makes sense before it ends


Answer 1


I didn't get it.........

Answer 2
This suppose to be a joke or what

Related Questions

we can prevent the effects of prejudiee and diserimination by unity true or false​



we can prevent the effects of prejudiee and discrimination by unity. true


it's true , that we can prevent the effects of prejudice and

discrimination by unity

rhetoric is the art of persuasion through _______.

a. words
b. aggression
c. fist fights
d. failure
e. all of the above
f. none of the above ​


Answer: A. words


Rhetoric is the art of persuasion through communication. It is a form of discourse that appeals to people's emotions and logic in order to motivate or inform.


A) words


Rhetoric is the art of persuasion through communication. Rhetoric, according to Aristotle, is the art of seeing the available means of persuasion. Today we apply it to any form of communication.

have you ever studied abroad?


Answer: ask question personally or study point of view.......




what are the sequence of events on finding forester



At the end of the film, three years later Jamal learned that Forrester died of cancer in Scotland and left him the apartment where most of their “lessons” were conducted.

What does the excerpt imply about Rome's relationship with France?



The excerpt implies that the Roman's controlled France (Gaul)


The excerpt implies that the Romans controlled France (Gaul). When Caesar lost most of his fleet, he returned to Gaul to regroup and resume his journey. He had ordered the people there to build him a large fleet. After defeating Cassibellaun, he returned to France.



What is your worst experience in your oral communication class?



When I was in 5th grade, I had to do a presentation in front of the class but I was nervous so I kept saying "um" and both the class and teacher mocked me for it and now I'm afraid of public speaking.

what does the word assailed mean



assailed means to make a concerted or violent attack on.


I hope this helps you out. Have a great day!

Select the correct answer.
Read the sentences from the passage.
Meryl banged on the door, and before Kinsley could grant her permission or bar her from entering, she was breaking in
and flopping onto her bed.
"Are you still staring at yourself? You know, Narcissus died and turned into a flower doing that," Meryl sald. "It's really not
good to be so in love with yourself," she offered, flipping through Kinsley's teen magazine.
If only I did love myself, Kinsley thought, pulling on a pink-and-white checked hat, breaking in the floppy brim until she
could make it cover her protruding ears.
What does the phrase "breaking in" mean as it is used in the passage?
OA. In the first instance, it means "to stop doing something," and in the second instance, it means "to make
something come apart."
B. In the first instance, it means "to make something come apart," and in the second instance, it means "to
stop doing something."
OC. In the first instance, it means "to enter without permission, and in the second Instance, it means "to make
softer through use."
In the first instance, it means "to make softer through use," and in the second instance, it means "to enter
without permission."



D. In the first instance, it means "to enter without permission," and in the second instance, it means "to make softer through use."


Meryl banged on the door, and before Kinsley could grant her permission or bar her from entering, she was breaking in

and flopping onto her bed.

In the given passage, the phrase "breaking in"  is used in the context of the first instance, it means "to make softer through use," and in the second instance, it means "to enter without permission." Hence, Option D is correct.

What is permission?

When someone gets consent or authorization to perform an action and allowing someone to do a particular thing is known as permission. It is a kind of approval that one gets for doing a task. Usually, the authority of giving permission is with the person, who is in a higher position or has the right to give it.

For instance, He asked permission to leave the room, She begged permission to leave and many more. Permission can be given in any form that is it can be verbal or written, formal or informal, in a group or for an individual.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about permission from here:


dịch lũ lụt miền trung ở việt nam sang tiếng anh



Central flood

comparative and superlative:

1. My sister __________ (old) than me
2. This t-shirt is _________ (bad) than that t-shirt. ​



1. My sister is older than me.

2. This T-shirt is worse than that T-shirt.



1.My sister is older than me.

2.This t-shirt is worst than that t-shirt

1. Consider Smith's connection to each character. What motives might have influenced
Smith's portrayal of his fellow colonists?
2. How does the map on page 4 help you understand John Smith and the events he narrates?
Support your answer with features and details from the map.
Smith's accounts are filled with details that suggest he is a hero, but if you read closely, he
reveals that he was severely criticized for the way he performed. Highlight and reread lines
72-90 and record the conflicting information in the chart below: What accusations is he
defending himself against?






informal letter to a friend



Here is an informal letter. Hope this will help.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

Genetics of Justice



The central idea of the paragraph in this exceprt the author adopts is that her parents barely dealt with the circumstances of living under a dictatorship despite the humiliating tributes done by Trujillo they unwillingly made part of, so the best idea is the last option

PLS mark brainliest

I need a 250 word blog introduction within an hour



cbtrull058 what is your email address I'll send you there

Answer:Set the aim. Primarily, the main aim you should achieve in your essay is to come into a clear focus on the topic with a few reasons backed up by reliable supporting details. However, there are other additional purposes of essay writing – to explain, describe, compare, persuade, and so on. What is yours? Look at your assignment and point out the keywords. After that, it will be easier to set the aims and objectives of your writing and stick to them during the writing process. Remember, you have only 250 words to meet the main purpose of the essay.

Brainstorm some original ideas. Today, interesting essay ideas are found actually anywhere – in news, newspapers or magazines, on TV or the Internet. Check out the headlines currently appearing in your news feed. Starting out from this point, you have more chances to find the less-investigated aspects of the topic as you know what is being explored and what isn’t. Keep your pen or phone within the reach (the latter is always at hand, right?). Sometimes, interesting ideas are coming accidentally – in a bus or in a class. Write down all of them to return every time you are assigned to an essay.

Answer the questions before starting an essay. What are these questions which you should answer? Look at the picture below! After you answer these questions, you can prepare a strong thesis statement for your essay. Remember that an essay is based on a thesis statement? So don’t forget to include it in your own essay.


Part A – Make a Claim​
Read and review the texts from this unit. Then, in the space provided, make a claim to answer this question in 1 to 2 sentences:

Did Julius Caesar govern fairly?


Answer and Explanation:

Although Julius Caesar was a leader who promoted many conquests for the Roman Empire, we cannot consider him to have ruled justly. That's because Julio Caesar established a dictatorship in Rome and took all political power for himself. This type of attitude removes all justice from a kingdom, as it allows all citizens of that kingdom to be dependent on the leader's wishes, without anything protecting them. Julio Caesar ended democracy in Rome and this removed justice from the region, as he acted in whatever way he wanted.

However, we cannot deny that Julius Caesar increased the prestige of Rome because of his achievements and these achievements ended up raising the well-being of some citizens of Rome, even if they did not have political justice.

I went skating what tense is it​


Answer and Explanation:

The form of tense that is used in this sentence is past tense. This is because the person is saying that they did an action, which means the action that was done is now in the past.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)


present tense -

I/you/we/they -  skate

he/she/it -   skates

present participle - skating

past tense  - skated


these are the tenses of skating. Have a nice day!






It used a lots of negative informal words like wasted and busted.

In 35 words or fewer, what's the last story you heard that was memorable? What about the story made you remember it?


Answer and Explanation:

Curtis Jackson was shot 9 times and had his life almost snatched from him. Most people would lose their lives at the impact of one bullet, Curtis didn't. It doesn't immediately add up but somehow it does add up. Curtis Jackson's life flashed right before his eyes but his vision got even sharper, his mission and goal became immediately urgent, and clear. He began to live in the truest sense of the word "living". It may seem that destiny had led his shooter to his car, that fateful afternoon.

This story from 50 cent's autobiography is a constant reminder that life is like a flash of light and the only way to truly appreciate it is to know it's transience and maximise every moment.

Why is freedom of the press an important freedom for a democracy to have?


It is important because the freedom of press allows the people to spread word.

Example: Say the King kills someone. If their was bo freedom of press and the king wanted it to remain secret he would sentence all of those to execution.

It offers and gives people the right to speak of important matters.

Read the sentence and answer the question.

My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home to practice the violin.

Which correctly shows where a comma is needed in the sentence?

A. My mother, and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home to practice the violin.

B. My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, and I stay home to practice the violin.

C. My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home, to practice the violin.

D. My mother and father practice the viola, with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home to practice the violin.



The correct answer is: My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, and I stay home to practice the violin.


The person above is correct. B.


The comma would go before the and. So the answer is B.

You discover a beautiful island where you decide to build a new society. What is the first rule you put in place?



1) No killing!


Set down rules

A society without rules is a disaster waiting to happen. Unlike animals who don’t need rules we are quit greedy and will kill, rob, and even lie to get money. So imagine all the other things that could happen

In "Compulsory Voting: An Idea Whose Time Has Come," what reason do
opponents of compulsory voting give as to why it would not work in the
United States?
O A. It would benefit the poorest people in the nation.
O B. It would make campaigns less likely to inflame passions.
O C. It would turn candidates into advertising machines.
D. It would encourage uninformed or unserious voting.


D i know its that bc i got a 87 on this test !

According to the article "Compulsory Voting: An Idea Whose Time Has Come," opponents of compulsory voting in the United States argue that it would encourage uninformed or unserious voting. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

What is an article "Compulsory Voting?

"Compulsory voting" refers to a system in which citizens are required by law to vote in elections. Under this system, those who do not vote may face penalties such as fines or other legal consequences.

The debate over compulsory voting centers around the question of whether forcing citizens to vote is a violation of their freedom of choice, or if it is necessary to ensure that everyone participates in the democratic process.

Supporters argue that compulsory voting increases voter turnout, which in turn leads to a more representative government and a more engaged citizenry. Opponents argue that such a system is undemocratic and could result in uninformed voters casting ballots, leading to poor policy decisions.

Countries such as Australia, Belgium, and Brazil have adopted compulsory voting, while others, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, have opted for voluntary voting systems. The effectiveness and fairness of compulsory voting systems continue to be debated by scholars, politicians, and citizens alike.

Learn more about Compulsory Voting here:


1) Supply the correct from of verbs to the following conditions.
a. If you boil water. It (give) up vapor
b. I (go) if I had known
c. The child (be killed) if the train hadn't stopped
d. It (be) better if they didn't come
e. If they (not play) the match the principal would be angry..
f. If I studied conditional, I (can) known it better.
g. If he (has) told the secret, other people would not suffer.​




would have gone

would have been killed

would be

had not played

could have


what are the literary and figurative devices in nervous conditions by tsitsi dangaramgba



Dangarembga’s writing style in Nervous Conditions might be termed baroque.

what is an affix that is attached to the front of a word


An affix thats attached to the front of a word is known as a prefix


an affix is known as a prefix.

please help!

“California is the best place to live” is an example of ____.

a: actuation
b: policy
c: fact
d: emotion
e: value




If it's not then it's probably a


(california isn't that good anymore tho unfortuantly)

format of writing of novel



Set the margins for your document at 3cm on all four sides.

Align to the left hand side only; the right hand side should remain jagged.

Use twelve point Times New Roman in black type only. Courier and Arial fonts may also be acceptable.

Lines should be double spaced with no extra spaces between paragraphs.

Single space between sentences after periods.

Indent new paragraphs and each new section of dialogue, with the exception of the opening paragraph of a chapter or scene break. Don’t do this by hitting the tab key. Instead, set indentation to 1.25cm in Word through Format->Paragraph->Section.

Indicate scene breaks by inserting a blank line and centering the hash sign (#) in the center of the line.

Insert a key word from the title in the top right header with the page number and your last name. E.g., Smith - Manuscript - page 1

Begin chapters on new pages. Center the chapter title, even if it’s only Chapter One (or Chapter 1), about one-third of the way down the page. Skip a couple of spaces and begin the text of the chapter.

Center a hash sign (#) one double-spaced blank line down at the end of the manuscript. Or, simply write The End. This will reassure agents and editors that pages aren’t accidentally missing.

Use italics for italicized words. Never underline in novel manuscripts.

Your title page should include:

The name of the work.

Your approximate word count, to the nearest hundred.

Your contact details formatted in the same font and size as the manuscript font.

Copyright details.

Your agent’s details, if you have an agent.

Remember to keep a copy of your manuscript for yourself.


Underline the pronouns in the following sentences and write their type.
a) She put the baby into its crib.
b) Can you do it yourself?
c) My dress in on the table and yours is on the bed.
d) Somebody has left their books behind.
e) What is your name and where do you live?
Please answer this for the points first to answer brainly


A. She, It’s
B. You, yourself
C. Somebody, their
E. Your, you

What does the following quote mean, "Its aim was to put a stop to the economic downturn and help America recover from the effects of years of financial deprivation"?


The New Deal was supposed to turn America into a communist nation and to prepare for war against Germany.


The New Deal was supposed to give money to the poor Americans and take money from the rich American bankers.


The New Deal was supposed to cause the economy to fail so that the price of gold would be worthless in the future.


The New Deal was supposed to stop the failing economy and help America recover from years of economic troubles.






The series of New Deal brought on by president Roosevelt from the period of 1933 to 1939 were for the reformation of the economy of the USA. The purpose of the New Deal was to bring about changes in public infrastructure, industry and defense infrastructure.

Who is President Roosevelt?

President Franklin Roosevelt was the president of the USA from 1933 to 1945. The president is mainly known for for his active participation in World War 2.

What is World War 2?

The war was fought between Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) and the  Allies (mainly Great Britain, USA, France, Soviet Union). The war started in  1939 and was ended by signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

Roosevelt presented 3 such New Deal. In which he proposed to uplift American masses who were largely poor and distraught. But the New Deal and the WW2 were actually responsible for economic growth. The Great Depression which had lasted almost 10 years had forced men women and children living on roads. Many diseases plagued the streets of yet developing America.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about New Deal here


what is one of mr pignati best lines



Train your mind to see the good in every situation..

Other Questions
Bhagat Singh was called a traiton by British, but we consider him as a sies 4. Calculate the relative molecular masses of the following substances [RAM: H=1, O=16, S=32, C=12, N=14] a. CH2(NH2)COOH b. H2SO4 Read the sentences.Jasmine grabbed a hat and gloves. Then she headed outside to play in the snow with Benita and Logan. She found them building a snowman.Which word is a subject pronoun in the sentences? In Amy Tan's "Rules of the Game," what is ironic about the way Waverly's mother focuses on how many chess pieces Waverly loses each time? Rewrite each sentence below, inserting both of the adjectives into each one to describe the italicized noun. Pay attention to the form and position of the adjectives.1. Jai une maison. (petit / blanc)Jai une enter answer.2. Cest une maison. (confortable / vieux)Cest une enter answer.3. Il y a des meubles. (cher / nouveau)Il y a de enter answer.4. Mon ami habite dans un appartement. (nouveau / agrable)Mon ami habite dans un enter answer.5. Il a des colocataires. (jeune / amusant)Il a de enter answer. Urgent need the answers plz help. The diameter of the circle above is 18 cm. What is the circumference of the circle? (Use = 3.14.) Which of the following statements most accurately describes Rainsford's transformation while on the island?O A. The island changes his perception of the outside world and those around him.B. He learns the difficulty of coming to compromise with someone of a different background.C. He goes from believing he is a hunter, to being the General's prey.D. His position on hunting animals changes due to his thrilling experiences on the island. PLSS HELPP!!- 1 Provide the height of each plant at Week 2, Week 5, and Week 7 2 At what points in time did each plant stay the same height? 3 Which plant grew the fastest? Which plant grew the slowest? Hint: Consider the slope of each line. Describe an event you attended to in passive voice The number of hearing aids that needs to be produced and sold is?? AWS's EC2 is primarily considered which type? OA OB. Maas O Claas O D. None of the above O E. Serverless The University of Detroit-Mercy is 3/4 miles from Dana's house. Marygrove College is 2/5 miles from her house. What is the difference in the two distances? We feel proud of being Nepali. Why? present your views PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAILNLIEST! Find the value of x HURRY ASAP 80 (I NEED THIS ANSWER BY TONIGHT OR TOMORROW) Discussion TopicIs there more than one way to find the slope of a line? If so, describe both methods of solving for slope. Business/multivariable calc questionhelp needed asap!!!! Any help is appreciated. Not sure how to get to the answer. No links pls ITS IN THE PICTURE !!!!!!!!! which any people like ice cream?