Los Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia se caracterizan porque:

1. Sus Ecosistemas no han sido alterados por la explotación y ocupación humana.
2. Son zonas delimitadas por criterios de Geografía Física: como relieve, clima, hidrografía, vegetación y suelos.
3. Allí nacen numerosos Ríos.
4. Satisfacen necesidades de la población.


Answer 1



2. Son zonas delimitadas por criterios de Geografía Física: como relieve, clima, hidrografía, vegetación y suelos.

Related Questions

Which of the following factors does not affect soil formation?
a. precipitation
b. time
C. erosion
d. none of the above
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Erosion EASY precipitation effects soil so does time the longer the more it changes


b is the answer



Which of the following is not one of the steps of the water cycle?
A. Condensation of water vapor into clouds.
B. Throughflow of underground water back to the ocean.
C. Respiration of water into the atmosphere.
D. Transpiration of water into the atmosphere.


The option that is not one of the steps of the water cycle includes options C(Respiration of water into the atmosphere)

and D(Transpiration of water into the atmosphere).

Water cycle can be defined as the constant flow or movement of water through earth, atmosphere and the oceans either in liquid states or vapour.

The four main steps of water cycle includes:

EvaporationCondensationprecipitation and Collection (this leads to formation of underground water which gradually flows back into the oceans).

In nature, water circulates mainly within the abiotic (non-living) environment; only a small proportion recycled through living organisms.

Therefore respiration and transpiration which occurs through living organisms doesn't form the major steps of water cycle, hence the correct option is C (Respiration of water into the atmosphere) and D (Transpiration of water into the atmosphere).

Learn more about water cycle here:


Suppose you are a genetics counselor who is working with a 21-year-old pregnant woman who has just discovered that her father has Huntington's disease, a rare dominant autosomal trait. This disease usually develops in middle age, so people carrying this trait do not find out they have this genetic disorder until midlife. What are the chances that the child she is carrying will develop the disease





what is not a function of plasma membrane



the control center of the cell.

Tania looks at several different multivitamins in the store and notes that there are many different formulations with
varying amounts of several types of vitamins. She would like to choose a brand that only has the essential vitamins
that humans need to consume.
What are the vitamins that Tania should verify are in the product that she purchases?
O vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K
O vitamins A, B, C, E, and K
O vitamins A, B, C, D, and E
O vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, and K


The answer is A.

There are 13 essential vitamins. Vitamins A, the multiple B vitamins, C, D, E, and K.

Some of the cell membrane functions are similar to the ________ of the body.


the skin has cells like that

Indica el período, el grupo y el número atómico de los elementos que se representan con las siguientes configuraciones electrónicas: 1. 1s2 Grupo: ______ Periodo: _______ 2. 1s22s22p63s1 Grupo: ______ Periodo: _______ 3. 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 Grupo: ______ Periodo: _______ 4. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1 Grupo: ______ Periodo: _______ 5. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p3 Grupo: ______ Periodo: _______



1. 1s² Grupo: 18  Periodo: 1

2. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s¹ Grupo: 1 Periodo: 3  

3. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s² Grupo: 2 Periodo: 4  

4. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹ (electrones de valencia) Grupo: 3 Periodo: 4

5. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p³ (electrones de valencia) Grupo: 15 Periodo: 4


La configuración electrónica de los elementos es la disposición de todos los electrones de un elemento en niveles y subniveles de energía (orbitales).

Hay 7 niveles de energía, numerados del 1 al 7, y en los que los electrones se distribuyen, lógicamente, en orden según su nivel de energía. Los electrones con menos energía girarán en el nivel 1. Cada nivel se divide en subniveles. Estos subniveles en los que se divide cada nivel pueden ser hasta 4. Estos 4 subniveles se denominan: s, p, d, f. En el subnivel s solo puede haber un máximo de 2 electrones, en p puede haber un máximo de 6 electrones, en el subnivel d 10 electrones y finalmente en el subnivel f puede haber un máximo de 14 electrones.

Por otro lado, los electrones de valencia son los electrones que se encuentran en la última capa electrónica (denominada orbitales de valencia) y tienen muchas posibilidades de participar en una reacción química.

En la tabla periódica, en cada período aparecen los elementos cuyo último nivel de su configuración electrónica coincide con el número del período, mientras que en cada grupo aparecen los elementos que presentan el mismo número de electrones en el último nivel ocupado o capa de valencia. Entonces:

1. 1s² Grupo: 18  Periodo: 1

2. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s¹ Grupo: 1 Periodo: 3  

3. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s² Grupo: 2 Periodo: 4  

4. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹ (electrones de valencia) Grupo: 3 Periodo: 4

5. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p³ (electrones de valencia) Grupo: 15 Periodo: 4

Name TWO disorders that may occur within this body system and discuss cause/diagnosis/treatment
Help plz



Cancer and Arthritis


Some causes of cancer include smoking, obesity, and lack of nutrition. Cancer is diagnosed using a biopsy. A biopsy is a procedure in which the doctor removes a sample of tissue. A pathologist looks at the tissue under a microscope and runs other tests to see if the tissue is cancer. Some treatments for cancer include Chemotherapy, surgery, Radiation therapy, and bone marrow transplant.

The most common cause of arthritis is usually if your family has a history of arhritis. It is usually diagnosed with an x-ray or a blood test. Treatment includes Painkillers, physical therapy, and exercise.

What is the best description of connective tissue? Question 3 options: All of its cells rest on a basal lamina. All of its cells associate via cadherins in their plasma membrane. All of its cells are electrically connected via gap junctions. All of its cells are sparsely distributed in the extracellular matrix.



Connective tissue is a group of tissues in the body that keep the body and its organs in shape while also providing cohesion and internal support.

All of its cells exist sparsely distributed in the extracellular matrix is the best description of connective tissue.

What is connective tissue?

Tissue that sustains, protects and provides structure to other tissues and organs in the body. Connective tissue also stores fat, permits the movement of nutrients and other substances between tissues and organs, and allows the repair of damaged tissue. Connective tissue exists created up of cells, fibers, and a gel-like substance.

Connective tissue is discovered in between other tissues everywhere in the body, including the nervous system. The three outer membranes (the meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord exist composed of dense inert connective tissue.

Connective tissues bind systems together, form a framework and support for organs and the body as a whole, store fat, transport substances, defend against disease, and assist restoration of tissue damage.

Hence, All of its cells exist sparsely distributed in the extracellular matrix is the best description of connective tissue.

To learn more about connective tissue refer to:



Though plants, fungi, and prokaryotes all have cell walls, we place them in different taxa. Which of these observations comes closest to explaining the basis for placing these organisms in different taxa, well before relevant data from molecular systematics became available?



Due to other differences.


The plants, fungi, and prokaryotes all have cell walls, we place them in different taxa because of the other differences such as mobility, mode of nutrition etc. Plants and fungi are not mobile means can not move from one place to another whereas prokaryotes are mobile. Fungi and prokaryotes are heterotrophs means that feed on other organism whereas plants are autotrophs means make their own food. There is also difference in their cell wall i.e. the cell of plants is composed of cellulose, the cell wall of prokaryotes especially bacteria is composed of peptidoglycans and the cell wall of fungi is composed of chitin.

Laying the groundwork for the 'germ theory' of disease _________ discovered that organisms cannot spontaneously arise, but must be introduced into an environment.
A. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Robert Hooke
D. Ernst Ruska


The answer you are looking for is B.Louis pasteur

Laying the groundwork for the 'germ theory of disease, Louis Pasteur discovered that organisms cannot spontaneously arise, but must be introduced into an environment.

Who was Louis Pasteur?

Louis Pasteur was a chemist and microbiologist. He is known for the discovery of vaccines, fermentation, and pasteurization.

The germ theory is given by Pasteur. He first of all states that process fermentation is done by living organisms, bacteria, and yeast.

Thus, option B. Louis Pasteur is correct.

Learn more about Louis Pasteur, here:



the scientific name of the great egret has recently been changed from Casmerodius albus to Ardea alba. What is a possible reason for the reclassification of egrets?
A) Allopatric speciation
B) Discovery of a different ancestor
C) A change in the mating behaviors
D) A change in their habitat and geological range



B) Discovery of different ancestry


Mark me as Brainliest if it helped

5. How could looking at the canopy help determine the difference between a forest and a



Forests naturally have a closed canopy permitting very little light to penetrate to the ground below. While woodlands have a more open canopy for light to go through it.


Scientific laws attempt to explain nature



I think that is is false.

what is the relationship between an enzyme and the substrates it can bind



Enzymes and substrates bind to each other associating through various interactions, including hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and covalent bonds.

carbohydrate are store in animal cell in the form of​



molecule glycogen

Plants store carbohydrates in long polysaccharides chains called starch, while animals store carbohydrates as the molecule glycogen.

Glycogen molecule, which is found in the cytosol of the cell

Name the 5 systems of the human body.



Skeletal System

Muscular System

Circulatory System

Endocrine System

Digestive System

are systems of the Human Body



Digestive system

Circulatory system

Respiratory system

Nervous system

Skeletal system

pls answer this question i think easy



Explanation:it must be c if im wrong then sue me!


B. Food is broken into simpler molecules.


these small molecules are; proteins, amino acids, glucose, e.t.c

The___ cycle is not a nutrient cycle





If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

READING TOOL Sequence of Events List in order the parts of a typical experiment that uses
scientific methodology. Use the headings in your text as a guide.



2. Background research

3.Create a hypothesis

4.Experiment to test the hypothesis

5.Analyse the data from the experiemnt


2. Learn about the topic and research on what you need for the experiment.

3.Form a hypothesis in which you want to be tested.

4. Do an experiment in which it tests your hypothesis.

5. Analyst the data from the experiment and draw conclusions and decide whether it tests your theory.

Which of the following terms is the life
cycle of a living cell?
A. g1
B. cell cycle
C. interphase
D. mitosis



cell cycle is the term of the life cycle of a living cell

Why ulva is not placed in kingdom plantae



Because Ulva is an algae. Algae belongs to kingdom Protista.


Ulva is a Macroalgae because it's not microscopic.

Macroalgae is not considered as a plant due to their structure. Macroalgae do not have specialized organs and tissues, and they are not vascularized. They also do not have the capacity to form a structure with flowers, leaves, roots or a stem.  

Convert 90 centuries to minutes using the method of dimensional analysis.


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

“[tex]\large\text{Convert 400 mm to m}[/tex]”

[tex]\large\text{Just simply divide 400 by 1,000 and you will have your result.}[/tex]


[tex]\mathsf{= \dfrac{400\div200}{1,000\div200}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{400\div 200 = \bf 2}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{1,000 \div 200 = \bf 5}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{= \bf \dfrac{2}{5}}\rightarrow\mathsf{\bf 0.4}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\huge\textsf{Therefore, your ANSWER is: \boxed{\bf \dfrac{2}{5} \ or \ 0.4}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Which of these statements expresses a scientific theory?
A. All the tissues that make up animals consist of cells.
B. The larger of two cells probably contains a nucleus.
C. Cells are the basic units of life.
D. A material that consists of cells came from a living organism.





The cells make up a living organism, that is, it is the basic functional unit of the living organism.




La respuesta correcta es: E) naranja.


La vitamina C está presente en los cítricos, como la naranja, el limón y el pomelo. La naranja es una fruta muy rica en vitamina C, de hecho, basta con una al día para cumplir con los requerimientos diarios de esta importantísima vitamina.

Si bien el consumo de vitamina C no cura enfermedades, se probó que tiene un papel fundamental a la hora de reforzar nuestro sistema inmunitario, que es aquel que nos protege de los diferentes microorganismos que nos pueden enfermar.

Además de su rol importante en fortalecer nuestras defensas inmunitarias, el consumo diario de cítricos contribuye a prevenir el cáncer de colon y a regenerar los cartílagos.

How fast does E. coli manifest symptoms A. 3 mins B. 3 hours C. 3 days D. 3 weeks



C. 3 days





2-5 days after exposure is when symptoms show

taken from the minnesota department of health

Which autoimmune disease results in the destruction of beta cells in the
type 1 diabetes

pernicious anemia

celiac disease

rheumatoid arthritis


Type 1 Diabetes would he the correct answer.

An actin-binding protein called cofilin binds preferentially to ADP-containing actin filaments rather than ATP-containing actin filaments. Based on this preference, which is true? Question 7 options: Cofilin binds to the plus ends of treadmilling actin filaments. Cofilin competes with profilin for binding to actin. Cofilin binds to older actin filaments. Cofilin binds to the plus ends of actin filaments.



Cofilin binds to older actin filaments


Microfilaments (also called actin filaments) are a class of protein filament common to all eukaryotic cells, which consist of two strands of subunits of the protein actin. Microfilaments form part of the cell's cytoskeleton and interact with the protein myosin in order to allow the movement of the cell. Within the cell, actin may show two different forms: monomeric G-actin and polymeric F-actin filaments. Microfilaments provide shape to the cell because these filaments can depolymerize (disassemble) and polymerize (assembly) quickly, thereby allowing the cell to change its shape. During the polymerization process, the ATP that is bound to G-actin is hydrolyzed to ADP, which is bound to F-actin. ATP-actin subunits are present at the barbed ends of the filaments, and cleavage of the ATP molecules produces highly stable filaments bound to ADP. In consequence, it is expected that cofilin binds preferentially to highly stable (older) filaments ADP-actin filaments instead of ATP-actin filaments.

predict what happen to the human and the plants if the transport system are affected​


I think we'll be scared and panicked and some people will die of overthinking

do fertilised eggs divide to form a foetus


For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell. ... During the first 8 or 9 days after conception, the cells that will eventually form the embryo continue to divide
Your welcomeee❤️⭐️
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