Make a general statement about the use of roads and rails in Pakistan over the period from 1990-2007​


Answer 1


The Grand Trunk Road was a major road commissioned by Sher Shah Suri in the 16th century and used during the Suri and Mughal periods. Trees were planted, and mosques and temples built along the road. Caravanserais were built for travelers to spend the night.

Railways and Airways were developed during the British Raj. The first railways in Pakistan were built from 1885.

Answer 2


transport in Pakistan


Transport in Pakistan (Urdu: پاکِستان میں نقل و حمل‎) is extensive and varied, and serves a population of over 212.2 million people. In recent years, new national highways have been built, with the addition of motorways which have improved trade and logistics within the country. Pakistan's rail network owned by Pakistan Railways is also undergoing expansion in recent years. Airports and seaports have been built with the addition of foreign and domestic funding.

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This site is for learning purposes only, not here to ask for gaming diamonds

are you okay



A cube has a volume of 64 cubic inches what's the length of one side of the cube


Volume=64in^3Let side be a

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If an earthquake measures 1.5 on the Richter Scale, what is the intensity of this earthquake, relative to a 0-level earthquake? Round off your answer to the nearest integer.



Intensity depends on the distance form the ground and source of energy.


Earth quake that has an intensity of 1.5 on the Richter scale can be detected only through the seismograph. The earthquake with an intensity of 0 levels on the Richter scale that is below micro will not be felt or rarely felt in scale. This can be defied by the Richter scale formula of  R=log(IcIn), Ic is the intensity and In is the intensity if the standards earthquake. Hence the difference will be R2−R1=log(I2I1)

what is social harmony​



Social harmony is the living together of people of a particular social group with love, care, respect and brotherhood, regardless of their religion, region, caste, gender, colour etc.

How does the formation of sea ice impact the density of the surrounding seawater?
A. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and increasing the density of seawater.
B. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and decreasing the density of seawater.
C. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to a decrease in density.
D. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to an increase in density








what is the definition of hydrometer



A hydrometer is a instrument used to determine specific gravity. It operates based on the Archimedes principle that a solid body displaces it's own weight within a liquid in which it floats. Hydrometers can be divided into two general classes: liquids heavier than water and liquids lighter than water

A plate moves 200 m in 10000 years. What is the rate in cm/yr



2 cm/yr


200 meters is 20000 cm


20000/10000 = 2

The recovery of bald eagle populations was a slow process. One reason for this was because they are a K-selected species. Which of the following reproductive characteristics do bald eagles likely have?
A. Offspring mature slowly
B. Offspring mature quickly
C. Offspring require parental
D. They reproduce rapidly when conditions are optimal





K-selected species means that the creature may have a small amount of offspring but they need to invest a lot of parental care

¿Qué pasaría si los fenómenos naturales, como las lluvias, por ejemplo, se intensificaran o, por el contrario, dejaran de producirse?


Fenómenos naturales es a veces una tragedia, pero a veces para ayudar a nuestro planeta. Lluvia, nieve y granizo se encuentran entre algunos de ellos. Los tres fenómenos producen agua y puede ser grave, pero por eso siempre debemos ser prudentes. El calentamiento global está aumentando y está consumiendo el hábito natural de la Antártida. Esto también provoca poner en peligro a la criatura.

¡Espero haberte ayudado!

Si la lluvia se intensifica puede tener efectos positivos como el riego de zonas de cultivo, y efectos negativos como las crecientes de los ríos que desencadenan desastres naturales. También su ausencia puede causar efectos negativos como escasez de agua.

Fenómeno natural es un concepto que se refiere a distintas manifestaciones de la naturaleza que se caracterizan por no ser provocadas por acción humana tales como:

HuracánLluviaRadiación Solar.Formación de montañas.Erupción de un volcán.El viento.Los truenos.Sismos y terremotos.

Los fenómenos naturales pueden tener efectos negativos, positivos y neutros sobre las comunidades humanas. Por lo anterior, si las lluvias se intensifican podrían causar efectos positivos como riego de zonas de cultivo. No obstante, también puede tener efectos negativos como crecientes de ríos que desencadenen desastres naturales.

Por otra parte, la ausencia de lluvia puede causar efectos negativos dado que limitaría el acceso al recurso del agua, lo que podría afectar la vida vegetal y animal.

Learn more in:

identify specific features or landmarks​



To identify the specific features, following are some examples, - Landmarks :Natural include waterfalls, caves, lagoon. -Landmarks: Man made include buildings and nature reserves like sanctuaries.

Hope it helps you.
Eiffel Tower

Lincoln memorial

White House

Terry’s taco stand

Leaning tower of pizza

A region that is administered by the United States government is an example of a
A. cultural
B. physical
C. political
D. spatial
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C. political


A region is a place or territory that is on control by a particular person or organization.

A region that is administered by the United States government is an example of a political region.

This is because, a political region is a physical territory that is owned or controlled by the United States government, which makes it political and sovereign.

if 73.87% of South Africa's households use electricity for cooking. what do the remaining 26% use? suggest other three resources​



Africa’s population is among the fastest growing and youngest in the world. One-in-two people added to the world population between today and 2040 are set to be African, and the continent becomes the world’s most populous region by 2023, overtaking China and India.

More than half a billion people are added to Africa’s urban population by 2040, much higher than the growth seen in China’s urban population in the two decades of China’s economic and energy boom. How Africa meets its growing energy needs is crucial for the continent’s economic and energy future, as well as for global trends.

Growing urban populations mean rapid growth in energy demand for industrial production, cooling and mobility. With the growing appetite for modern and efficient energy sources, Africa also emerges as a major force in global oil and gas markets. The projected growth in oil demand is higher than that of China and second only to that of India as the size of the car fleet more than doubles (the bulk of which have low fuel efficiency) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is increasingly used for clean cooking. Africa’s growing weight is also felt in natural gas markets as the continent becomes the third-largest source of global gas demand growth over the same period.


I HOPE ITS LIKE YOU please 5 star and Thanks

Regional Geography lays emphasis on the distinctiveness of a particular place an the characteristics or activities that make up the that location. With specific examples from Ghana and knowledge acquired im the regional Geography of Ghana course so far, discuss the above sentence



Place has a prime importance in distribution of economic activates.


Regional geography is a part of geography that studies various regions and studies the specific unique characters of the place. It is related to the topography and economy of the place. A place such as Ghana is located on the African western coast. Located in the gulf of guinea this country lies near the equator and thus has a warm climate. Due to its location, the prime meridian passes through the country. Ghana is rich in natural resources and has a mixed economy with rapid population growth. Petroleum accounts for a large share of exports.

The particular animals of a given geographic region are called its __________.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.




the answer must be fauna I guess

True or false? Cold conditions occur when depressions pass over the UK.


False sorry if I’m wrong

Answer: False if I'm wrong sorry


đặc điểm sông ngòi lục địa Phi


The map shows the locations of 13 major river basins in Africa: the Senegal, Volta, Niger, Lake Chad, Nile, Lake Turkana, Juba Shibeli, Ogooue, Congo, Zambezi, Okavango, Limpopo and Orange river basins. This spectacular Southern African waterfall, considered to be among the greatest in the world, is located along the Zambezi River and straddles the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The awe-inspiring nature of the waterfall is in part due to its enormous width—more than 5,500 feet (1,700 meters). The waters plunge as far as some 355 feet (108 meters) down and drop not into an open basin but into a dramatic-looking chasm. Victoria Falls is known for its veil of mist visible from miles away; the name given to the falls by an indigenous group is Mosi-oa-Tunya (“The Smoke That Thunders”). Victoria Falls and the adjoining areas were collectively designated a World Heritage site in 1989.

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


which of the following best describes a rough rider during the Spanish-American war

A.they were Cuban revolutionaries who fought for their freedom

B.they were any of the soldiers who were fighting for Spain

C.they were skilled U.S. sailors who fought in the Philippines

D. they were skilled U.S. soldiers and horsemen who fought in Cuba in 1898


The rough riders were a group of skilled U.S. soldiers and horsemen who fought in Cuba in 1898.

Who were the rough riders?

These were a group of guerilla fighters that helped to fight in the Cuban war. These people were led by Colonel Leonard Wood.

The members were mostly from the state of Arizona and they were mostly made up of cowboys.

Read more on Cuba here:

Sobre a industrialização brasileira, observe o mapa que segue e identifique a opção que não se aplica ao território brasileiro

a). O processo de industrialização brasileiro é considerado tardio, quando comparado à industrialização dos países desenvolvidos;

b). A indústria no Brasil se desenvolveu ao mesmo tempo que a dos países desenvolvidos.

c). Um importante para a industrialização brasileira foi a utilização das ferrovias e dos portos, anteriormente usados para o transporte do café, passaram a fazer parte do setor industrial. Além desse fator, outro motivo que favoreceu o crescimento industrial foi a abundante quantidade de mão de obra estrangeira, sobretudo de italianos, que antes trabalhavam na produção do café.

d). A industrialização na região Sul são as áreas de maior concentração industrial no território brasileiro.

e) Quando se fala em industrialização do Brasil é bom ressaltar que tal processo ocorreu em nível nacional, sendo a primeira região a se desenvolver industrialmente foi a Região Norte.



Defined: About Brazilian industrialization, look at the map that follows and identify the option that does not apply to the Brazilian territory

The). The Brazilian industrialization process is considered late when compared to the industrialization of developed countries;

B). Industry in Brazil developed at the same time as that of developed countries.

ç). An important factor for Brazilian industrialization was the use of railroads and ports, previously used to transport coffee, became part of the industrial sector. In addition to this factor, another reason that favored industrial growth was the abundant amount of foreign labor, especially Italians, who previously worked in coffee production.

d). Industrialization in the South region is the area with the greatest industrial concentration in the Brazilian territory.

e) When talking about industrialization in Brazil, it is worth noting that this process took place at the national level, with the North Region being the first region to develop industrially.

Match each weather phenomena listed below to its appropriate scale of motion.
a. subtropical jet stream
b. a low pressure system travelling up the eastern seaboard over 3 days
c. a land/sea breeze circulation along the Florida coast
d. a small waterspout forms over the Chesapeake Bay and survives for 3 minutes
1. mesoscale
2. synoptic scale
3. global scale
4. microscale



a. 3. Global scale

b. 2. Synoptic scale

c. 1. Mesoscale

d. 4. Microscale


Mesoscale helps meteorologists to identify the movement of storms and its formation. It is an intermediate scale between weather systems and micro climate. Synoptic scale in meteorology is the large scale for cyclone movements. It records movement per 1000 kilometres of 620 miles.

reasons why doctors are more important than farmers​



Doctors and farmers are equal in importance. Without food, you will undoubtedly die, yet you may be able to live a healthy life without ever visiting a doctor. In any case, a diet rich in nutritious veggies is beneficial.

whats is the advantages of sedimentary rocks



They are important for: Earth history. Sedimentary rocks contain features that allow us to interpret ancient depositional environments, including the evolution of organisms and the environments they lived in, how climate has changed throughout Earth history, where and when faults were active, etc. Economic resources..

Geomagnetic reversals __________. Group of answer choices Provide strong evidence for sea floor spreading Reveal that polar wandering may have occurred. Were discovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project Confirmed the existence of subduction zones Cause the movement of plates



The answer is "Provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading".


The magnetic changes from east to west and vice versa are geomagnetic. geomagnetic reversals. And they can provide significant evidence of the expansion of sea bed in the rocks formed along the middle sea ridges by documenting the geomagnetic pattern of echo.

A new crust is developing from the magma explosion into the seafloor in the ocean along the mid-oceanic ridges along the mid-ocean ridges. When the magma cools, the minerals of ferromagnetism found in the magma will align as per the magnetosphere of this time.

In the event of geomagnetical revolutions, newly formed minerals will be reverse-aligned to early elements, thus registering the lithosphere on both sides of the mid-oceanic ridge. Lithosphere, one could argue, is a continual move away from oceanic crusts midway through.

Choose the correct explanation why the following statement makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false):
Gravitational waves are best observed with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Choose the correct explanation why the following statement makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false):
Gravitational waves are best observed with the Hubble Space Telescope.
a. This statement does not make sense. We do not have technologies for direct observations of gravitational waves.
b. This statement is clearly true. The HST firstly observed the gravitational waves from the merge of two black holes in 2015.
c. This statement does make sense. As a space telescope, the HST can be used as an interferometer with a very long base and can detect tiny distortions of space.
d. This statement is clearly false. The HST observes visible and infrared light, not gravitational waves.


Answer: This statement is clearly false. The HST observes visible and infrared light, not gravitational waves.


Gravitational waves refers to ripples in spacetime. The statement that gravitational waves are best observed with the Hubble Space Telescope is false.

This is because the Hubble Space Telescope is used in observing visible and infrared light, not gravitational waves. The telescope has helped scientists to understand how the planets are formed.

A024) Earthquake Prediction - North Anatolian Fault, Turkey. Assuming you are a geologist/geophysicist consulting with the Turkish government, where would you predict would be the likeliest area to next experience a major earthquake in association with this fault system



Being a lateral transform fault next earthquake is likely to occur in Eurasia.


The North Anatolian fault is an active right-lateral fault and forms a strike-slip fault in the north of Anatolia and has some of the significant earthquakes. The place has an elevation of 3,937 meters. Due to the fault, the system is aligned with the Eurasian plate system the next earthquake is likely to occur in Eurasia.

who was the first Prime Minister of Nepal?

a) B P Koirala
b) K P Oli
c) Mathama Ghandi
d) Bhimsen Thapa​


Answer: Akoirala016, the answer to your own geography question about who was the first Prime Minister of Nepal is A). Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, Akoirala016.

Explanation: The first general election was held in 1959 and Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala became the first elected prime minister of Nepal, Akoirala016. :) (Cite Wikipedia).

I hope my answer was found very helpful to your own geography question about who was the first Prime Minister of Nepal, Akoirala016, please take care, always be safe, and have a great rest of the weekend, Akoirala016! :D


Jason Ta,

The Role of The TDSB And WHCI Student of The High School.

The table lists the test scores William and Andre received on five math assessments.

William’s Scores Andre’s Scores
Which statement best describes the difference of the mean of the two data sets?

It is equal to about 0.5 times the mean absolute deviation of either data set.
It is equal to about 1 times the mean absolute deviation of either data set.
It is equal to about 1.5 times the mean absolute deviation of either data set.
It is equal to about 2 times the mean absolute deviation of either data set.



B.) It is equal to about 1 times the mean absolute deviation of either data set.


Given the scores :

Williams :

89,97, 78, 81, 91

Andre :

90, 74, 73, 87, 82

The mean scores :

Mean = ΣX / n

William's mean score = 436 / 5 = 87.2

Mean absolute deviation :

[|89-87.2| + |97-87.2| + |78-87.2| +|81-87.2| + |91-87.2|] / 5

William's mean absolute deviation = 6.16

Andre's mean score = 406 / 5 = 81.2

Andre's mean absolute deviation =

[|90-81.2| + |74-81.2| + |73-81.2| +|87-81.2| + |82-81.2|] / 5 = 6.16

Difference of the mean = 87.2 - 81.2 = 6

Mean absolute deviation of each dataset = 6.16

The closest relationship between the mean difference and the mean absolute deviation is :

Mean difference is about 1 times the mean absolute deviation


I hope this helps


Which of the following is true about water availability?

a. Agriculture uses 40% of freshwater, industry uses 57% and households use 3%.
b. Agriculture uses 70% of freshwater, industry uses 19% and households use 11%.
c. Agriculture uses 75% of freshwater, industry uses 17% and households use 8%.
d. Agriculture uses 52% of freshwater, industry uses 27% and households use 21%.



The answer D

Out of the total water resources available, the agricultural sector uses 52%; whereas the rest of the water is used by industries and households.

What are water resources?

The natural resources that provide water for consumption and other uses, are known as the water resources. For example, lakes, rivers, ponds, glaciers are some water resources.

Only 3% of the total water resources are fresh and suitable for human consumption. More than half of the total freshwater is used for agricultural activities, and about a quarter each by the industries and the households.

Hence, option D holds true of the consumption of the available water resources.

Learn more about water resources here:


The portion of a geologic material whose pore spaces are completely filled with groundwater is referred to as __________. Group of answer choices the phreatic zone the capillary fringe The aquiclude The vadose zone



The phreatic zone


The phreatic zone is the zone is the part of an aquifer that is present below the water table, where all pores and cracks are saturated with water. The above layer of the water table is the vadose zone. The size, color, and depth of phreatic zone may change with changes of season as well as wet and dry periods. It is also called zone of saturation due to complete filling of pores.

Which of the following are typical weather patterns in North Carolina? Check all that apply

year-round precipitation in the form of rain
large amounts of winter precipitation in the form of snow
mild temperatures throughout the winter months
warm temperatures in the summer and fall
extremely dry, hot summers



year-round precipitation in the form of rain


the average annual precipitation is 45" (1143mm) in North Carolina and occurs throughout the year.

10. Countries lacking natural resources, human resources, and capital resources would likely ____.

A)participate in a large number of international trading networks

B) develop a variety of commercial Industries

C) be poor and underdeveloped

D)rely on geothermal power



c- be poor and underdeveloped


They don't have enough resources to make good money.

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