Many anti-evolutionists believe that since science doesn't have answers for all questions; scientific conclusions are not necessarily correct. This attitude reflects a failure to understand the nature of science. What is the general nature of scientific thinking? In what way is science "self correcting"?


Answer 1


In science, accepted theories do not represent absolute truths. A scientific theory is accepted when there is much evidence available that support its statements, but new lines of evidence can modify original presumptions  


A scientific theory is a plausible explanation of a particular phenomenon of the natural world, which has been many times tested and verified by using the scientific method. The accepted theories are progressively modified (or even overturned) as new lines of evidence emerge. In consequence, a scientific theory is composed of statements that we consider as truths regarding the available evidence, but we have no absolute certainty that such statements are true. The ability to self-correct is fundamental in science and it happens when we discover that the original statements of a scientific theory were wrong, thereby new lines of evidence allow us to correct the error and/or develop new scientific theories.

Related Questions

plz give a correct answer for the question how do canine and molar differ​



Canines are the sharp, pointed teeth that sit next to the incisors and look like fangs. Dentists also call them cuspids or eyeteeth. Canines are the longest of all the teeth, and people use them to tear food

Molars are the flat teeth at the rear of the mouth. Each molar typically has four or five cusps. They are used exclusively for crushing and grinding. Wisdom teeth are also called third molars. They erupt from the age of 18 onwards but are often surgically removed.Their function is similar to that of the premolars, to grind, tear, and crush food. Molars have a large flat biting surface which makes them perfect for this job.


Hope it works!!!!

Canine are used to tear and found in front of mortal
Mortal are used to chew

In crude oil affect eggs and larvae of fish and increase mortality.
O a.
O b.
O c.
liquid petroleum



its c liquid petroleum 100% surr

According to cell theory, all new cells...
A. must share DNA with existing cells.
B. must eat.
C. come from other cells.





all new cells come from other cells




insects is a write answer.

What does a botanist study



Botany is the scientific study of plants—how plants function, what they look like, how they are related to each other, where they grow, how people make use of plants, and how plants evolved.



Anyone know this??? Help!!!
Devise an experiment to test the effect of pH on the activity of biological washing powder



I think you are nepali yeah but I don't have your question ❓ answer

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What egg?




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Determine the correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels.
A. Heat to Chemical to Electrical to Kinetic
B. Heat to Kinetic to Electrical to Chemical
C. Kinetic to Chemical to Heat to Electrical
D. Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical



D. Chemical to heat to kinetic to electrical

The correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels are D) Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical

What converts chemical energy to kinetic energy to electrical energy?

Batteries used in torches, computers, toys, and camera cells, are actually made up of chemical cells which convert the chemical energy from the batteries to the electrical energy required for the devices to work well.

What are the main energy types?

Examples of these are light energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound energy, chemical energy, nuclear or atomic energy, and so on. Each form can be converted or changed into the other forms.

Learn more about energy here:


Gene X always produces the same mRNA (one splice form) and the same protein in all cells in which it is expressed. The same amounts of gene X mRNA and protein are present in brain, kidney, and heart cells. However, the activity associated with the protein is present only in the heart. Which of the following are possible explanations?

a. A splicing factor necessary for removing all of the primary transcript's introns is present only in the heart.
b. A splicing factor necessary for removing all of the primary transcript's introns is present only in the brain and kidney.
c. Protein X is phosphorylated only in the heart.
d. Protein X is phosphorylated only in the brain and kidney.


There are two explanations for this phenomenon: phosphorylation of the protein X in the heart activates its function (Option C) or phosphorylation of the protein X in the kidney and the brain deactivates its function (Option D). Therefore, both Option C and Option D are correct.

Phosphorylation is a posttranslational protein modification that is capable of activating or deactivating protein function.

Phosphorylation alters the three-dimensional structure of a protein, thereby modifying its function (i.e., activate or deactivate the target protein).

Phosphorylation occurs at specific amino acids (e.g., serine and threonine residues) of the target protein.

Moreover, mRNA splicing (RNA processing) occurs before the protein state, it is a transcriptional process. This process consists in removing the non-coding regions or 'introns' from pre-mRNA and subsequent joining protein-coding regions or 'exons' to enable the translation of the mRNA into a protein.

In consequence, in this case, it is possible that 1-phosphorylation of the protein X in the heart activates its function, or 2-phosphorylation of the protein X in the kidney and the brain deactivates its function. Therefore, both Option C and Option D are correct.

Learn more in:

When thinking about all 4 types of macromolecules discussed, which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

Monomers are linked together by hydrolysis.

Monomers are joined together to form functional polymers

Monomers are linked together by dehydration synthesis.

Monomers join together via hydrogen bonds.


2 and 3

1 is describing the process to separate monomers
2 multiple monomers create polymers
3 removal of water to join monomers
4 they are joined by covalent bonds

Lowest to highest degree of internal organization stomach


Answer: Epithelial stomach cell, stomach lining tissue, stomach and then the whole digestive system.

from brainly

TenishaTon Ambitious 5.1K answers 44.8M people helped


Contrast the usefulness of absolute and relative dating techniques.



In relative dating, fossils are dated according to the depth at which they were buried While in the absolute dating, isotopes of carbon are used for dating fossils. The absolute dating is more precise than relative dating because it tells the exact age of the fossils.

6. Compare the different measurements of the thermometer which are used.​


Having a reliable medical thermometer at home can be incredibly helpful. The ability to accurately find out if someone has a fever gives you much-needed information about important next steps for their care.

There are many types of contact and contact-free thermometers to choose from. The ages of your household members, as well as personal preference, can help you determine which types to buy.

Like any other device in your home, it’s important to understand how your thermometer works. Not every type works the same way or is designed to provide the same temperature readings.

Why can viruses not fit in any domain? How are they different from all other forms of Life? What would need to occur for viruses to be classified as "alive"?



virus are obligate parasites. Viruses do not, however, carry out metabolic processes. Most notably, viruses differ from living organisms in that they cannot generate ATP.

When an outbreak of foot and mouth disease is discovered among livestock in a country, what is MOST likely the chosen way to control it?



You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. To lessen your chance of getting sick, don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. To lessen your chance of getting sick, don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

What are the mechanism that use to resist the antimicrobial agents?

There has been several mechanisms, like resistance to antimicrobial agents, encapsulation or secretation of proteins that affects and might destroy the phagocyte along with some leukocytes in our body perform phagocytosis as a defense mechanism against the pathogenic bacterium.

These phagocytes contain lysosomes, intracellular granules that possess bactericidal substances. When the phagocyte ingests the pathogen, a phagosome is formed, which merges with the lysosome, forming the phagolysosome, which is where toxic substances and enzymes kill the ingested microorganism.

There are several mechanisms by which a microorganism can survive this process as resistance to antimicrobial agents. Some bacteria use phenolic glycolipids from their cell wall, to eliminate toxic oxygen compounds.

Therefore, You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Learn more about bacterium on:


Mr. L was walking through the woods wearing shorts and sandals. He noticed a small tick on his ankle the same evening, and several weeks later he developed flu-like symptoms. A sample of his blood revealed the presence of long, wavelike cells that were twisting and waving. Based on the microscopic findings, which type of microorganism is responsible for Mr. L's symptoms





The long, wavelike cells seen under the microscope would most likely be protozoa and the microorganism responsible for Mr. L's symptoms.

Tick as a vector is capable of causing diseases such as lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Powassan virus disease, tularemia, and a host of other diseases. Among all the diseases, babesiosis is particularly caused by a protozoan known as Babesia microti and it elicits malaria-like symptoms in individuals. Most of the other diseases are caused by bacteria pathogens while a few are caused by virus.

Apart from the above, the morphological characterization of the microorganism responsible for Mr. L's disease is typical for protozoans. Many of them are long and flagellated with a wave-like motion as a movement.

Hence, the case of Mr. L would be that of protozoa.

The haptoid condition for a human ?
‏-Both 46 chromosomes & 2n are correct.
‏-Neither 46 chromosomes 2..nor 2n are correct.
‏-46 chromosomes


haploid means there is 23 pair of chromosome but have n ploidy

Sequence three probable steps of fossil fish formation?





what gender of offspring are most often affected by sextinked inheritance?-What gender-are-usmally-carriers-of the trait?

-males, males
-males, females
-females, females
-females, males O O



female, female


this is because sex-linked characters are normally borne in the X-chromosome

What type of factors would have the
greatest influence on a densely
populated area?
A. drought
B. density-dependent factors
C. density-independent factors


A)Density-dependent factors

PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I am stuck.
The frequency of tasters and nontasters of PTC varies among populations. (Answer ALL questions)
- In population A, 94 percent of people are tasters (an autosomal dominant trait)
and 6 percent are nontasters.
- In population B, tasters are 75 percent and nontasters 25 percent.
- In population C, tasters are 91 percent and nontasters are 9 percent.

1. Calculate the frequency of the dominant (T) allele for PTC tasting in population A.
2. Calculate the frequency of the recessive (t) allele for nontasting in population A.
3. Calculate the frequency of the dominant (T) allele for PTC tasting in population B.
4. Calculate the frequency of the recessive (t) allele for nontasting in population B.
5. Calculate the frequency of the dominant (T) allele for PTC tasting in population C.
6. Calculate the frequency of the recessive (t) allele for nontasting in population C.
7. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the TT frequency in population A.
8. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the Tt frequency in population A.
9. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the tt frequency in population A.
10. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the TT frequency in population B.
11. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the Tt frequency in population B.
12. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the tt frequency in population B.
13. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the TT frequency in population C.
14. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the Tt frequency in population C.
15. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the tt frequency in population C.






hhm y chupapico

Which is our body part help us to maintain balance.





The cerebellum is a small part of the brain positioned at the back of the head, where it meets the spine, which acts as the body's movement and balance control centre.

please mark me as brainliest

Tai không chỉ có vai trò để lắng nghe mà còn hỗ trợ trong việc giữ cân bằng

The catabolic pathways that degrade fatty acids do not generate ATP directly, but produce NADH and acetyl-CoA.

a. True
b. False





Which graph represents selection that may lead to reduced variation in a population?
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population and population after selection have similar curves, but the original population peaks before the population after selection.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The population after selection increases, decreases, increases, and then decreases again. The original population increases at the point that the original population drops.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population peaks at the same time as the population after selection but the population after selection peaks higher and at a more rapid speed.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and proportion of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population and population after selection have similar curves but the original population is slightly higher at all points.



A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of ... selection have similar curves, but the original population peaks

Answer:   graph B

Explanation:   :)

A stem cell is
A. A specialized cell that can divide limitlessly but cant differentiate
B. A specialized cell that can divide limitlessly.
C. An unspecialized cell that cant divide limitlessly nor differentiate into specialized cell.





They divide to form more cells called daughter cells under proper conditions


It is B because the stem cells divide and divide so its lile a pattern where it goes more and more cells

Hope this helps :))

Scenario 1:

Genetic engineering can be used to create more productive strains of farm animals used for milk and meat production. By adding genes to an animal’s DNA, the animal can be made to be more resistant to common infections. This can reduce the need to administer large doses of antibiotics to the animals.

Do you think that this type of genetic engineering should be pursued? Explain your answer. (5 points)

What are some possible impacts (positive and negative) of this type of genetic engineering on individuals, society, and the environment? (5 points)

Scenario 2:

Mike was adopted, and his biological family history is unknown. Although he is healthy, he would like some understanding of his genetic makeup, including potential health risks and genes that he could pass on to his children. Mike has heard about commercial laboratories that can compare segments of your DNA to those of people with common hereditary diseases in order to give you some idea of how susceptible you are to the diseases. The results of these types of tests are highly inconclusive. If Mike’s DNA showed that he shares similarities in a segment of DNA with people who have a given disease, his chances of developing that disease or passing it on to his children may be slightly elevated, but they are not 100 percent. These tests can cost more than $2,500 and are not covered by many insurance companies.

Do you think that Mike should undergo the genetic tests? Explain your answer. (2 points)

What are potential pros and cons of having such tests done? (5 points)

Describe how the availability of these genetic tests might affect the frequency of genetic diseases in individuals and populations. (3 points)


Due to brainly not accepting my essay, I have instead included a image of it. :D

What does the QRS complex represents as??​


Answer:give me brainliest


A combination of the Q wave, R wave and S wave, the “QRS complex” represents ventricular depolarization. Ventricular depolarization occurs in part via an accessory pathway (AP) directly connecting the atrium and ventricle and thus capable of conducting electrical impulses into the ventricle bypassing the AV-His Purkinje conduction system.This term can be confusing, as not all ECG leads contain all three of these waves; yet a “QRS complex” is said to be present regardless.


QRS complex represents as ventricular depolarisation

According to Sandel, when companies companies attempt to incentivize employees to quit smoking:__________
a) It never works.
b) There are no data on this incentive scheme.
c) It tends to work.
d) Employees tend to return to smoking when the incentive ends.



employees tend to return to smoking when the incentive ends


because employees love to smoke on breaks and they are addicted to smoking.

A ______, such as a bean, has two seed leaves.



A dicotyledonous plant

hope this helps you

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