look at image above question and answers​


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

Let's try all of them one by one.

Our equation is 4x + 2y + 3 = 19.


20 + 6 + 3 = 19

Not quite!


16 + 10 + 3 = 19

Still not it!


12 + 4 + 3 = 19

We got it!

But still, we check D.

8 + 10 + 3 = 21


C (or the 3rd option) is our answer.

I hope this helped.

Related Questions

25. A pizza shop offers 30% off the price of a large pizza every Tuesday
night. If the regular price is $25, what is the discounted price?



25 -(.3*25)

25-7.50 = $17.50

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

First find the amount of the discount

25 * 30%

25 * .3


Subtract this from the original amount

25 - 7.5


A runner covers the last straight stretch of a race in 3 s. During that time, he speeds up from 5 m/s to 11 m/s.What is the runner's acceleration in this part of the race? ​



From first Newton's equation of motion:

[tex]{ \bf{v = u + at}}[/tex]

Substitute the variables:

[tex]{ \tt{11 = 5 + (a \times 3)}} \\ { \tt{3a = 6}} \\ { \tt{a = 2 \: {ms}^{ - 2} }}[/tex]

Acceleration is 2 ms-²

The simple interest formula is I = Prt, where I represents simple interest on an amount, P, for t years at a rate of r, where r is expressed as a decimal.

What is the amount of money, P, that will generate $40 in interest at a 10% interest rate over 5 years?





Step-by-step explanation:

I = Prt

I = 40  R = .10  T = 5

40 = P (.10)(5)

40 = P(.5)

Divide each side by .5

40/.5 = .5P/.5

80 = P

The interest over 5 years is $80.

The correct option is B.

What is the simple interest?

Simple interest is the borrowing amount added only to the principal amount.

The Formula to calculate the simple interest is;

                                                 S.I. = P x T x R / 100,

Where S.I. is simple interest, P is the principal amount, T is the time period and R is the interest rate in a year.

We can use the formula I = Prt to solve for P. We know that I = 40, r = 0.10, and t = 5. Substituting these values, we get:

40 = P(0.10)(5)


40 = 0.5P

Dividing both sides by 0.5:

P = 80

Therefore, the amount of money, P, that will generate $40 in interest at a 10% interest rate over 5 years is $80.

To learn more about the simple interest; https://brainly.com/question/25845758


Use the given conditions to write an equations for the line in slope- intercept form. passing through (1,-8) and (-7,8)



y = -2x - 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Going from the first point to the second, we see x decreasing by 8 from 1 to -7 (this is the 'run') and y increasing by 16 from -8 to +8 (this is the 'rise').  Thus, the slope of the line through these two points is m = rise/run =  16/(-8) = -2.

Using the point-slope formula y - k = m(x - h) and the point (1, -8), we get:

y + 8 = -2(x - 1), or

y = -8 - 2x + 2, or

y = -2x - 6 (in slope-intercept form)

If I take a 7 question multiple choice test, with 4 choices per question, what is the probability that I get 1 wrong



The probability is [tex]\frac{3}{4^7}[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Total questions = 7

Number of choices of each question = 4

Probability to give the correct answer = 1/4

Probability to give the wrong answer = 3/4

Probability to give 1 answer wrong

[tex]\frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{3}{4}\\\\= \frac{3}{4^7}[/tex]

simplify -8/2 ÷ 6/-3​


Answer: the answer is 2 or C

-8/2 x -3/6

*Always do the recipical*

(-8 x -3) / (2 x 6)

-8 x -3= +24

2 x 6= 12

24/12= 2

The solution of the given expression -8/2 x -3/6 is 2. The correct option is B.

What is an expression?

In mathematics, expression is defined as the relationship of numbers, variables, and functions using mathematical signs such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that the expression is,

-8/2 x -3/6

The expression will be solved as below,

E = (-8 x -3) / (2 x 6)

The numerator will get reciprocal and multiplied to the denominator,

E = 24 / 12

Divide the number 24 by 12 and get the solution,

E = 2

Therefore, the solution of the expression will be 2. The correct option is B.

To know more about an expression follow



Which expression is equivalent to (x^-6/x-2)^3



= (6/x - 2)^3

Please help me answer this question​



a, 14.13. b, 39.25

Step-by-step explanation:

so for a the diameter is 6 so the radius is 3. The equation for the area of the circle is πr2. So 3x3=9. then 9x3.14=28.26. But then we have to divide by two cause we are finding only the shaded area. 28.26/2=14.13.

A is 14.13

for b, its the same thing, so the radiu is 5 and 5x5=25. 25x3.14=78.5, and divide two, so 78.5/2=39.25.

B is 39.25

WARNING: I am not sure this is correct, so if this is wrong i'm sorry, i'm learning too :)

find the original price if the price was 420 after a 10% discount




Step-by-step explanation:

Let p be the original price

p - 10 % p = 420

p - .10p = 420

.9p = 420

Divide each side by .9

.9p/.9 = 420/.9

p =466.666666

Rounding to the nearest cent

p = 466.67

A piece of fabric is 1/3 yard by 3 5/8 yards.
Irma solves 1/3*3 5/8 to find the area of the fabric in square yards.

Enter numbers to complete Irma's calculation for the area. (TTM)



favricis 1/3 yard bt 3 5/8 yards wich it will be 64

Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words.
Consider this expression.




Step-by-step explanation:

We are here given a modulus expression and we need to find out the value when m = -5 and n = 3 .

Modulus :- It always gives positive value . For example ,

[tex]\rm\implies |-a| = a [/tex]

[tex]\rm\implies |a| = a [/tex]

The given modulus expression is :-

[tex]\rm\implies |m^2+ n^2| [/tex]

As the number inside the modulus operator are already squared therefore they will always give positive value for real numbers . Here we can omit the modulus .

[tex]\rm\implies m^2 + n^2 [/tex]

Plug in the given values ,

[tex]\rm\implies (-5)^2 + 3^2 [/tex]

Solve 5² and 3² and add them ,

[tex]\rm\implies 25 + 9 [/tex]

On adding ,

[tex]\rm\implies 34 [/tex]

Therefore ,

[tex]\rm\implies \boxed{\blue{\rm |m^2+n^2| = 34 }}[/tex]

Hence the required answer is 34 .

Please answer correctly and I will give brainliest and crown plus an extra 20 points



30.28 yd²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area enclosed = area of trapezoid + area of semicircle

= ½(a + b)*h + ½(πr²)


a = 5 yd

b = 2 + 5 = 7 yd

h = 4 yd

r = ½(4) = 2 yd

Plug in the known values

Area enclosed = ½(5 + 7)*4 + ½(π*2²)

Area enclosed = ½(12)*4 + ½(π*4)

= 6*4 + π*2

= 24 + 2π

= 30.2831853

≈ 30.28 yd² (2 decimal places)

a)out of 300 students In a class 60% of the students took physics and 35 students took chemistry and 20% of the students did not take any of this subject. how many students take both the subject​



25 students take both subjects.

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for 60% of 300 students:

60/100 = x/300

Cross multiply:

60 × 300 = 100 × x

18000 = 100x

Divide both sides by 100:

180 = x

Solve for 20% of 300 students:

20/100 = x/300

20 × 300 = 100 × x

6000 = 100x

60 = x

Solve for the percentage of students in chemistry:

x/100 = 35/300

x × 300 = 100 × 35

300x = 3500

x = 11.66666...7

x = about 11.7%

Find the difference in percentages:

100 - 60 - 20 - 11.7


8.3% take both subjects

Solve for 8.3% of students:

8.3/100 = x/300

8.3 × 300 = 100 × x

2490 = 100x


About 25 students

Check your work by adding all the students together (to get to 300):

25 + 60 + 180 + 35

300 students total

This is correct!

does this table represent a function? Why or why not?

X: 2 2 3 4 5
Y: 1 4 4 2 5

Please answer it ASAP


No, certain points on the plot line the share the same output

If the scale on the map is 1cm :112 km. If two places are 197 miles apart. How far apart are they on a map



22.4 cm

100% 2021 on edge!

Step-by-step explanation:

i need help on this please SHOW WORK


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

See this attachment

This trapezium is drawn on a centimetre grid.
Find the area of the trapezium.



A = 18 units²

Step-by-step explanation:

The area (A) of a trapezium is calculated as

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] h ( b₁ + b₂ )

where h is the perpendicular height and b₁, b₂ the parallel bases

By counting squares

h = 3, b₁ = 3, b₂ = 9 , then

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × 3 × (3 + 9) = 1.5 × 12 = 18 units²

Which of the following represents the solution to the inequality



the question?

Step-by-step explanation:

in a survey 50% like cold drinks 30% like hot drinks and 40% like juice. Likewise 20% of them like cold and hot drinks 18% like cold drinks and juice, 12% like hot drinks and juice and 5% like all three drinks. represent the above information in a venn diagram and find the percent of people who like:

i) at least one of the drinks
ii) exactly two types of drinks
iii) exactly one type of drink
iv) none of the drinks



Step-by-step explanation:

C -> Percentage of people who take cold drinks

H -> Percentage of people who take hot drinks

J - > Percentage of people who take Juice

i) At least one of drinks = 17 + 3 +15 +18 +7 + 15 + 5 = 75%

ii)  Exactly two types of drinks = Percentage of people who take cold  and hot drinks + Percentage of people who take cold and Juice + Percentage of people who take hot drinks and Juices

= 15 + 13 + 7

= 35%

iii) Exactly one type of drink =  Percentage of people who take only cold drinks + Percentage of people who take only hot drinks + Percentage of people who take only juices

= 17 + 3 + 15

= 35%

iv) None of the drinks = Total percentage - at least one of the drinks

                                    = 100 - 75

                                    = 25%

What is the midpoint of the segment shown below?
O A. (-3,-11)
O B. (-9,-)
(-12, -3)
O C. (-9.-11)
OD. (-:-)


O C. (-9.-11) is THE ANSWER

Jimmy's cedar trunk is in the shape of a rectangular prism and has a volume of 3/4 cubic yard. How many cubic blocks with a side length of 1/2 yard would Jimmy need to measure the volume of his trunk?


Answer: 6 blocks

Step-by-step explanation:


Volume of the rectangular prism is [tex]V=\dfrac{3}{4}\ yd^3[/tex]

Length of the cubic block is [tex]a=\dfrac{1}{2}\ yd[/tex]

Volume of each cubic block is

[tex]\Rightarrow V_o=\left (\dfrac{1}{2}\right)^3\\\\\Rightarrow V_o=\dfrac{1}{8}\ yd^3[/tex]

Suppose, n blocks are required to measure the volume of Prism

[tex]\Rightarrow V=nV_o\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{3}{4}=n\cdot \dfrac{1}{8}\\\\\Rightarrow n=\dfrac{3\times 8}{4}\\\\\Rightarrow n=6\ \text{blocks}[/tex]

Thus, 6 blocks are required to measure the volume of prism.

Yes that person is correct

the dual bar chart below shows how a group of 190 students travel to school. given that 50 students, said they travel to school by car complete the table below


The image of the bar chart is missing and so i have attached it.


Bus = 75

Cycle = 20

Walk = 45

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that 50 students said they travel to school by car.

However, in the bar chart, we see that we have a portion for boys and girls

Under car, when we count along the y-axis, we will see that, there are 6 units for boys and 4 units for girls.

Thus, to find the value of a unit since number of people that took cars is 50, we have;

(6x + 4x)/2 = 50

Where x is the value of one unit. Thus;

10x/2 = 50

5x = 50

x = 50/5

x = 10

Thus, a unit is 10

Under bus;

Boys have 7 units while girls have 8 units.


Frequency by bus = ((7 × 10) + (8 × 10))/2 = 150/2 = 75

Under cycle;

Boys have 1 unit while girls have 3 units.


Frequency by cycle = ((1 × 10) + (3 × 10))/2 = 20

Under walk;

Boys have 5 units while girls have 4 units.


Frequency by cycle = ((5 × 10) + (4 × 10))/2 = 45

H E L P !
Given that the Universal set is numbers 1 through 20, write the complement of the set A.

Set A : {1, 3, 7, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20}



A' : {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18}

The ratio of flour to water is 2 to 1 for biscuits Is Lisa has 4 cups of flour how much water should she add to make biscuits



she should add 2 cups of water.

Step-by-step explanation:

2 : 1 = 4 : 2

Lisa should add 2 cups of water

what is the cosine of 122.2


cosine 122.2 = -0.532876276......

Use the parabola tool to graph the quadratic function f(x)=−x2+4. Graph the parabola by first plotting its vertex and then plotting a second point on the parabola.



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = -x^2 +4

The vertex form is

y = a(x-h)^2 +k


f(x) = -(x-0)^2 +4

The vertex is (0,4) and a = -1

Since a is negative we know the parabola opens downward

f(x) = -(x^2 -4)

We can find the zeros

0 = -(x^2 -2^2)

This is the difference of squares

0 = -(x-2)(x+2)

Using the zero product property

x-2 =0   x+2 =0

x=2   x=-2

(2,0)  (-2,0) are the zeros of the parabola and 2 other points on the parabola

We have the maximum ( vertex) and the zeros and know that it opens downward, we can graph the parabola


Your vertex is (4,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help me with this math homework please!



Second option

As the x-values go to negative infinity, the function´s values go to positive. infinity.


Hope it helps...

have a great day!!


(B) As the x-values go to negative infinity, the function's values go to positive infinity.

Step-by-step explanation:

The x-values the answer choices are talking about are the values on the x-axis.

Looking at the graph, when the x-values go to negative infinity (meaning it keeps on going left, or negative), the function goes up, meaning the function goes to positive infinity.

When the x-values go to positive infinity (meaning it keeps on going right, or positive), the function goes up, meaning the function goes to positive infinity.

Out of all the answer choices, only B agrees with the observations written above.

Hope that helps (●'◡'●)

Find f(-3) for f(x) = 4(2)^x
O A. -32

O B. 1/2

O C. -24

O D. 1/8



B. 1/2

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right

Algebra I


Function Notation

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


f(x) = 4(2)ˣ

Step 2: Evaluate

Substitute in x [Function f(x)]:                                                                           f(-3) = 4(2)⁻³Exponents:                                                                                                        f(-3) = 4(1/8)Multiply:                                                                                                             f(-3) = 1/2

what is 3x10x178 I need help asap



3x10=30   30x178=5,430

Step-by-step explanation:

QUESTION:- what is 3x10x178


[tex]3 \times 10 \times 178 \\ 30 \times 178 \\ 5340 \: \: answer[/tex]

Can someone help me with this math homework please!



f(n+1) = f(n) - 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Just find some relationship between 2 numbers that are next to each other.

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