime, we should immediately report it to the nearest police station.

Thank you, everyone, for your patience and for giving an earful to my speech. I hope everyone has a great day ahead.


What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?




ROAD my answer is road please mark me as brilliant


railroad tracks



Match the terms to the definition



1. Alleviate - to relive; to make disappear.

2. Anticipate - to predict or tell about in advance.

3. Counterargument - an argument that opposes another argument.


1. Alleviate - to relive; to make disappear.
2. Anticipate - to predict or tell about in advance.
3. Counterargument - an argument that opposes another argument.

Directions: Add a dependent clause to each independent clause below to complete each sentence.
Example: ________make sure to bring your game console.
Answer: When you come to visit, make sure to bring your game console.

7. __________,I looked for my missing baseball.
8. __________,we won the game.
9.___________,the food was wonderful.
10. _________,all the students listened quietly.
11.___________ ,I will tell you the truth.​



7. Even though it was hopeless,I looked for my missing baseball.

8. Although we played badly, we won the game.

9. Even with the lack of salt, the food was wonderful.

10. As he spoke, all the students listened quietly.

11.Even though it's difficult ,I will tell you the truth.


Which conclusion can be drawn about Lord Capulet? He is concerned about the cost of the party. He is an aged and unhealthy gentleman. He is a man who does not enjoy entertaining. He is a considerate and generous host.


Answer: He is a considerate and generous host.


Based on the information given in the passage, we can infer that Lord Capulet is a considerate and generous host.

He's was thoughtful about others. This can be infered when he asked that the fire should be quenched because the room has grown too hot. His generosity can also be seen when he said "More light, ye knaves! and turn the tables up".

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Answer: D. He is a considerate and generous host.

Explanation: On Edge!

Afuent reader reads with correct inflecion
O True


Because it does not

I can't ______________ to receive your letter in the _____________. * wait, male weight, mail wait ,mail weight, male


Answer: Read Below


I cant' wait to receive your letter in the mail.

Hope this helps!

Why do speakers often refer to their personal lives in a speech?



to connect and engage


when speakers refer to their personal lives,its usually to create a connection and engage with the audience on a personal level

Refering to their personal life helps the speaker engage the audience and more often try to make the audience relate to them. This create a relationship between the speaker and the audience. ♡

All You Can Eat by J. Blue Spicer how to they develop the plot




I don’t know

dont choose B Issa random letter


omg ehy


How does Antonio benefit from his relationship with Bassanio



Antonia being a true and loyal friend of Bassanio, advise Bassanio to take money from any money lender in Antonio's Name to impress Portia. ... As Antonio's ship was out at sea, the ships lost and Antonio could not pay the money back to Shylock and according to the bond, Shylock would be taking flesh from his body.


Write ¾ of a double spaced page about your experience in FIVE this year.



i dont know sorry pls give brainlyist


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